The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3012 Throwing the Ball

Lee Soon Kyu's response was very simple, just pat his butt and leave.

Why should she pay for Yoona's mistakes?

Although she forced Yoona to deliver the food, the specific method was chosen by Yoona herself.

It's better to make things clear. We are all adults and have to shoulder our own responsibilities.

Looking at Lee Soon Kyu's handsome back, Yoona felt something bad in her heart.

Why did she believe this woman's lies? Wasn't she, Lin Yoona, always shrewd?

But it's too late now. Even if she wants to catch up with Lee Soon Kyu, she can't keep up.

After all, there are so many people waiting here, and she has to give everyone an explanation.

"Don't worry, this is just the first batch. It takes time for the store to cook. Everyone will have it. Just wait patiently!"

Yoona gave her own solution.

But this was already the best way. This was almost what she had expected from Lee Soon Kyu before.

As for why you don’t stand up and claim the credit yourself, it’s not because it costs money.

They are not Li Menglong. What they said is like farting in the face of interests, and they regret it when they say they regret it.

They can't afford to lose that person!

Although Yoona is not short of money, this is not how she spends her money. They still have to be diligent and thrifty to run the household.

But Lee Soon Kyu is different, that woman is really rich!

To put it more generally, Yoona is just a stinky part-time worker, while Lee Soon Kyu is a capitalist who sits on her head and counts money!

Although according to the contract they signed at the time, the amount of money that could be distributed to Lee Soon-gyu through the company every year was pitifully small, but the meaning was different.

After all, they are creating income for Lee Soon Kyu. As long as she lies still, she will have a steady stream of income coming in. This makes Yoona so envious that she almost gets pink eye.

So what's wrong with asking her to pay some money at this time? Is she still reluctant?

Sure enough, capitalists are the most stingy, and Li Menglong is the best example.

It's not that the whole family doesn't enter the same house. Lee Soon Kyu is usually fake and generous. How can a woman who can see eye to eye with Lee Meng Yong not be stingy?

The resentment in Yoona's heart was almost overflowing at this moment, but she still had to manage her expression, at least she had to smile sweetly.

Otherwise, if she spends all her money and makes everyone unhappy, then she has a mental problem.

And she has already suffered a loss, because the previous lunch boxes were all given in the name of the girls, so should the next one be given in the name of an individual?

Anyway, Yoona couldn't do such a thing. In order to avoid losses as much as possible, she could only find trouble with those women.

The girls in the practice room did not sleep for too long. After all, they were in the company, and they had to pay attention to the impact.

So Yoona found them in the recording studio, and they were working in a similar manner.

But in this situation, it was just a matter of deceiving outsiders. Li Menglong could probably tell that they were fishing.

And Yoona is one of them, wouldn't she know the state of these women?

"Okay, let's all take a break. This desire for acting can be saved for filming. You will definitely be entertained."

Yoona said this, but in her heart she was already looking forward to the excitement.

Even though the girls are not newbies, some of them have also shot some works.

But when it comes to experience working with Li Menglong, who can compare to her? At most, Xu Xian is qualified to say a few words.

To put it simply, these women have not adjusted their mentality yet. They still think that Li Menglong is their agent, right?

The girls are always accusing Li Menglong, the manager, of not being diligent enough. He can't even do the most basic service work well, and he always talks back to them.

But Yoona has always been satisfied and always showed it clearly.

This is not because Yoona has a masochistic tendency, it is simply because she has seen the more violent side of Lee Menglong.

As soon as they arrive on the set, Li Menglong will transform immediately. I believe their expressions at that time will be extremely wonderful.

But it will take a while to wait for this scene, and they are still the bosses now.

"Ah, what are you doing in a daze? You're still smiling like a naughty person. What disgusting things are you thinking about?"

"We're not in love, are we? Why do I faintly smell the rotten stench of love?"

"Lin Yuner, this kind of thing was agreed upon from the beginning, so you can't hide it from us!"

Yoona didn't even bother to explain the girls' fuss.

She spends 24 hours a day with them except sleeping at night. How can she spend time falling in love?

Besides, there must be a specific partner. She doesn't have many friends of the opposite sex around her.

Yoona's words resonated with the girls, and everyone complained about the recent environment. It seemed that they hadn't received a confession from the opposite sex for a long time.

Of course, this confession specifically refers to the opposite sex around me, and is not a regular confession from fans.

It is said that during the time when they were just about to become popular, not only were their schedules full, but their relationships with the opposite sex were also overwhelming.

At that time, as long as you went backstage at a singing show, basically everyone would receive some love letters, small notes and the like.

Although there was no follow-up due to age and status, they still enjoyed the feeling of being pursued.

It's just that I don't know since when, the opposite sex who seemed to be taking the initiative towards them suddenly disappeared.

Obviously they had time and enough capital, so they were waiting to pick some people they liked, but they all disappeared.

What's going on? Could it be that Li Menglong blocked all similar opportunities?

The girls wanted to ask Li Menglong over, but they felt that they would be scolded for disturbing them, so they were very confused for a while.

In the end, Lee Soon Kyu, who came back from strolling with his hands behind his back, gave the answer. Don’t these women even think about it?

"Please, what were our statuses at that time? We could say we were newcomers who had debuted for less than a year. Naturally, we all had the confidence to come and give it a try, but what about now?"

Lee Soon Kyu revealed the truth of the matter in one sentence.

As their status improves and their income increases, the pressure they put on the opposite sex around them also increases.

What's more, their social circle is not big, and they have already reached the top in the industry. Why do they still expect those young people to come and express their feelings?

It is estimated that if they really encounter this situation, they will be upset in their hearts. Could it be that they are here to make a fortune?

It would be better if he was just greedy for money, but it would be really unthinkable if he took some photos secretly.

This is not because they are imagining things, but similar rumors leak out almost every year, but most of them are suppressed by the company.

When they thought of this, the girls immediately became more awake, and it was not impossible to maintain the status quo.

Isn't it just that there are no men, but they have money, if they can earn a few more years, what kind of man can they not find?

Seeing that the topic was becoming more and more erotic, Yoona had to step in to stop these sisters. They were idols and they had to pay attention to their image in private.

Besides, her matter has not been resolved yet, shouldn't they give themselves an explanation?

"Are you still busy? By the way, you were unhappy before. Tell me, what did Li Menglong do to you again!"

That is to say, Li Menglong was not present at the scene. Otherwise, with just this sentence, Li Menglong could quarrel with these women. Why would everything be put on his head?

Yoona immediately explained that she had nothing to do with Lee Meng Yong, and it was a problem that their group had to face.

In the end, the people involved took the initiative to refute the rumors, but the girls still didn't believe it, and even tried to persuade Yoona not to give in to Li Menglong's rights. They would stand behind her!

This scene is very similar to some fans. No matter who explains it, they don't believe it and only want to believe the opinions in their own minds.

But those fans are really confused, and the girls here are just pretending to be confused.

It's not that they always want to wrong Li Menglong, but that of all the problems, only those related to him are the best to solve.

To put it simply, he is the most bullied of the bunch.

Just like at this moment, if it wasn't Li Menglong's problem, then we would have to dig deeper inside them. How painful it would be.

But Yoona didn't understand their painstaking efforts at all, so she still talked about the problem on her own.

"You don't need to explain so much. You just came here to ask for money, right?"

Although the girls’ summary is too simple and crude, it has to be said that it does capture the core of the problem.

As long as the girls are willing to give money, it doesn't matter if they don't understand the reason. Yoona has no intention of forcing it.

After confirming this, the girls immediately joined forces, and Yoona was ruthlessly pushed out again.

It seems that this is the second time she has been asked to leave the team in a short period of time. Is she, Lin Yoona, so unpopular?

They are jealous, jealous that they are more popular than them, jealous that they earn more than them, jealous that they are younger than them...

She was muttering to herself as she smashed the door. She didn't dare to yell out, otherwise everyone in the surrounding offices would hear it, and they would all be walking witnesses.

When the witness and video are available, how can she still deny it? If those women didn't tear her apart on the spot, it would be considered a deep feeling among them all.

Not daring to slam the door hard, and not daring to scream at the top of her lungs, there was almost nothing Yoona could do.

She originally thought about getting a banner, similar to the kind that owed wages or collected debts.

But would it be too embarrassing? With so many people watching around her, does she really want to expose her true side to everyone?

Considering the future development of the girls and their bright future, Yoona could only silently swallow this loss.

But after all the money was spent, she had to listen. At least one person had to know that her efforts were not worth it!

So Xu Xian was dragged out by Yoona again with a grimace, who made her lose in the guessing game with Li Menglong.

Xu Xian strongly suspected that Li Menglong had cheated. If she saw it correctly, the other party had taken action 0.3 seconds later.

It's a pity that she didn't point it out on the spot and let Li Menglong escape. She was still too kind.

"Yeah, don't be distracted when talking to others. Isn't this the most basic courtesy?"

Yoona was talking to Xu Xian with runny nose and tears, but when she looked up, she found that the little girl was in a daze. Is she serious?

Even if she really doesn't want to come here from the bottom of her heart, after all, she has been sisters for so many years, so it's good to pretend to lie to her.

As a result, Xu Xian didn't even bother to pretend now, and when he thought about the indifference of the women upstairs, Yoona couldn't help but feel sad.

Is Lin Yoona really disgusted by others? If they really have such thoughts, they can come and tell her.

She will definitely accept it calmly and be ready to quit. She, Lin Yoona, is not an unwanted child!

Although he didn't know why Yoona's mood swings were so big, Xu Xian could tell that the other person was really sad.

What else was there to say? He hurriedly stepped forward and hugged the other person tightly, while talking some nutritious nonsense.

It's not that Xu Xian doesn't want to be distracted, but that she doesn't even know what the other person is thinking. How can she comfort him?

At the same time, she also has to deal with enthusiastic colleagues. When everyone passing by hears the cry, they will subconsciously come over to take a look to see if they can help.

What could Xu Xian do? He could only smile awkwardly, indicating that it was not a serious matter.

She now looks like the second male lead in a TV series who is forced to take over. The "male lead" is obviously causing trouble, so why does she have to be the one to appease him?

The key is that she doesn't have any other thoughts about Yoona, or what can Yoona give her in return?

Forget about money, Xu Xian is not lacking. As for a grateful kiss, are you sure it's not just to take advantage?

In short, she doesn't have any extra thoughts except being a pillar.

If I must say it, Xu Xian is still a little worried about his clothes.

These clothes are new today. Can Yoona stop touching her tears and snot on them? These are not toilet paper towels.

But considering the consequences of saying this, Xu Xian had no choice but to continue to be a mute.

After a full ten minutes, Yoona finally got out of her arms.

Xu Xian didn't dare to lower her head to look. The chest of her clothes must be in a mess at the moment. She was already thinking about where to get some clothes to change.

However, she learned the lesson from before and this time she did not stay in a daze. Instead, she immediately asked about Yoona's situation.

"Unnie, are you feeling better? If you have any grievances, you can tell me. I have always been on your side. We are the maknae alliance."

Xu Xian said energetically. Although this tone made her a little disgusted, the effect was really good.

Yoona's expression improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Humph, do you remember? I didn't betray my allies, unlike some people!"

Xu Xian blinked. If nothing else happened, these people should be specifically referring to her, Xu Xian, right?

But have you cheated Yoona recently? Couldn't it be referring to the time when she ran away with Li Menglong?

This is too much. When encountering this kind of thing, everyone should rely on their abilities. If they can slip away, they will have the same point of view.

As a result, Yoona now dislikes her for being unloyal. You know, Seohyun is the one who has been left behind the most. She is the one who should cry!

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