Xu Xian ran very fast all the way, and she was afraid that if she slowed down a little, it would affect Yoona's image. She was doing this for Yoona's good.

Think about it, once there are news about girls fighting among themselves and Yoona beating her own maknae in the street, how will Yoona make money in the future?

Xu Xian really had good intentions, but instead of being grateful, Yoona always tried to catch her, and even pretended to ask her to stop and wait for him.

Not only was Xu Xian not stupid, but she was also very smart, so in order to prevent the two of them from chasing each other from being seen by more people, she ran towards the company without saying a word.

This place is undoubtedly a dangerous place for Yun'er at this moment. Even if Yun'er has the courage to do so, she wouldn't dare to come here. Otherwise, do you think Li Menglong is just a bastard?

As for Xu Xian herself, although there is a certain danger, she doesn't mind making some sacrifices for the sake of Yoona's reputation.

Standing at the door and leaning on his knees, Xu Xian panted and looked at Yoona in the distance: "Unnie, hurry up and catch me. If you catch me, I will let you..."

Yoona feels that Xu Xian has become bad. If she comes here, it is considered smart, but who taught her the provocation now? Looks pretty mean.

In order not to let this little girl continue to be proud, and of course not to attract Li Menglong's attention, Yoona could only slowly retreat into the shadows behind her.

She originally wanted to give Xu Xian two middle fingers, but considering the cameras and fans everywhere around her, she endured it.

"Running away now? It's really boring."

Xu Xian said with unfinished meaning, whether it was the provocation or the running itself, she was not done yet. She could still run five kilometers with Yoona.

But Yoona obviously didn't intend to accompany her, so unless Seohyun went to exercise on her own, she would have no choice but to go back to the company and face Lee Mong-ryong.

Comparing the two, it seems that running is a more enjoyable choice.

Xu Xian is not such a perverted person. Enjoying pain and praising suffering have never been her cup of tea. She prefers to do things that make herself happy.

But when she turned sideways and planned to run two more laps around the company, she suddenly saw Li Menglong's face.

How should I describe it? If Xu Xian wasn't familiar enough with Li Menglong, she might not be able to recognize him at this moment.

Li Menglong's face seemed like a flattened pie, and his expression was extremely distorted. What was wrong with him?

Xu Xian rubbed her eyes vigorously, and her feet were not idle. She had already run several steps away. She was afraid that she would be caught by Li Menglong.

After all, the distance is too close, and the other person can reach out and touch him.

But she soon realized what was going on. There was a thick layer of glass between Li Menglong and her.

No wonder Li Menglong's expression was so funny. So he wanted to squeeze out of the glass?

After confirming his safety, Xu Xian was finally able to judge the situation at the scene, especially whether he wanted to go running.

But she didn't give her much time to hesitate, because Li Menglong inside was already waving to her. Did he want to chat with her?

Although she and Li Menglong talked about everything, they had to divide their time, and now was obviously not a good time.

So Xu Xian pretended not to understand what the other party meant and just used various body movements to communicate with Li Menglong.

It can't be said that Xu Xian is pretending, because she really can't hear Li Menglong speak.

At a certain moment, Xu Xian saw Li Menglong's mouth wide open with a ferocious expression, and the rest of the people in the store also looked over.

Xu Xian silently restored the scene. It seems that Li Menglong shouted very loudly, but the sound insulation effect of this glass is too good, right?

From a distance, the landlady came over and scolded Li Menglong with her finger. As for how Xu Xian knew, it was obvious.

Li Menglong lowered his head and remained silent. Is there any other possibility?

But she was not happy for long, because Li Menglong motioned for her to stand where she was, and he ran out. He wanted to have a good chat with the little girl.

This time she has to give up her plan of running completely, because if she runs in this situation, her treatment will be the same as Yoona.

The key is that she didn't make such a serious mistake herself, and she didn't want to make herself unhappy.

So Li Menglong, who came out from behind the glass, was finally able to touch Xu Xian, but this touch looked more like punishment.

I saw Li Menglong pinching Xu Xian's cheeks with both hands, and then pulling hard on both sides. Huh, now both of them have a dark history of big face.

How dare Xu Xian resist? If this can calm Li Menglong, Yoona may want to come over and give it a try.

"Huh, it's not good to be seen. I'll let you go for now. Why were you running before?"

Li Menglong was still moving his fingers when he spoke, as if he was reminiscing about the previous touch. This abnormal movement made Xu Xian cover his cheek subconsciously.

Just let him pinch you once in a while, don’t push yourself too far!

As for his question, Xu Xian naturally had already thought of the reason: "I am not running away, but trying to find out the truth of the matter for you. I have already found out who is behind the scenes!"

"Who else could it be? Besides Yoona, it would be Lee Eun-hee."

Hearing the answer given by Li Menglong, Xu Xian nodded secretly. Now she was not betraying Yoona. Li Menglong had figured out all this by himself.

However, I originally wanted to get some benefits from him based on this news, but now it seems that it has become a luxury hope.

But if one piece of news fails, she can continue to betray the second piece of news.

If Yoona saw all this, she would probably come up and strangle this little girl to death.

However, Xu Xian also had something to say. It was difficult to keep this information secret. Li Menglong would find out sooner or later, and then there would be no benefit at all.

It's better to tell Li Menglong early while there is some value in exchange for some benefits.

As for whether these news will have an impact on Yoona's plans, Seohyun can only say that the impact is quite limited.

It's not that she looks down on Yoon-ah and those sisters, but no matter how sophisticated their plans are, they always end up in a fight with Li Menglong.

So Xu Xian wanted to persuade them many times. If he had time to make plans, it would be better to go directly to Li Menglong for a fight. At least it would be more direct.

"Kim Taeyeon and the others also want to come over and interfere? They are really not afraid of death!"

Li Menglong said lightly, and then stopped asking any more questions. This made Xu Xian very wary. Is this going to be a big deal?

Xu Xian really wanted to persuade those women not to come over, even if he missed work all afternoon.

But Yoona and the girls probably didn't appreciate it. They didn't see Li Menglong's sinister expression at this moment, and they didn't think they would lose.

We can only let them hit the wall. I hope it won't hurt too much, otherwise Xu Xian will not help laughing. She is really looking forward to seeing that scene.

Although it was a bit betrayal to think so, she was really willing to see these women suffer misfortune as long as justice was not involved. They always bullied her.

This is all retribution! Deserve it!

But according to Xu Xian's understanding, she was acting as a traitor, and Li Menglong should have been prepared in advance, but why did he seem to be doing everything as usual.

Xu Xian really didn't understand, but she didn't give random advice. She had betrayed the girls, so she shouldn't continue to get stuck in the quagmire.

There is still room for explanation. If we go deeper, she might become Li Menglong's accomplice. What if the girls win?

Although it doesn't sound good to be a wallflower, it can indeed effectively avoid possible risks, and Xu Xian had to bow to reality.

Sure enough, people will eventually live a life they hate!

Li Menglong was very normal here. He ate, chatted, and went to work. Except for the awkwardness in the chatting stage, the rest was very natural.

The embarrassing thing is that the group of people never talk about winning the lottery. It would be fine if Li Menglong really won the lottery, but now he is infinitely close to paying for their benefits himself.

Xu Xian was very nervous for a time. She was afraid that Li Menglong would lose his mind and then attack everyone present in all directions.

This is really not good. After all, it is all their internal conflicts, and the colleagues in the company are relatively innocent.

Fortunately, the worst outcome did not happen. Of course, it was because of Xu Xian's control. She forcibly changed the topic several times.

Even though she was a little rude, she couldn't care less about it now. She was saving the other person's life!

While Seohyun was struggling to support himself, Yoona finally found her own support. Seven people came out of a car in a hurry, looking very impressive.

Yoona was already ready, standing at the door of the restaurant like a doorman, bowing at 90 degrees to say hello: "Thank you for your hard work, I have already ordered the dishes for you. I hope you enjoy your meal!"

This submissive attitude almost frustrates the girls. What is going on with this little girl? Why is she so polite?

This politeness makes everyone a little scared. They are familiar with Yoona and can basically judge the trouble she causes by how polite she is.

If it's just back-slapping and flattery, they think they can still bear it, but the current scene is so big, are they sure their little shoulders won't be crushed?

"Don't worry, Ernies. It's not that troublesome. We just need to get some pocket money from Li Menglong."

Yoona pretended to be relaxed and said that these were all the words she had prepared in advance to paralyze these women.

And sure enough, they were not so vigilant. If the trouble was limited to Li Menglong's pocket money, it would be much simpler.

So everyone immediately became more arrogant: "What did you order? I tell you, I won't eat anything too cheap!"

"Don't do seafood, not even lobster. I've been feeling angry lately, so just eat some beef!"

"What? And a souvenir after the meal? You are too polite. The gift must not be too expensive, just a few million, otherwise we will be embarrassed to take it."

The girls' teasing made Yoona want to break up. How could they have the nerve to make so many excessive demands?

However, considering Li Menglong's accumulated anger, Yoona finally endured it and secretly calculated how much this process would cost.

In fact, that's all the girls say, can they really bankrupt their family's second wife?

When they saw the pork chop rice on the table, they were not picky. Even the one who got angry ate it deliciously. The only thing worthy of special attention was that the seven of them ate a total of thirty pieces of fried pork chop.

Yoona was trembling with fear as she watched from the sidelines. She was really not afraid of spending money, it was just fried pork chops. Even if they were dying here, it was still a small amount of money for her.

What scares her is the calories that come with fried pork chops. Is this considered high-calorie?

That is to say, Xu Xian is not here, otherwise this little girl will probably go crazy. What should I do?

When I think about when the movie started filming, they were asked to lose weight because they were too fat, that scene seemed a bit exciting.

But that's not what Yoona should consider. After all, she is just a small actress, and those extra things are the director's responsibility to worry about.

So Yoona ordered a few extra cups of milk tea for these women so that they could fully absorb the calories and sugar.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to work. Yoona is not the kind of heartless landowner. She is very kind to her subordinates.

I was very satisfied with the food. All the girls were smiling happily. Some of them were even picking their teeth and burping. I couldn't take a closer look at the image for a while.

If Li Menglong was here, he would probably want to expose them. I don't know what he was thinking. He always wanted fans to see their more "real" side in private.

But as a member of the girls, Yoona pays great attention to maintaining the image of the girls.

It would be wonderful if they broke up with each other. It probably wouldn't even take a day before they could think about their life after retirement.

After eating and drinking, we can get down to business: "Onies, let's go?"

Yoona said rather uneasily, she was not sure what would happen next, but she hoped it would be a good thing.

But these lazy women who just farted on the spot had no intention of taking any action, and even pretended not to hear her words.

This scene gave Yoona an unknown premonition in her heart. What did they mean? Do you want to turn against others?

"Don't say it so harshly. It's not that we are not human beings first, it's you who is deceiving us by treating us as fools!"

Kim Taeyeon motioned for Pani to come over and rub her neck. Maybe her neck was very stiff because her posture was wrong when she went back to sleep.

But Pani only gave her a blank look in return. When she was in a good mood, she wouldn't mind helping, but now that they had just eaten, everyone wanted to rest.

Not getting the response she expected from Pani, Kim Taeyeon wasn't discouraged. Anyway, she just gave it a try. What if she succeeded?

Besides, Yoona's response was very exciting. The little girl's face was so red that she looked quite happy.

"Ah, what do you mean? Do you know something? You should tell me!"

"Uh...how about you take a guess?"

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