"Remuneration? Oh, it's easy to talk about, let me think about it!" Li Shunkui was a little confused, Cui Dajun was directly transferred by the company, and she didn't know the specific details of the contract, she just gave her almost the money in the end.

As for the details of the contract, she doesn't know anything about the confidentiality contract, she doesn't even know what benefits are given to her partner, and to exaggerate, she doesn't even know the details of the personal assistant and her private affairs. , just call him whenever you have a problem.

However, those are all attitudes towards outsiders. Since Li Menglong can be regarded as half-helping as a friend, it is natural to have a different contract. Li Shunkui found a reasonable excuse for his ignorance, but these all need time to re-examine. of.

But why do you want to talk about his treatment first? It is obviously because she wants to talk about her own requirements. Li Shunkui suddenly thought of a sentence that he saw on a certain forum that was very suitable for the present, and couldn't wait to say it: "From now on, you only be nice to me alone;

Pet me, don't lie to me;

Everything you promise me, you have to do;

Be sincere in every word you say to me.

Don't lie to me, scold me, care about me;

When someone bullies me, you have to come out and help me at the first time;

When I am happy, you have to be happy with me;

When I am unhappy, you have to make me happy;

Always feel that I am the most beautiful..."

Xu Xian next to him had goosebumps all over his body when he heard this. Although there was nothing wrong with this statement, it was full of ambiguity. Even a simple child like her could hear many layers of meaning, so she couldn't help looking at Li Menglong with some worry.

Different from Xiaoxian, Li Menglong only heard one meaning in her words, maybe she was hurt by other people and was afraid, maybe the trust in Li Menglong, a stranger, has been increasing day by day, in short, Li Shunkui put all the little trust in him. Li Menglong's body studs like a gambler.

"I will stand by your side unconditionally, no matter what the situation is and whoever it is, this is my promise from Li Menglong to you, Li Shunkui." Li Menglong looked at Li Shunkui with sincere eyes, and made a promise to the other party.

In an instant, tears welled up in Li Shunkui's eyes. The series of accidents that happened in the past few days really hit her too hard. Li Menglong stood up and made a promise at the most vulnerable time. Even the strong Li Shunkui didn't know. Overwhelmed.

Although she didn't know what to do, she knew that she should never cry in front of Li Menglong, especially after the other party said these words, how could she act as the boss in front of him in the future.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." After finishing speaking, he trotted up the stairs all the way, and Xiaoxian also chased after him. Halfway, he remembered that it was not appropriate to keep Li Menglong there by himself. Tried to turn back down.

"Okay, from now on we're all on our own, so there's no need to be so polite." Li Menglong took it for granted that since he was a member of the same group, then he, Li Shunkui's assistant, would naturally help Xu Xian with things, so he said proactively.

"Really?" Xu Xian murmured to himself, but he still listened to his words, just thinking that Li Menglong, a person who doesn't care about their star status, broke into their lives, it seems that there will be a good start .

I put together all the dishes on the dining table, took them to the kitchen and brushed them, and then saw that the kitchen seemed to have not been used for eight hundred years, so I cleaned all the washable ones, and I couldn’t tell if it was true. should be happy.

Although he helped Li Shunkui, and he was very relieved to see the other party's appearance, but he couldn't express his rejection of the entertainment industry from the bottom of his heart, and was very contradictory for a while.

But since I can't say it, I don't bother to think about it anymore. I vented my spiritual contradictions in my body. First, I cleaned the kitchen and stuffed all the things Li Shunkui bought in the afternoon into the refrigerator, and then I tidied up the living room, so that the sofas were all in shape. The 45 degree angle is there.

When Li Shunkui adjusted his mood and came down again, he found that the living room and the kitchen seemed to have changed. Although the big frames were still there, they just couldn't be described as pleasing to the eye.

Seeing that Li Menglong was lowering her head and playing with the remote control, she left Xiaoxian and threw herself directly on the sofa, but when she looked at the TV, she was always inexplicably weird until she pushed the straight sofa back into a weird place. Only then did I feel comfortable again.

She still remembered that it was Kim Taeyeon who picked up the goods at the beginning, insisting on putting it this way, saying that the angle of watching TV was the most comfortable, but after a long time, Lee Shunkui also got used to it, and suddenly felt a sense of bleakness, and she didn't know when the next time it would be so lively here.

Thinking that he would be living here alone in a while, Li Shunkui became irritated for no reason. At this time, Li Menglong just figured out the remote control, and the TV screens seemed to switch rapidly, making Li Shunkui inexplicably disgusted.

"Yeah, can't you just watch one channel?"

"You must have a conscience. In my house, you can read my books as you please." Li Menglong replied to the other party casually, and Li Menglong didn't listen to her.

Seeing his assistant resisting him so much, Li Shunkui didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only comfort himself, as long as he didn't get confused in his position on major issues, and he was a friend if he quarreled like this.

But seeing Li Menglong's back, a thought gradually spread in her heart, and she couldn't suppress it no matter what. Fortunately, she was still a little rational, so she discussed it with Xiaoxian first.

Originally, Xiaoxian would refuse without hesitation, but thinking about what happened just now, and thinking about the grievances of Ernie in the past few years, he couldn't help thinking seriously about the possibility of this matter.

First of all, regardless of Li Shunkui's self-report a few days ago or today's contact, it is certain that Li Menglong is not the kind of impatient person who can't do beastly things. This is the prerequisite for all problems.

On the other hand, O'Neill's living here by himself is very empty, and the sisters rarely come here, and Li Menglong's house is too dilapidated, so it seems that it's okay to live on the first floor as a personal assistant.

Seeing Xiao Xian nodding, Li Shunkui was overjoyed immediately, and the youngest who was the most difficult to deal with internally stood on her side. Li Shunkui, those little people, could be dealt with if they went crazy, so they had a showdown with Li Menglong.

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