Li Menglong fled out in an unusually embarrassed manner. He almost fell down at one point and almost had to use his hands and feet to crawl out.

This made Xu Xian chuckle behind her. She just made a few symbolic fist strokes, not that fierce.

The other party's embarrassing actions at the moment were probably just to make her happy, which was still rare.

It is something to be grateful for when people close to you are willing to lower their posture, otherwise if everyone is quite strong, there will be a fight.

"I will go down to help as soon as I finish writing. If there is any emergency, you can call me down at any time."

Xu Xian warned him again, but Li Menglong just waved his hand behind his back, indicating that the little girl should think more about himself.

She still wants to go to work together. Has she forgotten the pain last night? Even she still feels very unfamiliar with writing these things.

So Li Menglong was already prepared not to see Xu Xian for a day, but he himself was not that disappointed.

Although it will be a little uncomfortable, he has to adapt to the days when Xu Xian is not around. He can't be selfish and keep Xu Xian tied to him.

But compared to his relief, the real pain was for the people on the second floor.

Without Xu Xian's presence, the impact is almost all-round.

Li Menglong was like the driver of the bus. Originally, Xu Xian was sitting in the passenger seat to remind him and help him apply the brakes.

But at this moment, Li Menglong said what is the brake? The coach didn't teach him when he was learning to drive.

Besides, he is a real man who presses the accelerator to the end. Let’s all follow him and drive forward!

The consequence of no one stopping Li Menglong was that everyone even had to calculate the time to eat lunch, and even divided it into several batches, otherwise there would not be enough time.

Because Li Menglong had no intention of eating at all, everyone even suspected that he didn't realize that the lunch break had passed.

Although everyone hinted several times, he seemed not to hear it and nodded in agreement, but what about action? Let them rest!

They once expected Xu Xian to come down and save them, but Xu Xian disappointed them this time because she is also in trouble now.

Even if you can see through the two floors, you will find that Xu Xian and Li Menglong are in almost the same state.

Both of them devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their work, thus ignoring external influences and even blocking their own physical hunger signals.

When you really do something, you won't feel hungry, but why is Xu Xian so devoted when he writes a review?

This was of course because she couldn't write. Even though Li Menglong had pointed out a clear path for her, she still resisted subconsciously.

Xu Xian's meticulous and serious character has indeed brought her a lot of benefits, but this time it is definitely holding her back.

Not only did she not write randomly, she even considered the words she wrote over and over again, trying to express her guilt.

But this is not writing a script, it is just something for Lee Soon Kyu to read. To put it bluntly, Seohyun writes so seriously. Are you sure Lee Soon Kyu can understand it?

But unlike these two people who were so serious that they forgot to eat lunch, the girls at home were too unfocused.

Not having lunch? How can that be done? If you don’t eat one meal, you will be hungry. If you do it several times in a row, wouldn’t it mean that you will starve to death?

This is simply the most painful way to die in the world, and they definitely don't want to experience it anyway.

Besides, they are not afraid of hunger, but mainly to maintain a better thinking state.

Only when you are full can you have enough energy to supply your brain, and only after ensuring energy can your brain burst out with endless ideas. There should be no problem with this logic, right?

Kim Taeyeon looked at the words she wrote and thought with some uncertainty.

How many words did she write throughout the morning? She didn't dare to count it, because it definitely didn't exceed three digits.

Comparing the number of words with the time, she even felt a sense of despair. Was she really unable to write anymore?

"Don't be discouraged, it's all because of your health. Believe me, after lunch, we will definitely be full of energy!"

Jessica came forward to cheer everyone up. After all, Kim Taeyeon was not the only one who was depressed. Xiuying and Yuri over there were even more terrifying.

The two of them seemed to have had their souls emptied out. They sat there in a daze with their eyes blank, with no trace of their usual agility.

But this is understandable. Kim Taeyeon only has to bear a small part, but it is difficult for her to be like this. The pressure on both of them can be imagined.

It's just that Jessica can't do much. If she really had the relevant talent, she would have taken the initiative to help.

It's a pity that she is not much better than everyone else, she can barely reach the average level of the team.

But she knew she couldn't continue like this, so she had to give everyone some motivation, such as having lunch!

And it cannot be an ordinary lunch, where the focus is not on what to eat.

After all, they have been making money for many years, and they have made up for the grievances they suffered when they were young.

They already have a very high threshold for appetite, so if they want to get these women back on their feet, they need some extra tricks.

So Li Soonkyu, who had been sleeping upstairs, was called down, and he happily expressed his willingness to treat.

Of course, the name refers to a treat, but in Li Soonkyu's own opinion, this is clearly a simple meal provided by the landlord's family to the long-term workers.

When people are busy in farming, they all know to feed their livestock some good feed.

She, Li Soonkyu, is not a real landlord, and she is not stingy to that extent. She is very willing to spend money on these women.

As for the specific price range of food to be provided, it depends on the quality of the work of these women. After working all morning, there should be some staged results, right?

Originally, Jessica thought everything was going well, but in the end, Lee Soon Kyu did something like this.

This is trying to get the girls to eat chaffy vegetables, but this is not possible. If this continues, both parties will fall into a vicious cycle.

So at this moment, she must either pay for the meal, or stop Lee Soon Kyu's inspection.

In the end, Jessica chose the latter, not just by playing the favor card, but by simply scaring the woman.

In fact, there was no need for Jessica to instigate it. From the moment Lee Soon Kyu came down, their eyes were fixed on her.

It was just their own struggle this morning, and it was barely their own fault.

But is Lee Soon Kyu living too comfortably? His face is rosy, full of energy, and there is even saliva residue at the corner of his mouth.

Everyone is in the same team, why can Lee Soon Kyu enjoy this? This is not fair!

Sure enough, jealousy is one of the intrinsic driving forces of human beings. Driven by jealousy, people will gradually lose their reason and can do anything.

Lee Soon Kyu's hand had already touched the paper in front of Kim Taeyeon, but she was also aware of the low pressure around her.

Her sixth sense told her that if she continued, something terrible might happen.

As for what will happen specifically, Li Shunkyu can barely guess. After all, all he has to do is put himself into the state of those women. She is also a member of the girls.

Considering the extreme thoughts he had in the simulation, Li Soonkyu immediately retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted.

"Why don't you take a look? This is the result of several hours of meditating. Take a look!"

On the contrary, Kim Taeyeon took the initiative to persuade her, but should she look in the mirror? Who would dare to act according to her wishes with her smiling face?

Li Shunkyu also knew that she might have pushed too hard, or she did not expect that the effect this time would be so good.

Look closely at what she's doing, she's crushing the whole team at once with the power of one person.

This kind of thing usually feels unreliable when she thinks about it. She had just vented her anger before.

But she didn't expect that the girls would be so generous this time, which made her a little overwhelmed.

In fact, she took the initiative to go upstairs to rest to give these women a buffer of time.

They can calm down and come up with some excuses through communication, which is entirely possible.

Li Soonkyu was even prepared not to see anyone when she came down, but these women really gave her a big surprise.

Now she is riding a tiger. If she directly expresses her inner thoughts now, those women will collapse.

Because then the pain they had suffered before would not have been in vain, and Lee Soon Kyu would have to take responsibility for it.

And if she wants to continue to maintain it, it will test her wrist. It is like walking on a tightrope at high altitude. If she is not careful, she will fall into the abyss.

"You don't need to look at it. Just seeing how serious you are makes me very happy. How can I, Lee Soon Kyu, be so virtuous!"

As he spoke, Li Soonkyu wiped the corners of his eyes. Although it was a bit artificial, he should have expressed his touching emotions well, right?

"What do you want to eat for lunch? Whatever you want, I will treat them all today!"

After playing the emotional card, it is natural to start buying them materially, but girls are obviously a particularly difficult category.

I believe that many people of the opposite sex who have come into contact with them will be deeply touched by this. It is difficult to even get acquainted with them, let alone pursue such extreme examples.

Even after exchanging contact information, in the end either there was no reply, or he received a polite warning from Li Menglong not to send these suggestive text messages, because he doesn't like men!

The girls have laughed at him for a long time. As for Li Menglong's complaint, isn't it normal practice for artists to leave their manager's number outside?

As for why they are so vigilant, it is simply because of fear.

This industry is really bad and chaotic. You may make a few friends when you are a trainee, but don't think about it once you become famous.

The vast majority of people come here with other motives. As for those who are sincere, how can they tell the difference?

Rather than taking on those extra risks, it would be better to cut it across the board, which at least saves a lot of energy.

Now it's Lee Soon Kyu's turn. Originally, it was the group of women who came to please her, but now that the offensive and defensive forces are different, she is at a disadvantage.

This is the disadvantage of not having allies. Even if you gain the upper hand for a while, you never know when you will feel guilty.

This is also the reason why Kim Taeyeon always pulls a few people together to show off.

If she wanted to "rule" the entire team with one person and treat everyone below as Seohyun and Yoona, she would have been hacked to death countless times.

Lee Soon Kyu fell into a similar predicament this time, and she could only learn lessons later.

Now she didn't even think about how to end it, she just wanted to calm the emotions of these women and don't fall out now.

Fortunately, the foodies of the girls are still there, and Li Soonkyu also understands their tastes. After spending a lot of money, the atmosphere in the room finally became warmer.

But this is simply treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. We can't wait for them to accumulate resentment for an afternoon and then treat them to dinner, right?

She didn't mind spending money, but there was a limit to this kind of comfort. What should they do if they couldn't eat anymore?

So it's better to make plans early. What Lee Soon Kyu was thinking about was a splitting headache and no appetite for food.

She just watched the group of women feasting. Her mood was completely different from before. They were not performing it for her, right?

Considering the acting skills of these women, Lee Soon Kyu never dared to take the gamble.

Although there is a probability of winning, even if she succeeds a hundred times, as long as she makes one mistake, her previous victory will be meaningless.

So what else is there to say? We must come up with a complete solution to the problem.

Considering what happened, Li Shunkyu already had an idea, but she couldn't make up her mind.

Because this plan was basically a lose-lose plan, and she really didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

It’s just that time waits for no one. If you don’t speak out when these women are in a good mood, it will be difficult to find the right time.

"Is everyone eating well? I'll tell you what's mine, and you guys continue!"

Lee Soon Kyu lowered his stance: "I also conducted self-reflection upstairs, and it is indeed not very humane for you to write this."

"What do you mean? Are you trying to say that we don't need to write it?"

Kim Taeyeon said coldly, the words about her being fucked are still hanging on the corner of her mouth, can you be a little patient? Don't turn your back on others!

"How could it be? You have all worked hard for so long. What I mean is that I have some things I can't do to you, so I'll join in, okay?"

Li Soonkyu asked not whether she could join, but whether these women would be able to calm down after she did so.

In fact, the most ideal solution now is to completely pretend that nothing happened, but how could Kim Taeyeon and the others be willing to do so.

Has all this morning's pain been in vain?

So in order to let Lee Soon-kyu feel their pain, they would rather continue to sink: "You want to write a 50,000-word self-reflection for each of us?"

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