Xu Xian is still very grateful to these women. No matter what "good things" happen, he will never forget her part. It is indeed a sign of loyalty.

But can I ask her opinion for a moment? Xu Xian doesn't want to take advantage of anything. Sometimes she would rather suffer a loss.

It was like a game that the girls thought was quite interesting at the moment, but she had no desire to participate at all.

"Forget it, I don't have the talent to be a zombie at all. If you guys are having fun, I won't bother you anymore."

After Xu Xian said this, he ran away. He wanted to roll down the stairs for fear of being caught by these women.

Fortunately, the group of women didn't pay much attention to her. It was more convenient without her, and the numbers were more equal.

But Xu Xian was a little embarrassed. Li Menglong took the initiative to give up the bed before, but Xu Xian chose to refuse outright.

As a result, only a few minutes later, she walked down again dejectedly, standing opposite Li Menglong, very troubled, not knowing what to say.

"Do you want to help? Then let's come together. We can finish cleaning up early and rest early."

Li Menglong really didn't notice Xu Xian's arrival, so it wouldn't be a bad idea if someone came to help.

As for the reason for Xu Xian's second visit, do we have to understand it? His curiosity is not that serious.

However, after cleaning, Xu Xian still did not leave, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

"Is this because you like me so much that you can't bear to leave?"

Li Menglong gave a reason rather narcissistically, but the purpose was just to make Xu Xian happy. He didn't believe it himself.

Even if Seohyun's fans hear it, they might even want to beat him up, because this is considered a tease to Seohyun.

Fortunately, Xu Xian himself was not offended. Although similar jokes were not often heard, they did occasionally come out of Li Menglong's mouth.

"Don't say such words in the future, you will easily get beaten." Xu Xian also responded. As for the reason for staying, it depends on Li Menglong's self-consciousness.

Didn't he perform very well before? Now if he does it again, Xu Xian will definitely not refuse. He just needs to be braver!

Just letting Xu Xian's various hints, Li Menglong seemed to have seen nothing and showed no sign at all.

Xu Xian was already standing at the head of the bed, staring at Li Menglong who was lying on the bed. How could he continue to lie down? Doesn't he feel like Rumang is carrying him?

"What? Do you want to lie down together? Don't restrain your desires, come here quickly!"

Li Menglong slapped the place beside him and launched a new round of teasing Xu Xian.

If those words before were still open to question, but now it is certain that he was teasing Xu Xian.

This man is really bold. He doesn't even need to go to the extreme fans outside. Even if he calls the girls upstairs down, he won't end up well.

But the premise of all this depends on Xu Xian's attitude, and what is her attitude like?

"Okay, you took the initiative to invite me!"

Xu Xian actually lay down while he was talking, but instead of being reserved, he almost fell into Li Menglong's arms.

Of course she was taking a huge risk by doing this, but she was still more willing to believe Li Menglong. He must be more frivolous, right?

If he dares to add some movements to his hands, Xu Xian will really plan to call people down so that everyone can play a zombie game together.

Fortunately, she won the bet again, or she really understood Li Menglong.

Li Menglong regarded Xu Xian as a savage beast. As Xu Xian came closer, he immediately jumped away, panicking and not choosing the right path.

It wasn't until he sat on the floor that he escaped Xu Xian's active attack. Is this little girl crazy?

Although with his current status, he should have seen some more proactive and rosy scenes, but his situation is rather special.

First of all, the company's development was too smooth, and it was a leap-forward development. Many people in the company, including him, had not experienced the temptation they should have.

Secondly, the girls were more strictly guarded, especially after he confirmed his relationship with Lee Soon Kyu, their reasons became even more abundant.

After all, they are also insiders, and they are very aware of the "charm" exuded by people like Li Menglong.

Even if we have to compare, Li Menglong's charm is greater than theirs.

After all, their charm relies on appearance and talent, while Li Menglong's side relies on more abstract money and power.

The former will often actively attach themselves to or even seduce the latter. After all, as long as they can get on Li Menglong's boat, they will really soar to the sky.

Considering the long and arduous process that this process requires under normal circumstances, we can actually understand the choice of those people. It is not easy for everyone.

But the premise is that you don't hang out in front of them. Do you really think they are stupid?

With these layers of protection, Li Menglong was forced to lose a lot of the "insight" he should have.

So when faced with Xu Xian's behavior of throwing himself into his arms, his first reaction was to be so panicked. Shouldn't he just hug him back?

It is said that he is secretly regretting it at this moment, and even wonders if he will be despised by Xu Xian, or should he do it all over again?

It seems that Li Menglong has the tendency to climb up again, but how can Xu Xian give him this opportunity.

He went down voluntarily, and no one forced him, so she, Xu Xian, naturally obtained the sovereignty of this bed, and Li Menglong could make the floor.

As for his little tricks, are Xu Xian's long legs just for show? Li Menglong's face was kicked several times.

Although this may be enjoyable in the eyes of some people, it definitely does not include Li Menglong, who has barely figured out Xu Xian's intentions at this moment.

"Yeah, if you want to sleep here, just say so. You have to make it so complicated. Besides, when I offered it to you before, didn't you refuse?"

Li Menglong's emotional intelligence went offline again. Is this what he should ask? Xu Xian certainly had his own reasons for eating his words.

And since she didn't want to say these words, then Li Menglong shouldn't ask. He didn't understand such a basic truth?

It seems that he still received too little education from the girls. Will he give him some lessons in a few days to seriously improve his damn emotional intelligence?

Fortunately, Li Menglong just asked a simple question without any dissatisfaction. The little girl can sleep here because she obviously trusts him.

As for why Xu Xian didn't lay the floor himself, it seems even more inappropriate to ask.

But one thing is that this is indeed not Xu Xian's style, so this little girl was still stimulated. Was she forced to come down to complete the task?

Li Menglong's imagination spread out in this sleepless night, but it was all in vain.

The truth is very simple. Unable to rest quietly upstairs, Xu Xian, who was not feeling well, wanted to maintain a relatively good sleep as much as possible.

So there was a scene of grabbing the bed, so can Li Menglong stop "dreaming"?

But even if he wants to stop, the quality of his sleep is still not ideal, and there are always people who want to come and disturb him.

"Yeah, look what time it is now. If you don't sleep well, why did you come here to wake me up?"

Li Menglong's voice was full of resentment. After all, anyone who was forcibly awakened while sleeping soundly would have similar emotions.

But Yoona didn't care about that. She explained plausibly: "I have something serious to do. If we don't make a plan now, we will be completely defeated in the morning!"

"Will lose? What does this mean?"

"Humans and zombies..."

Li Menglong really didn't want to listen anymore, so he asked this question. Why did he still regard this kind of person as a normal person?

A means of revenge that he came up with at the last moment was actually played out by these women.

They have to stay up late to make a battle plan, are they worthy of it? No, the moment you have this thought is abnormal!

Anyway, Li Menglong definitely didn’t want to get involved, but he couldn’t stand Yoona constantly whispering in his ears.

In this case, unless you want to kill the other party, you can only listen, but don't expect him to respond.

After Yoona's nagging, Li Menglong realized how much fun those women had.

According to Li Menglong's initial understanding, this game of transforming immediately after being bitten should not last that long.

But this group of women pioneered the concept of "antidote". They thought if they drank the medicine quickly after being bitten, they could become human again?

In this way, the human side is no longer purely defensive, they also have their own strategic goals, such as destroying all zombies!

The battle upstairs became very fierce. In the end, a ceasefire agreement was reluctantly reached, but it was because the "zombie virus" took the initiative to lurk.

Yes, this thing can still lurk, and the unfortunate host is still Yoona!

Li Menglong no longer intends to understand the logic. He just wants to ask Yoona why she came to him. His brain is not qualified to play such a complicated game.

"Don't you understand? Then I'll give it to you again..."

Seeing that Yoona was about to do it again, Li Menglong really got angry. He stepped forward and strangled Yoona's neck, forcing her to lie down with him.

Yoona was still waiting for the other party's further actions, but she found that Li Menglong fell asleep just like that.

Isn't this too hasty? She still has a large part of her plan that she hasn't revealed yet. As the only two remaining zombies, they are responsible for infecting all mankind.

However, she subconsciously followed Li Menglong's breathing, and sleepiness immediately came over her.

Yoona originally thought about freeing her neck to make it more comfortable, but she couldn't break Li Menglong's arms.

So in the end she could only force her hand into the gap to give herself more breathing space.

But it looked more like Yoona took the initiative to hold Li Menglong's arm and fell into his arms to sleep comfortably.

The sleeping position of the two of them was so weird that it must be accompanied by a piercing scream, which complemented each other perfectly.

At least that's what Xu Xian did: "So are you two sober? Can anyone explain it to me?"

Li Menglong rubbed his sore arm and didn't bother to speak, and directly pushed the sleepy Yoona out. She was the initiator.

Yoona was naturally very dissatisfied with Li Menglong's rude attitude: "Ah, I haven't said you took advantage of me yet. What is your attitude?"

"Attitude? Do you want my fist to tell you what my attitude is now?"

Li Menglong slowly got up and moved around. He seemed to be enjoying sleeping with a girl in his arms, but in fact his whole body was sore.

He himself didn't understand why this happened, or Xu Xian knew Yoona better. Couldn't he be attacked by Yoona's "free" sleeping position?

After all, Yoona is a woman who can spin in circles 360 degrees while sleeping. When Li Menglong forcibly imprisoned her, she would have to bear the corresponding consequences.

But let's not talk about this speculation. It will only intensify the conflict between the two and will not do any good.

And she was even more curious as to why these two people were hugging each other. It seemed like Yoona took the initiative.

"I took the initiative? I'm not blind!" Yoona gave a negative response first, and then explained: "I was forced to do all that, because he coveted my beauty!"

"Ah! Even if I was carried away by lust, Xu Xian is on the first floor. Why didn't I go and touch her instead of harassing you?"

This answer is simply terrible. Although Yoona's response is not much better, Li Menglong can't come like this. Is he sure he will become restless early in the morning?

Sure enough, Yoona was completely awake, or her originally not sober mind had been completely replaced by anger.

Li Menglong even hugged her to sleep, but ended up saying that she was inferior to other women. How bad this behavior was, I believe no one with a sense of justice could bear it.

As the person involved, Yoona naturally didn't want to be patient. Even if she was alone, she would give Li Menglong a hard blow to let him know what not to say.

Seeing the two people starting to run again, Xu Xian was very pleased with such a dynamic scene. Everyone was indeed in excellent physical and mental condition.

In order for them to maintain this state, Xu Xian took the initiative to take charge of breakfast and eat nutritious food.

In this way, everyone can maintain this state at work, which is something that not many people would envy.

In order to achieve this goal, Xu Xian even added a lot of ingredients to breakfast that she had refused in the past.

But no one could notice these details. When the girls upstairs came down and saw that Xu Xian was the only one busy in the kitchen, their hearts dropped.

They were determined to continue going back to sleep, at least delaying breakfast time.

But Xu Xian didn't give them this chance: "Oni, please go and wash up. After breakfast, we will go to the company together. Are you still going to be absent from work today?"

"That's not the case. It's just that we're simply not hungry. We ate too much last night!"

"Well, we also feel guilty. We really don't dare to eat anymore in the morning."

"We all understand your good intentions, maknae. We definitely don't think the food you cook is unpalatable. Please don't misunderstand..."

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