Xu Xian's smart brain told her that she had been deceived!

The facts have been laid out here, and there is no room for Xu Xian's quibbles. What the girls are doing now is betrayal!

But why do they do this? Isn't she the favorite sister of these women? Could it be that Girls' Generation's maknae has been replaced?

Why didn't anyone come over to inform her about such a big thing? It's not like she can't give up her seat!

We have been together for so many years and have gone through countless ups and downs together. Is there anything we can't talk about?

Instead of having to make it so ugly and catch her off guard, what should she do now?

The girls really sold her out. Instead of blaming the girls now, it is better to think about how to face Li Menglong.

Now it seems that the one who should be angry the most is Li Menglong, because from his perspective, he has been completely fooled.

Xu Xian's initial statement was that the girls wanted to eat with him, and that's how everything happened.

As a result, the girls denied this from the source at this moment, which made everything Xu Xian said untenable.

If Li Menglong cannot be given an explanation, her image in the other party's mind will probably collapse, right?

Although it may not be so serious, Xu Xian also cares about his image in the other person's mind just as Li Menglong attaches great importance to her.

She was so well-maintained on weekdays, but she didn't do it just to suffer a loss in this kind of thing, and she wasn't willing to do it.

So even if it was for the hard work in the past, she still had to struggle a lot now. She didn't want to be completely cleared, but at least she had to drag those women down.

Xu Xian has made a decision in a short period of time. This may be the experience her past life has brought to her. At this time, she must be calm and quick at the same time!

Every second is extremely precious, especially when no one speaks first, she must strive to be the first.

Otherwise, what else could she say if the girls had already said it?

As for setting goals, Xu Xian is also very pragmatic!

At this moment, she no longer intends to completely clear her name, because it is difficult to explain herself.

If she and Li Menglong were alone at the moment, she could rely on her own wisdom and reluctantly make up some reasons.

But the girls are watching eagerly from the sidelines. Will they remain silent throughout the whole process? Even if you think about it with your heels, you know it's impossible.

So she decisively changed her purpose. It didn't matter if she couldn't get ashore. As long as everyone was in the water, no one should laugh at anyone.

The advantage of doing this is not only that it is easier to implement, but the key is that it actually retaliates against them. She is not the kind of person who swallows all her anger.

"Oppa, I'm not going to make any excuses for my behavior. I just want to say that they are really looking for you to eat. Do you believe this?"

Xu Xian accurately grasped a thread in the chaotic dialogue and tried to use it to solve all the mysteries.

It doesn't matter whether Li Menglong believes it or not. The key is that the girls don't want him to believe it. That's the point!

"Why are the maknae still talking nonsense? We don't plan to have dinner. We need to control our weight. Isn't that what you told us?"

"I understand that you are a little panicked at the moment, but that's not the reason for your nonsense."

"Be good, if you are really hungry, it's okay for me to take you to eat, right?"

The girls are still pretending to be good people here, but the more pretentious they are, the more disgusting Xu Xian looks at them.

This is simply a secondary injury to themselves. These women are really bad.

Although he still doesn't know where he offended them, Xu Xian is not going to compromise and must let these women suffer along with him!

Xu Xian took out his mobile phone and faced the group of people directly: "Are you sure you want me to play the recording? I didn't use text messages on purpose before, just to prevent evidence from being left behind?"

Xu Xian said coldly: "How could I not be on guard when I was communicating with you? Otherwise, I would have been counting the money for you after I was sold by you!"

These words were very convincing, but the key was that they made the girls extremely miserable.

When your family chats with each other, do you want to record it? Seohyun isn’t afraid that the phone’s memory is not enough?

Besides, this operation is very troublesome. The key is that it is rarely used, and it can be understood as a useless effort.

Anyway, they would not waste this time and energy, but they had to admit that after using it once, it really had the effect of making a comeback.

For example, the girls at this moment, although they were extremely suspicious in their hearts, they suspected that Xu Xian had no recording at all and was simply deceiving them.

But do they dare to take such a gamble? If it does happen, they will not guarantee the night, at least tonight will be very difficult.

Especially now that he is still in the company, this place is completely Li Menglong's territory. If he wants to do something, they can't stop him at all.

In order to protect their usefulness, the girls looked at each other and fell silent.

But this already represented their attitude. Xu Xian looked back at Li Menglong like a victorious general.

She didn't speak, she just raised her chin, wanting to look at Li Menglong with her nostrils.

This has clearly revealed her intention. Does Li Menglong believe her at this moment? Do you need her to ask again?

Li Menglong waved his hand, indicating that she no longer had to torture each other.

He has already determined that these women are not good people, but this time Xu Xian seems to be deeply involved.

To put it bluntly, the entire Girls' Generation team has fallen. How does Li Menglong cope with this?

Does he want to gain some benefits for himself now, or does he want to treat illnesses and save people to make them more alert?

This is indeed a problem, and it is worthy of his repeated struggle.

"Well, how about you elect a mastermind? Let her take full responsibility?"

Li Menglong said tentatively, this move completely reflected his dirty heart, or was he cautious?

He didn't dare offend nine women at the same time, even if they all made mistakes.

On the premise that everyone makes mistakes, does it matter whether they make mistakes or not? Will they accept the punishment honestly?

So at this time, we have to divide them. Even if they all made mistakes, we still have to find the one with the heaviest sin.

As a result, the girls themselves will be divided during this process, not to mention the selected one, who is probably thinking of strangling these people to death.

In this case, as long as Li Menglong provides proper guidance, even if he doesn't come forward, these women will probably fight.

This plan is perfect. The key is that you don't have to take any risks.

Although his little calculation is very loud, the girls are not stupid, can they not see the darkness in it?

But being able to see it is one thing, and they also have to admit that this is indeed a solution to the problem.

If they don't do this, they will be stuck here, and they may not know how it will develop in the future.

So between an unknown future and a certain ending, they obviously prefer the latter.

Even though it is full of risks, as long as they are careful, they can keep the risks to a minimum.

To put it simply, they only need to quickly select an unlucky person. The process must be fast without any hesitation!

With this thought, the girls began to have undercurrents among themselves. None of them wanted to be the one who was sacrificed.

The most sensitive person at the moment is Xu Xian. The probability of her being selected is really too high.

Not to mention how wrong she was, the previous targeting of the girls showed that at least at the moment, she was standing on the opposite side of these women.

This is no longer a question of right or wrong, but a question of taking sides. She also wants to stand on the opposite side, but it is a pity that these women are not prepared to accept her.

After having this knowledge, Xu Xian immediately thought about the possibility of saving herself, but she was extremely desperate no matter how she thought about it. It seemed that she was destined to be sacrificed.

In this case, it is easy for her to fall into the extreme idea before, that is, she is doomed to be unlucky, so why can't she drag these women into the water?

It should be much easier when two people bear the pain together, right?

According to Xu Xian's original idea, he wanted to not let any girl go.

But now the situation has changed, but it is still good even if there is only one person. Besides, Li Menglong's little thoughts are too obvious.

She doesn't mind cooperating. Once the girls quarrel among themselves, this is her opportunity!

"Ahem, I admit that my performance today is indeed not good. I can take the initiative to stand up, but you are not that innocent, right?"

Xu Xian's words made the girls feel up and down. Can't this kid speak faster? They thought Xu Xian was going to show off his personal style.

In the end, I realized that this child was still the same as before. She had to find someone to accompany her, right?

After all, they are the children they raised, and they cannot bear to object to such a "legitimate" request, so why is Yoona still hesitating? Why haven't you taken the initiative to stand up?

When everyone looked at her, even if Yoona wanted to be an ostrich the whole time, she couldn't hide it anymore.

She really hates it. Can these women come up with some new ideas and stop bullying these two little ones all the time? Will there be a sense of accomplishment?

They couldn't be more forceful and vote for Kim Taeyeon or Jessica Jung, that would be so exciting!

It's just that it's difficult for Yoona's thoughts to be conveyed to the girls. Even if they do hear it, they will just ignore it.

Get Yoona out, this is called a stable team, but once internal strife starts from Kim Taeyeon, won't the team be disbanded?

The girls also know that Yoona is wronged, but Quan should be dedicated to the team. They will remember Yoona's efforts and will definitely find opportunities to repay her!

It can even be said that they have paid in advance. Isn’t it that Yoona’s many personal resources were based on their contributions?

Although there seems to be no direct connection, many of Yoona's personal opportunities were obtained by herself.

But how can many things be so clearly distinguished? Who can guarantee that these opportunities do not consider Girls’ Generation as a whole? Or is there a hidden bonus to being a member of Girls’ Generation?

Anyway, Yoona needs to appreciate it. Although the girls have never mentioned it on their own initiative, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!

Seeing that Yoona was about to be morally kidnapped by these women, even Li Menglong who was watching the show couldn't stand it anymore. Isn't this bullying?

"I'm not blind. This kid, Yoona, is somewhat innocent. You can pick out another one!"

Li Menglong used his influence to forcefully pull Yoona out. At this moment, in Yoona's eyes, his whole body was shining!

If Li Menglong confesses his love at this moment, Yoona will probably agree. This kind of man should be cherished!

Normally, Li Menglong would never be so generous, but today the girls decided to give him one last chance, so don't push yourself too far!

Li Menglong also stopped when he was satisfied, and made a zipper motion on his mouth to indicate that he would shut up, and then they would be free to do whatever they wanted.

That's pretty much it. According to the previous rules, isn't it time for Xiuying to come forward? This little girl is usually very smart, why did she act stupid today?

How could you not be stupid! If Yoona is somewhat used to it, Sooyoung is still full of rebellious and defiant spirit.

After all, Seohyun and Yoona were at the front on weekdays, so she didn't get pushed out that many times.

So instead of surrendering, Xiuying launched a fierce attack on the girls.

"I'm not wrong. I didn't say much during the whole process. I know who takes the lead. Do you have to name me?"

Xiuying's words were very powerful, and she said them while looking at Kim Taeyeon, so it was obvious who she was referring to.

It’s understandable if you think about it. In activities like this where the whole team participates, Kim Taeyeon is almost always taking the lead.

It's not that she is willing to participate, but as the eldest sister and captain, if she doesn't nod, it will be almost impossible to do this.

In addition, her energy is a little stronger, so she can be seen in many things.

It's just that no one dared to say it out in the past, but Xiuying broke everyone's tacit understanding today, which made Kim Taeyeon a little embarrassed.

"What are you talking nonsense about? Don't talk nonsense. Although they are all our own people, it is not a reason to accuse them randomly!"

Kim Taeyeon said with a slight guilt, she was not afraid of Xiuying, she was just a little girl, she could suppress her with a wave of her hand.

What she is afraid of is the trend started by Xiuying. Once the rest of the people follow suit, how can she, Kim Taeyeon, lead the team?

All the members of the team are rebels, does she want to join them in the rebellion? The key is where is her enemy?

In short, she felt that the matter was very serious. She had to say something. She didn't expect to make Xiuying a new person, but at least to keep the rest of the people sensible!

She, Kim Taeyeon, is on everyone's side, but don't believe Xiuying's words and have some dangerous ideas. That's not good!

We have been sisters for so many years, and the most basic trust between people still needs to be there!

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