The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2927 Another lesson

There are many things about girls that cannot be ridiculed, and one of them that is easily overlooked is their hair.

And men are very insensitive in this regard. Unless they are bald, why should they pay so much attention to their hair?

Men who have had short hair all their lives will never know how much women pay for a full head of hair.

Not to mention the frustration of wearing a "wool hat" in midsummer, just the time wasted when washing hair is enough to make them heartache.

Not to mention the various expenses spent on hair care. In short, it needs to be treated with the respect it deserves!

Li Menglong also blamed Xu Xian for not washing her hair. She also had to have that time!

He should know best what the situation was like in the dormitory last night.

As for getting up in the morning to wash her hair, what time should she get up? Wouldn't it be nice to work even more for a while if we have this time?

After all, Xu Xian thought that his hair was not that greasy, so he applied it lightly and it became very smooth!

And a little greasiness will make the hair look softer, does Li Menglong understand?

Of course he doesn't understand. Even after spending so long with girls, he still has a lot to learn.

For men, every woman is a book that takes a lifetime to read, not to mention that he has read nine books at the same time!

Li Menglong thought that he had done a good job. Unless it was intentional, he would rarely touch the reverse scales of girls.

But today he was educated again. It turns out that teasing girls about their greasy hair is also a taboo. Isn't it too much for them to have such taboos?

If Li Menglong was given a chance, he could publish a book, and it would probably sell very well.

After all, there are so many people who want to pursue girls. Although the probability of success is pitifully small, what about the promised dream?

And this book by Li Menglong is an artifact that improves probability. Even if there is only a slight improvement after the decimal point, it is still an improvement.

And it's the kind that comes at no cost, all they have to do is buy a book, even if it's just for girls' gossip, it's good to read it.

Li Menglong was thinking about his plan to make a fortune, but in Xu Xian's eyes, this man was clearly pretending to be stupid!

It's okay to do something wrong, but the attitude of admitting the mistake should always be reflected, otherwise he did it on purpose!

Between making money and saving life, the latter obviously had a higher priority, so Li Menglong was called back from his fantasy by his body's instinct.

Without even looking, you can feel Xu Xian's anger not far away. The "heat" she radiates is about to scorch him.

What else can be said in this situation, that is, the door is still open, otherwise Li Menglong would have knelt down on the spot.

As for now, apologizing is not possible. Then the previous behavior cannot be explained, so he has to continue to perform.

"Why aren't you leaving? Didn't you say you were going downstairs to eat fried chicken? I'm here to treat you. Give me a chance."

Li Menglong said it very easily, as if he didn't know Xu Xian was angry.

Although Xu Xian has become a director, it has to be said that Li Menglong's acting skills have also reached their peak.

Of course, mainly because he was turned sideways, Xu Xian could only vaguely see half of his face, and could not infer his emotions from the other person's expression.

So Li Menglong hasn’t realized the seriousness of the matter? Haven't you noticed that Xu Xian is already angry?

Now she is in a dilemma, pretending that nothing happened, she just can't get over it, she is feeling aggrieved!

But if she continues to express her anger, it will appear that she is being unreasonable.

Xu Xian was very confused. It was Li Menglong who "actively" discovered something was wrong: "What's going on? His expression looks very depressed. Did something bad happen? You can tell me about it!"

Li Menglong started to pretend to be a good person again. How could Xu Xian speak in this situation? He could only kick the door in frustration.

Naturally, the whole person jumped up in pain, and this was Li Menglong's opportunity.

It stands to reason that with Xu Xian's physical coordination, it is not a problem to jump on one leg for a while, and he can even jump for an hour.

But Li Menglong didn't give Xu Xian this chance. He wanted to show his warm side.

So taking advantage of the opportunity when Xu Xian couldn't control the direction, Li Menglong dodged and successfully held Xu Xian in his arms.

"If there's something dirty on the floor, I'll carry you and sit down."

Li Menglong's sincere words made Xu Xian speechless for a time. Everyone was so open, but she herself was shy here?

Xu Xian always felt that there was something wrong with her logic system, and her subconscious told her that it was all Li Menglong's fault, but why was she the one who was wrong after he was pushed down?

She seems to be a pretentious woman who makes trouble out of nothing, the kind who comes here specifically to cause trouble for Li Menglong, or is she trying to attract his attention?

This conclusion is very absurd. She doesn't understand herself yet. She has no such thoughts towards Li Menglong.

She admitted that Li Menglong was a good partner for love and marriage, but there were so many good men. Wouldn't she fall in love with every one she saw?

Fans who follow celebrities are not so fraternal, let alone Seohyun himself's emotional choices.

The reason why she is not in love is that she has not met the right person. It is just a universal excuse.

With their current state of almost zero social interaction, they would be damned if they could meet the right person.

So the core willingness is just that they don’t have this willingness, or the willingness is not strong enough.

They have just lived a good life for a few years, why do they have to find a man to share it with them?

After struggling for so many years, I got to where I am now. Not only do I have to worry about food and clothing, but I am also much less stressed at work.

All they have to do now is enjoy it, enjoy it alone!

Besides, they are not that lonely. Apart from work, so many people gather together in private, making it very noisy all day long.

Moreover, when you fall in love, you have to take huge risks, whether it is the other person's character or the energy you have to put in, or even the impact on your income if it is discovered by the public.

Instead of thinking so much, it is better to make more money while you are young and quiet, and enjoy the exquisite life of the next person.

The girls' ideas are clear enough, and Xu Xian is the best representative among them. She also has an extra career to work hard for.

After thinking so much, Xu Xian just wanted to sort out her inner thoughts, and the process also made her discover something fishy.

Li Menglong was clearly guiding her emotions, showing his subjective wishes every time he spoke and acted, but he avoided talking about Xu Xian's possible reaction.

If the two of them had just met, it would be fine, and they might not be able to detect her little emotions.

But Li Menglong shouldn't do it. Once we have this judgment as a basis, it will be very simple to infer.

Li Menglong, knowing that she was very unhappy, not only did not choose to apologize proactively, he even tried to use such small means to escape the punishment he deserved. Is this because he wanted to compete in wisdom?

It is said that things like intrigue should be done by her sisters. They are very good at and happy to do this.

But Xu Xian was the only one here today, so she could only give it a try reluctantly.

Fortunately, although she does not have much practical experience, she has seen and experienced a lot, and she should be able to compete with Li Menglong.

"Oppa, can you let me go? I know you are protecting me, but your actions make me very uncomfortable. Are you taking advantage of me?"

Xu Xian's counterattack was extremely direct, and now the person who was at a loss became Li Menglong.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he does have some small thoughts of his own, but they are just to avoid apologizing, not to take advantage or anything.

Xu Xian had wronged him. Although he had achieved his goal in disguise, Li Menglong had the urge to explain.

But Xu Xian didn't give him this chance: "And you said something about my hair before. Do you know that this is very rude? I need a sincere apology!"

Xu Xian's series of combination punches really confused Li Menglong. Wasn't it clearly arranged by him before? Why did his IQ suddenly soar?

Could it be that Xu Xian's previous passivity was deliberately displayed to test himself?

In this test, it seems that Li Menglong's score was not high. Now he is doing the final reckoning, punishing all crimes together.

At this time, stop trying to be clever. An honest apology is the most reliable.

It is said that he was originally an honest man, but he was led astray by those women, so he should have less contact with them.

After a full ten minutes of apologizing, Xu Xian reluctantly felt the sincerity of the other party.

"Let's do this for now. Are you sure it's your treat when we go to dinner later? If you don't want to..."

"Yes, why wouldn't you want to? I'm really honored that you can give me this opportunity!"

Li Menglong said first that the attitude must be positive, otherwise how can Xu Xian feel his full apology?

However, Xu Xian was unmoved, at least not in his performance. We had to wait and see what his subsequent performance would be.

Don't blame Xu Xian for being too unruly. This is all Li Menglong's fault. If he had honestly chosen to apologize before, he would not be experiencing what he is experiencing now.

Li Menglong led the way, saying flattering words along the way: "Where have everyone gone? Look who is here to eat. Is this your service attitude? Be careful, I will destroy this store!"

Although I can understand why Li Menglong behaved like this, Xu Xian still took two steps back, mainly out of shame!

If possible, it would be best to pretend not to know him, so as not to cause any subsequent trouble to her.

But this idea is simply impossible to realize, but most people who can recognize Xu Xian will know Li Menglong.

It is said that he is actually known to many people through the popularity of the girls. He should thank everyone properly.

But this popularity is of little use to Li Menglong. He doesn't rely on it for a living, he has real skills!

To a certain extent, this is the most helpless thing for artists. Their success and failure are all because of their fans, and theoretically are not under their control at all.

Maybe one day fans will no longer like them. This cannot be changed through so-called hard work and struggle.

This sense of powerlessness and loss leads many artists to make some extreme choices, at least on a psychological level.

Fortunately, Xu Xian is now in the process of transformation. Even if he cannot become an artist in the future, it is still good to become a director.

In this process, Li Menglong did provide great help. Is it too late to distinguish between them now?

"Smash the store? Why are you so crazy? Haven't you been beaten up recently? Do you want me to find someone to help you?"

The proprietress slowly walked out of the kitchen, and her hands were not idle. She took off the rubber gloves and threw them directly on Li Menglong's face.

The gloves were quite greasy. They must have been handling raw chicken before.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xian took two steps back again. She was about to retreat to the stairs. Was she going to run up secretly?

Li Menglong tried his best to behave as calmly as possible: "You are not slapping me in the face now, but also slapping Xu Xian's face. You know..."

"Then it's easier to say, so what if I hit Xu Xian in the face? They haven't said anything yet, why are you babbling here?"

The proprietress picked up the gloves and patted Li Menglong's cheek provocatively. The whole action was so chic that Xu Xian even wanted to imitate it.

As for this logic, it is perfect. Since Li Menglong is using Xu Xian's name, he has to wait for Xu Xian to stand up for him.

But Xu Xian was about to applaud the boss lady, so how could he come to help him?

As expected, you can only rely on yourself. Even Xu Xian cannot be relied on. Li Menglong was very disappointed: "If you..."

"How about it? Single fight or group fight, you choose a time, I will accompany you to the end!"

Li Menglong couldn't say a complete sentence. He is not an opponent in a quarrel, and he would probably be very nervous in a fight, so what is there to worry about: "I forgive you, woman!"

What does it mean to say the most cowardly words in the strongest tone? This is what Li Menglong means now.

Are you sure he is forgiving the other person? Aren't you begging for the other person's forgiveness?

Faced with Li Menglong's generosity, the lady boss had no reaction and was still waiting to see his next performance.

Although Xu Xian was looking forward to it, she was still kind after all.

Besides, this matter barely had anything to do with her. Regardless of whether it was her own wish or not, Li Menglong was at least speaking for her.

So Xu Xian walked up resolutely, but her movements were cautious. She didn't want to cause any misunderstandings from the landlady.

Although she planned to help, she didn't want to sacrifice herself: "Onie, I missed my lunch time, please get me something to eat."

Xu Xian's face was still high enough, and the landlady immediately asked kindly: "What do you want to eat? Do you have any special requests? I will cook for you myself!"

"Thank you in advance, Ernie, but it doesn't have to be free. Oppa said he will pay for it!"

He originally planned to be a little transparent, but Xu Xian dragged him out again. Did he have to get hurt again? Seohyun is so bad...

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