The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2959 Surprise Attack

Xu Xian's emotions at the moment were a bit complicated. It was inevitable that he was caught off guard, but why was he still calm, even relaxed?

Could it be that she had already foreseen this scene subconsciously? Wouldn't her life be complete without Li Menglong doing some fancy things?

Xu Xian himself felt that this idea was perverted. There were too many good days, so do you want to find some excitement for yourself?

Although many people praise Xu Xian for her innocence, it depends on who she is compared with. She just seems relatively pure in this circle.

But look at what people her age are doing. Those people are still looking for life and death because of love affairs on college campuses.

At least judging from Xu Xian's current age, her experience is far greater than that of her peers, let alone the junior high school student in front of her.

In a few words, he managed to cover up the other party's words and figured out what was going on.

While the two were chatting, Xu Xian was the first to confirm the bus stop and even roughly calculated the time when Li Menglong would arrive at the stop.

Then I chatted with this little fan, and he seemed to be quite excited.

It is said that seeing someone like Li Menglong will make the other person happy. If he didn't faint on the spot after seeing Xu Xian, it can be considered that the other person is strong.

After all, in terms of popularity, Li Menglong and Xu Xian are really as good as each other!

But no matter how popular Xu Xian is, she still has to give Li Menglong the finishing touch. Fortunately, she is not so reluctant.

Besides, she also needs information from this little fan, so that she can accurately confirm the real-time location of the vehicle so that she can give Li Menglong a little surprise.

In order to avoid further accidents, Xu Xian did not march with great fanfare this time. Instead, he locked himself in Li Menglong's room alone.

The effect of this chat was quite good. Not only did Xu Xian gain a new fan, he was also in a very happy mood.

Maybe it's because of the other person's innocence, which is so innocent that it's a bit cute.

At first, the other party was still trying to chat with Xu Xian about some insider gossip, but after Xu Xian's simple guidance, the other party started to express his grievances to Xu Xian.

By the way, Xu Xian is also a little curious. What are the worries that normal junior high school students should have? She should be able to comfort him very well, right?

But soon Xu Xian was defeated. It was not that her emotional intelligence was insufficient, but that she did not dare to speak easily. She was afraid that she would lead the other party into a ditch.

In Xu Xian's opinion, the troubles described by the other party are not very serious. They are just quarrels between classmates. The more serious ones are talking behind each other's back and deliberately slandering them.

It's not that Xu Xian doesn't have sympathy. She can understand similar helplessness, but it's hard for her to empathize with it.

Because she had already experienced the situations faced by the other party when she was at a similar age, and the situation had been multiplied countless times.

She knew only too well how difficult that period was.

She can even responsibly say that even now, at least half of the nightmares girls have every year will be that scene from back then.

She even suspected that even if they got Alzheimer's disease, these would be the last memories they retained. It was really terrifying, especially considering their age at the time.

Xu Xian felt that the other party was not at their level yet, and she could not accurately grasp how distressed the other party was.

Besides, she has never experienced this, and she cannot give any feasible advice. She can only do her duty as a "trash can" and let the other party talk freely.

"I'm sorry, I told you so much, are you not angry?"

Faced with the other party's apology, Xu Xian gave another answer: "If you feel it would be helpful to you, you can publicly say that I am your friend and I have certified it for you."

This was the solution Xu Xian finally gave. She felt that it would be very honorable for an ordinary junior high school student to have a popular artist as a friend, right?

Maybe he can become a famous figure in the school through this. All Xu Xian needs to pay is some signatures and phone calls when necessary.

She thinks it's worth it, if it can help the other person.

Xu Xian's kindness undoubtedly moved the other party, but whenever this happened, bad guys would often come forward to interrupt.

Li Menglong was sleeping soundly, but he heard crying sounds from the side.

If this is the case, he will never "wake up". If he wants to cry, he can cry. This is also a way to vent his emotions and is good for his health.

But I couldn't help but the people around me were muttering to themselves, and the voices were getting louder and louder. The key was, could this guess be more reliable?

The guess that gained everyone's unanimous approval was that he was seducing the little girl, similar to an adult seducing a student to run away from home. It is self-evident what will happen next.

Li Menglong is also convinced. If these people are so talented, they can apply for screenwriters. They can write all kinds of bloody plots!

Looking at the age difference between the two, it shows how inhuman Li Menglong must be to attack such a young child.

Although there are similar perverts, Li Menglong is not that kind of person!

In order to avoid more outrageous speculations, Li Menglong could only wake up in time: "This is the first time we meet a strange girl whose name I don't know yet. How can I help you?"

Li Menglong asked this question quite loudly, which shocked the crying little girl.

But these words were not meant for her at all. Li Menglong wanted to let the people around him know that he was a good person!

After this conversation, the people around him finally put away their curiosity, and Li Menglong could settle down again.

But it was impossible to sleep again. Xu Xian on the other side of the phone didn't agree.

Li Menglong had left the trouble to her inexplicably, and now it was up to him to face it on his own.

But Li Menglong also had something to say. When he handed it over to Xu Xian, the girl's mood was very stable. Why did she cry after chatting with Xu Xian for a while?

Don't say that it's because of Seohyun's charm that other girls can't help themselves.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't intend to shirk, and the surrounding environment didn't give him a chance to shirk.

Instruct the other party to put away their mobile phones. At this time, the celebrity on the other side of the phone is definitely not as good as the passerby who is accompanying him.

What's more, Li Menglong has a lot more experience than Xu Xian after all. Even in this field that he has never been involved in, he can still give some safe and reliable opinions.

"You must talk to your parents about this kind of thing. You have to believe that no one in the world loves you more than them. They are the people who can empathize with you the most!"

This is the advice given by Li Menglong. It seems to be evasive, but it has to be said that he, an outsider, can give the most reliable answer.

If Li Menglong said that he would take the other party to teach those classmates a lesson, or pull the girls over to support her the next day, that would be a sign of irresponsibility.

Anyway, when she got off the bus, at least the girl stopped crying: "Thank you, in the future, while I support the girls, I will also support you!"

The girl said it very seriously, and even started to think about specific actions: "I can buy their albums to support them, but how can I support you?"

"Well... there are quite a lot of choices. You can go to see my movies or the shows of the company's artists. If you are not interested in any of these, you can go to the first floor of the company to eat fried chicken. I will get a share of the money. of!"

That is to say, the company has not been listed yet, otherwise Li Menglong probably would have tricked this child into buying the company's shares.

After waving to the girl through the car window, Li Menglong was finally able to be completely quiet for a while, but the time was not that long.

After just three stops, it was his turn to get off the bus, which made Li Menglong want to sit on it for a while longer. Why did he go back so early? He might even be questioned by those women.

Fortunately, this thought only passed by for a moment. If he really did this, Xu Xian would probably be the one who would cause trouble for him in the end.

Whistling, Shi Shiran walked down. He even thought about where to sit for a while. After all, he had money in his pocket.

At this time, we can see that the simple point of view is correct. Sure enough, a man cannot have money in his pocket, otherwise he will always think about going out to spend money.

The only good thing is that Li Menglong doesn't have much money here, so don't think about entertainment venues.

If he goes there with such a small amount of money, unless it's to show his face, he probably can't even afford a bottle of wine. How can he attract a little sister? Is he good-looking?

Besides, it's not all about money that he doesn't go. The main reason is that there are only a bunch of beauties at home. Why should he spend money to invite outsiders if he doesn't pay a penny to chat with her for free?

Li Menglong's economics is undoubtedly self-taught, but he is still a little dissatisfied. He wonders where he can go to study if he has time to combine theory with practice.

Just when Li Menglong was thinking wildly, two figures hidden in the shadows behind the station moved slowly. Judging from the route, the target should be Li Menglong.

It is said that the girls have discussed this issue a long time ago. Li Menglong always reimburses the money in the name of protecting them, but they feel that this is wrong.

Excluding Lee Soon-gyu, the combined worth of all of them may not be as valuable as Lee Mong-ryong. Who is protecting whom?

Or could they be regarded as Li Menglong's shield? After meeting the kidnappers, he pushed them out and Li Menglong escaped by himself?

Li Menglong's explanation for this is that kidnappers also have eyes. Is there any choice between kidnapping him and kidnapping girls? Even if Li Menglong is richer, so what?

However, today there is a kidnapper who is "blind". The girls who have no strength to tie up the chicken do not take action, but insist on picking a tough bone like Li Menglong to take a bite. Should I praise their teeth?

Moreover, there are countless flaws in the so-called stealth of these two people. Just saying that their voices are good, why are they already shouting Li Menglong's name when they are still a few steps away.

Is this a reminder to him to run away quickly? But Li Menglong soon realized the subtlety of this move.

Their voice was mainly to remind Li Menglong not to be impulsive. We are all our own people, so please loosen your clenched fists quickly.

Without this advance, it's hard to say what would have happened. Maybe the girls would change to a seven-member group tomorrow.

But now that his identity has been revealed, Li Menglong can only defend passively. He is afraid that the other party will bump into him, and he has no money to compensate these women.

Lowering his body's center of gravity, Li Menglong took a stance, always preparing for a possible impact.

Sure enough, this was all necessary. He soon had an extra layer of weight on his back, and it was quite impactful.

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't get involved, otherwise Li Menglong wouldn't be sure if he could hold on: "Ah, Lin Yoona, listen to me, you really need to lose weight!"

"Tch, I'm not fat, don't talk nonsense, or I'll sue you!"

Yoona lay in Li Menglong's ear and threatened, and at the same time, she kept shaking with the strength of her waist and abdomen. Was she trying to test Li Menglong's knees?

Li Menglong is not a young man in his twenties. He chose to fall down despite struggling in front of the goddess.

The two of them fell to the ground together, and Yoona had nothing to say now. If he wanted to blackmail someone, he could counterattack simultaneously.

Because Xu Xian ran a little slower, what he saw when he came over was this embarrassing scene.

Li Menglong and Li Menglong sat on the ground and complained to each other. The key was that no one was planning to get up first, as if whoever got up first would give up.

I have to say that this scene is extremely childish, so childish that Xu Xian didn't even want to get close to him, otherwise he would just pretend not to know him.

After all, Xu Xian had studied with this group of people for so many years, and he still had the thick skin he should have, so he walked straight over.

But she was still just a student, and she still had a long way to go before becoming a teacher, so Li Menglong taught her a lesson.

Li Menglong ignored the stains on the ground and lay down horizontally, then grabbed Xu Xian's ankle: "Beauty, please help me!"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Can you let me go first?"

Xu Xian said it politely, but he kept exerting force on his feet to try to shake off the scoundrel, but how could Li Menglong give her this chance.

And he didn't act alone. Yoona from the group also took this opportunity and decisively hugged Xu Xian's thigh: "Maknae, where are you going to leave me?"

She didn't even need to be recognized. The scene at this moment was already very embarrassing. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, she could only persuade her helplessly: "You two get up first."

"No, why did you pretend not to know us before? You have to give us both an explanation!"

Li Menglong seemed to be a scoundrel at this moment. In order to put pressure on Xu Xian, he even motioned for Yoona to pull Xu Xian's pants.

This move was really too mean, but Yoona liked it very much. Why didn't she think of it?

Of course, Yoona was not stupid enough to use all her strength, otherwise Seohyun would be dead in society and she would really be annihilated by the body.

Just make some gestures. I don’t believe Xu Xian dares to take a gamble. Does she want to give it a try?

Unless Seohyun is crazy, why would she try?

At this moment, she was holding up her pants while scolding the two of them: "Ah, you two, don't go too far, I have a temper too!"

Li Menglong spread his hands and signaled not to say so much. After all, it was Xu Xian who came over by himself. Why did she come over?

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