Kim Taeyeon is qualified to ask questions, not only because of her age and identity, but also because Yoona swiped her card.

For this reason, she had an argument with Lee Soon Kyu on the road. Neither of them wanted to pay Yoona.

Although Yoona said it nicely, all the money was considered a loan, and she would pay it back immediately when she returned to the dormitory.

But just listen to these words. It’s not that Yoona dares to act rogue, but they also have to face it.

It's okay to bully Yoona on weekdays, but do you still need to worry about it at this time? Do they still want to be sisters?

So this money is destined to be wasted, and Kim Taeyeon is already mentally prepared for this.

But she can don’t want it, but Yoona can’t say not to return it!

Especially without even a word of thanks. Is this how they taught Yoona? Don’t you know how to be grateful as a human being?

Just because she came all the way to deliver the money, Yoona wouldn’t just kneel down and kowtow, but she also had to bow to express it, right?

Li Menglong couldn't bear to listen to Kim Taeyeon's exaggerated rhetoric. What does it mean to be thousands of miles away? Can you describe a road that is not used for ten minutes?

If this is possible, wouldn't it mean that he has to cross thousands of rivers and mountains every day to go to work?

"Bow? Do you want to bow three times to make up a more auspicious number?"

Faced with Li Menglong's teasing, Kim Taeyeon actually nodded and agreed. Does this mean she doesn't have any basic common sense in life?

Although Li Menglong was understandable about their shortcomings in this area, he was still occasionally shocked that their knowledge was too partial.

Although there are a series of reasons to explain it, it is still very funny. Anyway, Li Menglong laughed quite happily.

Fortunately, not everyone on the girls side didn't understand. Li Shunkyu had already explained to the silly captain in a soft voice: "Three bows are the etiquette to show respect to the dead."

When she said this, Kim Taeyeon immediately understood that Li Menglong was just bullying her because she didn't know much, and was digging a hole for her here.

But Kim Taeyeon herself doesn't have any shyness. The reason why she knows so little about this useless information is because she devotes all her energy to work and life.

Shouldn’t this kind of dedicated attitude be commended? Can people in other industries do this?

Therefore, many fans always defend artists. Except for those groups that become famous instantly, any artist who can survive will probably still be an elite in another industry.

This is not completely unfounded. With the artists’ concentration, ability to endure hardships, and their superior looks, they don’t look like losers.

But Kim Taeyeon doesn't care, which doesn't mean that Li Menglong can tease her casually, that is, things must be solved one by one, otherwise Li Menglong will look good now!

Yoona originally thought that with Lee Mong-ryong's firepower, she would be able to relax a little bit, but today Kim Taeyeon was extremely focused.

Maybe it's because the pockets in his and Xu Xian's hands are too scary? Kim Taeyeon thinks she spends too much?

"Don't look at how much I bought. In fact, it didn't cost much. Li Menglong took more than half of it."

Kim Taeyeon didn't understand Yoona's vague words for a moment: "What do you mean Li Menglong took half of it? Are there any of his things in it?"

Kim Taeyeon will immediately go to Lee Mong-ryong to settle the bill. She pays the bill for Yoon-ah, so that's what she wants, but why does Lee Mong-ryong come over?

The fact that they can afford Li Menglong's food, clothing, housing and transportation is considered a very good benefit. He shouldn't push himself too far!

Fortunately, Yoona was not the only one who could speak, and Seohyun was still there, so she hurriedly explained and finally cleared up the misunderstanding.

Li Menglong rarely refuted this time. He just stretched out his hand to signal Kim Taeyeon to continue. He really wanted to see the follow-up of Yoona and Kim Taeyeon.

But as if she sensed his thoughts, Kim Taeyeon suddenly stopped asking. This was inappropriate. As an artist, how could she stop performing?

Kim Taeyeon didn't mean to explain to him, so she pulled Lee Soonkyu and walked home alone.

Yoona behind her saw Li Menglong's previous actions. She couldn't figure out what this man was thinking. Did he want to please her or anger her?

Sure enough, men are the most complicated. After Yoona threw the pocket in her hand to Li Menglong, she immediately ran to Kim Taeyeon to greet her. She is the cutest sister.

"Don't be stunned. Ernie is mainly afraid of being recognized, not because of you."

Xu Xian felt that she had explained too much tonight. She seemed to be the translator for these people. Do they have any plans to pay?

However, compared to giving money, Xu Xian feels that it is the best reward for him that they can be more stable.

There weren't too many accidents on the way home, except for Kim Taeyeon and others who monitored Li Menglong the whole time. In their words, they were afraid that he would be watching and stealing!

Xu Xian originally wanted to say a few words for Li Menglong, not to mention that he also paid for it. With just the things in front of him, would he be allowed to do so?

But when she saw Kim Taeyeon take out a hand guard from Li Menglong's pocket, she didn't know what to say. Is this thing useful to him?

If it weren't for the girls forcing him, he wouldn't put anything on his face on weekdays, or would he want to give it away?

"Maybe, he is hooking up with a new rich woman outside, Ouni, you should be more careful!"

Faced with Yoona's provocation, Lee Soon Kyu was extremely calm: "There is also a gap between rich women and rich women. I don't just mean money, you know!"

Li Shunkyu raised her eyebrows proudly, she was so confident, after all, her own conditions were here.

Let’s not talk about money. To be labeled as a rich woman, most of the assets are quite large. Besides, it is more vulgar than these!

Everyone competes on talent, popularity, age, and no matter how bad she is, she can also compete on looks. She, Lee Soon Kyu, is fearless and dares to take on any competition.

This is really not something she is proud of. Among the rich women in their seventies and eighties, Li Shunkyu simply stands out from the crowd.

Li Menglong has really found a treasure. He can just have fun when he has nothing to do and dream.

Seeing that these two people were not provoked by him, Yoona was too lazy to embarrass herself any more.

But she hasn't given up completely yet. One failure proves nothing. She can keep up her efforts and strive to achieve some results!

I don’t know what Lee Soon Kyu’s emotions will be after hearing Yoona’s thoughts at this moment. It is conservatively estimated that he will want to strangle this little girl to death.

The group of people chatted all the way back home. There were not many people on the first floor. Everyone after a busy day obviously preferred to stay in their own rooms.

On the one hand, my own "doghouse" is more comfortable, and on the other hand, because it is private enough, I don't have to worry about being exposed, so I feel much more comfortable.

But this is a bit too guarded against Li Menglong. He is famous for being blind and cannot see anything that he shouldn't see, or at least pretends that he cannot see it!

However, this self-deceptive idea obviously failed to convince the girls. They should hide on the second floor and don't give Li Menglong a chance to commit crimes.

But there are always people who will break their plans: "Onies, I brought gifts for you, come down and get them quickly, first come first served, the quantity is limited!"

As soon as Yoona came in, she pulled her neck and shouted, which startled Kim Taeyeon beside her. She is a female star after all, can she be more ladylike?

In response to Kim Taeyeon's warning, Yoona just rolled her eyes in return. Before blaming her, Lin Yoona, could the captain review himself first?

The reason why Lin Yoona is like this is inseparable from the atmosphere in the team led by Kim Taeyeon. She is the craziest one in the team!

The difference between the two cannot be that Yoona goes crazy more frequently, but Kim Taeyeon goes crazy more completely. Lee Mong Yong should have a say in this.

However, there was obviously something wrong with Yoona's appeal. She was about to shout at the top of her lungs. The women upstairs couldn't have heard her.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, only a few people walked out. What does this mean? Don't you want to give her Lin Yuner's face?

"Uh... If you insist on understanding it this way, it's not impossible. So do you need me to help you convey this to Jessica?"

Pani's smile was very sunny, but when coupled with some obvious provocation at the moment, it didn't match well.

Yoona is not really stupid, there must be a basic logic to going crazy, otherwise it would be seeking death.

"Hmph, it's their loss if they don't come down. You can get some more later so you don't leave any gifts for them."

Yoona said rather arrogantly, and at the same time glanced at Pani opposite, why did the pajamas on her look a little erotic.

In order to maintain the collective image of the girls, Yoona felt that she had to supervise, so she went over and looked at Pani's chest openly and openly.

After confirming that there were still clothes inside, Yoona retracted her head with satisfaction, but did this action itself not treat Pani as a human being?

No matter how good-tempered Pani was, she blushed and wanted to teach Yoona a lesson. Fortunately, Yoona took the gift in time and temporarily blocked Pani's mouth.

"Tch, if the gift doesn't satisfy me, I'll have your cake and eat it too!"

Pani didn't forget to threaten her, but her eyes were already on the shopping bag. She rubbed her little hands in anticipation, it felt like she was opening a blind box.

To be honest, her expectations were not high. After all, the supermarket logo on the bag was obvious enough.

But even if it is some snacks, this can be regarded as a supplement. Her requirements are really not high.

But when the contents were actually poured out, several people were dumbfounded. What did Yoona buy?

To be honest, Yoona didn't buy anything that could be used.

Like the hand cream that Li Menglong kept secretly before, the girls all have their own fixed brands and will not change them easily.

It seems that it is better to throw it directly to Li Menglong, which can be regarded as waste.

Kim Taeyeon was really unwilling to give up. After all, she spent money on Yoona. She didn't say she wanted to repay the favor with blackmail, but she always wanted to see something concrete.

Although she earns a lot, she doesn't spend it like this. Isn't Yoona a waste?

So Kim Taeyeon started trying to dig for gold again, but she couldn't believe it. She spent so much money and bought so many things, but there was nothing she could use?

Another quarter of an hour later, Xu Xian and the others had already gone to wash up, and Li Menglong had even finished washing up.

As a result, he saw Kim Taeyeon lying on the ground, squinting her eyes and looking at the things Yoona bought one by one.

If Kim Taeyeon could be so serious when studying, then in addition to being a well-known artist, she would probably also have a doctorate title, right?

In order not to affect Kim Taeyeon's "study", Li Menglong tried to hide quietly in his room, but the other party did not give him this opportunity.

"Why are you running? Come here to get the gifts. Those piles are all for you!"

Kim Taeyeon said quite generously, and with a casual wave of her little hand, she gave at least half of the things to Li Menglong.

But those are undoubtedly useless things in the eyes of Kim Taeyeon, and it is difficult for him, Lee Mongryong, to turn decay into something magical.

But Kim Taeyeon doesn't care about this. Even if it is useless, she still wants to squeeze out some value.

"Take it, if you're really embarrassed, just think of it as the year-end bonus we gave you in advance!"

This was very well said. If Li Menglong had never received a year-end bonus from them, he might have really believed it.

But there is still his money in it. To be precise, it is Li Enxi's money. Otherwise, how about using these things to pay back the money?

Li Menglong had no intention of repaying the money at first. He borrowed it based on his ability, so why should he pay it back?

But isn't the situation different now? The money has been exchanged for useless goods, so there is the possibility of "repaying the money".

Besides, Li Menglong is not trying to trick anyone. Yoona's shopping receipts are still here. The total value of these things is more than the money given by Li Eunxi.

After all, Kim Taeyeon made another investment, so instead of losing money, Lee Eun-hee actually made a profit?

Originally, Li Menglong still owed something to a certain extent. People's hearts are full of flesh, but that doesn't have to be the case now. He is worthy of Li Enxi!

"Okay, you pick slowly and leave the rest to me. I'll take care of it!"

After hearing Li Menglong's response, Kim Taeyeon tried to turn her head and look at the other person's expression. Isn't this an irony?

However, with her lying on the ground, it was difficult to maintain this movement, so Kim Taeyeon simply turned over and lay down, which was much more convenient.

Apart from making Li Menglong look taller, there are almost no shortcomings: "Don't spit at me!"

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's irrelevant threat, Li Menglong didn't know how to respond. He could only say that their brain circuits were beyond the ability of ordinary people to keep up.

Kim Taeyeon seemed to feel that the topic was going too far, so she immediately asked: "Are you sure you want all of these? What do you want to use them for? Isn't it to return them?"

Kim Taeyeon just said this casually, but it provided Li Menglong with a new idea. Returning goods is indeed a way, and it can still make money.

How about giving it a try?

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