Li Menglong was still willing to obey the arrangement. He didn't want to cause trouble in the first place.

What's more, Kim Taeyeon is now trying to drag him to death with her. Who wouldn't be frightened to see this?

Although he doesn't care much about his image, he still tries not to get involved in this kind of thing.

To put it harshly, even if he really doesn't care, it will affect Lee Soon Kyu.

Even though they both care about each other, they can't stand the repetition of fans and passers-by for years.

This is one of the reasons why entertainers' romances always end in failure.

The rumors spread by the media and fueled by passers-by and fans are really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Li Menglong didn't intend to test his ability to withstand stress, so he might as well continue living a happy life.

So he took the lead in trying to return to his room, but the little girl Yoona still did her duty faithfully.

It is said that she had divided the work with Kim Taeyeon before, and she had not been very discerning in the process.

Decided to show up now to increase your presence? Her eldest sister hasn't even moved, so why is she still here holding on?

He wanted to chat with this little girl, but Li Menglong was afraid of causing trouble, so he might as well take a step back.

It just so happened that he came to the bathroom originally. Since the room was inaccessible, how about solving a personal physiological problem?

This step was really the right one. It wasn't until he locked the bathroom door that the girls finally reacted.

"Look, you two are finally satisfied? Force him to the bathroom to rest!"

"He didn't even get a quilt and slept directly on the tiles?"

"Oh, I'm really pitiful. You won't treat me like this in the future, right?"

The other girls were acting weird over there, and they heard that Kim Taeyeon was so angry.

Let’s not talk about what Li Menglong was hiding in the bathroom. Even if he was indeed wronged, how could they say it?

No matter what happened, they were on the same side. Did she still need to emphasize this point over and over again?

She is clearly the one who should be disappointed now. She feels aggrieved to be so frightened and to suffer unjust injustice!

Regarding Kim Taeyeon's little mood, the girls didn't even have the slightest intention of comforting her.

It's not that they don't have loyalty, but their loyalty has already been reflected.

It's really a big honor for them to come down here. Why does Kim Taeyeon ask for so much?

Instead of directly siding with Li Menglong, the two of them just had fun.

So Kim Taeyeon thought she would get some comfort, but when she turned around again, there was no one left downstairs.

Apart from Yoona, the only one who stayed was Seohyun.

She was sitting on her original bed, adjusting the quilt, obviously planning to continue sleeping.

After all this trouble, from Xu Xian's point of view, the fundamental problem was solved for her.

The reason why she went back upstairs to sleep was because these two women had taken her place.

Now that the problem has been solved, why is she still going up there? She was afraid that there would be another noise downstairs.

But in order to solve such a small problem, isn't it a bit big?

If she had known earlier that she shouldn't have been soft-hearted and kicked these two women away, there probably wouldn't have been so many things that followed.

Kim Taeyeon was indeed a little angry, but she didn't dare to vent it to Xu Xian.

If I had to apologize to anyone tonight, Xu Xian would definitely bear the brunt of it.

The little girl had a lot of fun tonight. Kim Taeyeon couldn't be without some conscience.

Otherwise, if she gets drunk again in the future, who will deal with her? She didn't want to live on the streets.

So what else is there to say? In order for someone to "provide for her in old age" in the future, she has to express her gratitude now.

In order to prove her sincerity, Kim Taeyeon treated Seohyun with the highest standards.

"Ah, your quilt is over there, you are trying to get something under my quilt!"

Xu Xian held on tightly to the corner of the quilt, refusing to let Kim Taeyeon get in. Who knows what this woman is going crazy about.

But this time she wrongly blamed Kim Taeyeon, she was just expressing her apology.

As for the specific method, is there anything more sincere than throwing yourself into your arms?

Kim Taeyeon's idea is that as long as she can change the target, even if it is Li Menglong, it is undoubtedly a good idea.

No one will ever stand up and accuse Kim Taeyeon of being insincere!

But it happened that she was facing Xu Xian. What extra thoughts would Xu Xian have towards her?

Perhaps in the imagination of most people, sleeping with Kim Taeyeon in your arms must be extremely enjoyable.

But that can only exist in imagination. Anyway, Xu Xian has tried it more than once. It feels very awkward.

You have to hesitate before turning over, and you have to be prepared for Taeyeon's attacks in her sleep when you fall asleep. If you don't do it well, you will wake up in the morning with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Anyway, Seohyun was trying her best to resist, but today Kim Taeyeon's attitude of repaying her kindness was particularly sincere, and she couldn't tolerate Seohyun's rejection!

Moreover, misfortunes never come singly in Xu Xian's case. Seeing that Kim Taeyeon has set an example, what should Yoona have to hesitate?

Besides, in this kind of communication, once you are left behind, you will feel quite disappointed, so you must go over and join in the fun.

As a result, the battlefield between two people instantly turned into a melee between three people, and Xu Xian was on the verge of losing.

Li Menglong just walked out of the bathroom at this time, and he was almost stunned.

If he remembered correctly, he came out of his room less than half an hour ago and saw a similar scene?

It's just that at that time, only Kim Taeyeon and Yoona were entangled, and now there's another Seohyun.

When there were only two of them, he was already cornered. Wouldn't it cost him his life now?

So Li Menglong didn't say anything and locked the bathroom door again.

He really resigned himself to his fate and gave up on sleeping on the tiles in the bathroom, so he could just remember the hardships and think about the sweetness.

Xu Xian noticed Li Menglong's sudden appearance. She originally thought she had seen a savior.

But what she received in response was a cold door, and her heart felt cold at this moment.

She doesn't even know who to rely on anymore, or else just follow the two of them?

Kim Taeyeon and Yoona were naturally the first to notice the weakening of Seohyun's resistance.

There were no accidents between the two of them. This was the interaction between sisters.

It's normal to fight and fight, but eventually we have to return to the state of deep sisterly love.

In order to let Xu Xian rest better, the two of them even took the initiative to carry Xu Xian to Li Menglong's room. The three of them had completely changed places.

The situation that Li Menglong was prepared for finally happened, but he didn't know it at all.

Otherwise he will definitely run out, at least the floor should be warmer.

As everyone found their own rooms, the dormitory finally became quiet.

The first thing to break the calm a few hours later was Li Menglong's sneeze.

He wasn't sure how long he slept, but it was probably a long time. Otherwise, why would he feel so uncomfortable?

Logically speaking, given his physique, it shouldn't be a problem, but catching a cold doesn't seem to have anything to do with his physique.

Besides, he has no other symptoms except for a few sneezes. Maybe he thinks too much?

Sneeze as hard as you can in the bathroom, and once the door opens, hold it in as long as possible.

Otherwise, he wasn't sure what would happen if he woke up these women.

Opening the door quietly, it was as quiet as if there was no one in the room.

But the scene in front of him cannot be faked. The three of them, Kim Taeyeon, were sleeping soundly on his bed in a strange posture.

To be honest, this scene is quite easy to misunderstand, especially if it is described in text, it is probably enough to make headlines for a month.

But the fact is that he did nothing wrong. Instead, he was forced by these women to sleep in the bathroom.

This fact alone seems to be quite a bit of news.

After all, he has some popularity and social status, and the popularity of the girls who appear as "villains" is not to mention.

This kind of "two-faced" approach can easily be supported by conspiracy theories. Originally, many fans tended to believe that artists have two faces.

But what should I say? This is possible during the rookie period. After all, one has to play an almost perfectly likable character based on the company's positioning and fans' preferences.

However, after playing this kind of role for a long time, it is easy to integrate into your own character.

Especially for artists who have been around for many years, they can basically be equated with their image in front of the camera.

Because those who cannot be integrated will basically either be exposed or withdraw from the circle, and they will be eliminated.

Li Menglong leaned against the door frame and thought wildly, mainly thinking about random things to occupy his brain and prevent himself from thinking wildly.

After all, he is also a man. When he sees three beauties lying on his bed, he will inevitably feel a little carried away.

But his reason made him carefully close the door. He couldn't look at it anymore, he had to restrain himself!

He glanced at the time by the way, but it actually frightened him.

This was far beyond his usual departure time. In other words, he was already late.

He didn't understand why his sleep was so uncomfortable. He could still sleep for so long. Could it be that he was frightened by those women?

If he had some reason here, then why didn't any of them wake up?

Is the power of returning to sleep so powerful? Just bring down the entire team?

Li Menglong didn't bother to think about it anymore. Anyway, he was the immediate boss of these women.

When he doesn't want to criticize, it seems that no one will come to do it for him.

As for himself, no one should be so open-minded, right?

Besides, if he was late, the people in the office would probably laugh because they could be lazy a little after all.

Do they think they will never make it through today? This kind of behavior of popping champagne at halftime is unacceptable.

After thinking of this, Li Menglong's originally slightly decadent spirit instantly became much more high-spirited.

No wonder Yoona is so keen on playing pranks. It turns out it really has a boosting effect on the spirit. He will try more in the future.

With admiration for Yoona, Li Menglong quickly fled the dormitory.

The reason why he was in such a hurry was not entirely because of going to work, but because he couldn't hold back his sneezing.

He was really careful in this regard, and Li Menglong couldn't help but admire himself.

It's a pity that if he doesn't take the initiative to tell such a trivial matter, the girls will never know about it.

Fortunately, he didn't have any intention of taking credit, and the girls didn't force him to do it. He did it willingly.

Besides, similar interactions were all mutual, and he believed that the girls were doing many things behind his back that he didn't know about.

This feeling of caring for each other is very beautiful, except for the occasional sneezing which is a bit annoying.

Li Menglong never took the sneeze seriously from beginning to end. Even in his simple concept, it was a manifestation of lack of food in the body.

After all, when the body is full of energy, it is enough to fight the virus, right?

Relying on this not-so-scientific concept, Li Menglong still ordered a large portion of fried chicken on the first floor even though he was late.

"Are you going too far? Why don't you go upstairs and say hello first? And what good things happened to you today?"

"Isn't this a bit contemptuous of others? I'm just getting a good thing by ordering a big portion of fried chicken myself?"

Li Menglong leaned in front of the counter speechlessly and complained. Anyway, there were no customers in the store at the moment, and he felt that he didn't have much energy.

The simple conversation made the boss lady feel something was wrong, especially when she saw that Li Menglong had left half of the fried chicken.

Even if she did add a lot of extra weight to Li Menglong, when would he ever come here again?

Everyone who knows Li Menglong admires his appetite.

Exactly how much he can eat always depends on how much the store gives him.

It is said that the girls once wanted to take him to try the buffet, but considering the possibility of Li Menglong dying in the restaurant, they finally gave up the idea.

"Aren't you feeling unwell?"

"What are you talking about? Why don't you reflect on whether the fried chicken doesn't taste good?"

Li Menglong casually retorted, but immediately received a death stare from the landlady.

This was a suspicion of digging a hole for himself. Li Menglong immediately proved with practical actions that his previous words were bullshit.

Seeing Li Menglong finish the remaining fried chicken in a few mouthfuls, the landlady let him go.

And this action also shows that there is nothing wrong with him? Let’s think so.

After successfully fooling the boss's wife, Li Menglong slumped on the chair and rubbed his belly.

It's not that I feel uncomfortable, but my stomach is not feeling well, and I always have the desire to vomit.

But he didn't want to do that at all. He bought the fried chicken with money, so he must not waste it.

Besides, the landlady is still staring at him. If he dares to spit it out now, wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

So Li Menglong could only go upstairs to steal the limelight and give everyone a small surprise.

With his appearance, the originally cheerful atmosphere on the second floor instantly solidified.

This change made Li Menglong feel much happier instantly, and even his body felt much more relaxed.

"Why are everyone looking so sad? Aren't you happy to see me coming? I miss you so much..."

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