The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3010 Prompt Inspection

In the end, Yoona couldn't decide what reason to use, so she decided to go back and take a look first.

What if the girls don’t respond?

"You are just dreaming. How much money have you spent? You don't have a clear idea of ​​how much money you have spent?"

Li Menglong was holding dozens of boxes of lunch boxes in both hands, and was piercing Yoona's fantasy. It's better to be down-to-earth.

Although Yoona is young, based on her life experience so far, she shouldn't be so naive.

Even he knows how petty those women are. Yoona has been with them day and night for so many years, is she not as good as him in this regard?

"Don't slander our members here, they are still very generous!"

It was rare for Xu Xian to come forward and say something fair. Anyway, she did not agree with Li Menglong's statement.

Are girls stingy? This is true in some aspects, but it is just a weakness in normal human nature.

Most of the time, girls are extremely reliable older sisters, especially when it comes to money!

Ever since they became famous, money is just a number to them.

How much money can each other spend on eating and shopping? Who has more and who needs to think more?

This is especially true for Xu Xian, because the girls still dote on the maknae and don't give her a chance to pay.

However, to put this another way, it seems that it is not impossible to say that it is the discovery of the conscience of the girls as compensation for Xu Xian.

In short, Xu Xian's relationship with them was extremely divided, and even she herself didn't know how to view their behavior.

She could only simply beautify all this into the girls' love for her, but would this love be a little perverted?

Of course, it is still difficult for the parties involved to make an objective judgment on this matter.

After all, if you have been in contact with perverts for a long time, you can easily become a pervert yourself.

But for passers-by or even fans to judge, the distance will be too far, and it is easy to put on a layer of filters.

In summary, the most suitable person to judge turned out to be Li Menglong. Was he surprised?

Fortunately, he had already given a corresponding summary in private, and overall it could not be regarded as bullying.

The girls are just exchanging money for Xu Xian's labor, even though Xu Xian is not short of such money and benefits at all.

However, although Xu Xian was physically tired, the girls still compensated Xu Xian in other aspects.

It can only be said that this is an exchange. Without touching the bottom line of law and morality, both parties have no opinions, so it seems that it has nothing to do with outsiders?

Li Menglong didn't plan to discuss this with Xu Xian now. Girls couldn't bully him anyway.

"You are cold-blooded and ruthless, don't you have pity on me?"

Yoona jumped out again at this moment. She didn't want to vindicate Xu Xian, but just wanted to stimulate Li Menglong to help him for a while.

But it wasn't the first day Li Menglong met her, so how could he be fooled.

"I pity you? You deserve it. Did someone force you to order these things in my hand?"


Yoona was speechless. Although this was an accident, seriously speaking it was still her mistake.

As an adult, shouldn't Yoona be responsible for her own mistakes?

So there is a solution to the whole thing, and that is for Yoona to pay the money herself, so that no one will have any objections.

But Yoona is greedy. She is not coveting the money. With Lin Yoona's income, if she feels distressed even for a meal, then she might as well change her career early.

What she covets is the feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife, the feeling of falling into an abyss if you miss one step.

Besides, once she managed to get through, the huge sense of accomplishment that came with it would be enough to keep her thinking about it for several days.

Even if Li Menglong talks about breaking the sky, Yoona will not give up. She just wants to challenge those women head-on!

As the saying goes, good words can never persuade someone to die. Is there any need to save such a person who is bent on "seeking death"?

It’s not just Li Menglong who has completely given up on Yoona. Even Xu Xian on the side has stayed out of the matter early. She wants to know her little sister better.

The only good thing is that this card is not for the girls collectively, Yoona only needs to face one person specifically.

By the way, I haven’t asked yet, who does this card belong to? Judging from Yoona's arrogant attitude, it couldn't be Pani's, right?

"Lee Soon Kyu's, I know all your cards!"

Li Menglong gloated and interrupted to explain, is this something worth showing off? Why does he know all about their cards?

However, Xu Xian couldn't think of questioning Li Menglong at the moment. She still wanted to persuade Yun'er. This target was not chosen well.

Kim Taeyeon is indeed not easy to mess with, but Lee Soonkyu is easy to get along with?

Even though Lee Soon Kyu seems to be indifferent to everything on weekdays, that's just an appearance.

Once she really started to throw a tantrum, Kim Taeyeon would avoid her, but now Yoona wants to challenge her?

Li Menglong could see this clearly, and Yoona naturally knew that she couldn't quarrel with Lee Soon Kyu, after all, the other party would take action.

But can she take a gamble on Lee Soon Kyu's mood, what if this woman is happy physically and mentally? Maybe I don’t care about this kind of thing anymore.

After all, when it comes to the richest among the girls, there is no second choice except Lee Soon Kyu.

Even if the company's income is not included, Lee Soon Kyu's income as an artist alone is still in the middle of the team.

This is still based on the fact that the eldest sister is lazy.

Otherwise, with Lee Soon Kyu's popularity and talent, it goes without saying that variety shows would be almost casual.

Maybe my acting skills are a little worse, but it's not a problem to go solo, it's all about money.

But Lee Soon Kyu always feels that she should not take up too many resources. This is related to her own character and her original identity.

As the last one to join the team, Lee Soon Kyu didn't even know the girls when he was a trainee. He came directly from behind.

Under such circumstances, what else would she dare to do under the name of a related party? If one thing goes wrong, the team will completely explode.

Although everyone gets along very well later, some habits are not so easy to change after they are formed.

But what should I say? Girls' Generation's collective fire has indeed given these women the capital to lie down.

Unless there is a higher career pursuit, who can say that lying down is not the way to go?

This kind of topic is obviously not suitable for Li Menglong to interrupt. They probably don't talk too much among themselves, right?

However, Yoona has grasped the key to solving the problem very well, so how is Lee Soon Kyu's mood today?

"Oh, it's so boring. Don't go to sleep. Get up and play with me."

Lee Soon Kyu was wandering around in the practice room, which made the other girls quite unhappy.

You know, they finally managed to get Yoona away, but in the end, Lee Soon Kyu didn't value his time?

It's just that Lee Soon Kyu is not so restless on weekdays. What happened today?

"I forgot my phone in the dormitory, how about you go back with me to get it? If not, it's okay if one of you lends me your phone for a while."

Li Soonkyu finally came to see him. He first proposed a condition that was impossible to accept, and then made everyone refuse it once, and they were too embarrassed to refuse it a second time.

This strategy is undoubtedly quite clever, but when it comes to girls, what do they have to be embarrassed about?

If you refuse once, why not refuse a second time? Are you kidding me? They are not such shameless people!

It was absolutely impossible to accompany him back. As for lending his phone to Lee Soon Kyu, it seemed like a reliable option, but no one took the initiative to respond.

After all, mobile phones are too private. Even if everyone already trusts each other, this is still two different things from borrowing a mobile phone.

Anyway, Lee Soon-gyu borrowed a lot, but the result was that she was kicked out collectively by the girls.

She became a ghost wandering around the company, so bored that she wanted to find someone to fight, but her reason always restrained her.

How much she wanted to burst out a human sandbag on the spot, but was this possible?

The answer is of course yes, because her human sandbag is on the way running quickly!

Yoona can definitely be called upright and upright this time, but most people don't have this kind of awareness.

But she doesn't know yet what she is about to face, otherwise she would rather run away from home than come over and throw herself into a trap.

The three people who returned to the company did not notice anything unexpected. After all, everyone was still working, and the three of them were in the category of skipping work.

It stands to reason that such a situation would result in a reprimand, but nothing happened to the three of them.

This is understandable. Yoona's immediate boss is Li Menglong. He hasn't spoken yet. What can others say?

As for Xu Xian, it's the same here. She doesn't even get paid. She always helps out voluntarily. What's wrong with being lazy for a while?

As for Li Menglong, he was just unhappy because no one came to complain about him. Who could come to accuse him of absenteeism? The company belongs to him!

"What are you three doing sneakily? What are you holding in your hands? Don't you know it's working time now?"

It was at this moment that the extreme joy brought about sorrow. After hearing this stern voice, the three people subconsciously closed their legs. After all, someone had caught their sore feet.

The first person to react was Li Menglong. In the entire company, there were really not many people he was afraid of, and they definitely did not include Li Soonkyu!

"Working hours? Are you qualified to say this to me? You arrive late and leave early every day. Do you need me to explain everything clearly to you?"

Li Menglong's counterattack was very sharp, making it extremely difficult for Li Shunkyu to parry.

The main reason is that what the other party said is true, which is very difficult to deal with. Apart from playing rogue, she really can't think of any good way.

So Li Soonkyu waved his hand and told Li Menglong to get out of here. He would be upset when he saw him and stop being an eyesore here.

After getting Tong Qing's promise, Li Menglong naturally would not continue to provoke without opening his eyes. He was not that stupid.

In particular, he hated the plot of a hero saving a beauty.

Because after the beauty left, few people would consider the fate of the "hero", and he didn't want to be taken advantage of.

So even if Yoona grabbed the corner of his clothes tightly, Li Menglong slapped him mercilessly.

We are not all the same, can we let him go his own way?

As for whether Yoona can walk safely across the single-plank bridge, that's not Li Menglong's thing to worry about. He has already done his best!

Seeing that Li Menglong successfully passed the test, the next person who was anxious was not YoonA, but Seohyun who tried to pretend to be transparent.

She is already trying to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible, but people are beautiful, what can she do?

"That Ernie, I don't know anything. I just went over to help get a lunch."

Xu Xian held up the bento in his hand and responded innocently.

After being an idol for so many years, if there is any expression that I am most familiar with, the innocent one is definitely one of them.

Because this expression is not only suitable for innocence, but also for innocence. She has been an idol of innocence for many years.

These are all the skills of eating, which are basically integrated into the bones. They can be easily picked up without any sluggishness.

"Really? Don't lie to me. I believe you the most, Ernie."

Li Shunkyu took a box of lunch while talking. She had the same idea as Li Menglong before. Since she had seen it all, she would check it for everyone.

While Lee Soon Kyu was preparing to eat, Seohyun also slipped away smoothly, and Yoona was the only one left.

At this moment, she felt extremely lonely. Why didn't she even have a family or friend around her? Was there something wrong with her daily behavior?

She was unwilling to accept this cruel result, and she also wanted to go to work!

"The two of them are going to work, why are you following them? Are you going to cause trouble?"

Lee Soon Kyu stopped Yoona with words. You don’t think she, Lee Soon Kyu, is really that stupid, right?

Why did you let those two people go when you knew there was something fishy going on?

Firstly, it’s because the company belongs to her, and she wants the two people who are really working to make money for herself. This is fundamental!

Secondly, there is still a bastard left here. It would be nice if only one person knows the truth, and there is no need to confirm each other.

Lee Soon Kyu believes in her own cross-examination skills, and Yoona has nothing to hide from her!

Once Yoona can really deceive her, then Lee Soon Kyu will admit defeat. This is a matter of her personal ability and she cannot blame others.

"Sit down and eat something with me. What kind of dishes are these? Why did you buy so many?"

Lee Soon Kyu's first question almost made Yoona run away on the spot.

Can you give me a little foreshadowing so that she can get used to it and not be so irritated from the beginning? She is still a child and hopes to be treated gently!

"Tenderness? Is my tenderness for you? It's a waste!"

At this moment, Li Shunkyu crossed his legs and shook leisurely. He picked up the lunch box and took a big mouthful of rice. If there was a bottle of beer in front of him, he would look more like a boss.

As Lee Soon Kyu's subordinate, Yoona should know what a sin it is to deceive her eldest brother, and it might cost her her head.

Yoona is really beginning to hesitate, why don't she tell the truth and give it a try?

But what if Lee Soon Kyu didn't intend to ask anything, then it would be self-inflicted.

What should she do? Can anyone give her an idea...

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