The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3001 Real name replacement

Xu Xian originally had no intention of refusing. Going to work with Li Menglong was also part of her plan.

But the situation at the scene made it difficult for her to answer.

The rest of the team members were lying dead beside her. As a result, she and Li Menglong were going to "stay together and fly together", which was not very appropriate no matter how you looked at it.

Emotional intelligence is not lacking for Xu Xian.

Even people like Li Menglong can grow rapidly in emotional intelligence after experiencing the training of girls. Is Xu Xian not as good as him?

So facing Li Menglong's invitation, Xu Xian gave a negative answer with a grimace: "Sorry, I want to be with my members!"

After Xu Xian said these words, the scene suddenly burst into cheers.

Although these women don't have the physical strength to move, they can still shout a few times, and Xu Xian's answer is really encouraging.

Although it is not a confrontation between the two sides now, the girls still want to gain some initiative.

Don't think about it on the physical level, but mentally, they win, and they are extremely beautiful.

Li Menglong didn't think much about it, he just subconsciously extended the invitation.

It's just human beings who always have some rebellious psychology, and now he has a little resistance.

Why should Xu Xian stay here with them? Is Xu Xian their pendant?

Besides, Xu Xian is wasting his time by staying here. What will they ask Xu Xian to do? It’s nothing more than chores like running errands.

This will make Seohyun waste a few precious hours of his life, which is meaningless.

On the contrary, if Xu Xian went to work with him, not to say it would be more meaningful, but at least Xu Xian would gain something.

After such a comparison, Li Menglong thought he was much nobler, and he couldn't watch Xu Xian being bullied by these bad women!

While the women were shouting, Li Menglong grabbed Xu Xian's wrist and dragged him outside.

This action was really rough, and Xu Xian himself didn't even react.

Fortunately, she instinctively showed no resistance to Li Menglong, and basically followed him to leave.

But in the eyes of the girls, this was not the case. Li Menglong actually forced Xu Xian to do something she didn't want to do.

This is clearly a slap in their face. When did they not even be able to protect their own maknae?

Even though their bodies were already wailing, they still supported each other and stood up.

Does Li Menglong think that by draining their energy, he can do whatever he wants?

The girls used their strong will to tell him that this was just a dream!

They will never give up on their maknae. Even if they die, they will die together!

To be honest, this scene is a little shocking, after all, they seem to be blown down by any gust of wind at this moment.

They are simply relying on perseverance to hold on. Of course, it is not impossible to say that it is their love for Xu Xian.

It's just that these words are still open to question. Why do they have to die together?

Xu Xian works so hard to keep fit and maintain good eating habits just to live a healthy life for a few more years.

If nothing else happens, Xu Xian will definitely be able to send all these women away.

As a result, they now want to "leave" with Xu Xian. This is not repaying kindness with hatred. Xu Xian also wants to burn more paper money for them.

But her opinion is not that important. It is obviously a dispute between the girls and Li Menglong.

At best, she is just a embodied symbol. Does she have any right to speak out? Who will listen to her voice?

Fortunately, Xu Xian does not pursue too much presence, and neither party has much ill will towards her, which is enough.

As for who she wants to listen to in the end, it all depends on the subsequent results. She can do it.

In fact, the girls have similar thoughts. They are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. Is it possible that they really want to fight with Li Menglong?

In the past, they were able to defeat each other in a small way. Although they didn't have any tricks, it was possible to win because of the large number of people.

But it is no exaggeration to say that Li Menglong can definitely do this with one punch.

He didn't even have to do anything, he could just blow hard on the girls' foreheads and maybe several of them would fall to the ground.

This is not because they want to blackmail people, but simply because they are physically exhausted.

Therefore, when they saw that they could not win by force, they were forced to shift their fronts and planned to rely on their brains to determine the outcome.

But there are so many good ways, they can only reduce losses as much as possible and don't lose too much face.

Seeing Li Menglong starting his second warm-up on the opposite side, the girls were also anxious. Did they really want to fight?

Li Menglong had thought better of it. If a piece of it actually fell down after a while, he wouldn't be able to eat it and carry it around!

However, compared to blackmailing, the girls obviously wanted a more honorable ending, so a weird plan was devised.

The core of it is also very simple. Doesn't Li Menglong want a maknae to go with him? How about changing the line?

Since maknae Seohyun cannot follow, they can generously contribute their second maknae Yoona.

It's not that they are bragging. Yoona also has the same advantages that Xu Xian has.

As for why there is a certain difference in reality, it is mainly because no one seriously cultivates Yoona.

Otherwise, if Li Menglong gives it a try, Yoona will definitely exceed his expectations. They never lie!

Facing the magical brain circuits of the girls, Li Menglong was a little at a loss.

This is not like buying watermelons. After you choose one, you can change it to another one. Are they too naive?

Besides, even if Li Menglong agrees, can Yoona agree?

This is simply an insult to her. The girls were reluctant to send Seohyun there, but in the end, she was asked to bear all this, Lin Yoona?

Seohyun is their biological sister, so she, Lin Yoona, is just a wild child who was picked up?

If Yoon'er's self-esteem gets stronger, she will immediately tell her that she no longer wants to serve her.

Anyway, with YoonA's current popularity, I won't say that she can develop further after leaving Girls, but there is still no problem in maintaining the current situation.

After she became famous, she still served these women conscientiously, but she got such a chilling result?

Kim Taeyeon and others seem to have realized the stupidity of this idea. They really didn't think about it that much before. Yoona has to believe them!

They both love Yoona and Seohyun equally. If I have to say it, Yoona may be more lovable.

After all, who doesn't like this kind of kid who has a sweet mouth and is good at flattering?

"You don't like me, and Li Menglong doesn't like me either. I..."

Yoona lowered her head and looked like she had been abandoned by the world, looking very pitiful.

Now it's not just the girls who need to coax Yoona, Li Menglong also has the corresponding responsibility.

It seemed like he didn't speak the whole time, but that in itself was hurtful.

When the girls opened their mouths, why didn't he express his approval immediately? He should have welcomed Yoona's arrival with almost excitement!

Being pushed by Xu Xian behind him, Li Menglong could only reluctantly come over: "How could I not like you? It's too late for me to be happy!"

"You're lying! You just don't like taking me with you. It's no use how I try to please you!"

"That said, I want to take you with me, so you have to give me this chance."

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it at all..."

Seeing that the two were about to fall into the quarrel mode of children, Xu Xian made the final decision: "Then now is the opportunity for you two to rebuild trust."

This sentence made the scene quiet again, and everyone looked at Li Menglong. He had to give accurate words now.

But Li Menglong hesitated. He really didn't know why he wanted to take Yoona.

He went to work, not to go home.

Xu Xian has gained a firm foothold by relying on her own abilities. She has found her place and integrated into the team.

But as Yoona is a new screw, where will Lee Menglong put her?

It would be easier if it was just a vase, but would Yoona sit there peacefully and let others "view" her?

However, these issues are not within the scope of consideration of girls. To some extent, they can be regarded as the difference between the thinking of men and women.

Li Menglong always thinks from a rational, logical and realistic level, but the girls here are purely emotional.

They don't care what Yoona is going to do after he passes. They only know that their second youngest is about to cry. Li Menglong is still hesitating here?

Even Xu Xian couldn't stand it anymore. She wanted to take back her previous words. Even after so many years of training, Li Menglong's emotional intelligence was still in a mess at the critical moment.

So Xu Xian could only help, reaching out and pinching Li Menglong's waist hard.

Li Menglong tried not to scream, but he also knew what to do: "Xuxian, you won't be here anymore. Your job will be completely replaced by Yoona, and you are fired!"

This is what Xu Xian forced himself to say, and Li Menglong didn't mind taking a small revenge on the other party.

Even though he knew it was a joke, Xu Xian still felt uncomfortable.

She worked hard to help Li Menglong behind him. Although she said she had a reputation for studying, she also wanted to help him in her heart.

Otherwise, she is a big star, but she does not get a penny to carry forward her dedication here?

As a result, Xu Xian's hand not only did not withdraw, but continued to increase its strength.

Even for a person like Li Menglong who works out all the year round, it is impossible for him to build up all the muscles in his waist.

So the pain drove him to pull up Yoona roughly. In Yoona's confusion, the two of them fled out in embarrassment.

The girls who saw this scene not only did not stop it, but even smiled like an aunt. They were very pleased.

Li Menglong finally got the idea. Although it was a little late, their teachings over the years were not in vain.

Only Xu Xian knew what was going on. This was not an enlightenment, it was clearly a fear of pain.

But she didn't plan to say it out loud, just let Li Menglong's image be a little taller. As for whether the secret would be exposed in the future, it would be a matter of time.

Unlike the girls who had little understanding, Yoona was completely confused.

She thought that her emotional ups and downs were already great, but it turned out that Li Menglong was even more extreme than she was.

Is this because he is being said to be ashamed of himself? It doesn’t have to be this way.

She, Lin Yuner, is not such an unreasonable person. Although Li Menglong did something wrong in this matter, as long as she is willing to sincerely change, it will be fine.

We are all a family, there is no need to embarrass each other.

Yoona felt embarrassed after running out after him in front of the girls. How was she going to explain to those gossiping women when she returned?

Ordinary people have to go through a layer of network to eat melons. Girls here can just ask the person involved directly, and they will get absolute first-hand information.

Even though Yoona has extensive experience in dealing with reporters, she still has a headache.

After all, these women don't know how to play their cards according to the rules. How can she prove her innocence?

"What are you thinking about? You are so lost in thought. Take a few steps quickly, otherwise we will be late."

Li Menglong pushed Yoona's back, trying to speed up her.

This urging surprised Yoona. They had been going back and forth for so long, but they weren't late yet?

In her sense of time, it was clearly time to have lunch.

Li Menglong calmly took out his mobile phone. Now it is the process of the two of them getting along, and it seems not so smooth.

People who have no sense of time will not get points with Li Menglong, but Yoona should be careful.

Sensing Li Menglong's faint warning, Yoona felt helpless.

I can only blame them for coming too early today. According to the normal wake-up time, after experiencing so many things, it will indeed be as Yoona thought.

But what's the point of talking about it now? She spent "a whole morning", but it was only time to go to work in the morning.

Yoon-ah also had troubles that she couldn't express. Didn't that damn girl Xu Xian push her out on purpose?

It is said that she really wants to find a place to lie down for a while. It would be even more perfect if she could have a good sleep.

But now all this has become a luxury hope. How could Li Menglong give her this chance?

In other words, the current job opportunity was obtained by Yoona herself, so she shouldn’t give in first, right?

In that case, let alone Li Menglong, even she would look down on herself.

Besides, it was just a matter of running around. When they were running the schedule, they didn't even have time to sleep, so didn't they still get through it?

Yoona gritted her teeth and decided to show off her previous momentum and impress Li Menglong today.

With this decisive thought, Yoona finally sat on Xu Xian's seat.

During this period, Li Menglong also introduced Yoona to everyone in a serious manner. To be precise, it was Yoona's new identity today.

In the past, Yoona came here as an artist, so there is nothing wrong with enjoying the preferential treatment from everyone.

But today Yoona is here to work for Seohyun, so it’s hard to enjoy special treatment, right?

Yoona was also quite single, so she made a 90-degree bow and asked everyone to take care of her.

This was not said sincerely, because she felt that everyone would not be so sincere, right?

Just be happy about your work, don't take it too seriously. If she gets into trouble, she still needs everyone to come together to finish it off.

So the purpose of her work today is one word: mix!

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