Xu Xian thought over it in his mind and concluded that all the troubles should have been properly dealt with. To be honest, I still admire Li Menglong a little bit. Although many things seem to be caused by him, the people around him are not good people, including Xu Xian herself.

It can only be said that Li Menglong relied on his strong strength to resist the troubles of himself and everyone around him.

Although I don’t know what he thinks, but judging from his stubbornness, he should be enjoying it, right?

Xu Xian was not entirely sure, but she thought that today's troubles were enough, and Li Menglong should be satisfied.

Anyway, she didn't want to be worried anymore, so she almost stayed with Li Menglong, always keeping him in her sight.

Even if he goes to the bathroom, Xu Xian will guard the door, just to prevent him from causing trouble again.

This attitude was undoubtedly clearly conveyed to Li Menglong. Although he did not resist, he still wanted to laugh. How old is he this year?

"There is no inevitable connection between a person's maturity and age, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Anyway, just leave me alone! Don't cause me any trouble!"

Faced with Xu Xian's unceremonious advice, Li Menglong didn't know what to say. He could only say thank you to Xu Xian's "mother".

At such an old age, Li Menglong should feel happy that he can still enjoy "maternal love".

"Uh... how about you get me a glass of milk, and then..."

Even before Li Menglong finished speaking, Xu Xian was already taking action. Isn't this execution too terrifying?

Besides, he didn't really want to drink milk. The second half of the sentence was the key point. He wanted Xu Xian to hold him and feed him.

If you look at it in context, this is indeed a joke, but when you say it alone, it changes the taste a bit.

So what can Li Menglong do? Just drink milk honestly. This is the first time he knows that milk is still sold on the first floor, and it can also be heated and added with sugar.

It's really comfortable to drink this hot drink.

At the same time, Li Menglong discovered something was wrong: "Why can't I remember the last time I drank milk? Is there something wrong with my brain again?"

Because Li Menglong is considered a person with a past medical condition, girls have always been very concerned about memory.

However, the expression on Xu Xian's face at this moment was a bit complicated: "Don't talk about you, I can't even remember it myself."

There is no problem with Xu Xian's memory. The reason why she can't remember is simply because it is too far away in time and they rarely drink milk.

As for why, there doesn't seem to be any special reason, it's just that I don't have this habit.

They either drink water or coffee at home, and the occasional drink is vegetable juice made by Xu Xian, which seems to leave little room for milk.

Except for some time when Yoona bought some for special reasons, it seems that no one has purchased them on a large scale.

But what Li Menglong said makes sense. Milk is very nutritious. As for sugar and fat, it seems that it is not unacceptable.

So when Li Menglong suggested to prepare some at home, although Xu Xian felt that it was not necessary, there was no reason to refuse.

After all, Li Menglong is also a member of the family. No matter what they eat on weekdays, he will follow them unconditionally.

Now that it’s rare to tell him the food he wants, is it possible that Xu Xian still wants to stop him?

"Well, I will remember it, so can you work with peace of mind? If you don't work, there will be no milk to drink!"

Xu Xian also slightly manipulated the opponent. Although the threat was very limited, Li Menglong didn't have much willingness to resist.

As a result, the two of them cooperated very well and worked quietly until the end of the day.

Xu Xian has already sorted out his work plan half an hour in advance, including today's work progress and tomorrow's work arrangements.

Despite all the things that happened today, it seems that everyone is making good progress. It turns out that concentration is the ultimate skill at work.

Compared with the situation where you work for ten minutes and fish for half an hour, there is no doubt that the work efficiency here is much higher.

Xu Xian thought that one day she would ask Li Menglong for advice on this issue alone. Even if she could only learn half of it in the end, she would be satisfied.

Who knows that she has contributed to this, and her existence is an important part of creating this "miracle".

Not to mention her celebrity status, as a buffer between Li Menglong and everyone, she is undoubtedly quite qualified.

Otherwise, under a pervert like Li Menglong who wants to work overtime all night every day, it would be difficult for everyone to survive until now.

As expected, today was another day saved by Xu Xian. As the time approached, Xu Xian led everyone to count down together.

And it's not like counting down to tens of seconds. Xu Xian started counting down from more than 200 seconds frantically. She wasn't afraid that everyone wouldn't be able to keep up?

But this was because Li Menglong was overthinking. With Xu Xian's own influence and the emotional blessing of getting off work, everyone would only become more fanatical.

If Li Menglong hadn't disagreed, they could have started counting down from the moment they got to work in the afternoon. Would you like to give it a try?

The shouts of this group of people even faintly spread throughout the entire company, and more and more people started shouting with them.

In the end, even the girls hiding in the recording studio were alarmed. You know, the soundproofing here is professional-grade.

Of course, this had a lot to do with the fact that they were not working. They opened the door almost immediately and joined the shouting army.

As the countdown reached zero, the entire company completely exploded. This pure joy was undoubtedly the most touching.

If it weren't for the wrong environment, Kim Taeyeon and the others would have thought they were holding a concert.

However, the concert cannot be held, but there is still no problem with the meet-and-greet.

I don’t know who was the first to bump fists with Kim Taeyeon. Maybe it was because Kim Taeyeon happened to be standing at the door, or maybe they accidentally collided while passing by.

In short, Kim Taeyeon and the others stood in a row in the corridor for no apparent reason, like elementary school students who were punished by their teacher.

However, it was different from the forced standing posture of primary school students. Although they were leaning against the wall, they politely extended a fist and held their wrist with the other hand, otherwise it would be sore.

People after get off work would bump fists with them one by one as they passed by, and say some ordinary but sincere words in passing.

Some praised their beauty, and some invited them to have dinner together in the evening. The most outrageous thing was to warn them not to do live broadcasts in private, otherwise everyone would have to work overtime!

Kim Taeyeon really wanted to say that it was all Li Menglong's coquettish manipulation, and they themselves were very honest.

But this kind of problem is very troublesome to explain. Besides, everyone is in order now. If we stop for no reason, it will not delay people's time from get off work.

Perhaps this was the smoothest and calmest meeting they had ever experienced, because the "fans" were very calm and had no desire to have too much contact with them.

Although it’s not appropriate to say this, if every meeting can be so worry-free, then Kim Taeyeon and the others wouldn’t mind holding a few more meetings every year.

It might not even take ten minutes from the end of the countdown to the time when the third floor is empty.

This also includes the colleagues who ran up from downstairs. Although more people chose to leave directly, there were still some people who couldn't resist their charm.

However, these people are easy to distinguish. They are often new employees of the company, or they come from the branch to do business.

After sending everyone off, Kim Taeyeon and the others felt a sense of accomplishment, but now it's their turn to get off work. Is there anyone who wants to see them off too?

There is no one to give it to, but if you want to leave together, you can wait a while.

Of course, if they are willing to help, Li Menglong and Xu Xian will thank them, so what is their choice?

"We'll wait for you on the first floor. You two, hurry up!"

Facing the invitations from Li Menglong and Xu Xian, the girls refused simply because they didn't want to help.

Besides, it seemed like something was wrong no matter how you looked at it, otherwise why would the two of them stay here mopping the floor after everyone got off work?

You must know that these are all done by dedicated people. Even if it doesn't work, the other colleagues can take turns to do it. No matter how you look at it, it won't be their turn.

No matter whether they want to exercise or show off their integrity here, they are not accompanying them.

However, they felt that leaving like this was a bit rude, so Yoona was left behind with a sad face.

Do they misunderstand themselves? She is not that willing to work, she would rather go downstairs to rest together.

But it was too late to say anything now, unless she could get Li Menglong's permission, but before she could speak, a broom was thrown over.

"Remember to sprinkle some water on it, otherwise it will be just dust."

Li Menglong did not forget to remind him that after all, girls look like the kind of people who are not diligent, especially Yoona.

"Yeah, don't slander me. I haven't done enough work yet? I've cleaned the rooms for those women countless times."

Yoona held her head high and responded with dignity, but why was this memory so sad? She felt like crying for no reason. What kind of life have they been living these years.

Seeing Yoona sinking into memories of the past, Li Menglong didn't step forward to disturb her, as long as it didn't delay her work.

As for why he and Xu Xian were cleaning here, it was certainly not for personal image reasons. The two of them were quite pragmatic.

The reason why I stayed to clean was just because of a small accident.

Xu Xian wanted to print a document temporarily, but the printer happened to be out of ink, so she volunteered to replace the ink cartridge.

Next was Xu Xian's magical operation. Don't ask her how she did it. Anyway, the ink cartridge she replaced exploded.

There wasn't much damage, but the floor was covered in dark marks.

Although he and Xu Xian could just leave, the little girl Xu Xian still has a strong sense of responsibility.

It was obviously their fault, so naturally it was the two of them who had to end it, they were so upright!

Li Menglong didn't have any resistance to Xu Xian forcibly joining him. Being able to make mistakes with Xu Xian was considered an honor to a certain extent.

When Li Menglong shared this experience with Yoona, what he got was a "perverted" comment.

It's hard for Yoona to understand his perverted thoughts. How can it be related to honor?

If it can be understood this way, is Li Menglong considered a double honor at this moment?

Listening to the noise of the two people, Xu Xian had nothing in his hands. She always felt that the two people were deliberately lazy.

But let them go this time. After all, it’s interesting enough for them to stay, so they’re not like those women who can run faster than anyone else.

Regarding Xu Xian's evaluation, Yoona wholeheartedly agrees with her. They are indeed so indifferent.

If the maknae of another group were Yoona and Seohyun, they might be spoiled.

When they arrived, they were always ordered to do groceries. Aren't they afraid of being struck by lightning?

"Then you have to stay away from us, otherwise it won't be appropriate if we hit you."

After hearing Kim Taeyeon's cold voice, Yoona's body stiffened a bit.

When did they come? Why doesn't anyone remind me? Could it be that all this is a conspiracy against himself?

No matter what Yoona thought, Kim Taeyeon took the lead and walked in with a mop, and the girls behind her also carried tools.

Although they said they were going to the first floor to rest, how could they really watch two little girls working here? They couldn't rest well.

As for Li Menglong, that guy deserves all his work, so he didn't come to help him.

So after they made a joke, they went to the first floor to borrow equipment. After all, there were many of them.

As a result, as soon as they came up, they heard Yoona talking nonsense and daring to curse them here. The children have really grown up.

The girls didn't react excessively, but when they passed by her, they either straightened her collar or lightly shaved her face.

All in all, the movements were very gentle, as if they didn't care.

But this appearance was just for deceiving outsiders. Let alone Yoona who grew up with them, Li Menglong didn't believe it.

These women have nothing to do with words like broad-mindedness, so it is more appropriate to interpret their current actions as threats.

Yoona obviously agrees with Li Menglong's point of view. Her legs are shaking and leaving afterimages. Are you afraid of being like this?

Faced with Li Menglong's teasing, Yoona rarely refuted, because now the focus is to please the girls.

But no matter what Yoona said, those women still acted like close sisters, and their smiles looked fake.

Yoona really wanted to let them give her a good time, so she should stop being so hypocritical.

It's just that she doesn't dare to say this kind of thing at all, because she wants the girls to have fun, otherwise her pain will be doubled.

So she can only maintain her "clown" posture here, constantly showing anxiety and uneasiness. She is really disabled.

Xu Xian has no desire to participate in the interaction between this group of people, but she still has to admit one thing, that is, there is strength in numbers, and cleaning is very fast!

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