"Are you satisfied now? I have finally broken up with the Ernies. Is this what you want to see?"

Xu Xian said coldly with a gloomy face, his disappointment evident in his words.

Li Menglong didn't know what to do. He was indeed forcing Xu Xian, but he didn't expect that Xu Xian would really do this.

Just for a little secret, at least I was impulsive enough to break up with the girls.

Although their so-called breakup probably wouldn't last even one night, it was still troublesome. I guess the little girl would have to kneel the whole time when she went upstairs, right?

"There's no need for you to pretend to be a good person here. That's all my business. Now you just need to fulfill your promise. Tell me, how are you going to harm me!"

Regarding Xu Xian's sudden accusation, Li Menglong wanted to cry. Why did he launch a personal attack? When did he want to harm Xu Xian?

He keenly discovered that there might be some misunderstandings here. In this case, he would explain it quickly.

So Li Menglong said all his previous thoughts. In order to prevent Xu Xian from misunderstanding, he said it in great detail, even including his own mental journey.

But how could Xu Xian listen to so much? Her heart was now filled with regret and she couldn't tolerate any unnecessary thoughts.

She was undoubtedly completely defeated this time. Li Menglong was wronged here, and there were a group of women upstairs waiting for her to comfort her.

The key is that after giving so much, what did she get? A repayment plan for Lee Eun-hee?

It's not that she doesn't care about Li Enxi. If it's a major matter involving the life and death of the company, her efforts will still have some value.

But how can she convince herself now? It doesn't make any sense, even in terms of money, it's still a very small amount.

Anyway, Xu Xian couldn't find anything beneficial to him. If he had to say it, maybe it was Li Eunxi's friendship?

But the premise is that Li Menglong still does this. Now that his plan has obviously been exposed, will he still follow the plan foolishly?

Besides, even if everything goes well, why does she want Li Eunxi's friendship?

It's not that Lee Eun-hee's friendship is not valuable. On the contrary, if there is a similar opportunity, it is estimated that many artists and companies will rush towards it like crazy.

Li Eunxi's abilities and resources are definitely not lacking. If young girls could meet such a big shot when they first debuted, they would probably try to curry favor with him.

It’s really not shameful, it’s all about survival.

But all this is not worth mentioning in front of Xu Xian. With her current status and popularity, Li Enxi's help to her is quite limited.

Secondly, her personal friendship with Li Enxi is already very high. Even if it can be taken a step further, it will definitely not be through this method.

Relying on exposing Li Menglong's prank to please Li Enxi doesn't sound so reliable.

Xu Xian also accepted her fate. She even wanted to apologize to Li Menglong: "Oppa, I was wrong. I should have believed you before!"

Faced with Xu Xian's sincere apology, Li Menglong did not choose to accept it. He was afraid that this would be Xu Xian's latest test.

It is said that this is a common routine for girls. Logically speaking, Xu Xian would not do this, but she was obviously not normal today.

"Don't, it's my fault!"

"Oh, then tell me where you went wrong?"

Xu Xian blinked and said playfully. Although she was a little desperate, she had to find some fun for herself at times like this, otherwise she would only fall into a whirlpool of pessimism.

This answer was not what Li Menglong expected. Why didn't this kid play his cards according to the routine? He just said that casually, which doesn't mean he was really wrong.

So Li Menglong could only hold his chin and think hard, and finally gave a specious reason: "Maybe I stepped with my left foot first when I entered the door?"

The reason given by Li Menglong is probably very funny? As for how he saw it, Xu Xian on the opposite side almost laughed.

Seeing Xu Xian rolling on the ground holding his stomach, he was also confused. Is this girl's smile so low? I haven't discovered it before.

If she was so good at cheering, her performance in variety shows wouldn't be so disastrous.

Speaking of which, in the variety shows they participated in together, Seohyun often appeared as a "vase", either aloof or cute, but not very funny anyway.

But as I get older, can this be considered a complete enlightenment today?

I dare not say too much, but with Seohyun's current state, she can laugh like this no matter what the host says, she will definitely become a popular guest.

After all, Li Menglong has also been a host. He knows very well what kind of guests the host likes. There is no doubt that it is Xu Xian who has a low sense of humor and is willing to support.

But before he could send out the invitation, thumping footsteps could be heard upstairs. Judging from the frequency, they were running quite slowly.

On the last few steps, they simply jumped down, their postures were quite handsome, as if superheroes had arrived.

But being a superhero is not that easy. There is only a small space in total. Not only do they jump down, but they also have to take time to pose. Can the people behind them wait?

So after just three seconds of being handsome, these women rolled into a ball, and Pani at the bottom had already begun to slap the floor. Was he trying to crush her to death?

After the girls hurriedly got up, they did not bother to comfort Pani. They all ran over and surrounded Li Menglong: "Ah, what did you do to our maknae?"

"Are you crying or laughing? Did you drug the maknae?"

"Can you do such a despicable thing? Where is the medicine, what is its effect, and are there any side effects?"

The last sentence was asked by Yoona, which was a bit inappropriate. What did she want to do? Expand the scale of damage?

Pushing the unreliable Yoona aside, the group began a new round of questioning Li Menglong.

It is said that when they walked up dejectedly before, it was just a pretense, just to buy Xu Xian a chance.

As for secrets, as long as a second person other than the person involved knows about it, it won't become a secret. This is most obvious among girls.

Even though Xu Xian is very strict with his mouth, they still have all kinds of means to make Xu Xian speak.

But now that Xu Xian is in such a state, everyone doesn't know how to cross-examine him. Who knows which sentence will touch the little girl's sensitive nerves, and who will get it if she laughs?

So don't ask Xu Xian secretly. Just get the answer directly from Li Menglong. Does he dare not to say it?

Li Menglong naturally didn't dare. Besides, there was no need.

He didn't know when these women had such a good relationship with Li Enxi. In order to protect each other's interests, they really fought hard!

In ordinary companies, it's fine for artists to please their bosses like this, but is it appropriate for them to do so?

Let’s not mention their own popularity. Let’s just talk about the status of Li Menglong and Li Eunxi. I don’t want to talk about their ranking, but there is no problem in at least barely tying them, right?

In order to please Li Enxi and then offend Li Menglong, it is not profitable no matter how you look at it!

The girls obviously thought so too. After learning the truth of the matter, they all felt baffled.

For such a trivial matter, would Xu Xian engage in such a big battle? Is it really worth it to have to antagonize them?

That is to say, they were superior in skills and saw through Li Menglong's sinister intentions in advance, so they did not cause the tragedy of the group being torn apart.

Besides, even if we take a step back and just talk about Li Menglong's plan, it doesn't seem that hopeless.

It was nothing more than exchanging the money Li Enxi borrowed for a bunch of useless things that they shook their heads at.

But it doesn't rule out that there is something wrong with their vision. Maybe these things are treasures to Li Enxi.

Besides, if you don’t do this, can you still expect Li Menglong to pay back the money? This is something they don't dare to think about, and it is too difficult to implement.

If this matter is left to them, they will probably advance the money themselves. It is simple and efficient, and they don't have to talk so much nonsense to Li Menglong.

It's just that it's no longer about money, they need to have a relatively reasonable ending.

Originally I didn't want to defend Li Enxi, but now it seems to be a good excuse.

Although I didn't expect Li Eunxi to owe them any personal favors, he was doing good deeds at least, which in itself is worth advocating.

To put it more generally, as women, they cannot watch Li Menglong bully women!

"Humph, we will tell her the whole thing. You should be prepared to pay back the money honestly, not even a penny less!"

Kim Taeyeon issued an ultimatum, which shocked Li Menglong. We all know each other so well, is it appropriate to do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself?

Besides, if those things are not given to Li Enxi, how will they deal with them and digest them internally?

This is another more difficult question. They are not the type to waste money after making money.

But this doesn't seem to be their problem: "Hey, Lin Yuner, you bought so many things, do you know what to do with them?"

Yoona really knew what these women were thinking, didn't they just want to throw the problem to her?

"But these are gifts for you, I..."

YoonA tried to fight, but she couldn’t even give out the gifts? They can't do this!

But that's what the girls did this time. They weren't against gifts, and Yoona didn't have good intentions when giving gifts this time.

So Yoona can just think of a solution on her own. If it doesn't work, she can only use it for herself.

In order to prevent more problems from arising, the girls immediately left without giving Yoona and Li Menglong a chance to refute.

In the end, only Li Menglong and Yoona were left on the first floor, and even Xu Xian was nowhere to be seen. This little girl, at least today, did feel a little ashamed of Li Menglong.

Besides, she also needs to have a good relationship with the women upstairs. Don't listen to their generous words, they may not necessarily be thinking in their hearts.

The one who was relatively straightforward was Yoona. She had a showdown with Li Menglong at this moment: "Yeah, you have to be responsible for me!"

Li Menglong doesn't even have the energy to complain. What is he responsible for? Are you responsible for the child in Yoona's belly?

Of course, this kind of plot in TV dramas will not appear in reality, and Li Menglong has not made preparations to take over the role of Panxia. He just simply doesn't want to talk to YoonA anymore.

The money she spent to buy those things was all paid by Li Menglong, what else did she want?

"It's because of the money you paid that I give you all these things!"

Yoona's idea seems to coincide with Li Menglong's before, or is it blatant plagiarism? Do you dare to be more similar?

Li Menglong wanted to deceive Li Eunxi, so he took advantage of some information asymmetry, but Yoona clearly wanted the overlord to take advantage of her.

It's not impossible to do this, but the prerequisite is that the force value is high enough. Does she have that ability?

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't want to take action anymore. It was too laborious to talk, so why did he take action?

"It doesn't have to be like this. You have no money now, right? It doesn't matter. I will deduct it directly from your salary when the settlement is made at the end of the year."

Li Menglong directly came to drain the fire, leaving Yoona unprepared.

Only then did she realize that she really didn't seem to have any advantage over Li Menglong, especially in terms of money.

Because theoretically, her salary is in Li Menglong's hands, and he has the final say on the settlement of various expenses.

This is also the reason why many artists have to go to court after falling out with their managers. It is not easy for managers to cheat artists out of money.

Li Menglong doesn't have such bad habits here, and the girls trust him enough, but just because he doesn't do it doesn't mean that he can't or won't do it.

Yoona wasn't even sure how much he would take away in the end. If she just took away half of it, wouldn't she be working in vain for the past six months?

After carefully considering the pros and cons between the two, it seems that these are just small sums of money.

"I'm joking with you, Oppa, why do you take it seriously? You really have no sense of humor!"

Yoona pushed Li Menglong reservedly, and her whole attitude changed 180 degrees.

Not only was Li Menglong not surprised by Yoona's ability to change her face quickly, but he was actually a little pleased. This is the daily skill of a good actor.

Yoona has integrated her acting skills into her life, which can be regarded as one of her personal ways to improve her acting skills. So far, the effect seems to be pretty good.

"Well, keep up the good work. I'll be able to stop scolding you when I get to the set."

Li Menglong's response seemed to be completely wrong, but Yoona miraculously understood it. She was still a little excited. Was this approved by the director?

Although it's a little bit puzzling, Yoona's emotional intelligence is no joke: "Don't worry, my acting skills are absolutely crushing those women, and I will definitely make you proud!"

Yoona's guarantee is not a boast. When it comes to acting skills, there are really not many girls who can do it.

Not to mention Seohyun and Sooyoung have also appeared in several works one after another, and the response has been very good.

But they are all half-playing. To put it harshly, they just want to try to find a way to develop other than being singers.

Compared with a passionate actor like Yoona, they are all bastards. She is the only one who really wants to perform something famous.

She, Lin Yoona, is a woman who wants to be a movie queen, so what do they compare her to? Rely on sincerity?

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