The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2923 Everything is boring

Xiuying's mind was like a machine at the moment, rumbling into action.

Facing the girls' leading questions, Xiuying naturally knows what kind of answers will please them. These years of getting along are not in vain.

The most flattering answer is undoubtedly that she undertook all the inspections. These women will probably be so happy that they smile.

Moreover, they are not stingy in their treatment of their own people, and they will definitely give them the benefits they deserve. In the eyes of ordinary people, Xiuying may actually take advantage of them.

But considering their current income, Xiuying has reached the age where she can spend money to buy her freedom.

If she makes so much money, but still has to feel wronged because of material things, then what is she doing with the money? Keep it for yourself?

So benefits or anything like that are not noticed by Xiuying at all. If possible, she would even take the initiative to give benefits. Does anyone want it?

And if you don't want to take full responsibility, it will be difficult to satisfy the girls: "How about one thousand...two thousand words?"

Xiuying herself knew that this statement was untrue, but this was her cleverness. She had to leave room for bargaining for these women.

Isn’t the word count she gave just too much?

Excluding Seohyun who is not at home, and excluding Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona who has been wronged, there are only six people left.

Although the number of people seems to be large, considering the actual people doing the work, this has reached a precarious level.

In the end, Xiuying backhanded her like this and asked for two thousand words. How could she have the nerve to say it?

Even if averaged over everyone, this is more than two thousand words. Does she want these sisters to "shield the wind and rain" for her?

Sorry, this is not a habit in their team. On the contrary, it is more common for the younger sister to contribute.

Seeing the group of women gradually shrinking the encirclement, Xiuying was so nervous that she wanted to faint.

But don't say she doesn't have such acting skills. Even if she really faints, the girls will rescue her.

Writing hard while taking a bottle is very touching when I think about it, so does Xiuying want to give it a try?

Unless Xiuying had water in her head, why would she do this? To impress yourself?

But after all, it’s just a matter of numbers. This is the core, and everything else is just an external appearance.

Since two thousand words cannot satisfy them, how about doubling it? Is this sincere enough?

"Set the base number so low first, and then double it, are you playing a word game with us here?"

"Don't be clever in front of us, you'll get beaten!"

"Let me tell you a number - thirty thousand!"

Kim Taeyeon raised three fingers to make an OK gesture, which can be regarded as a pun.

She is obviously very satisfied with her actions. Sooyoung must have the same idea, right?

How could Xiuying empathize with her, considering that she alone had to complete three-fifths of the work? How could they say such shameless words?

"That half is fine. This is our bottom line. You have to consider the consequences of refusing!"

Since Xiuying doesn't like to eat soft food, she can only be tougher. Yuri has already started to show off her biceps.

I don’t know where she saw this action coming from. Yuli turned her back to everyone at the moment. She turned her head slightly so that everyone could see her side face, and her hands were very hard on her head to gesture to... the moon?

Usually, similar movements on their part are for comparison, but the sudden appearance of such a powerful movement makes them not used to it.

But if you smack it carefully, it seems to be quite interesting. Speaking of which, they have reached the age where they can show their individuality. How about starting with "comparison"?

Xiuying was the first person to see this eye-searing scene. Now she wanted to take her eyes out. Keeping them would be a disaster.

If she really made a mistake, please punish her with the law and don't let her suffer these unreasonable disasters!

It's hard to say whether Xiuying was frightened or disgusted. In short, Xiuying compromised and she was responsible for half of it.

When Xiuying thought of those terrifying figures, her eyes lost their luster, and she didn't even bother to watch the fight between the women on the side.

It is said that absolute peace does not exist, at least in their dormitory, peace is relative.

When a difficult problem is solved, everyone will naturally start fighting among themselves, and as the fighting power of the remaining people soars, the situation is still somewhat out of control.

It's easier to say something about Yuli. Although this little girl looks a little aloof, she actually has a very naive personality and is easy to persuade.

Especially after the comparison with Xiuying, her responsibility for ten thousand words does not seem to be that much.

But the girls' relaxation ends here, because Hyoyeon will not be so easy to bully next.

If you want her to be responsible for the remaining half, you have to have a fight first, at least to convince her.

If the staff is complete, then Kim Taeyeon thinks she can give it a try, but now she is missing a general like Lee Soon Kyu.

Putting Pani in a battle of this level is simply an added bonus, so the only ones who really compete are Kim Taeyeon and Jessica Jung.

It seems to be a two-on-one situation, but if they can't form a crushing situation, even if the two of them can win, they will be injured.

And once both of them want to let each other rush to the front, there is no need to talk about cooperation. They should look away early.

So they decided to divide the rest equally. Kim Taeyeon was really showing off, as if she had done some great charity.

Xiuying watched the whole process, it was disgusting, because the four of them together were not as many as her, and they were still saying these hypocritical words here, bah, hypocrisy!

She really wanted to film this scene and put it online for fans to see, and for the public to see their ugly faces!

But considering the consequences of doing so, she still endured it. After all, she didn't even have the courage to lift the table now, so why do you expect her to do these things?

Let's just prepare to write honestly. How on earth is she going to complete this almost impossible task?

Looking coldly at the people on the side, she showed no intention of asking for help.

It’s not that Kim Taeyeon and the others won’t help, but they can’t protect themselves, so they should stop holding each other back and give each other new possibilities.

So Xiuying decided to ask Li Menglong. After all, this man was the one who could write best among them, and he had already produced enough proofs.

It's just that the call didn't get through the first time, which is understandable. Li Menglong was so busy with work that he didn't see it.

The second phone call five minutes later still went nowhere. Could it be that she deliberately ignored it after seeing it? She was a little anxious.

The third time, after waiting for a quarter of an hour, Xiuying was ready to fight to the death.

If Li Menglong still didn't respond this time, then she would go to the company and grab him by the collar to ask him what he thought of her!

Fortunately, she didn't have to wait in vain this time. Although she still waited for a while, she was finally able to call.

"Did you do this on purpose? As a manager, you don't answer calls from artists. What should I do if something unexpected happens?"

"Um...Does the agent have to answer the phone at all times? There are always some special situations in life. Ernie should be more generous."

Listening to this rather familiar tone and this educational tone, it was almost self-evident who was on the other side.

Besides, the only girl next to Li Menglong was Xu Xian. It is estimated that even if others saw it, they would not pick up the call for him.

Xu Xian is the only one in the company who can avoid suspicion. Will Li Menglong still dare to blame her after this?

Of course, even if Xu Xian pretends not to see it, it will be useless, because he will probably find her next moment, so is Xiuying in a hurry?

"I'm not that anxious. By the way, what are you doing? Why did he deliberately not answer my call?"

"It's not intentional. We are having a movie meeting and everyone is muted by default."

If this was Lee Mong-ryong's answer, Soo-young would definitely use it as an excuse, but Seo-hyun's character is still trustworthy.

This made Xiuying a little embarrassed. She would not delay the other party's work because of personal matters.

So when faced with Xu Xian's inquiry, she couldn't find any excuse for a while. Could it be that she was just joking?

But Xiuying quickly realized that there was a logical flaw in this statement.

If it was silent all the time and even Li Menglong himself didn't notice it, then where did Xu Xian see it? Could she have been lying?

"Hey, can you think more openly? There are so many conspiracies." Xu Xian explained with a slight complaint: "Although the sound is muted, the phone will light up, so it is easy to see it."

This was another explanation that suddenly made Xiuying realize. She felt that she should not be entangled with Xu Xian anymore. Her brain was not good enough. Was she being bullied by the girls?

But this doesn’t make sense. It was Yoona who was beaten, and she was just watching from the sidelines. It couldn’t be the legendary cow beating across the mountain, right?

But just when Xiuying wanted to forcefully hang up the phone, a new truth flashed through her mind: If the phone screen lights up, does that mean Li Menglong also saw it?

In this case, why didn't he answer the phone the previous two times? After all, he still disliked her. How to explain this?

Xu Xian's tone was very tired. This kind of thing requires getting to the bottom of things. What answer did Xiuying want to hear?

"Yes, I saw it, but we were in a meeting and didn't have time. I still saw you calling me many times. He was afraid that you were in a hurry, so he asked me to sneak out and ask, so what on earth do you want to do?"

This answer completely explained all the doubts in Xiuying's heart, but she didn't know what emotions to use to face it.

Maybe Li Menglong valued her, but he didn't answer the phone several times before; but maybe he didn't, and asked Xu Xian to come out and ask.

So does she want to express her gratitude now?

Because this topic occupied too much "memory" in her brain, when Xiuying reacted again, she realized that she had subconsciously told the whole truth.

Xu Xian on the opposite side was obviously speechless. Apart from the increasingly heavy breathing, it was so quiet that it was terrifying.

Xiuying is not like Kim Taeyeon, so she is quite scared of this little girl, not to mention that she is about to teach her a lesson.

Xiuying is very good at playing the emotional card unconditionally at this time: "You don't know how they bully me. You are not at home, and there is no one to protect me... ugh..."

According to Xiuying's guess, it was Xu Xian who came to comfort her next, but Xu Xian's words made her subconsciously stop crying.

"I'm at home? If I'm at home, I can take your place and suffer, right? You can continue to make trouble for the tiger."

The sarcasm in Xu Xian's tone almost overflowed, and she did have reason to be angry.

What Xiuying said was so disrespectful. It was okay to suffer herself. She also wanted to drag her Seohyun back as a scapegoat. Is this what a sister can do?

She also wants to expose Kim Taeyeon and the others. In Seohyun's opinion, she, Choi Sooyoung, should be exposed the most. Does she think there is any essential difference between herself and Kim Taeyeon?

Xiuying was trembling at the moment. Faced with Xu Xian's accusation, she didn't even dare to breathe. After all, breathing was the original sin in this situation.

Seeing that the emotional card cannot be played, fortunately, there is still the most guaranteed card, which is to play badly!

No matter what Xu Xian said, Xiuying always admitted her mistake and apologized very well, which made Xu Xian unable to express his anger, and she was very depressed.

Especially when she thinks that she ran out of the meeting and wasted for so long because of such a person. She, Cui Xiuying, doesn't deserve it!

You must know that Xu Xian is in charge of meeting minutes. Although Li Menglong is temporarily taking over, it is better to trust himself in this matter. After all, the two people's ideas are different.

Sure enough, things were pretty much what Xu Xian had guessed. When she came in again, the notebook Li Menglong handed her was exactly as it was.

How did Xu Xian give it to him and he returned it exactly as it was, so what did he write down?

"It didn't say anything important, so I didn't remember it."

Li Menglong said it very frankly, but are you sure this is not an excuse for him to be lazy?

But it makes sense. After all, in his eyes, there are probably not many major events worth recording.

But it also shows Xiuying's "low status". The meeting has become so boring that Li Menglong is not willing to come out to answer the phone. Could it be that talking to Xiuying would be more boring?

Xu Xian also asked a similar question, and Li Menglong's answer was quite cunning: "Is she asking about writing a self-criticism? I have guessed it, so is there any need to communicate?"

This treacherous smile was very rare, and it looked strange to Xu Xian.

But why did he let himself out when he knew what was going to happen? Isn't he simply causing trouble?

"Huh? I thought you also felt that the meeting was boring. I asked you to go out to have fun, but you still don't appreciate it?"

Looking at Li Menglong's expectant eyes, Xu Xian couldn't open her mouth. Why should she say thank you?

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