The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3052 The whole story

Xu Xian soon discovered that she was too confident. She always thought she knew everything about Li Menglong, but now it seems that he still has many secrets.

Putting aside everything else, at least the amount of private money was far beyond her expectations.

According to Xu Xian's guess, Li Menglong would not only empty out his family's wealth this time, but at least half of it, right?

Although he is indeed very economical on weekdays, you must also see that he has been spending money. He is not simply not spending money.

As a result, Li Menglong settled the bill quite easily, especially the bank card in his hand, which made Xu Xian think it belonged to some girl.

After looking over and over for a long time, she couldn't figure out anything. She was not Li Menglong, so she couldn't memorize the numbers of each bank card of the girls.

Xu Xian, who was overly curious, simply took a photo of the card in the group and asked the girls to claim it on the spot.

But after waiting for a full ten minutes, there were a few people chatting, but no one claimed to be the owner of this card. Is this a lack of attention?

"I'm warning you, Li Menglong just used this card to spend a lot of money. If you don't care, then I won't care either!"

After this sentence was posted to the group, the effect was almost immediate, and the girls' reply speed made Xu Xian unable to see clearly.

After just communicating for a while, the girls were surprised to find that this card did not belong to any of them.

So did Seohyun get it wrong? Are you sure it was Li Menglong who used the card, and the amount was huge?

By the way, Xu Xian is also confused now. There must be no mistake in the price. She was present during the whole process.

So what is the problem? Is it this bank card that is unfamiliar to her?

The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She knew Li Menglong well enough on her own, let alone the many girls behind her.

After the nine of them put it together, it stands to reason that Li Menglong should not have any secrets.

As a result, no one recognized this card, so there was something very fishy about it.

If Li Menglong really hid something, why should he expose it today? You must know that this is not a life-or-death situation.

After all, Xu Xian is still by his side. Xu Xian can take care of the aftermath of any boasts made by Li Menglong.

All he needs to do is to embarrass himself, and this is exactly what he is best at, so what is going on?

Xu Xian's mind was almost in a mess. She really couldn't figure it out. In addition, the girls in the group were also urging her, so she simply went to Li Menglong to ask for clarification.

Li Menglong had just come out of the kitchen. He went there mainly to check out the store's kitchen. After spending so much money, he had to get value for money.

On the premise of ensuring hygiene, the only requirement Li Menglong made was to ensure the taste, which must be exactly the same as what he had eaten before!

He is very confident in his taste buds, and ordinary and unpleasant food is ordinary at best to him.

So even if it makes him feel unpalatable, he doesn't believe that the people in the company can eat delicious food, so be prepared to put on the mask of pain!

But before he could be proud, Xu Xian was hurriedly pulled into a corner. Did this little girl discover something?

"Don't organize me, this is all my intention. Besides, you invited me first, so it makes sense for me to invite others!"

Li Menglong came to strike first to gain advantage, but this little idea was too villainous. That was not what Xu Xian came to ask.

"Oppa, what's going on with your bank card? Why haven't I seen it?"

"Card? Oh, this is the management card for project funds. What's wrong?"

"Project? What project?"

"Huh? Why are you so confused, kid? We are so busy every day. What projects are we working on?"

Xu Xian was not confused, and was even more sober than Li Menglong. What she couldn't understand was what Li Menglong said.

Before the movie starts, the required funds will indeed be transferred into an account.

This account is supervised by all parties. At the same time, the funds are paid in installments and tranches, and the progress of the project needs to be checked.

In short, there are many constraints in this process. After all, there are too many people who want to make money from this account.

But Li Menglong's situation here is a bit special. He holds almost all the highest-level positions in the crew.

To put it simply, he is the one who spends money, he is the one who supervises, and he is the one responsible for approval.

Except for Li Enxi who occasionally asked a few words, no one bothered him anymore.

This seems to make sense. After all, the money Li Menglong wastes is theoretically his own money. If the left hand is the right hand, he still needs to pay extra tax. Is it interesting?

And the most important thing is that Li Menglong handed over this account to Xu Xian for management long ago, and she is the housekeeper of the entire crew.

As a result, Li Menglong actually swiped the crew's money in front of her, without going through her. Where did he get the means?

"Second card, don't you know? And as the chief director, I keep a secondary card for emergencies. Isn't it too much?"

Li Menglong spread his hands innocently, always feeling that Xu Xian was a bit aggressive at the moment, not gentle at all!

How could Xu Xian be gentle? She was very fond of her job.

After all, for such a big project and such a large amount of money, Li Menglong just gave it to her just as he said it was entrusted to her. How much trust does this show?

Although Li Menglong always said that this was a kind of exercise and that there would be no problem if there were some discrepancies in the accounts, Xu Xian did not intend to do so.

Her goal is to make the accounts as clear as possible, and not to mention a significant decrease in expenses, at least not to be taken advantage of.

Xu Xian suffered a lot for this, not to mention fighting wits and courage with the people below, and also had to learn additional accounting and auditing knowledge. She felt as if she was preparing for the college entrance examination.

As a result, Li Menglong got her a bad debt out of thin air, and his attitude was so relaxed. How much did he despise his own job?

If he always has this attitude, then he should take back this job, Xu Xian can't bear it!

Looking at Xu Xian's aggrieved expression, Li Menglong was really panicked. On the one hand, he felt distressed, but the key was that he didn't know what he had done wrong.

However, the general scope of the problem was still known, so Li Menglong could only desperately explain the relevant issues he had discussed before, whether it was useful or not.

This breath was a bit long. When his mouth was dry, Xu Xian finally gave some reaction: "You just said that this money can be classified into..."

"So this is what you're angry about? You told me earlier that this money can be recorded in entertainment, public relations or even employee benefits. Everyone knows this and no one will dig into it!"

Li Menglong wiped the sweat from his head and explained to Xu Xian that it really made sense to let Xu Xian study. The child still had a lot to grow up.

When a movie is made, there are so many minor expenses, and so many people are handled. If you have to say that there are no problems with the accounts, then it is unless you are playing a game.

As long as there are people in a place, this kind of thing is inevitable. All they can do is control the scope and don't let these people go too far.

When accounting, this part should be directly included in the cost, or it can be regarded as a loss.

As for Li Menglong's slightly larger expenses, it depends on who is reimbursing them.

For people like directors, if they insist on going out to socialize, shouldn't they just give it to them?

"Then this isn't just entertainment."

Xu Xian frowned and said unconvinced. She was not the kind of child who had just left school. She knew the dark side of this circle.

It's just that she didn't react. Besides, she really regarded the money as Li Menglong's money. In the final analysis, she was still saving money for Li Menglong.

But Li Menglong has to be much more open-minded on this point. What does the money of the crew and even the company have to do with him? If you don’t find opportunities to spend some time in private, you’d be sorry for yourself!

"Why isn't it just a social event? Isn't this to unite colleagues who work together? To build up everyone's morale, isn't this what it should be?"

Li Menglong said it righteously. This is not inviting outsiders to eat. Everyone in the company has worked on this project, right?

This reason is really impeccable, even Xu Xian can't find any fault with it.

Although the filming of the movie will not involve the entire company, various departments will be involved to a greater or lesser extent.

Whoever dares to deny the other party's efforts in this kind of matter is trying to go against the entire company. Does Xu Xian want to do this?

Xu Xian naturally didn't want to, and she didn't dare to do it, but she dared to snatch the card back from Li Menglong's hand.

Don't think that she can't see Li Menglong's little thoughts. He got such a supplementary card because he wanted to secretly get some private money for himself.

Stealing money in front of Xu Xian, the big housekeeper, was something Li Menglong could do.

Even if he took advantage of a loophole this time, there will never be a next time!

Although Xu Xian couldn't stop a series of bad habits, he was always right to control Li Menglong first. He was the one who killed the chicken to scare the monkey.

"You think too highly of me. Even if you kill me, those people won't stop. The most they can do is keep the money out of their own pockets."

Li Menglong and Xu Xian discussed human nature, but Xu Xian just wanted to go back and check the accounts at the moment. How much did Li Menglong spend carrying her behind his back during this time?

After making an appointment with the store for the lunch delivery time, Li Menglong could only passively follow Xu Xian back to the company.

This little girl really couldn't wait any longer and was running almost the whole time.

Li Menglong was so tired following behind. Although his physical strength was not a problem, he couldn't bear the meal he had just eaten, so let him rest for a while.

"Rest? You will work hard for me as soon as you return to the company. You'd better show your own value, otherwise I will give you back everything I spent on you!"

Xu Xian said fiercely, and it was obvious that she meant it.

Li Menglong's mouth suddenly filled with bitterness. Why was he so out of his mind in the first place that he had to let Xu Xian take care of the money?

Obviously there is such a position for Xu Xian to practice, so he can just leave the money aspect to others.

As a result, as the biggest person in charge of the crew, he still can't make any pocket money. If his peers knew about this, they would really laugh to death.

But to reason with Xu Xian? Li Menglong didn't have the courage.

In the end, he could only give up and walk back to the company, leaning on his chair without saying a word, which made the atmosphere in the office quite depressed for a time.

Everyone didn't understand. They went out to have a meal with Xu Xian, and they still wronged him, Li Menglong? With a glum look on his face, isn’t this a different way of showing off?

If Li Menglong knew the thoughts of this group of people, he would probably curse them. Why would he show off? Show off how much trouble you've caused yourself, just to treat them to dinner?

However, the matter of eating still needs to be dealt with first. After so much effort, the results must be seen.

Li Menglong decided to see the reaction of the people in the office first, and then decide how to inform the whole company.

"What? You want to treat us to dinner at noon? What exactly will we eat? It won't be particularly cheap, right?"

"Otherwise, let's forget it. As long as you have this intention, how about we share it equally?"

"Are we not satisfied with our recent work status? We will definitely work hard, so don't remind us in this way."

This group of people said everything, but generally speaking, they were mostly skeptical.

Their reaction was probably expected by Li Menglong. After all, he would not be naive enough to think that he had a good image in their minds.

But I still need to explain this time. Let’s not talk about the rest. At least in terms of price, he really didn’t cheat these people.

But when he told the price, he was greeted with boos. Li Menglong himself was stunned. Is he so untrustworthy?

In the end, it was Xu Xian who came forward to endorse, not only the total number, but also the price before discounts, which made everyone panic.

There is no such thing as love without reason. People like Li Menglong are frugal and frugal in daily life, but suddenly he is so generous. It is clear that he has some intention for them, so is he trying to get rid of them?

It's no wonder these people think too much. It's really too inappropriate for Li Menglong to do this. They can only think of this step.

"Quit? Then I will go make a movie alone?"

Li Menglong was almost laughed out of anger, these people really dared to think.

Even when he was the most angry, he never thought of expelling all of them, not even one of them individually.

To be precise, I can't bear to leave. After all, we are all so familiar with each other, and our work ability is here. Where can I find such a cooperative employee after I retire?

In short, amidst all kinds of doubts, this matter was finally settled, and it slowly spread throughout the company.

Throughout the morning, in every corner of each department, the most popular topic was this topic, and the core of the topic was more confident. What could such an expensive lunch box be?

The company even held a small poll within the company, and the number one answer was quite distinctive: This is definitely a lie!

At least half of the people voted for this item. As long as they haven't seen the real thing, they won't believe Li Menglong's so-called generosity.

This half of the people even includes many girls. They are even the first group to vote. Don't they know Li Menglong?

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