The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2975 Ward Round

"The relationship between the two of us is good, so I don't need to worry about you, an outsider."

Xu Xian responded politely, but did his words taste like green tea?

Li Shunkyu's eyes were full of confusion. She had not heard this kind of tea-scented conversation for many years.

After all, as her identity continues to change, there are not many women who have the qualifications and courage to say these things to her.

After Leng Buding heard it, she still felt a little nostalgic. At the same time, she was searching in her memory. How should she deal with such words?

"Outsiders? Li Menglong and I are not outsiders. We both know the basics very well. Do you need me to describe the details to you?"

Li Soonkyu started to talk about dirty jokes. Although it was just the beginning, Xu Xian couldn't bear it anymore.

She just had a flash of inspiration and had no follow-up thoughts. Unexpectedly, Li Shunkyu still has a sword that is not old, and his fighting power is still very powerful.

In this way, she, as a younger sister, would be relieved and would not have to worry about Li Menglong being seduced by those bad women outside.

Regarding Xu Xian's concern, Lee Soon Kyu said it was quite unnecessary. She didn't even have this confidence, so was she still Lee Soon Kyu?

After a simple interaction, the two finally talked about the original topic, which was Li Menglong's whereabouts.

"I don't know. He said he needed a rest, so he left the work to me, and then disappeared."

Xu Xian complained, and even asked Lee Soon Kyu to help find him. This work was still a bit heavy for Xu Xian.

Although it's not impossible to finish after being tired, but why?

This is not a project that she is responsible for. She is just following along to learn. Don't think about throwing all the trouble to her. She, Xu Xian, doesn't do this.

The answer he got from Xu Xian was not very satisfactory. Li Soonkyu even suspected that this little girl was deceiving her, and maybe he had discussed it with Li Menglong in advance.

With the relationship between these two people, it is not impossible to happen, but in this way, Xu Xian's previous warning seems to be valid.

After thinking about this, Lee Soon Kyu laughed out loud, and then put all these thoughts aside.

When falling in love in this circle, the most important thing is to trust each other.

This is actually more of a test for Lee Mong-ryong. After all, Lee Soon-kyu's appearance and popularity lie here.

Even if those scandals are not mentioned, Lee Soon Kyu's various sexy performances on stage alone are enough for ordinary men to drink.

But Li Menglong didn't react at all. Li Soonkyu even thought that he was not attractive enough to arouse the other person's jealousy.

However, after getting along for a long time, she realized that it was not that Li Menglong was not jealous, but that Li Menglong cared more about her and was more willing to trust her.

And trust is mutual, and Lee Soon Kyu is also very indulgent towards him. It can only be said that the way the two of them get along is the envy of many people.

Of course, this is just a beautiful part of the relationship between the two, and there shouldn't be too many shocking things, such as Lee Soon Kyu happily going back to add fuel to the fire.

In Xu Xian's description, she didn't even know what Li Menglong was doing, but after Li Soonkyu's retelling, everyone came to the conclusion that Li Menglong was running away.

This conclusion sounds very absurd, and anyone with some sense should not believe it, but who said they were girls.

"He must have heard about our arrival, so he was afraid!"

"Yun'er, you don't have to ask us to come over, just tell us our names. How dare he say anything wrong?"

"Remember the benefits you promised us, otherwise we will let Li Menglong bite you!"

In the words of the girls, Li Menglong has become a "dog" in their hands, and he will bite anyone they ask!

Yoona was naturally doubtful in her heart. Countless facts in the past reminded her that Li Menglong was not afraid of them to this extent.

To use a simple analogy, is she, Lin Yoona, afraid of Li Menglong? Judging from the previous results, it is undoubtedly scary!

But is she, Lin Yoona, afraid of girls? It depends on the situation. In most cases, she is not very afraid.

So it can be inferred that Li Menglong has almost no reason to be afraid of girls, and she, Lin Yoona, is the variable between the two.

But these suspicions cannot be expressed, otherwise it would be a spoiler of fun. Although she is not afraid of them, Yoona does not want to attract any more powerful enemies to herself, especially when Li Menglong's side is not yet clear.

The girls don't care much about Yoona's attitude. As long as the gifts are in place, she is free to think whatever she wants.

On the contrary, they were very sorry that Li Shungui could escape. They were still waiting to see Li Menglong fight.

The result was a big disappointment. If they had known that there was no danger inside, they would have stepped forward without hesitation. How could Lee Soon Kyu be better than others?

But there is no need to say these hindsight words. Apart from making Lee Soon Kyu go berserk, will it bring any benefits?

Although it is a bit regretful, the result is considered good. At least there is no subsequent crisis, and there is no need to fight Li Menglong for Yoona.

So they walked to the third floor with brisk steps. Once here, they had to face a new choice.

In theory, there are many places they can go. In addition to the recording room, Li Enxi's office and their practice room are all options.

In fact, they shouldn't hesitate. Work has started downstairs. After eating and drinking and resting all morning, do they have any reason to miss work?

But they slowed down in the corridor. Everyone's thoughts were clear, but no one wanted to be the one who took the lead.

They tested each other silently. Although they were so good-looking, the expressions on their faces were slightly vulgar.

Can they stop squandering their looks? Fans will be so sad that they cry when they see it.

The person who took the initiative to take this step did not appear after all. No one wanted to be this sinner. Even if they would not be exposed, they would not be able to pass their own test!

Everyone wants to work hard, but in the end, I am the only one who wants to be lazy. This makes me feel like I am not a human being.

Faced with a situation that could collapse at any time, they are quite experienced in handling it.

It doesn't matter if there are no volunteers, even if they are passive, as long as someone takes this step, it will be fine.

Anyway, when it comes time to share responsibilities, activeness and passivity are not so important.

So at a certain moment, without any signal or rehearsal, the girls extended their sinful hands to each other.

At this time, it is not only the dodge skills that are tested, but also the attack power of each, and even the direction after being pushed.

In short, these girls are like the pins in bowling. They were originally standing in a very regular position, but the next second their center exploded and everyone fell in all directions.

Kim Taeyeon got up from the ground. She didn't care about the pain in her body now. The first thing she confirmed was her position.

After ensuring her own safety, she looked to the front. At this moment, Pani was crying and trying to crawl back.

But Xiuying and Lee Soonkyu who fell behind her tried their best to stop her with their long legs. Pani had better accept her bad luck.

As for who pushed Pani so far away with so much force, it seems that there is no need to go into it, as it can easily hurt feelings.

But Pani's eyes revealed everything. No matter where Kim Taeyeon went, Pani looked at her with resentment, like a girl abandoned by a scumbag.

And Kim Taeyeon, like most scumbags, does not feel the slightest sense of guilt for what she has done, and even plans to renew her relationship with Pani if ​​Paniken agrees.

Under the leadership of Pani, the girls chose the practice room as their final resting place among many places, mainly because it was familiar there and there were no outsiders.

After all, it’s already working hours, and there aren’t many people who can take a break from their busy schedule like them. Do you really think that all the company’s wages are in vain?

But they miscalculated this time. Pani was a little aggrieved because she was at the front, but when she pushed the door, she almost broke her arm.

"Ah, who is so unethical? Why did you lock the door?"

Pani kicked the door with her feet and roared angrily, while the girls behind her also shared the same hatred and supported Pani from behind.

It's not that they are being too pretentious, this is their practice room in name, and in theory no one should come in except them.

Of course, this kind of domineering behavior was not in line with their character, so they generously gave up the practice room.

In this way, everyone in the company has an extra place to take a nap or have a meeting.

But locking the door is too much, especially in front of them, they have the right to question!

But they didn't want to go too far. After a while, the people inside opened the door and apologized to them.

But their plan quickly fell through. Not to mention apologizing, they didn't even open the door for anyone who came over. What's going on?

The brains of young girls have been poisoned by countless romance novels and idol dramas. Many classic plots immediately flashed through their minds.

It even includes a few slightly colorful ones, such as a pair of crazy men and women complaining to each other, and then can't help themselves.

When they thought of this, they banged on the door even harder, trying to block this couple.

There are no rules in the company against dating within the company, so is it so sneaky?

They would give their most sincere blessings to the newlyweds today, and it would not be impossible to sing a congratulatory song on the spot.

This is really too embarrassing. If you want to invite them to sing at the wedding, it is no longer a matter of money, it depends on the personal relationship.

And you can't just have a good relationship with one of them, you have to make friends with at least half of them to have any hope.

As a result, they took the initiative to sing today, so let’s ask the people inside if they were moved!

With the enthusiasm of the girls, there was finally movement inside, but why was it so slow? Are you shy?

"Please stop hiding. We will search the room thoroughly after we enter. I advise you to confess as soon as possible?"

"Are you so shameless? We are not wild beasts, we will keep it a secret for you!"

"Is there something unspeakable? Don't worry, we don't value gender that much. As long as it is true love, we will bless you!"

The girls really dared to say anything just to watch the fun. Maybe one of the words touched each other, and finally heard the sound of the door opening.

The girls were all very excited at the moment, gesturing to each other, waiting for the door to open and they would rush in swarm.

However, when the door opened, they seemed to be frozen, and they all froze in place without making any movement.

Moreover, the originally red face slowly turned pale, and time seemed to have frozen. If you listen carefully, you can still hear the sound of their teeth clashing.

The most exaggerated one among them was Yoona. This little girl could no longer stand still. She slowly sat on the ground while holding on to the wall.

However, from this perspective, Li Menglong's figure is even more oppressive.

"What's wrong? Didn't you yell before that you wanted to come in and show me a good look? You also said that there was someone hiding in me, so you are here to catch someone raping me?"

Li Menglong asked with a dark face and a hoarse voice, but wasn't this just a misunderstanding? The girls really wanted to explain it to him.

But when the words came to their lips, they all swallowed them down in unison, because it sounded too much like quibbles.

From Li Menglong's perspective, there was nothing wrong with his anger. That was exactly what they were yelling about.

But there is one thing to say, they are not that stupid. Even if Li Menglong is really messing around outside behind their backs, he is not in the company.

There aren't many people in the company who are willing to tip off the girls. Does Li Menglong think it's not exciting enough, so he wants to experience the pleasure of failure?

But now that the topic has reached this point, they seem to have no qualifications to speak. Several people made room, and Li Shunkyu, who was originally at the back, was let out.

Although she no longer had any expectations for the girls' humanity, Lee Soon Kyu still didn't expect that they would betray their sisters so easily. She really misjudged them.

But should she ask Pani? She wouldn't have forgotten what they did to Pani a few minutes ago, right?

In short, this is a self-inflicted process. Lee Soon Kyu cannot blame others. Besides, this is a topic that does not allow them to participate. Otherwise, Lee Soon Kyu may not be able to take action.

Being forced to stand at the front, as the nominal leader of the "rape catching" brigade, she really had to give an explanation, otherwise Li Menglong would be too aggrieved.

"Would you like to come in and take a look? Maybe there really is a woman."

Seeing that Li Soonkyu hadn't figured out how to fool him, Li Menglong simply took the initiative to tease him.

But why is he expressionless when he speaks? Even if he is more fierce, it would be good, but now he is frightening the girls.

Not to mention the girls who were watching the show, Li Shunkyu himself felt very guilty: "That's not necessary, I still believe in you."

Lee Soon Kyu showed an awkward and polite smile. Can this answer be deceived?

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