The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2879 Abnormal concentration

"It's obviously part of your job, why are you asking us? We've never been an agent."

The girls responded matter-of-factly, don't come over and ask them about this kind of thing.

Although I have a lot of contact with agents in my daily work, that's all.

They have long passed the age of innocence and will not simply think that what an agent will do is what they see.

I'm afraid these are just the tip of the iceberg in their daily work. Among other things, contacting them with work is the top priority.

And some of the jobs they want are often fought for by many people.

Being able to stand out in the competition is certainly related to the popularity of the artist, but the efforts behind the manager are absolutely indispensable.

So they still respect Li Menglong's work, at least that's what they think.

"If you don't know, then don't talk nonsense and just do your part. Do you understand?"

Li Menglong took the opportunity to scold them a few words, and then immediately opened the door and ran out without giving them a chance to refute.

Anyway, Yoona can't retaliate. Let's see if there is a chance during a dinner party later. As for now, staying here is just making yourself unhappy.

Besides, other people have come to the company, and they will treat the people on the second floor to dinner later. Should these colleagues show some attitude in return for him?

Although Li Menglong didn't have to pay a penny, he had a great sense of ownership and had already taken the initiative to get into the mood of treating guests.

These people eat his food and drink his food without expecting them to pay for it, but they should always invest 200% in their work, right?

He didn't know what these people were thinking. If he met such a charming leader, he would come back immediately after dinner today and stay up all night.

If you don't do this, it's not enough to express your gratitude. Some of them must think so, right?

But Li Menglong obviously thought too much. When he returned to the second floor again, there was not even a cheer.

If it's just like this, that's it. Just think that they are working hard, but what's the point of chatting over there?

"With neither you nor Xu Xian here, there's not much we can do."

The reason is valid, but it cannot be used as an excuse for them to be lazy.

Even if they really don't have a job, can't they clear the table and clean the house?

They get paid and have a free dinner later. The company is not here just for them to chat.

And how to explain this lazy atmosphere? If nothing else, it’s just waiting to get off work?

After all, there are still forty-seven minutes before get off work ends. Shouldn't they make use of this time?

With deep resentment in his heart, Li Menglong took action personally.

By the way, everyone on the second floor dislikes him, but they still admire him in their hearts.

Not to mention other aspects, just in terms of various seemingly strict requirements, he is often the one who takes the lead and leads by example.

And since he, as the leader, is so excited, it seems that it would be bad if everyone doesn't follow, as this man will put their foot down.

As a result, the entire second floor quickly started working in full swing.

Even though everyone had been stagnant for so long, with Li Menglong's return, they still cooperated well with each other.

Even the backlog of work that had been accumulated in the afternoon was processed quickly, with such impressive efficiency that other companies would cry when they saw it.

If the departments under the company can achieve this kind of efficiency, why worry about the company not developing?

But it is a pity that it is difficult to replicate this situation, because leaders like Li Menglong who are willing to take root in the front line and lead the charge are too rare.

Even if Li Enxi asked her to do this again, she would not be able to resist.

Because although senior management is also under pressure, the sense of accomplishment they can enjoy is far greater than that of their subordinates, and they will also have much more time freedom.

Let's just talk about Li Enxi's hangover today. Let's try it with an ordinary employee and see if he gets the same treatment.

But compared to the final madness on the second floor, the rest of the group was very distracted.

It's almost time for a dinner party after get off work. Who still has the time to work? Besides, work doesn't take much time.

So everyone subconsciously ran around in various offices, chatting, exchanging feelings, and making an appointment to have a drink or two.

But when everyone arrived on the second floor, they were immediately frightened by the heated scene. What were these people doing?

Could it be that a leader came to inspect? Otherwise why pretend?

But saying this is a bit against your will, because you can see that the other party is really dealing with the work, but it is always a bit unacceptable.

It wasn't until they saw Li Menglong that the group of people suddenly realized that they had been caught by this man. This would explain it.

As Li Menglong looked over, the group of people standing at the door immediately dispersed. Are they staying here waiting to be scolded?

And even if the other person didn't speak, everyone was aware of it.

Li Menglong is working hard, why should they be lazy? Are they more valuable than Li Menglong?

After talking for a while, they had agreed to have a dinner together, but they couldn't even open their mouths to complain about Li Menglong. Under such circumstances, it would be too heartless to say bad things about him behind his back.

Under the leadership of Li Menglong, his office is like the engine of a machine, slowly starting up the company that was almost stagnant again.

Xu Xian knew nothing about this. She closed the pen cap solemnly at this moment, and then left the seat impatiently.

Every extra minute of sitting was torture for her. She would rather lie on the floor than sit there any longer.

Although there may not necessarily be more work than on the second floor, it also depends on how long Xu Xian and Li Menglong have been studying.

For her at this moment, those tasks are basically within reach.

But that was not the case on the third floor. Every little thing required careful consideration. She was really afraid that one of her decisions would cause irreparable losses to the company.

Fortunately, the painful day was finally over and she was free.

At this time, she really felt that agreeing to Li Menglong's plan was a good move, because with the announcement of the news, everyone seemed to be automatically brought into get off work time.

Although this was not a good idea, Xu Xian supported it. At least it would allow her to finish her work early.

After stretching on the spot, Xu Xian felt that this back was no longer his. What should he do next?

It seemed that there was still a while until she got off work. Otherwise, she would go to Li Menglong first and then talk. She was still a little uneasy in her heart.

Although there seemed to be no risk of the plan being exposed, she always felt like she had done something bad.

So Xu Xian hesitated whether she should be the one to treat the guests. Even if it didn't work out, he would let her make up for it personally to calm her uneasiness.

Xu Xian, who had just walked out, felt a little strange why everyone in the corridor seemed to be in a hurry.

You have to know that they were smiling happily in front of me before. How long had it been before and after? Why did their attitudes change completely in the opposite direction?

After standing aside and observing silently for a while, he found that everyone was still working.

Although it seems inefficient and seems to be forcing oneself, the act of working itself is undeniable.

When did the quality of everyone in the company become so high? It's almost as high as the AI ​​in the game.

It’s that state of being able to devote yourself fully to work in the last few seconds before leaving get off work. This is simply unrealistic in reality.

Not to mention how many minutes in advance, many companies even start fishing in the afternoon and wait for people to get off work. Why wait until the last few seconds?

Relatively speaking, their company is pretty good, and everyone can often concentrate on working until the last hour.

Exactly when to start dazing and waiting to get off work depends on the work at hand.

But this kind of work is still exaggerated until the last second, especially when there is a dinner party after get off work.

If all this is voluntary, then Xu Xian really has to consider taking over.

Because a company with such hard-working employees is destined to become bigger and stronger, so she is here to take advantage of it.

But Xu Xian knew that this was impossible. There must be something she didn't know about it.

Instead of asking her colleagues directly, which would embarrass them, she decided to go to the girls first to inquire. They claimed to be the company's agents.

But when Xu Xian pushed open the door of the recording studio, he was shocked again by the scene in front of him. This group of women were gathering together to work together.

She subconsciously started to look around for cameras, otherwise it wouldn't make sense. Unless she was in front of the camera, Xu Xian could only think of such a reason for the time being.

"Hey, the maknae is here? Is he here to express his condolences to us?"

"Maknae? That's what you can call me. From now on, I will always call you boss."

"Then take more care of me. Do you think my recent income can increase a little? I am really thinking hard about the development of the company."

The girls were obviously very happy after seeing Xu Xian. They had all sorts of things to say for a while, but most of them were making fun of Xu Xian's identity as the acting president.

It’s no wonder that they are so snobbish. They are well-deserved members of their own family. They can walk sideways in the company from now on. How can they not be excited?

Although it was only a short day, it at least left them with a glimmer of hope. Xu Xian must also find it particularly interesting to be the president, right?

I dare not say anything more, but whenever Xu Xian wants to "campaign", they will definitely give their full support.

If they want people or money, even if they go bankrupt, they will definitely support Xu Xian to the end. So what exactly is she thinking?

Xu Xian's mind was filled with the scene of their work, and he could only subconsciously respond to their doubts: "Sorry, I'm not that interested."

This answer immediately caused everyone at the scene to cry out. Why are they not interested?

Do you think being a president is boring? Impossible, they felt very excited just thinking about that scene.

If you see anyone you don't like, you will be fired immediately. If you want to take a break, just give yourself a year's vacation. As for resources, is that a problem?

Regarding the girls' imagination, Xu Xian could only say that they should go to bed early, after all, there is everything in their dreams.

Don't say anything else, just fire anyone you don't like? Who do they think they are?

Do they know how difficult it is to recruit a reliable employee these days? And if we cultivate it from scratch, how much money will it cost?

Besides, if you are fired without reason, you will have to pay an extra sum of money. Who will pay for this money?

This doesn’t take into account the impact that similar behavior has on overall company morale.

In short, if we really want to follow the girls' approach, then if the company can survive for a year, it can be regarded as a good foundation laid before.

I have no intention of discussing this issue with the girls, because everyone's thoughts are not on the same channel at all.

What she cares more about is the state of this group of people. Why do they have to work so hard? Is the dinner party not attractive enough?

"Does this need a reason? Even if inspiration comes suddenly, you know that music is very about fate."

Kim Taeyeon said with a hint of magic, this statement is just to deceive people who don't know how to do it. She, Seohyun, is a singer!

Inspiration is indeed needed, but most musical works still rely on hard work.

Besides, it’s not that Xu Xian looks down on them. One of her sisters is one of them. Does anyone really have the talent to compose music?

Different from composing lyrics, composing is a relatively abstract concept that requires a period of professional study. But do they have the time and energy?

I know the basic music theory, but that's it. If you want to go further, there's really no need.

It’s not that they can’t write, and what they write may not be usable.

Especially with their current status, they would not dare to use the works of ordinary newcomers.

They are past the age of adventure and need relative stability.

So if you work hard, you may not get good results, so why bother yourself? Wouldn’t it be nice to learn something else if you have that time?

Of course, Li Menglong gave them the opportunity to train them, and his requirements were not high. It would be enough for one or two of the nine people to be able to compose music.

His perspective is different from Seohyun's. From an operational perspective, do girls' self-composed songs really need to be of high quality?

The word "feeling" alone is enough to sell money. All it needs is a gimmick. Of course, it can also be regarded as their feedback to the fans. This kind of thing is right no matter how you say it.

Xu Xian herself gave up early because her talent was really limited. She was not a genius in the conventional sense.

What’s more, she has so much to learn that it’s hard to allocate extra energy.

And girls also need space to express themselves. Maybe a great composer will emerge from among them in the future.

Although there is little hope, Xu Xian still firmly believes in this: "Come on, guys, we can cooperate when there is an opportunity in the future."

"What do you mean? You want to use us to compose music in your work?"

The girls were very interested in Xu Xian's proposal, but why didn't Xu Xian respond for so long?

What does the silence mean at this moment? She took the initiative herself. Does she regret it now? Is this too fast?

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