The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2967: Solitary Favorite

Facing the various hints from these women, Li Menglong always felt particularly speechless.

He is a man who is too simple to integrate into the conversation of these women. Should he take the time to reflect on himself?

He simply thought that the color of Yoona's socks was brighter, and he wanted to change the style of his own socks, but when it came to their lips, it was as if he was a mutant.

What about knee socks? Are those something normal men would wear? Besides, he wasn't sure it was available in his size.

After all, his calves were far less slender than those of girls, and he was afraid that his socks would burst.

But Yoona spoke plausibly: "Don't talk nonsense. You are still an artist, and you have to have a professional sense. How can you be sure that no man is wearing this? Don't worry about being scolded!"

In a senior manner, Yoona patted Li Menglong on the shoulder and warned him with sincerity.

This word itself is indeed a good thing, but many artists have had serious consequences because they have no control over their words.

In fact, those words themselves are nothing, and no one would pay attention to them at all when it comes to ordinary people, but who makes them artists?

And the more popular the artist is, the more people will deliberately search for their previous statements. If they can find an ambiguous sentence, it will become fatal evidence.

Therefore, artists are really careful when speaking in front of the camera. They would rather be mute than provide evidence to the bad guys.

Many companies have also realized this, so they have opened courses to provide necessary guidance to artists. Among them, Li Menglong's speech belongs to the most dangerous level.

The problem is not the socks themselves. Speaking of this level of "perversion", maybe it will really attract fans. Fans are actually quite philanthropic.

The dangerous point is that he insists on being a man. In ordinary people's consciousness, it is really difficult to associate knee-high socks with men. It feels awkward no matter how you think about it.

There is absolutely no problem for ordinary people to say this. On the contrary, it can prove that their three views are relatively normal.

But there are always some people who like to find faults, and the topic of gender is definitely a minefield for artists to speak.

How does Li Menglong know that men don't like to wear this? Can he represent all men? He is discriminating against some men, and he must be held responsible for it!

As for the specific responsibility, it depends on the company's public relations. Anyway, the girls think it should be quite serious.

Li Menglong is not an unreasonable person. Since what Yoona said is reasonable, he will agree with it, but he still feels that there is nothing wrong with his words.

He really couldn't imagine a man wearing socks that went above his knees. Did he really want to die in society?

At this time, Xu Xian quietly handed over the phone, and Li Menglong was dumbfounded.

In the picture above, there are not only men wearing knee-high socks, but also skirts. Although they are a group of foreigners, they are dressed quite generously and have no intention of covering up.

"Is this a local custom? We are not talking about the same thing!"

Li Menglong's tone was extremely weak. This was a sign of lack of confidence. He felt that at least this time, Yoona and the others' accusations and teachings were quite correct.

Although I'm not sure whether I will publicly say similar words in the future, I think Quan was saved by Yoona and the others.

"Well, you can still listen to other people's suggestions. This proves that you can still be saved. I'm really happy!"

"Then we have given you free lessons, so the cost of this breakfast will be waived."

"Everyone just helps each other from now on. It hurts our feelings to always ask for money for anything."

The girls completely destroyed Li Menglong's original plan in just a few words. As the one who took the lead, Yoona really felt a sense of accomplishment.

Although there were many accidents during the process, at least the result was good. She, Lin Yoona, saved the world again!

In fact, the girls were a little suspicious of unnecessary efforts at this moment. After all, the food had already been eaten by them. If they didn't want to give them money, what could Li Menglong do to them?

If it was just one or two, Li Menglong could still give it a try, but now it was the whole team of girls who came to eat the Overlord meal.

I don’t know what other restaurants will do when faced with this situation. Anyway, Li Menglong has no good solution.

He could only think of other ways to generate income. This had already formed in his mind before going to bed last night. To be precise, it was somewhat linked to his cooking behavior.

The reason why he got up hard to cook for them was not just because he wanted to get some food money, but he also wanted to shut the girls' mouths.

"If you really don't want to give me money, forget it, but don't bother me with anything else!"

Li Menglong's warning was met by the girls' sworn assurance that it would cost nothing to say nice things anyway, and they were not that stingy.

As for whether you will regret it after agreeing, you need to analyze the specific situation in detail, but even if you regret it, it doesn't seem to be that difficult, right?

Li Menglong should have this understanding. They don't value so-called face so much, especially if it can bring him discomfort.

So the two sides temporarily reached peace in this slightly fragile state. This peace was destined to not last for long. Did Li Menglong have this psychological expectation?

As one of the people who knows them best, how could Li Menglong not know this? He is not a free man.

So he made preparations early: "Xiaoxian and I will leave first in a while, and you can go to work in the afternoon."

These words obviously made the girls stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help but curl up their mouths. Li Menglong actually gave them a holiday?

Although it was only a half-day vacation, it came so suddenly that they were not prepared at all, and the joy it brought was too intense.

If he had given notice one day in advance, most of the girls would still be resting at this moment, sleeping for the whole morning, eating something and then going to work. It seems that there is no essential difference from getting up early.

Or is it more advantageous now, because they have an extra whole morning "out of thin air", or can they freely control it? What are they going to do?

Li Menglong had no intention of participating in their plan. Besides, they could only think about what they could do in such a short time.

As for why he gave them this holiday, it was naturally not because he saw their hard work, it was entirely to prevent them from disturbing his plans.

The plan to make money from them has failed, will they continue to block it? Let's keep some distance.

The girls were not unaware of Li Menglong's little thoughts, but who told Li Menglong to use an aboveboard conspiracy.

Even though the girls knew that he just wanted to drive them away, they still happily agreed. This holiday can't be fake.

Perhaps Xu Xian was the only one who was still guessing about Li Menglong's actions. After all, she was going to follow him. Could this mean that she had a certain position in his plan?

This is really not good news. No matter what Li Menglong wants to do, Xu Xian doesn't want to get involved. For this reason, she would rather stay at home and take a vacation together.

"How can that be done? Your job is very important. You are different from these bastards!"

Li Menglong said it very simply. Is it really appropriate to openly express what is in his heart? Isn't he afraid that those women will cause trouble?

Xu Xian felt a little guilty. Li Menglong was now like her fanatical fan, using the name of idol to attract hatred, but you must know that it was Xu Xian who paid the final bill.

I believe every artist has had the experience of being coerced and tricked by similar fans. The more popular they become, the more frequent they become. After all, if the fan base is large enough, there will always be some weirdos.

The only good thing is that Li Menglong's "fans" are a little bit special. Unlike those who only dare to have sex through the Internet cable, Li Menglong belittles the girls in front of them.

Now the responsibilities can be easily straightened out. The responsibility is all his, Li Menglong's, but the innocent people must not be affected. That's all she asked for.

But what surprised Xu Xian was that the girls didn't take the opportunity to fall out with Li Menglong. Is this because they have changed their gender? Or does Li Menglong have enough bargaining chips?

It's just a half-day holiday. They should be more reserved, otherwise they will be pinched to death by Li Menglong in the future.

But Xu Xian is a little overly worried. There are so many of them, and I dare not say that one is smarter than the other, but it is impossible for one to be stupider than the other, right?

Even if an individual's IQ is occasionally not online, the collective strength is enough to allow them to avoid many risks.

Will the conditions given by Li Menglong now become habitual conditions in the future?

Impossible, even though they are already very familiar with each other, when it comes to work, the company signs contracts very formally.

In other words, all the time Li Menglong wasted was money, and the amount was quite huge.

If Li Menglong spent the money just to invite them to come over and have a rest, then the girls would have accepted it, and it wouldn't matter what conditions he offered.

With Li Menglong's petty energy, it's not like the girls looked down on him, so he wouldn't be so grand.

Maybe he even wants to let the girls take less. Even during the contract period, he must keep squeezing their physical strength to make it as value for money as possible!

Speaking of Li Menglong's identity, he has not shown any signs of schizophrenia so far, which can be regarded as his strong nerves.

After all, his status as an agent requires him to stand on the side of the girls and work as little as possible and get more money.

But from the director's point of view, this condition is reversed. It is best not to pay the actors and invest all the funds into the picture.

How Li Menglong finds a balance between these two identities is still unknown, but it seems that he does not feel too embarrassed so far.

He probably has a set of logic that is unique to him. I can share it some other time. Everyone is so familiar with it, so don’t hide it.

Things on the girls' side came to an end for the time being, and they even took the initiative to give up the first floor, on the one hand to avoid washing dishes, and on the other hand to avoid possible conflicts between the two parties.

If this takes away all their vacations, they will really be depressed.

However, Xu Xian's fate was not so good. He accompanied Li Menglong to wash dishes and tidy up, and eventually had to carry his huge bag for him.

The things Yoona bought last night were brought back by her, but today she had to take them out intact. Is this an unnecessary move on her part?

"Don't worry, I won't return the goods. I promised Yoona. If I go back on my word, is that my style?"

Li Menglong casually comforted Xu Xian's restless heart. He thought that his character was relatively trustworthy with Xu Xian... right?

But now Xu Xian is not worried about Yoona. What she is worried about is entirely herself. Why does Li Menglong have to take her with him? What role does she play in the other party's plan?

Although Seohyun is a professional actor and knows not to choose roles, he must also see the reality behind the artist.

Just like Yoona, or simply extend to the entire idol circle who are actors across industries, any one of them will take over the role of the villain?

There may be, but at least no one Xu Xian knows does this, because it is seriously contrary to their image.

Even if they are willing 10,000 times, what about their fans?

The idol was originally sweet and cute, but after meeting again through a TV series, he found that the other person had become a perverted murderer? Most fans will not be able to accept it.

Therefore, most of the artists who work in different industries can only take some positive roles, and even intimate scenes must be carefully considered.

Xu Xian naturally had the same concerns, especially since Li Menglong drove the car directly to the door of the company. It seemed that everything next would happen inside the company.

This is even more terrifying. Apart from complaining a few words online, it is difficult for ordinary fans to cause any specific harm to artists.

But the company is full of colleagues who work together. Unless Xu Xian doesn't plan to come to the company to work in the future, he will have to see each other almost every day.

Once her image in the hearts of this group of people fluctuates, what will Xu Xian do in the future? She had accumulated this with great effort. Li Menglong couldn't drag her into the water for no reason!

"Don't worry, how could I be so bad? I just need some small things for you to cooperate with. It's really small and won't take up too much of your time."

Li Menglong was still fooling here, but Xu Xian didn't really believe it. Anyway, she had planned it. If the situation went bad, she would definitely run away immediately.

I would rather offend Li Menglong than lose points in the eyes of everyone. This account is still easy to settle. It shouldn't be too easy to increase Li Menglong's favorability.

Silently saying sorry to Li Menglong, Xu Xian began to follow him step by step, while constantly wondering what Li Menglong needed her to do.

Ignoring the complicated thoughts of the little girl behind him, he had a clear conscience. It was really just a trivial matter and would not cause much harm to Xu Xian.

"Ahem, is everyone here? You came very early, I'm very happy..."

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