The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3017 Take the initiative to let go

Xu Xian's decisiveness was forced into helplessness. She really didn't dare to bet on what the other party was thinking.

She didn't even want to think about it. It would only make her thoughts more confused and it would not help.

So she simply cut the knot quickly and dealt with the worst case scenario, which meant that Li Menglong knew everything.

This is indeed a manifestation of wisdom, because too much concealment will aggravate conflicts, while timely confession will enhance the relationship between each other.

Besides, she didn't have to pay any extra price, it was just some gifts for Li Menglong.

Even if this incident didn't happen, would Xu Xian still buy less things for Li Menglong on weekdays?

Anyway, as long as she thinks it's a good deal, other people's opinions are not that important.

But what should I say? It's not that Xu Xian is boasting. With the information she currently has and her own wisdom, she can't judge the accurate situation.

Will those silly girls in the back escape? If they don't jump down directly, they are smart.

At that time, they were not qualified to comment on Xu Xian's fate. They could no longer protect themselves.

Xu Xian quickly reached a vague agreement with Li Menglong, but Xu Xian's temptation remained unresolved.

But she didn't gain anything at all. She felt that Li Menglong might really know something.

In fact, Xu Xian made the right bet this time, and Li Menglong really wasn't lying to her.

As for whether Yoona was the one who snitched on her, that little girl is not that stupid.

The plan of the two people was actually exposed. Why did they think they could get away with it by sandwiching the check among a pile of documents to be signed?

If all this was successful, Li Menglong would have been deceived and bankrupted long ago.

Even if these things were sent by Xu Xian, he really didn't have much defense, but they. Didn't the two of them think that the paper for the check was completely different?

Maybe the two of them didn't have the habit of signing too many checks, or they simply didn't pay attention.

The difference in writing experience brought about by the difference in paper is a world of difference, and Li Menglong noticed it the moment he started writing.

But he did not choose to say anything this time. Firstly, he was sure that Xu Xian would not poison him, and secondly, he wanted to see what this little girl wanted to do.

In other words, if you can spend some money to see Xu Xian's "performance" and keep Xu Xian in a good mood, then why not?

Li Menglong is not the kind of miser who desperately wants money. To be precise, he saves money out of his own habits, but he is not ambiguous at all when it comes to spending money.

Especially the larger the amount, the more decisive he will be in settlement.

This somewhat contradictory approach once made the girls feel very entangled. Can they be more normal?

But he thinks this is a good habit, and no matter what the girls suggest, he has no intention of changing it anyway.

Besides, isn't this habit now a meritorious service? Xu Xian was very happy all afternoon.

And maybe out of a guilty attitude, Xu Xian was happy but didn't forget to take care of his emotions.

In short, Li Menglong felt that the money was well spent, especially since there was still the possibility of earning it back at this moment. Is this a waste of money?

Xu Xian's side was temporarily quiet, but the girls behind him who were eating and drinking were not satisfied.

Anyway, it was idle on the way home, so why not reveal Li Menglong’s true face?

If he could return home in silence, the girls would respect him as a man.

However, several attacks yielded the same answer. Li Menglong always asked them to ask Yoona, what exactly did they want to ask?

The irritated girls really set their sights on Yoona, not because they wanted to bully their second youngest, but because they wanted her to come forward and rebuff Li Menglong.

But didn’t they realize that Yoona had been quiet for a long time?

Normally, Yoona is always on the front line in similar scenes.

Why is it so abnormal today? Is it because I haven’t eaten enough? Or is there something unspeakable?

"Onies, don't be instigated by him. We are all in the same group. How can we listen to his arrangements?"

Yoona had obviously prepared this sentence a long time ago, and yelled it out with a vibrato.

What she means is nothing more than to draw a clear line between camps, as long as everyone starts to take sides, but right or wrong itself is not that important.

No matter what Lin Yoona did, as long as Li Menglong stood on the opposite side of them, her behavior was correct.

It's just a bit difficult to achieve this point. Do you really think that Li Menglong won't jump horizontally repeatedly?

Strictly speaking, Li Menglong is not an outsider. Although the girls are leaning towards YoonA as much as possible, they cannot be one-sided without listening to anything.

If they wanted to cause trouble for Li Menglong on weekdays, they would also deliberately find excuses.

If they were in opposing camps, they should just wave and fight directly.

In short, they couldn't take action based on Yoona's instigation, and they would be the ones who would suffer in that case.

So they urgently need the truth of the matter at this moment, but Yoona dares to tell the truth.

The reason why the girls have always been able to accuse Li Menglong from the moral high ground is because they are sure that the money came from Yoona.

As a result, Yoona now wants to tell them that the money was actually defrauded from Li Menglong.

Let’s not talk about the attitudes of the girls. Li Menglong’s episode alone was very sad.

It was despicable to defraud him of his money, but now you have to "show off" in front of him. Do you really think that Li Menglong has no temper?

So Yoona is really walking on a tightrope now, someone who might offend the whole car.

Her brain was already spinning rapidly, but unfortunately she still couldn't come up with any good ideas.

Seeing that Yoona's brain was on fire, Seohyun didn't want his youngest sister to become a fool early on.

So she had no choice but to come forward reluctantly, but she was not so upright as to take the blame for Yoona.

Although she was involved in the whole thing, it seemed that Yoona was the mastermind. At most, she was just on the sidelines.

Having already obtained Li Menglong's understanding, it would be quite interesting if she could help him by saying something.

"Why hasn't Oppa said anything? We are all our own people. If you have anything to say, just say it. We won't be angry."

Xu Xian once again brought the topic to Li Menglong. This was all she could do for Yoona.

What was being tested at this moment was Li Menglong's feelings for Yoona, whether he wanted to see Yoona panicked and overwhelmed.

To be honest, this is also a big gamble, but Xu Xian always makes these decisions based on basic logic.

Like her own inferences before, including her current understanding of Li Menglong's mind.

Although Li Menglong always said that Xu Xian was the goddess, his love for Yoona was no less than his own.

Don't look at what people say about certain things, but look at how they do it.

As long as Li Menglong has any works, you can basically see Yoona's figure. Doesn't this show that he takes care of Yoona?

If someone questions that these practices are too hypocritical, then other actresses must have something to say. Can such a hypocritical director give them a beating?

So at this moment, even though Li Menglong could see Xu Xian's little thoughts, he finally complied with her expectations: "Lin Yuner, did you steal my money?"

After hearing Li Menglong's accusation, Yoona breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the other party made a choice for her. Even if it wasn't the best result, it at least let Yoona know how to deal with it.

"You're talking nonsense. What do you mean by stealing money? As your most beloved sister, if I spend a little money, I'm looking down on you!"

Yoona held her chin up with a proud look, which made the girls around her look a little stunned. There was something really going on here!

But compared to Yoona's self-confession, she has now successfully tied the girls to her chariot.

It's certainly not a good habit for Yoona to cheat money, but teaching her a lesson is something the girls should do behind closed doors.

When will it be Li Menglong's turn to yell here? Can Li Menglong scold their maknae?

"Li Menglong, what do you mean? We feel bad for just using your money? You don't even know how much you spent on us!"

"Now we have to settle the accounts? Then we have to settle all the previous accounts carefully!"

"Don't be afraid, Yoona, you are punishing evil and promoting good, you are doing good deeds!"

Li Menglong was not surprised at all about the girls' behavior of helping their relatives but not taking care of them. This was their usual choice.

This can even be said to be a group spirit, and it makes people feel a little envious when looking at it.

But there are also people who have not spoken at this moment, such as Seohyun who minimizes his presence, and Lee Soon Kyu who is not very happy.

What these people say is a bit biased. Although it is only natural that they spend some of Li Menglong's money, don't worry about it at all.

In theory, Li Menglong's money is half of hers. After a rough calculation, the money they spend is equivalent to Li Shunkyu's.

So, is it appropriate to cheat sisters out of their money to treat them to dinner?

But Lee Soon Kyu didn't want to go over and talk to Yoona now. That would really cut him off from the entire group.

It’s better to talk to Yoona later. The little girl is so considerate, so she will at least pay her back half of the money, right?

"Are you satisfied now? Remember to give me a more expensive gift!"

Li Menglong whispered to Xu Xian, which made Xu Xian laugh sheepishly.

I always feel that Li Menglong responds to everything I ask for. Although this feeling is very fascinating, Xu Xian always reminds himself that he cannot push his limits because of this.

Otherwise, the pampering now will become the bane of falling out in the future.

Although that day cannot be seen in the foreseeable future, Xu Xian does not mind adding some insurance to the relationship between the two.

This journey finally satisfied the girls. After all, they originally wanted to cause trouble for Li Menglong.

Just changing the topic, the effect is the same.

But for Yoona, it's not that beautiful. She was really embarrassed along the way.

Although she escaped, her mind was not a decoration. Could she see that Li Menglong cared about her?

The other party obviously had more and better opportunities for confrontation, but they chose the worst one and didn't fight back much the whole time.

This behavior is indeed too abnormal. If there is no problem with his brain, it can only mean that the other party is taking care of her.

After realizing this, Yoona was deeply moved.

She was so disgusting that she defrauded Li Menglong of his money and treated them to dinner in their name, but he even took the initiative to cover it up for her.

If she hadn't known that Li Menglong and Li Soonkyu were very close, she would have doubted whether this man was coming after her.

This is not Yoona's narcissism, but her charm lies here and she cannot help but turn a blind eye.

"Ah, do you have anything else to do? How about I give you the car keys and you watch the action yourself?"

As he spoke, Li Menglong threw the key over and hit Yoona on the head with unusual precision.

If you have to say that there is no personal grudge, no one will believe it.

Yoona, who was forced to wake up, rubbed her head and expressed her apology to Li Menglong.

It's not that she's schizophrenic, but that things need to be clearly separated and cannot be mixed together.

Now she mainly wants to express her gratitude to Li Menglong. As for the subsequent revenge for being smashed, she will remember it anyway.

"Are you wrong? How could it be? You have called me oppa for so many years, and giving you some pocket money is just trivial. Don't take it to heart."

Li Menglong said sincerely, this is indeed what he thinks in his heart.

In fact, when Yoona came here to swindle money before, if Yoona could tell the truth, he would probably give her money.

Once the money was in the company's books, he never regarded it as his own.

Secondly, it can make both Yoona and Seohyun happy, so why not get back on the wrong side?

But this answer was so decisive that Yoona couldn't tell whether she was telling the truth or not. After all, it was possible to tell the truth.

"How about I give you the money back?"

Yoona asked tentatively, she was really just being polite, but Li Menglong nodded in agreement.

This is the other side of Li Menglong. Since the purpose of spending money has been achieved, and now there is a chance to get back the money, why not do it?

Besides, Yoona had already made a lot of money by being happy all afternoon. Being a little more aggrieved at night would help him fall asleep. This was all his good intentions.

"Damn it, it's good for sleeping. How come I haven't heard of this? You didn't just make it up, did you?"

Yoona accidentally revealed the truth of the matter.

But if you see through it, don't tell it. Now it seems awkward for Li Menglong to answer it no matter what he says.

In the end, Li Menglong simply ignored Yoona. Whoever gets off the bus last will be responsible for cleaning up anyway.

In the past, this was done by Li Menglong and Xu Xian. If someone is willing to come forward today, he will be happy and relaxed.

"Don't leave. Where are you going? Oh, don't leave me here alone!"

Yoona opened the car door to keep Li Menglong. Although she wasn't really scared, she didn't mind showing some feminine weakness.

Although Li Menglong was said to have a heart of stone, it could still be of some use. I didn't see that he had stopped.

But Yoona miscalculated this time. The reason why Li Menglong stopped was just to exert more force.

Under Yoona's surprised gaze, Li Menglong sped up and started on the spot. The whole thing disappeared almost instantly, leaving Yoona alone and thinking silently...

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