Faced with Li Menglong's evasion, Xu Xian was also very difficult to deal with.

First of all, her physical strength is limited at the moment, so if she wants to carry Kim Taeyeon on her back again, it will probably be quite difficult.

It's okay if she falls during the process, but what if she falls on Kim Taeyeon's head? Don't confuse the opponent's little brain anymore.

Next, she has the same worries as Li Menglong. She has no confidence in Kim Taeyeon's intestines and stomach.

Although she did vomit a lot before, God knows how much Taeyeon still has in her stomach.

Even just spitting a few mouthfuls of saliva is enough to make Xu Xian sick.

As for Li Menglong's almost shower treatment, Xu Xian didn't even dare to think about it.

So don’t embarrass yourself. It’s just a place to sleep. Where can’t you sleep?

But in this way, the scene now is very similar to last night.

Li Menglong obviously realized this, and he didn't want to give up his room anymore.

Although the words were not spoken, looking at his subconscious movement towards the room, how could Xu Xian not know what he was thinking?

"Don't worry, Ernie and I will sleep outside together today, and I have to keep an eye on her."

Xu Xian comforted Li Menglong, but why did he look so unconvinced?

Has Seohyun's reputation become so useless? Has she done anything treacherous to Li Menglong recently?

She thought about it for a while, but her slightly slow brain could hardly provide a complete memory. She was more likely to be Li Menglong's overreaction.

"What? You still don't believe me? Then why don't you come and sleep with Kim Taeyeon, and I can go and rest by myself."

Xu Xian's invitation confused Li Menglong. Is there any logical connection between the two sentences?

It can only be said that this proves that his previous strategy was successful. He succeeded in getting Xu Xian drunk, at least a little confused.

Although there is an uninvited guest like Kim Taeyeon in the middle, but judging from the results alone, it seems to be pretty good?

Li Menglong could only comfort himself in this way, and at the same time motioned Xu Xian to rest quickly, and he did not intend to disturb him too much.

He just wanted to hide in his room at the moment, he was afraid of another accident.

Even though it seemed impossible, how could a mere mortal like him understand the magical brain circuits of those women?

So he quickened his pace, and after hastily saying good night to Xu Xian, he immediately got into his room and locked the door.

The sound of the lock was still a bit harsh, and at least it made Xu Xian feel a little knotty in his heart.

Although I can understand what Li Menglong did, why does it always feel like he is targeting her?

What is the other party afraid of? Is it possible that he is afraid that she will sneak in in the middle of the night?

Putting aside whether she would do this or not, even if this scene really happened, it would be Li Menglong who took advantage in the end.

Why does he dislike it so much? Obviously this should be her Seohyun's attitude!

Xu Xian had already planned that whenever Li Menglong dared to open the door in the middle of the night, she would immediately go in with Kim Taeyeon and give Li Menglong a big surprise.

But her plan this time was still in the making, and Li Menglong seemed to hear her thoughts and ran out in a state of embarrassment.

"What's wrong, is this a ghost?"

Xu Xian tilted his head and asked curiously, he couldn't possibly be missing her, right?

Although she was a little narcissistic, she was not to this extent. How could the two of them have been separated for just a minute?

"Ghost? It's true that I've seen a ghost, and it's a female ghost!"

Li Menglong sat at the door and kept patting his chest. At the same time, he greeted the empty room: "Come out to meet your sisters. Do you still need me to invite you?"

After saying that, the two waited for a short while, but no one could be seen anywhere.

Xu Xian once thought that this was Li Menglong's strategy. Was he trying to win her sympathy? Or do you want a comforting hug?

Everyone is so familiar with each other, so there is no need to be so shy about this kind of courtesy contact. Xu Xian can completely treat him as one of his fans.

But Li Menglong can be considered a traitor. After spending time with the girls day and night for so long, he still stubbornly claims that he is not their fan.

Regarding this point, the girls were already in despair.

Maybe this is a reverse case of distance producing beauty.

Because everyone gets along too closely, Li Menglong can see all their shortcomings, which makes it really difficult to get into the fans' emotions.

So when faced with Xu Xian's extended hand, Li Menglong not only did not "throw himself into his arms", but instead slapped her away.

"Don't blink, I'll let you witness the miracle soon!"

As he spoke, Li Menglong plunged into the dark room again. After a few operations, he walked out directly holding a quilt in his arms.

Under Xu Xian's puzzled gaze, he threw the quilt in his hand to the ground, and an "ouch" sound came from inside. Was it hurt from being thrown?

Xu Xian was really curious at this moment. Who was the person inside? She couldn't have guessed it anyway.

Curiously, he opened a corner of the quilt. This time, Li Menglong really didn't lie. It was indeed a small miracle to some extent.

"Unnie? Aren't you supposed to be hiding in Pani's room? Why did you appear on Oppa's bed?"

Xu Xian asked curiously, not even noticing the ambiguity in his words.

But as the person involved, Yoona was confused at the moment. After all, she was forcibly woken up by Li Menglong after falling asleep. She thought there was an earthquake.

And Li Menglong doesn't even care about such words. Is it possible that he still needs to blush during a live performance?

In short, he also wants an answer now, and he is also curious about Yoona's response.

But from Yoona's perspective, she was sleeping soundly, but suddenly she fell off the bed, and then she saw Li Menglong and Xu Xian.

It’s great that she wasn’t frightened by this scene. Do you expect her to answer questions?

Yoona pushed Xu Xian's face away, then pulled the corner of the quilt and slowly retracted into the quilt again. The whole process was extremely smooth.

Xu Xian and Li Menglong on the side were almost dumbfounded. Is this child's brain abnormal?

Xu Xian was relatively easy to talk to, but Li Menglong was really a little irritable. He raised his foot and wanted to kick him over.

Anyway, she was wrapped in such a tight quilt, so she wasn't afraid of kicking Yoona into pieces.

But how could Xu Xian watch his own Ernie being tortured? If Li Menglong wanted to hit someone, just hit her first. She was not afraid of pain!

Xu Xian closed her eyes and opened her arms to protect Yoona. Her whole body was still trembling slightly. Although she said that, her body was still honest enough.

Faced with Xu Xian like this, who can really take action? Li Menglong couldn’t make it anyway.

If the fight fails, then Li Menglong can only try to reason with Xu Xian.

As for why he didn't communicate with Yoona, of course it was because that little girl refused to communicate.

Her slight snoring was already the best answer. Is there any need to communicate?

Xu Xian and Li Menglong were both confused as to when Yoona ran down.

But there is obviously no point in worrying about these things now. Can we still catch up with Yoona?

"Anyway, I have to sleep in my room tonight. You guys can make your own arrangements."

Li Menglong said with resentment, he was really frightened by Yoona before.

If he doesn't become tougher, he will look down on himself!

Logically speaking, he could just leave right now, but he still cares about Xu Xian. Do you need his help and advice?

Although he didn't expect the other party to give any constructive opinions, Xu Xian still listened to it, what if there were some surprises?

"Let's each go back to the room, then lock the door and let them fend for themselves."

Li Menglong said irresponsibly. He still had the second half of the sentence. Do you still want to get up tomorrow morning and take a look at the excitement?

After all, if these two people sleep together, they probably won't wait until tomorrow morning. They might start fighting when they go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

If it really comes to this point, who will suffer in the end? Is it possible to watch the two of them beat each other to death?

Instead of dealing with trouble then, it's better to give yourself a break now.

"Oppa, go and have a rest. I won't worry about you here. I'll take care of it myself."

Xu Xian's answer was quite polite, and the meaning of distance was obvious.

Since Li Menglong is not willing to help, then is it okay for Xu Xian to be more indifferent?

Li Menglong wanted to ease the relationship between them, but was afraid of getting into trouble, so he finally hid in his room silently.

There are many opportunities to comfort Xu Xian, and he can come back later to show his attentiveness.

Now he still mainly sleeps, but he discovered a big problem.

In order to give Yoona the last respect, Li Menglong chose to wrap her in a quilt and carry her out together.

This approach is undoubtedly very gentlemanly. If you lift the quilt directly, what if Yoona is wearing something too cool underneath?

Even if this little girl takes up fishing and law enforcement again, he really won't be able to explain anything at that time.

Although in hindsight these arrangements were obviously redundant, he did not see anything wrong with being cautious.

His only mistake was not bringing in the quilt again when he came back.

Now he is facing the situation of sleeping without a quilt. Should he go out again?

But when he thought of facing Xu Xian again, he didn't have much confidence. He was afraid that he would be soft-hearted.

So what else is there to say? It's just that there is no quilt. A few more clothes would be enough to cover him. The key is that he can sleep in his own bed.

After doing enough psychological construction, Li Menglong was finally able to lie down. At this moment, he almost shed tears of happiness.

Li Menglong was not the only one who wanted to cry. Even though he was separated by a door and his emotions were different, Xu Xian really wanted to cry too.

"Onie, can you stick your head out from under the quilt? I'm afraid you'll suffocate yourself."

"And you, please don't vomit again, I don't want to change your clothes again, Kim Taeyeon, do you hear that?"

Xu Xian kept moving his head from side to side, threatening two women at the same time, which was really tiring.

The key is that neither of the two women reacted at all. Could they be pretending to be confused?

If there is even the slightest chance that she finds out, then Xu Xian will really fight to the death, not to be such a bully!

It's just that her worries are obviously unrealistic. Let's not talk about Yoona. Can Kim Taeyeon pretend to be so embarrassed?

Even if the best actor came over, he wouldn't be able to perform the vomiting scene so vividly.

So what should she do?

What she is saying now is entirely for herself, otherwise, as Li Menglong said, just let the two of them rest here.

Xu Xian is constantly struggling in her heart. She is at odds with her conscience!

The result was no surprise. Just like countless times in the past, her kindness finally gained the absolute advantage.

"I really am..."

Xu Xian didn't know who to blame at this moment. Why did he want to give himself a slap?

But this would be too advantageous to the two women opposite. How about imitating Li Menglong and sneaking up on them?

Whether Xu Xian finally took action is destined to be a secret, and no one will know except herself.

If you have to tell me, you can wait until she is too old to walk. At that time, she will reveal the answer through her memoirs.

As for the recent period of time, let it remain a secret. She will still live in this dormitory.

The troublesome night that Xu Xian imagined did not appear. The two women beside him were each more sleepy than the other.

She was even the first among the three to get up. Aren't the two of them going to express some shame about this?

You must know that she didn't sleep well at all that night, and she had to get up from time to time to check on the two women.

At least make sure that these two women are still alive, and don't let the quilt or your own vomit become the cause of suffocation.

This way of death is really embarrassing. If you tell anyone about it, you will be laughed to death.

But artists just provide everyone with something to talk about after dinner. From this point of view alone, they are worthy of their status as an artist.

Xu Xian slept between the two of them all night, which at least provided some artificial isolation.

So now she is sitting in a daze between the two of them, and she can even understand Li Menglong's difficulties.

Logically speaking, it should be quite a happy thing to wake up early in the morning and see the faces of Kim Taeyeon and Yoona.

But what should I say? Xu Xian really didn’t dare to stare all the time.

With no makeup, a hangover, and a night's sleep, one can imagine how embarrassed he looked.

Just one more glance would affect Xu Xian's good mood for the new day.

Even if it was just to make herself happy, she didn't want to challenge her limits.

She decisively focused her gaze on the scenery outside the window. Even though it was pitch dark and she couldn't see anything, it still made her feel peaceful.

It was then that Xu Xian realized that he woke up too early.

No matter what you do at this time, it will be awkward. How about you sleep for a while?

Xu Xian's hesitation quickly dissipated because the two women made the choice for her.

How many minutes had she just sat up? The two of them couldn't wait to divide her position. Should they be so ruthless?

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