The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2886 Professionalism

Even though he was paying benefits to his employees, Li Menglong still felt a little distressed.

Not only spending real money to treat guests to dinner, the girls also held small concerts, and ordinary commercial performances did not last this long.

Outsiders may still need to guess, but as members of the company, they should be able to find out the specific prices of the girls' commercial performances.

This is not what they can afford, so is it just about right? There must be a bottom line when taking advantage.

It's just that he overlooked something, for example, the meal money went to the company's account, and the so-called performance fees of the girls should also be based on their wishes.

It can be said that this is a big conflict between artists and companies. Even if they are restricted by contracts, they still cannot get satisfactory results.

Artists' own image and popularity are assets shared by them and the company, and they are the most valuable assets.

From the company's perspective, everything should "belong" to them.

After all, the company really spent money, spent time on training, and took on early risks. Shouldn’t the subsequent profits be mainly based on them?

But from an artist's perspective, it seems that their efforts are also an integral part.

Especially once a fire breaks out, they will no longer think it is the company's credit. They can still be a big hit in another place.

On the contrary, it is the company that takes advantage.

And the lack of cognition between both parties makes it easy to fall into conflicts in details.

For example, if an artist participates in some activities privately, how should this be handled?

If it is handled according to the contract, this is clearly an artist taking on private work, and this must be stopped and the company compensated.

But the artists also have something to say. They are all here to help, either to help their families or friends. How can it be considered a breach of contract?

Are they not even qualified to attend their friend's wedding? My shop happens to be open for business, why don't they come over and take a look?

In short, there are many artists who have fallen out with their companies over similar matters. As for the result, it is usually a lose-lose result, almost without exception.

So they learned their lesson and it was completely allowed for girls to take on private jobs.

They only need to report to the company, and their income is completely at their own disposal without giving a dime to the company.

It seems that the company has suffered a loss, not to mention those who cannot see it. The company is solely responsible for the vehicle and personnel expenses for their travel.

But the company also has its own considerations. First of all, the girls and even the artists under the company often come here after they become famous. They have their own resources and have not been trained by the company.

If you still have to collect money, wouldn't that be taking advantage of the artist?

Secondly, the company's revenue is mainly from production, and the artists are just incidental.

To put it harshly, as long as they can avoid losing money, they are not expected to support the company from the beginning to the end.

The reason for "maintaining" these artists under such favorable conditions is because of the positive benefits they can bring to the company's image.

After all, people love their homes and their homes. Although the company has not yet been listed, who can guarantee that it will not happen one day in the future?

And once the company is going public, this reputation can really be converted into money.

This precautionary measure was brought to the company by Li Eunxi. Without these long-term visions, do you really think she can accept so many years of salary with peace of mind?

So even if Li Menglong wanted to go in and stop, the girls would probably ignore him, and he had no such right.

This is a bit difficult to handle. He can't just rush in and fight so many people by himself. He doesn't want to die yet.

He squatted outside for a while until he noticed someone squatting next to him.

This distance is a bit close, especially since he doesn't know this person yet. Is he a new colleague in the company?

"I heard that the girls are inside? Is it true? Can you take me in and take a look?"

This person is also very familiar to him, but his statement revealed his identity. He was probably a fan who got the news from somewhere and came here.

As for why they didn't just go in, of course it was because they couldn't get in, because the entire restaurant was booked by them.

This is considered a common practice. Even if there are no artists participating, entertainment company dinners are still not suitable for ordinary people to participate because there are too many secrets.

The daily stories that may be circulated among everyone are regarded as big gossip if outsiders hear it. Don't always scare outsiders.

Not to mention that there are still girls here today, so there are a few colleagues who are not drinking and are guarding the door to guard against this.

I guess this fan has also tried it, so he came to try his luck.

As for why he recognized him, this is not Li Menglong's boast. Fans of the girls will probably recognize him as long as they are familiar with them.

Girls’ Generation’s tenth member is not named by himself, it’s all named by fans.

What's more, although he isn't very enthusiastic about his fans, his reputation has always been quite good. Even if he can't see the girls, it's good to be able to chat with him.

This person obviously had this in mind and even took out his cell phone to take a photo with Li Menglong.

"You're not my fan, why are you saving my photos? To ward off evil spirits?"

Is this a kind of self-defeat? Fans don’t know how to respond. Should they praise him for his accurate understanding of himself?

He stood up slowly, because he had to adapt after squatting for too long: "Are you the only one around? If there are any fans, you can call them over. There will be a surprise."

"Don't lie to me? Otherwise I will be beaten to death by them!"

"Don't worry, it's a society ruled by law now, I will help you bear the legal fees."

Although he was still a little suspicious of Li Menglong's statement, the man still dialed the phone with doubts.

Within ten minutes, dozens of people gathered around him, and Li Menglong was curious about where these people came from.

Fortunately, it's not that difficult to explain. They all came here a long time ago.

After learning that they could not enter, a few people were left watching at the door, while the rest dispersed and wandered around.

Their goals have changed, and they want to wait for the girls to come out to try their luck, but now there seems to be a turn for the better?

"You are really going to make money. Do you know how much the ticket price is for the girls' concert? I mean, none of you have gone to see it live, right?"

Li Menglong's suspicion was justified. There were only single digits of people raising their hands at the scene.

But it's not that they don't want to see it, it's mainly because they can't get it, and the price is indeed quite expensive.

"Can it be cheaper next time? Please, don't you think too highly of me? Can I, an agent, decide on this kind of thing? The company needs to hold a special meeting to study it."

Li Menglong couldn't wait to explain this process to them, but their ideas were too simple.

In their understanding, this kind of thing seems to be that someone can just set the final ticket price casually when their brain is hot.

But have they considered how huge the ticket price will be when multiplied by the total number of people attending nearly a hundred shows? A little more, a little less, the changes in this number may all end with 100 million.

So it needs to take into account factors such as cost, revenue, fans' expectations, etc., and you may even need to hire some actuaries, etc. All in all, it's very complicated.

The right thing for them to do is to make him promise free admission. Relatively speaking, this has some chance of success.

"Don't wait until later. Your wishes can be fulfilled today. Are you ready to welcome the girls?"

Led by Li Menglong, these fans were obviously very enthusiastic, and they realized that the other party was not joking.

Although there was still a lot of curiosity in their hearts, there was no time for them to think anymore.

Looking at Li Menglong's back in front of them, they had to follow him even if they were deceived, otherwise they would regret it for who knows how long.

Fortunately, Li Menglong can be considered a respectable person, and he is not to the point of deceiving others.

It cost him and Zhen Xiang some ticket money, but considering the girls' reactions after learning about this, he still suppressed his restless heart.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he could hear the singing of girls, which made the fans behind him excited.

And he was able to come here resolutely even though he knew that there was a high probability that he would not see the girls. The composition of these fans can be imagined.

So Li Menglong couldn't understand the other party's logic at all, why they took out the support banners and hand lanterns from the bags behind them.

Don't they think it will be very heavy when they are running around carrying these things? And there is a high probability that it will not be used, right?

"How can it be meaningless? Isn't this useful?"

Facing the fans' response, Li Menglong couldn't say anything except a wry smile, because this is the fact.

Maybe they might not use it even if they carry it a hundred times, but at least they hit it this time.

Thumbs up for them, these guys deserve it!

Since they are so professional, Li Menglong feels that he doesn't need to explain too much anymore and can just let them express themselves freely.

And these people did live up to his expectations. What does it mean to be a professional fan? This is called professionalism, especially in comparison with the "rabble" on the side.

By the way, the girls were singing happily on the makeshift stage made of tables, but they were also a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, it is more like a large gathering among friends than a stage performance.

Everyone was very happy and responded to the girls on the stage, but they didn't care that much. In short, it was a bit awkward.

The most obvious thing is that although this group of people sang along the whole time, they couldn't grasp the key point. Don't they want to enjoy the singing of the girls alone?

Speaking of support, there are rules. In this regard, everyone in the company obviously has no involvement.

Faced with this messy scene, the fans who came in were going crazy.

But they also knew that this was an internal party of their company, and it would be great if Li Menglong let them in. It would be difficult for them to cause trouble here.

Besides, they don't want the girls to bear the corresponding consequences for them, that's what they don't want to see.

But they couldn't do nothing. They decided to use their enthusiasm and professionalism to let these people know how to cooperate with the singer's performance on stage.

As a result, a burst of neat roar suddenly came from the originally noisy singing, and the sound even overshadowed the girls on the stage.

So everyone looked over subconsciously, and these fans were not afraid of the stage, and came to the front holding the banners in their hands.

What followed was an extremely harmonious scene, and the girls had to say that this kind of coordination was indeed something they were familiar with.

It’s just that these people shouldn’t be colleagues in the company, right?

As long as you have enough contact with the artist in private, it is difficult to become their die-hard fan.

There is a huge space for imagination between fans and artists, and idols are far from perfect as fans imagine.

Therefore, if you have many private contacts, it is easy to "expose" your secret.

Moreover, these fans are so professional, they couldn't be specially hired by everyone, right? To match their singing?

That's not necessary, they didn't plan to sing for that long, and it seems like that's about it now.

If these fans were to know that because of their arrival, the girls wanted to end it, they would probably cry.

But this is in line with Li Menglong's expectations. Those fans don't naively think that Li Menglong is pitying them, right?

Although there is no malicious intent, Li Menglong also has his own purpose. They are his tools.

Even in his expectation, they might have some verbal conflicts with colleagues in the company, but now it seems that it is too peaceful.

At least the girls on the stage were already giving him signals. After all, it was not up to them to say the final words themselves.

Although no one will complain about them, the protection of their own image has been integrated into their bones, even when facing everyone in the company.

If it had been half an hour ago, he might have had to decide for a while and let them beg him anyway.

But forget it now, he really wants to rest. Besides, how long do these people want to listen to it for free? Don’t you have to go to work tomorrow?

As Li Menglong walked up, anyone with any brains would know what was going on. Is this going to be the end?

Colleagues in the company were better, but the fans who had just come in couldn't accept it. They had just listened to half of the song.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who told you to be late?"

Li Menglong spread his hands and said very regretfully, and even wanted to make some jokes, but was pushed a few times by the girls behind him.

This scene was naturally seen by the fans, and there was a burst of cheers immediately, as if the girls were taking revenge on them.

In fact, this is Li Menglong's role. Someone has to come forward and be the bad guy.

And considering the looks of the girls, they are really not suitable for this role. It would be better for Li Menglong to come and "act in his true colors".

After this scene of interaction, the girls can make "compromises" with peace of mind, such as singing the last song first to the fans who came from afar...

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