The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2875 Semi-reconciliation

the truth? What truth do they want? Let’s talk about it in detail, maybe I was really deceived by them.

It's just that the probability is really too small, so small that it's almost impossible to happen.

At least Li Menglong didn't show weakness as they imagined. He even dared to talk to Xu Xian, which seemed to explain something.

Even if there is really some bad blood between these two people, it is not something they can participate in. If one of these two people counts, who do they dare to offend?

Ignoring the complicated thoughts of the girls, Li Menglong still explained to Xu Xian: "It's not that I don't go to work, but I have something to do temporarily. It seems that I can't go back at the moment."

"Are you in trouble at the moment? What's the matter? Just tell me and I'll see if I can help."

Xu Xian's words were so strange that if Yoona hadn't been sitting opposite him, he would have thought that Yoona was pretending.

After all, their most outstanding personal skill seems to be imitating the voices of the members. Is this really necessary to show off?

"It's just a small matter, so I won't bother you, old man. You are the backbone of the company today, how can you bother me so easily."

Li Menglong said it very politely, but in the eyes of the girls, was this too polite?

Especially Yoona, she felt even worse. Look at how he treated Xu Xian, and then look at how he treated herself.

The difference in treatment was too obvious, so he tried to cover it up a little.

He is not required to be absolutely fair, but it always seems fair, right?

If he could treat himself with half the tenderness he felt at the moment, nothing like what happened before would have happened.

Calculating it this way, it seems that the root cause still lies with Li Menglong, and she, Lin Yuner, is passive.

The more she thought about it, the more reliable it became. Whenever Li Menglong came to trouble her, she would try to throw out this statement.

If Li Menglong ran out of ideas, she would have made a profit.

She didn't care about Yoon'er's little thoughts. Even if Yoon'er said something today, she wouldn't be able to turn around.

Based on her previous actions, Li Menglong didn't beat her half to death on the spot, which meant that he cherished their friendship.

Xu Xianming on the other end of the phone knew that Li Menglong was talking nonsense, but he had no time to argue with him.

After all, there were many people standing across from her, so she was curious. Are there really so many tasks in the company that need to be decided by the president?

Don't let these people bully her because she doesn't know anything. She has never eaten pork and has never seen a pig run away.

After all, she has worked in the industry for so many years, and she still knows some of the presidents of the big and small companies.

Those people seemed to have a lot of free time every day, either playing golf or catching up on dinner parties.

Even if you come to the company, you are more willing to go to the trainees. Maybe younger people are easier to deceive?

In short, in Xu Xian's opinion, the president shouldn't be so busy.

After all, if her current workload is normal, then who would want to sit in this position?

After all the hard work, I found that my workload was even more than that of the company’s interns. Isn’t this a bit unbalanced?

So Xu Xian just wants Li Menglong to come back soon, not asking him to help him share the work on the third floor, but at least bring everyone down on the second floor.

But for such a small request, it was difficult for Li Menglong to give Xu Xian a satisfactory answer.

Because even if he is willing to go back, he is not afraid of those people making trouble for him, but he must also consider his physical condition at the moment. It shouldn't be allowed, right?

When the two were pulling each other, although the girls didn't know the complete story, they also grabbed some important information.

Li Menglong seems to have caused trouble in the company. Although it may not be big, the trouble that can cause him to escape cannot be said to be small.

And having trouble is a good thing. Once they can solve this trouble for Li Menglong, not to mention canceling their previous actions, but at least they can get a reprieve, right?

So there was no need to communicate at all. Kim Taeyeon, who was driving, immediately turned the steering wheel, and unprepared Lee Menglong suddenly bumped into Lee Soonkyu.

Fortunately, this was Lee Soon Kyu. If this happened to Pani, he probably wouldn't be able to explain it clearly. They would definitely frame him as taking advantage.

But when it comes to Lee Soon Kyu, I'm not afraid. What's wrong with his girlfriend taking advantage of her? He didn't even want to get up.

It's just that Lee Soon Kyu is a little shy. She is very reluctant to have close interactions with Lee Mong Ryong in front of the sisters. It will have a bad influence.

Besides, he clearly knows his weight. With such a big lump pressed down, Lee Soon Kyu has trouble breathing. Hurry up and get out!

"What's wrong oppa? You were driving, right? Did you have an accident?"

Xu Xian turned up the volume on his cell phone, trying his best to hear what was happening on the other side.

Once Li Menglong had a car accident and became unconscious, she would be responsible for calling an ambulance for him as soon as possible.

However, when the volume was raised, Xu Xian immediately captured some additional details, such as some minor reproaches.

"Who is driving? Reply immediately, otherwise I will fill your schedule for the next month in the name of the temporary acting president of the company!"

Xu Xian's threat is very targeted. After all, only he will know each other's pain points clearly, and it is almost accurate!

Even with Kim Taeyeon's status in the team, she can't withstand a threat of Seohyun's level.

As for doubting whether Xu Xian has this ability, considering Xu Xian's past character, it seems that the possibility of lying is not very high.

Besides, it’s better to believe that this kind of thing is true or not, otherwise if she were to run around for a month, she would probably collapse.

It’s okay if she hasn’t experienced it. The ignorant are fearless, but she clearly knows what this journey to hell is like.

Although this kind of schedule can be regarded as one of the signs of becoming popular, many unknown artists are even looking forward to this day.

But let her do it again, so forget it.

Besides, she seems to be very popular already. She probably won’t improve much if she becomes popular again. She should just maintain her basic base honestly.

"Maknae, I'm driving. Do you have anything to tell me?"

Kim Taeyeon raised her voice, which would make her voice sound more flattering and lower her posture.

It's just that this attitude was unanimously booed by everyone in the car. Does she care? After all, she is also the captain and the eldest sister. What is she afraid of Xu Xian, the maknae?

But this is easy to say. If you really want them to sit in their seats and try it, they will probably go further than her.

Just from the density of the boos, Xu Xian could roughly tell how many people were in the car. Did Li Menglong wipe out everyone in the family?

Although he didn't know why they got together, Xu Xian still knew their purpose clearly.

It's just about eating, drinking and having fun. Young people just want to enjoy themselves. Is this what they should do at their age?

Have to fight! Be more famous, more popular, and make more money!

After Xu Xian's injection of chicken blood, the girls were deeply touched, but at least on the surface it seemed like that.

One by one responded with all kinds of enthusiasm, as if fighting all night without burning the midnight oil was a disservice to them at their age.

At this point, Xu Xian finally came to his conclusion: "Do you have to wait until night to work hard? Come here now and don't let me see anyone absent, otherwise you will have to wait until tonight to fly abroad to meet fans. I’ll go!”

Xu Xian's words are just a pile of all kinds of negative buffs. We are still members of the same team. Do you want to make it so ugly?

They are not even allowed to stay overnight. They have to be packed and sent away overnight. Will it be a month before they come back?

And within this month, they will be ready to be a trapeze artist? Wandering around the world sounds quite romantic.

But every day when you open your eyes, you work in a strange city, and when you close your eyes, you sleep on the plane, over and over again. Isn't it interesting?

Anyway, they were completely manipulated by Xu Xian this time. Fortunately, they didn't have any rebellious mentality. Is it embarrassing to be manipulated by Xu Xian?

This is their special tenderness towards the maknae as sisters. If anyone says that they always bully Xu Xian, they will jump up and beat him.

After confirming the girls' answers, Xu Xian immediately hung up the phone, not giving Li Menglong a chance to speak again.

The girls are all here, where else can he go? Are you stubborn enough to hang out in front of the company? He's not that boring.

But as the vehicle drove towards the company, the atmosphere inside the vehicle became a bit dull.

You must know that they owed Li Menglong a lot to begin with, but now they openly stabbed him. Isn't it too much?

The girls also feel this way, but the reason why they do this is because of him, but you must listen to their explanations!

The scene in the TV series where I don't listen and I make trouble without reason is still difficult to appear in reality. Besides, it seems to be very interesting to listen to their excuses.

As the representative, Lee Soon Kyu fully stated their plans with the help of everyone.

It's nothing more than settling all the troubles in the company for him in exchange for his forgiveness to a certain extent. Is this a negotiable deal?

Sure enough, Li Menglong didn't veto it immediately, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. It's a good sign to have willingness.

The next step is nothing more than a matter of specific details, and they can still make concessions.

Besides, once they reach an agreement, at least during this period of time in the company, they will be absolutely safe, right? This in itself is very important.

Because Xu Xian and the others were there when they returned to the dormitory. Even if Li Menglong wanted to hit someone, at least there would be someone to stop him.

The girls made all their wishful thinking, but it was impossible for only one party to take advantage of everything. Could Li Menglong let them pass easily?

"How far can you solve it for me?"

Faced with his doubts, the girls did not intend to back down even though they knew there might be a trap inside.

I saw them beating their breasts so hard that even Pani coughed. The girl was really too real.

"To your satisfaction! As long as you ask for it, we will definitely complete it."

Facing the girls' responses, Li Menglong nodded with satisfaction, which was a little more reliable.

And his request was very simple, that is, no one in the entire company was allowed to be hostile to him.

The specific method of identification is that he goes over to shake hands, and the other party must bow and say words of thanks at the same time.

Girls are not stupid. This condition alone sounds excessive. Who does he think he is? If you bow when you see him, do you want to kneel down again?

So after some bargaining, the criterion for identification was that Li Menglong opened his arms to hug, and the other party either avoided avoiding or responded.

Although it still sounds difficult, considering his status in the company, among the girls, no one would dare to refuse his kindness, right?

Even though this hug was a bit controversial for subordinates of the opposite sex, with them following him the whole time, they were not afraid of his sudden transformation.

After having a standard that both parties were satisfied with, everyone began to recharge their batteries, and it would be impossible to improve after a while.

Considering the harm they, including Yoona, caused to Lee Meng Yong, if they want him to reach a reconciliation under the same circumstances, the conditions should not be simple no matter how you think about it.

The girls were well prepared, but they still underestimated the difficulties they would face.

How Li Menglong was forced to leave the company was not because he went from the first floor to the third floor. I dare not say that one person counts as one, but one person offended another person. This is still reliable, and maybe some will be missed. Woolen cloth.

If it hadn't reached the point of causing public outrage, he would have left in despair.

Fortunately, these are no longer his troubles. The girls have successfully taken over the past. The next thing he has to do is to walk into the company with his head held high and see who dares to trouble him.

As for the security capabilities of the girls, this needs to be looked at dialectically.

On a purely physical level, they may be far behind.

Apart from anything else, his height alone was not enough to protect him. The attacker could attack Li Menglong arbitrarily above their heads.

But when they surrounded Li Menglong, they also had to consider their own popularity.

If they do this on the street, then their so-called protection is just a joke, and it is not impossible to even say that they are giving away someone's head.

But it's different in the company. Although everyone is enthusiastic about them, they retain some sense. And with sense, you can communicate. However, communication seems to be one of their strengths?

As a result, Li Menglong became famous. Surrounded by the girls, he walked in quite confidently.

It is said that this is the first time for him to enjoy this kind of treatment. Sure enough, everyone has a reason for wanting to be a star. The feeling of being "served" is awesome!

From the moment he stepped into the company, the news immediately spread within the company, and "enemies" also came one after another.

The first one to appear was the boss's wife. Speaking of which, she and Li Menglong still had some minor conflicts, which were considered the best to resolve.

Just looking at the way he opened his arms to the boss lady, why was the provocation so obvious?

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