Xu Xian's attention was focused on Yoona at the moment, so he was very insensitive to the things around him.

There was no response even after blowing into her ears or holding her hand. In the end, Li Menglong forcibly moved Xu Xian's head half a circle so that the other party could see him.

"Did I suddenly become invisible? Or am I no longer able to tolerate my presence in your eyes?"

Xu Xian looked at Li Menglong in trance. His figure was clearly in her eyes and his voice was in her ears, but she felt that her spirit was not here.

This is simply a body without a soul, and it would be boring for him to snatch it away.

So Li Menglong "returned" Seohyun to Yoona again, and he himself was looking for a new target.

Facts have proved that Yoona is not that attractive, at least there are still people who are not interested in Yoona.

"Eat? We just came here after eating. You can go find that restaurant quickly. Maybe the boss hasn't cleaned up yet and you can still pick up some leftovers."

Kim Taeyeon was joking casually, but of course she might also be talking seriously.

However, there is no way Li Menglong would actually go there and give it a try. It's not that he feels embarrassed, but it's just that things are not that bad yet.

Putting aside whether they have all eaten, who stipulates that once they have eaten, they cannot have another meal?

Besides, there was Yoona over there. He was pretty sure that Yoona hadn't eaten yet, but it was a question of whether she would have an appetite next time.

He can't put all his eggs in one basket, so besides the girls, who else can treat him to dinner?

Kim Taeyeon didn't want to get involved in the issues that Li Menglong was thinking about, because it wasn't a problem at all for her.

Isn't it just a lunch? As long as they make them happy, lunch is nothing. It's not impossible to let him eat soft food for the rest of his life.

But according to this standard, Li Menglong is eating soft rice to a certain extent.

After all, his food, clothing, housing and transportation are all paid for by girls, and Li Shunkyu has to give him some pocket money on time every month. Isn't this a soft meal?

Even if he single-handedly managed to feed nine women at the same time, this was simply the ceiling in the world of soft rice.

Others are young guys who go to be with rich women. At that age and good looks, it’s quite sad to say it anyway.

As a result, here in Li Menglong's house, all the nine bosses are white and beautiful. If he takes the money they give him, won't his conscience hurt? Isn’t this money hot to take?

Anyway, Li Menglong didn't know anything about the resentment of these "colleagues". After all, no one would come over and say this to him without opening his eyes.

If there really is such a warrior, Li Menglong will probably not be angry. This is all about his ability. Why should he get angry when he is envied by others?

If they were to get angry, the girls would be jealous of so many people at the same time. They would have blown themselves up long ago!

Kim Taeyeon obviously didn't intend to discuss this issue with Li Menglong. She poked Li Menglong's waist with her elbow: "Hey, tell me what the situation was at the scene."

"Do you want to treat me to dinner? I can only think of these things right now, and I can't think of anything else!"

This was clearly meant to be blackmail, but fortunately Li Menglong's asking price was really not high.

It's just a lunch, and in exchange for a small piece of the truth, it's not a loss no matter how you look at it.

So Li Menglong took the card handed over by Kim Taeyeon, and then kept his promise and told his guess.

The girls around also pricked up their ears. After all, their captain had already paid, so if you don't listen, it's for nothing.

Although the scene in front of them looked a bit scary, after Li Menglong's interpretation, they felt that it was just that.

They can definitely do similar things, even better than Yoona.

"Hey, it's gone? Give me back the card. This news is not worth a lunch at all!"

Kim Taeyeon is starting to act rogue. Is her burning of bridges too skillful?

Fortunately, Li Menglong received the reward first, otherwise he would be the one who was so anxious now.

"Tch, don't think you're safe. I'll call the bank later to freeze the card, and I'll say it was stolen."

"Then what? Do you know how troublesome it is to unblock the card again? Are you prepared to spend all day in the bank tomorrow?"

"Don't fool me, I'm very familiar with this process. If it takes one day, half a day is enough!"

Kim Taeyeon's eyes were wandering and she didn't dare to look at Li Menglong at all. How could she know these details.

But half a day was still a bit of a luxury for her, and it was not worth it to pay less for lunch.

During this time, she would pick up two commercial performances at will, and the money she earned would be enough for Li Menglong to live on for several months.

So in terms of cost alone, it's not easy to get angry with Li Menglong, she will lose money!

Seeing that he had frightened Kim Taeyeon, Li Menglong couldn't help but feel proud.

The only thing that makes me depressed is that it’s hard to tell the truth, but it’s good to get benefits and don’t ask for so much.

But the girls around them all saw the deal between the two of them, and the result was a little dull.

Li Menglong didn't have the guts to defraud Kim Taeyeon's bank card, so he only used it for lunch?

They are not bragging. If they were given this opportunity, they would dare to bankrupt Kim Taeyeon!

"What are you looking at? Why don't you go over and help? Don't you see that Yoona is about to cry?"

Kim Taeyeon was vaguely aware of the malicious intentions of the people around her. Although they may not really have the courage, they couldn't even think about it in their hearts.

This is her team, Kim Taeyeon, and she must be the absolute core. No one can be half-hearted in front of her!

Seeing that they have to solve the problems within the team, it would be a hindrance for Li Menglong to stay here.

So he flicked the bank card in his hand, and now he had to think about what to eat.

Although there is no need to max out the card as the girls imagined, there is still no problem in eating some expensive food.

But as soon as he walked out, he found that there was a little follower behind him.

"Aren't you staring at Yoona? Why did you sneak out again?"

"Onies can just go and help. It's useless for me to stay there."

Xu Xian's answer was a little dull, and it could be seen that the little girl was not in a beautiful mood.

Although he didn't know what happened, it just made Xu Xian happy. He still had some experience.

I saw Li Menglong hugging Xu Xian's shoulders and forcing his weight on her: "What do you want to eat? Don't worry, I will pay for today's consumption!"

Li Menglong's weight is really no joke. Xu Xian tried his best to push him away, but he couldn't match his strength.

In desperation, Xu Xian could only lower the height as much as possible. At the same time, he did not forget to expose Li Menglong's lie: "If you replace the card in your hand with your own, it may appear more sincere!"

"Your idea is extreme. You don't care where I got the money from? Anyway, I just treated you. Do you feel guilty about using Kim Taeyeon's money?"

Li Menglong's answer was still so direct, which made Xu Xian curl her lips speechlessly. What did she have to feel guilty about?

In other words, she didn't have the ability to deceive their bank cards, otherwise it would be Li Menglong's turn to be arrogant here?

No matter how much money Xu Xian spent on those women, they all owed him!

Under Li Menglong's instigation, Xu Xian decided to prove herself. It was only after seeing the big meal on the table that she realized what she had done.

She has obviously already eaten, why is she still sitting here?

"What's wrong? Isn't the lobster delicious? Try the abalone, it tastes great."

As Li Menglong spoke, he picked up a whole abalone with a fork and stuffed it into Xu Xian's mouth.

When Xu Xian reacted, there was almost no room for movement in her mouth. Why didn't Li Menglong cut the abalone open?

“That’s what people who can’t afford to eat do, and we’re not short of money!”

To prove this, Li Menglong waved his hand and ordered two more portions of abalone, one bite at a time, and it was a pleasure to eat!

Although I am a little disgusted with the behavior of nouveau riche like Li Menglong, but what should I say, the feeling of having a whole abalone filled in the mouth is indeed not bad.

Only then did Xu Xian have time to look at the food on the table, and then she wanted to lick her throat. She wanted to spit out the abalone in her stomach.

What exactly did Li Menglong bring her to eat?

Abalone as big as a palm, lobster as thick as an arm, and other kinds of seafood. How much does this table cost?

The key is that there are still a bunch of shells in front of Li Menglong. He has already started to burp, so stop holding on and save Kim Taeyeon some money.

Don't look at what Xu Xian said before, but that was in the context of small consumption.

Xu Xian would not dare to try such a large-scale spending as Li Menglong's.

Faced with Xu Xian's persuasion, Li Menglong followed suit: "Then let's eat this. Let's take one of the two abalones and treat it as dessert."

Xu Xian really wanted to refuse, but when she thought about the taste in her mouth before, she felt that she should just indulge for once?

It's amazing that she can pay for these abalones herself, but as for the ones Li Menglong ate, she can't help.

But how could Li Menglong let Xu Xian do this? With him around, would it still be Xu Xian's turn to settle the bill?

In front of the waiter, Li Menglong lectured Xu Xian for several minutes.

Xu Xian kept his head down and said nothing the whole time, because Li Menglong's words were not meant for her, she was just a tool.

When the waiter on the side sighed, Li Menglong was satisfied: "I just dote on her too much. Who makes her my favorite sister?"

As a veteran actor, Xu Xian naturally knew how to cooperate at this time, and she appropriately showed a smile that was a mixture of shyness and gratitude.

After satisfying Li Menglong's mood to show off, Xu Xiancai asked in a low voice: "You just settled the bill like this? Are you sure Kim Taeyeon won't trouble you later?"

"Anyway, it's all in her stomach. What can she do to me? If you call me trouble, it's our trouble!"

Li Menglong emphasized the word "we", which made Xu Xian frown.

Sure enough, she shouldn't be greedy. Now that Li Menglong has caught her, she insists on saying that she is innocent, but the two abalones in her belly won't agree.

Fortunately, with her relationship with Kim Taeyeon, the other party shouldn't feel too distressed, right?

Li Menglong obviously realized this, so eating was not the end, but the beginning of their activities.

Faced with Li Menglong's suggestion to go shopping, Xu Xian naturally refused decisively.

She is not a fish, her memory is only seven seconds!

The scene of being deceived before was still vivid in his mind. Li Menglong should have waited for her to calm down. Don't dig a hole in such a hurry.

"Oh, your words make me sad. I'm doing this all for your own good!"

Li Menglong began to lie. The core meaning was that Xu Xian would have all the enjoyment, and all the responsibilities would be borne by him, Li Menglong.

This kind of good thing is rare. If Xu Xian was not his sister, Li Menglong would not do this!

Regarding Li Menglong's promise, Xu Xian just responded with a kind smile. She didn't believe it!

Seeing that Xu Xian didn't give him a chance, Li Menglong could only use his ultimate move. He thought that he just failed to grasp Xu Xian's weakness!

So looking at the jewelry store in front of him, Xu Xian couldn't help but scratch his head.

Facts have proved that Li Menglong has indeed caught Xu Xian's weakness. Although it is not that big, Xu Xian really wants to go in and take a look.

After all, you have come, and if you don’t go in, wouldn’t you mean that you are afraid of Li Menglong?

Anyway, she had made up her mind to just take a look after going in and never buy anything. Could Li Menglong still be able to forcefully buy and sell?

However, she quickly changed her mind. It was not impossible to buy some, as long as it didn't use Li Menglong's money. She also made a lot of money and could afford her personal consumption!

In fact, Xu Xian really thought too much this time, and Li Menglong didn't have so many thoughts to deceive her.

In other words, these are all incidental goals. His original intention is to make Xu Xian happy.

As for how to make a woman happy, isn't it the most basic thing to buy, buy, buy?

Besides, he doesn't have to pay for it, and it can make Xu Xian happy, so why not?

Xu Xian was allowed to shop in the store, while Li Menglong yawned and stood guard at the door while reminiscing about the delicious food he had eaten before. Food that costs nothing is delicious!

The manager of the store has already led people around Xu Xian. The little girl's face is the business card of a big customer.

But the big fish was eaten by the manager, and the remaining few eat some small shrimps. Isn’t it too much?

"Me? Let's forget it. I'm not very interested in jewelry, jewelry or anything like that."

Li Menglong spread his hands and almost said that he had no money, but such words were rarely believed by outsiders. After all, everyone knew that he had money!

So these people just think this is a test for them. They have to find products in their own stores that interest Li Menglong.

After several attempts, Li Menglong realized that he had spoken too early.

He is really not interested in jewelry and the like. He thinks that the prices of those things are all hyped up and are definitely worth a lot of money.

But these golden metal blocks in front of me don’t have such worries, and they are yellow and cold. They look good and feel comfortable. When you pick them up, you don’t want to let them go.

Seeing Li Menglong's piggy appearance, the clerks knew that this business was going to be successful. Sure enough, no one could resist the temptation of gold. Is there anyone who doesn't like gold?

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