The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3035 Collective Action

The girls were actually a little angry, not entirely because these two secretly ate their fill first.

After all, if there are two people missing from the dinner table, it is not bad news for everyone present.

Especially without the presence of Li Menglong, everyone can slow down relatively and eat more like a lady.

But now the dream was shattered. Even if Li Menglong said that he would not come over for another meal, they still had to fight for it.

Because in order to highlight the presentation effect, they put too little food on the plate.

They also understand this, so they wait to add more after the photo shoot is over.

But the rest were eaten by Li Menglong and Xu Xian. Are they two pigs? So can it be eaten?

But this is a bit wrong to blame Xu Xian. Did she eat more than half as much as Li Menglong? Probably not even a quarter.

The girls also understood this, so the target of accusation was only Li Menglong.

Li Menglong was also very familiar with this kind of scene of being besieged: "What? Didn't you promise to cook it for me? Did you regret it?"

This makes perfect sense. The girls were cooking under the guise of doing it just for him.

So isn’t it natural for Li Menglong to eat more? What's so strange about them?

It's just that this kind of talk is too official and everyone is so familiar with it. Can you please stop making such false claims?

They did have some considerations for taking care of Li Menglong, but they couldn't starve themselves. Besides, Li Menglong didn't thank them before eating?

"Do I still want to thank you? Then should I kneel down and kowtow to myself?"

Li Menglong's smile was quite dazzling, and he did have a bit of teasing tone.

After all, when it comes to those who work the hardest, they are the ones who don’t get the chance.

If you have to say it, Xu Xian may have really worked hard, but they might as well forget it.

The most I can do is express my gratitude verbally, but no more can be said.

Because the girls were in a hurry to eat, they could only let Li Menglong get through.

It's just that the atmosphere at the dinner table is very serious. They need to rank themselves in order to eat!

"I'm the eldest sister in the team, I should eat first!"

"Fart, I made this dish, put it down!"

"Did you do it? What did you do? I just helped cover the pot and asked you to do it?"

Once the girls started fighting among themselves, the ferocity would make Li Menglong a little scared.

It's not that they are afraid of fighting, but will the level of revelations rise too fast?

Although he is willing to watch the fun, they must first ensure that the situation cannot escalate, otherwise he will be the one to solve the trouble in the end.

Fortunately, Xu Xian has dealt with similar situations countless times, and she knows exactly what to do.

The most effective method is naturally to solve the problem at its root, which is to solve the lack of food.

When Xu Xian refilled two more bags of instant noodles, the girls' anger visibly dissipated.

After all, for them, instant noodles are also a rare delicacy, and they usually eat them with restraint anyway.

After realizing that the food was enough for everyone to share, they immediately became humble, and each of them knew how to give in. How about Li Menglong go over and give it a try?

His little thought was stopped by Xu Xian. Why was he joining in the fun? Not chaotic enough?

Besides, he shouldn't be idle anymore. The cups and plates in the kitchen are still in a mess. If Li Menglong has nothing to do, he can go over and sort them out first.

But he is not stupid, this is obviously something everyone needs to deal with together.

The same work should be divided between two people and ten people. The difference in workload should not be too obvious.

As for whether girls want to be lazy, that's for sure.

But they won't actually do it, because they still want to save face.

Li Menglong and Xu Xian are the main cooks. Is it possible for them to do the cleaning?

In this case, there will probably be no next time. Even if it is for the sake of harmony within the team, they can only make themselves move.

The more you feel a sense of accomplishment when cooking, the more likely you will be devastated when tidying up.

If time hadn't allowed them, they would have wanted to hire someone to clean it up. It was really torturous.

Kim Taeyeon stood in front of the sink, rinsing the dishes in an almost mechanical manner.

In front of her was Pani, who had the same dull eyes and kept wiping dish soap on the plate.

Behind the two of them was Xiuying, who was responsible for the finishing touches. She had to use a clean rag to wipe off the water stains on the dishes and chopsticks.

This whole set of assembly line operations is very pleasing to the eye.

Not just because someone is doing the work, but also because who is doing the work.

As long as the three of them stand there, no matter what they are doing, they will make people's eyes shine.

But Li Menglong didn't stare at them obsessively. After all, there were more beauties around who could be admired.

For example, Yoona is holding a mop and bending over to mop the floor: "Hey, can you mop the floor backwards, otherwise you will leave footprints on the clean floor again!"

"Inverted? Handstand? Do you think I am an acrobat and can mop the floor while standing on my head?"

Yoona's brain was not functioning very well anymore, so she answered casually whatever came to her mind.

Li Menglong naturally saw this, so he simply didn't bother her. He could drag the child as much as he wanted, as long as he was willing to work.

Under this kind of hard work and perfunctory working attitude, the girls worked for more than an hour before finally running upstairs to rest.

Li Menglong and Xu Xian took over their work and were doing the final touches.

With their previous hard work, it is actually not that difficult to simply clean it again.

Although Xu Xian was quite tired, looking at the brand new room in front of her, she was still full of information.

And Li Menglong also handed her a glass of cold beer at the right time. Is there any better reward than this after hard work?

As for those women, they didn't persist until the end. This is the best compliment to an honest child.

Naturally, Xu Xian would not refuse. She was not that sensible. Besides, it was really refreshing to be able to drink a glass of cold beer now!

He drank almost all the glass in one go and burped comfortably. Xu Xian thought about whether he could rest. The kind that doesn’t take a shower!

"Yeah, don't be too lazy. Although you are pretty enough, you can't be too dirty."

"Did I say anything? Don't blame me!"

Xu Xian was a little embarrassed when Li Menglong pointed out her thoughts. She really just thought about it that way.

Naturally, Li Menglong would not push Xu Xian too much. He even thought the little girl's shy appearance was extremely cute.

For Xu Xian, beer may be a reward after work, but for Li Menglong, teasing Xu Xian is the most relaxing moment for him.

Xu Xian was vaguely aware of this, but she was too lazy to delve into it. Anyway, she didn't have to do anything deliberately. It could make Li Menglong happy, so why not?

The two of them joked downstairs for a long time, and finally Li Menglong gave up the bathroom on the first floor to Xu Xian, because she wouldn't be able to get a seat if she went to the second floor.

Xu Xian naturally accepted his kindness. The reason why she didn't want to take a shower before was because she knew it would take a long time.

After all, she is a girl. It is normal to take a longer bath. Xu Xian also has this problem.

So when she walked out of the bathroom, she didn't have to guard against Li Menglong's possible prying eyes, because he was already lying on the sofa and asleep.

Xu Xian really laughed out loud. He was teasing himself righteously before, but he ended up doing just that.

Moreover, the two of them were only separated by a door, and he was taking a shower. How could Li Menglong really sleep?

There was a slight objection, but of course it was more of a joke, so Xu Xian covered Li Menglong's face with his wet hair.

This scene is undoubtedly more romantic in terms of imagination.

A beautiful woman who had just come out of the bath tiptoed up to the man, lowered her head and slowly approached him. Are they going to kiss each other next?

But what should I actually say? Li Menglong was not frightened to death on the spot, which is considered to be a good quality in his mind.

Anyone who just opens his eyes and sees a dark mass will be scared to the point of jumping up.

So not only did Xu Xian not get the scene he imagined, but he was hit on the forehead by Li Menglong, and he sat on the ground dumbfounded.

"Yeah, Oppa, you're going too far. I just want to wake you up and take a shower."

"Guilty, but wouldn't it be good for you to just wake me up with your voice? I'm not that deep in sleep, right?"

"Who said I didn't call you? I obviously called you, but you didn't wake up!"

Xu Xian was quibbling, but Li Menglong had no evidence anyway, so he just followed her wishes.

Regarding this little girl's rare unruliness, Li Menglong felt that she still had to protect her.

After all, Xu Xian is really too sensible on weekdays, so this is not good.

Relaxation is the way to maintain a peaceful mind. At this point, she really should learn from her sisters.

Xu Xian's little exclamation attracted some attention, mainly because Yoona was waiting in line to take a shower upstairs, so she ran down to see what was going on.

"What? Is someone bullying you? Don't be afraid, maknae. Unnie is here. Tell me loudly who that person is!"

Yoona's performance was extremely artificial. There were only two people downstairs, who else could bully Seohyun?

If she wants to avenge Xu Xian, then she should do it directly, otherwise if she continues to pester here, she will only reveal her guilty conscience!

Yoona is quite uncomfortable with Li Menglong's straight hitting.

People should give each other face. If Li Menglong doesn't give her Lin Yuner's face today, then she will follow his example in the future.

"The best thing is, the two of us can either agree in advance, and no one will give face to the other in the future!"

Li Menglong just applauded. Do you want the two of them to make another contract?

Yoona actually didn't figure out why the other party was happy, but this kind of behavior meant that she, Lin Yoona, suffered a loss.

So her response was extremely simple, that is, rejection, and her attitude was quite firm.

But in Xu Xian's view, Yoona's current behavior has completely fallen into the trap set by Li Menglong.

If she really signed a so-called contract, she didn't dare to say that Yoona would definitely suffer a loss, but at least the loss would be mutual, and Li Menglong would not be able to get any benefits.

That's why he took the initiative to be more forceful and let Yoona think more secretly, and then let the other party take the initiative to withdraw the proposal.

I have to say that when it comes to playing with his brains, girls are really no match for him.

You must know that Li Menglong just woke up and was frightened by Xu Xian.

Despite so many negative buffs, they were still able to have a good fight with Yoona. Shouldn't they be more restrained?

It's not that Xu Xian doesn't support them, it's just that he is simply afraid that they will suffer a loss.

After all, as their maknae, Xu Xian couldn't always be watching from the sidelines, right?

But many times she couldn't even remind her, because these women wouldn't listen or say anything. Even if they did listen, they would probably become angry.

Although Li Menglong couldn't get any favors at this time, Xu Xian couldn't even think about escaping unscathed. The two of them were destined to receive some lessons.

This act of expressing anger is really unwise and will force Xu Xian to remain silent.

But for the sake of their own face, the girls would rather get hurt.

After all, they are all members of the family, and it is not unacceptable to act stupid in front of them.

Just like Yoona now, she had actually reacted a little bit, but she couldn't bear to say anything.

After all, face is more important than anything else. She can't let her only sister laugh at her!

Li Menglong really grasped their arrogance, and it was one of the trump cards for the women on his side.

But it’s not that Yoona doesn’t have the means to retaliate, she just reacts a little slowly, she’s not stupid!

"Xiao Xian, go up and rest quickly. I'll wash up before going up. I'll bring you your toiletries later!"

While talking, Yoona occupied the position of the bathroom door, and said to Li Menglong with a slight apology: "I'm sorry, I think it will take a long time to wash, why don't you take a nap first?"

These words are clearly provocative. Isn't she afraid that Li Menglong will find her out?

Yoona really didn't believe it. Whenever he dared to come in, Yoona would dare to take off his clothes and see who would leave in the end!

He even dared to break into a girl's bathroom. What else could Li Menglong not dare to do? Is he going to run wild in this house?

Yoona had already thought of her next words, but unfortunately Li Menglong didn't fall for it at all.

Why don't we just wait a little longer? After all, we have been waiting for Seohyun, so waiting for Yoona again is not something that is unacceptable.

Moreover, Li Menglong has some small calculations. After Xu Xian goes up first, if he just chooses to sleep, will no one care?

As for the sweat stains on my body, I can definitely wait until I get up tomorrow morning before taking a shower, which will help me feel refreshed.

I don’t believe that Yoona can still take a shower all night. In that case, Li Menglong will probably call the police. Did this girl drown while taking a shower?

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