In the end, the milk was not purchased, mainly because Li Menglong refused to pay.

Girls don't like drinking milk very much. Is it possible that they should pay for Li Menglong to drink it?

Although they often did this kind of thing, it didn't mean that they were willing to do it. How could they spare him when they finally got the chance?

As for Li Menglong's thoughts, it is very simple. As long as he is not allowed to pay, then anything is easy.

He felt that the expenses he had spent in the past few days had already been considerable, but he did not dare to spend any more money. It would not be easy for him to make some money.

Besides, milk is just that, there is plenty to drink at home anyway, and he is not that picky about food.

The girls sneered at Li Menglong's statement. What right did he have to complain that making money was too hard?

If girls say these things openly, they will be criticized by fans. After all, in the eyes of the public, artists' income is too easy.

It is easier for Li Menglong to make money than them. He just needs to lie at home every day, and the company will receive a steady stream of dividends into his account.

Although this can also happen to girls, it is all their hard work.

On the other hand, Li Menglong just got lucky and produced two relatively successful works. The main people making money are not the people around him.

Especially for the girls themselves, although the company's share of the work is already very low, they will indeed share part of it with Li Menglong every time they work. There is no need to doubt this.

No matter how little the money is, it is still the hard-earned money of the girls. Li Menglong can make money just by watching them sing and dance. Does he still have the right to complain?

Whenever they go for open recruitment, there will definitely be someone who is willing to pay some money to come work. Li Menglong should cherish it!

Now when he is asked to pay for a few cartons of milk, he still refuses. Is this his attitude?

"Let's unify the caliber first. How many boxes do you want together? It must be several hundred boxes. I'm not afraid of overpowering you!"

Li Menglong couldn't help complaining, these women had the nerve to speak, so weren't they afraid that they would actually buy it in anger?

Then they will have a headache. Not to mention the handling of milk, today's transportation alone is enough for them to drink a bottle. He is taking care of them!

"Tch, I don't want to take care of you. Besides, I'm not looking down on you. Otherwise, why don't you show off your strength today?"

The girls said frivolously, obviously convinced that Li Menglong would not be impulsive, and he was very cautious when it came to money.

As expected, it was similar to what the girls had guessed. Li Menglong immediately changed the topic, but what he said next made the girls a little confused.

"What did you just say? An ad for us to pick up milk?"

The girls' questions received a positive answer from Li Menglong, and that was indeed what he thought.

Don't always accuse him of being stingy. It's just a few hundred cartons of milk. Isn't there any other way he can get it?

It is said that as long as the brand is endorsed, some products will be sent over more or less, whether it is for trial use or to please, in short, they will be given, which is the default unspoken rule.

This is also the reason why girls give out gifts from time to time. The brand really gives too many gifts, and they can't use them all themselves.

And this is what Li Menglong has in mind now, to provide more conveniences to manufacturers when shooting commercials. Isn't it too much to get hundreds of boxes of milk?

Then the girls can just drink it. If he doesn’t drink a box of it every day, Li Menglong will be unhappy!

The girls also heard some sense of imagery from Li Menglong's arrogant tone. When they thought of drinking milk until they vomited, they felt inexplicably nauseated.

"Spit? That doesn't matter. You all will vomit into the bathtub together, and you can take a milk bath afterwards. Kill two birds with one stone without wasting it. How nice!"

Li Menglong is still here describing a bright future to the girls, but the girls can only think of the pungent smell in the bathtub, how disgusting!

Although they knew that Li Menglong was mostly joking, the girls did not dare to bet, just in case it was true.

So they couldn't help but test it out: "Are you the one who can endorse other advertisers if you say you want to endorse them? Don't secretly lower the price for us. You must have professional ethics!"

The girls issued a warning. In their opinion, this was Li Menglong's confidence.

They are not boasting. With their current popularity, there is no problem in endorsing any brand. Even endorsing milk is considered overkill.

In the past, it was probably because the milk manufacturers could not afford their endorsement fees, rather than because they looked down upon their popularity.

Now that Li Menglong comes up and offers a 50% discount, the manufacturer will definitely come to cooperate, otherwise he will just watch the money slip away in front of him.

They think that as long as this road is blocked, basically no corresponding manufacturers will come to them for cooperation. After all, the price is here.

Li Menglong was very happy to agree, and without waiting for the girls to ask questions, he gave his response plan.

What the girls worry about is simply that their price-performance ratio is too high, which in turn causes manufacturers that were not originally planning to cooperate to seek cooperation.

But without lowering their asking prices, they can improve their competitiveness through other means.

For example, he, a great director, can do the commercials for free, or he offers a buy-one-get-one-free deal, or he invites Yoo Jae-seok to make a cameo. In short, there are many ways to do it.

With Li Menglong's current status, there are so many things he can do, which are far beyond the expectations of the girls.

They no longer dare to continue provocation at this moment, because things are likely to develop according to Li Menglong's ideas.

After all, he doesn't have to pay anything, but the girls will suffer.

It seems that they earned an advertisement for nothing, but are they lacking advertising now? They don't want to take a bath with milk, it's too wasteful.

The dispute between the two sides finally came to an end, and the result was that the girls admitted defeat, but they were not discouraged and would find opportunities to win back in the future.

Looking at the familiar door, Kim Taeyeon also breathed a sigh of relief. She decided to be nice to Li Menglong in the next few days, because the other party had delayed her all the way.

The girls were debating with him the whole time, why did they bother to play with their mobile phones, which undoubtedly greatly delayed the time for her to explode.

Now as long as she can return to her room smoothly, then Li Menglong's contribution will be fully confirmed, and Kim Taeyeon will not forget his efforts.

However, the more critical the moment comes, the less she can panic. These are the lessons that life experience has brought to her.

So instead of running upstairs immediately, Kim Taeyeon even stayed on the first floor to extend an invitation: "It's still a little early, do you want to watch a movie together?"

"Movies? Are there any blockbusters recently? I'm an actor. Ordinary small-production movies will only stain my eyes!"

"You're not referring to that kind of movie, are you? There are so many people now and it's so inappropriate. The two of us can watch it secretly at night."

The girls' responses were all kinds of weird, which made Kim Taeyeon want to curse. Could you please make your words clear? Don't be so vague, others may misunderstand her.

"This is biased. We don't know you well, so how could we misunderstand you? We are not your fans!"

"Then I am your fan association, don't run away, come here and let me, a fan, give you a hug!"

Kim Taeyeon said seductively, opening her arms and touching around, and the living room was very lively for a while.

Li Menglong, on the other hand, stood with Xu Xian from a distance, licking his lips silently, feeling envious in his heart.

He even whispered to Kim Taeyeon to pay attention: "Don't just do it, your legs and feet should also keep up. Why don't you just throw me down and touch her casually?"

Only Xu Xian could barely hear these words. She rolled her eyes at him rather cutely. Sure enough, these were the only things on the man's mind.

Xu Xian didn't find the current scene very attractive, especially since these people had been working all day long and had cleaned the office before. They all stunk. What was there to hug?

Even if these women line up to throw themselves into his arms, Xu Xian will not hesitate to describe her as sitting in his arms.

Fortunately, the girls didn't notice the expressions of the two people here, otherwise neither of them would end well.

Since these women want to play for a while, Li Menglong and Xu Xian will naturally not be polite. They have occupied the bathrooms on the first and second floors and let them drink bath water later.

But in this way, they missed a good show, and as the absolute star of this drama, Kim Taeyeon's performance is still stable.

Perhaps the interaction with the girls was too pleasant, and Kim Taeyeon seemed like a prodigal wandering among the flowers, losing herself in the crisp smiles of the girls.

In fact, this is really not Kim Taeyeon's fault. Anyone surrounded by seven beauties would not be rational, let alone being able to have close contact with them from time to time.

In short, when Kim Taeyeon lay on the ground panting, the girls dispersed in a swarm. This "monkey trick" was very successful.

Although Kim Taeyeon took advantage of her, the advantages they took were mutual. Could it be that Kim Taeyeon escaped unscathed?

That is to say, Li Menglong was not here, otherwise they would have to cover Kim Taeyeon with a piece of clothing. They were afraid that Li Menglong would have a nosebleed after seeing this.

Kim Taeyeon didn't really care about her exposure. She just showed her belly. She even took the initiative to take a few photos. The touch was really great.

Just when she was about to show off to the group of women, she saw a terrifying scene in front of her. Yoona was sitting on the sofa and picking up her cell phone.

This was really going to kill her. Why was she so careless? Why didn't she run away and shut herself up in the room as soon as possible?

Sure enough, the word "sex" means a knife to the head. Kim Taeyeon didn't quite understand this sentence in the past, but now she finally understands that every one of them in this family is a disaster!

As the biggest disaster, Kim Taeyeon certainly can't sit still and wait for death: "Hey, Lin Yoona, hurry up and let me hug you!"

Yoona was stupidly held in Kim Taeyeon's arms, mainly because she didn't expect that this woman's physical strength was so good, didn't she feel tired?

Could it be that my charm has increased recently? This is not impossible. Sure enough, there are advantages to being young. So, can height and figure also be developed a second time?

Ignoring Yoona's daydreams, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to pick up the phone, it's easy to talk about anything.

It's just that Yoon'er is not the only girl around her. She just comforted Yoon'er and immediately pounced on Pani.

So a new round of "game" begins!

If the previous interaction was enjoyable, this moment was completely torturous for Kim Taeyeon.

Her steps were extremely heavy, she was breathing heavily, and the sweat on her forehead flowed down as if it was free.

The girls naturally noticed the fatigue of their captain, and they were puzzled. They were so tired, why didn't they take a good rest instead of playing childish games here?

There are smart people. After exploring number theory, they have discovered the root of the problem. As soon as they pick up their mobile phones, Kim Taeyeon will stumble forward no matter how tired they are.

What else is there to say? The girls looked at each other and decided to test their captain's physical limit today!

Of course, you can also take the opportunity to see how big the secret she hides is. I guess it will be interesting, right?

When the time came to a quarter of an hour, the faces of the girls were no longer so good. What a horrible thing Kim Taeyeon had done, and she didn't want them to see it.

Kim Taeyeon seemed to have just run a marathon at this moment. She was soaked with sweat and her speed was very slow, but she was holding on with her tenacious will. It was quite touching to watch.

The girls didn't plan to continue. First of all, they were afraid that Kim Taeyeon would die of exhaustion here today. They couldn't bear this responsibility.

Secondly, they couldn't suppress their curiosity. What big thing did Kim Taeyeon do? Wasn't she disbanding the team behind their backs?

And why are they afraid of them looking at their mobile phones? Could it be that everyone in the world knows this secret, and they are the only ones who are kept in the dark?

Just at this moment, Li Menglong walked out of the bathroom and left Kim Taeyeon, who might faint at any time, to his care, while the girls were scattered everywhere and scrolled through their phones.

Li Menglong naturally didn't know what happened, but judging from Kim Taeyeon's miserable condition at the moment, it looked like she had been beaten by a group of girls until now. It was too miserable to watch.

He didn't even have the intention to gloat about his misfortune, he was more pitiful. The captain was too frustrated. She should just quit.

Faced with Li Menglong's provocation, Kim Taeyeon couldn't even speak at the moment, so she could only use her eyes to tell him to go away.

However, Li Menglong ignored her. Instead, he picked up a bottle of mineral water and slowly poured it on her...nostrils like watering flowers.

This was definitely an accident. It was also the first time for him to feed someone water in this way. It was understandable that he was not aligned for a while.

But that was not the case for Kim Taeyeon. She had collapsed on the ground and sat up, coughing like crazy, with runny nose and tears and water stains on her face, looking extremely embarrassed.

Li Menglong quietly put the water next to the opponent. He should leave the show. After all, there were already people around him who couldn't wait to take over Kim Taeyeon.

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