The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2862 Passive Ascension

Xu Xian herself didn't even know she had this talent. She could actually only "smile" half way!

At this moment, the left half of Xu Xian's face was still indifferent, but the right half was much kinder, with a smile clearly visible.

The combination of these two expressions has a special medical term to describe it - facial hemiplegia!

Although the girls didn't understand that much, they were also frightened by Xu Xian's expression.

After all, the face of an artist is half their life, so nothing can go wrong.

Although many artists can still rely on their strength to make a living, Seohyun is not without a way out, but why do he have to challenge those hellish difficulties when he can obviously make a living on his face?

Several people immediately gathered around her, either asking Xu Xian how she felt or directly rubbing her face with their hands, just like a bunch of perverts who came to take advantage.

Li Menglong was very jealous. How about he go over and give it a try? You won't be beaten, right?

But he just thought too much. Xu Xian didn't even let the girls go, so how could he specifically forgive him?

Although the concern for the girls was very useful, he still drove them away: "I'm fine, I can cry and laugh, so you don't need to worry too much about me, sisters."

In order to prevent this group of people from believing it, Xu Xian also made a few funny expressions, which looked quite funny.

It was rare to see this kind of expression on Xu Xian's face, and everyone laughed subconsciously.

But then came the accusations against Seohyun. How could she use such a thing as a joke? Don't you know they will be worried?

Xu Xian wanted to say that she didn't know. It was the first time for everyone. Who knew that these women would be so sensitive in their hearts.

But don't say such hurtful words. Even though he knew they had the motive to change the topic, Xu Xian still chose to cooperate.

Otherwise, what else can we do, imitate Li Menglong and fight with them?

Let’s not talk about Xu Xian’s fighting ability, why is she having an internal conflict with the girls, just because of this marshmallow?

If this kind of thing really happened, it would be too embarrassing for Li Menglong. He used a marshmallow to successfully make the girls' team fall apart.

Even further analysis may lead to a terrifying conclusion that the quarrel between these people is just because of Li Menglong's existence.

So the title can be further summarized: Girls' Generation fell apart, just because of one man!

If this title is really published, Xu Xian dares to guarantee his happiness for the rest of his life, and it will definitely become a hot headline tomorrow.

The popularity can even ignite the whole society, but in order not to occupy additional public resources, it is better for them to keep a low profile.

Xu Xian chose to forgive the girls. Of course, he didn't say it clearly, but the girls also understood what the other party meant.

The two sides quickly reconciled, making Li Menglong shake his head.

This is why he rarely gets involved in the internal fights among girls, and it's not easy to stand in a team.

Even if you stand in the right direction, it is still very difficult to get corresponding rewards!

He was still sowing discord over there, but the sisters had already reconciled with each other in just a few words, which exposed his villainous image.

So it's better to be honest, isn't this just saving yourself once?

But it was too early for him to be happy. Why did he think he could escape?

Xu Xian can reconcile with the girls because of the relationship between sisters, but is he also a sister?

Besides, after the girls unite the front, they also need an enemy to prove that they are right, and Li Menglong is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"Why are you looking at me? You still want to mess with me, right? I advise you to be kind!"

Li Menglong was also speechless. Aren't these women bullying honest people? He was not their fan and would accept all kinds of violence against them.

Although the girls did have bad intentions, his reaction was too much. Don't make him look so aggrieved.

He lives a very prosperous life in the team, and he can come over to bully them from time to time. Has he forgotten all this?

Both parties hold different opinions, and both believe that they have been wronged more, and that the other party is an out-and-out villain.

A referee is needed at this time, but unfortunately there is no such person here.

Xu Xian can play the role to a certain extent, but only if she doesn't end up personally.

She is now one of the parties involved, so how can she enforce the law impartially, as a player and referee?

Not to mention that Li Menglong would not agree, even she herself felt ridiculous, so forget it otherwise.

Anyway, she can forgive the girls. It seems that adding another Li Menglong is not unacceptable.

The girls admire Xu Xian's open-mindedness, but they don't want to just let it go. There must be an explanation.

But the excessive restraint made Li Menglong suddenly have some vague memories. If he remembered correctly, these women had tricked him once in the morning.

He wanted to take revenge several times, but in the end he didn't find a suitable opportunity. In the end, these people wanted to take revenge on him? Is this justified?

Li Menglong's words stunned the girls for a moment, mainly because they also needed to think about it. If he hadn't mentioned it, they would have forgotten it.

Even at this moment, they still want to default on the debt. It is best to pretend that nothing happened, but how could Li Menglong give them this opportunity.

Seeing that the two sides were about to get into an endless quarrel again, Xu Xian quickly pushed Li Menglong out. At the same time, he did not forget to tell the girls: "Work hard in the afternoon. I will come over from time to time to inspect."

While speaking, Xu Xian gestured with his eyes, indicating that she would keep staring at them. After giving enough threats, he closed the door.

No wonder Xu Xian has to explain so much, but he really doesn't feel at ease with these escaping sisters. God knows if they will just take a nap this afternoon and then wait to get off work.

After taking care of the girls here, she still has to deal with Li Menglong who is ready to take action. It is really difficult for her.

"Oppa, what's wrong with you? Don't say you really feel you've been wronged!"

"Huh? Are my acting skills fake? It shouldn't be!" Li Menglong touched his chin and muttered: "As expected, I have to get in touch with good actors. In this environment, even my acting skills are affected."

Faced with Li Menglong's boastful behavior, Xu Xian resisted and did not complain. Did he have any misunderstanding about his acting skills?

Not to mention professional actors like Yoona, even Kim Taeyeon, whom he has always complained about, seems to be on par with him in terms of acting skills.

Although Li Menglong is very talented in directing, and coaching actors in acting is one of his basic skills, this does not mean that his acting skills are superb.

Besides, Xu Xian is also a famous director, and his basic vision is still there.

If someone like Li Menglong appeared in his crew, Xu Xian would definitely wonder if the other person had given money to the company, otherwise there would be no explanation.

Facing Xu Xian's contempt, Li Menglong also blushed for a rare time, and he also realized Xu Xian's professionalism.

In other words, if this is calculated, he is digging a hole for himself. This is all retribution.

Li Menglong, who received his retribution, ran away in despair, while Xu Xian walked leisurely with his hands behind his back. These men and women were all firmly in her hands.

At this moment, Xu Xian was filled with great pride, as if the whole world was in her hands!

It wasn't until she heard someone calling her name that she reluctantly lowered her head. She was not someone she could fight against.

Li Enxi had no other intention in calling Xu Xian over. She mainly wanted to ask Xu Xian to help deal with the remaining beef.

"Didn't we agree to share it with everyone for afternoon tea? Didn't Ernie change his mind?"

Xu Xian asked curiously, could it be that Li Enxi regained his composure and knew that this was not appropriate?

But she was obviously overthinking it. Li Enxi simply wanted to go home and rest, and did not plan to waste time in the company.

Besides, after some of the beef was eaten by the girls, there wasn't much left. Why should everyone get a piece of it when it was distributed to so many people?

After all, he is also a big leader of the company, so Li Enxi cannot do such an embarrassing thing.

She and Li Menglong are also different. Although the other party is also the leader of the company, he still takes a more people-friendly approach.

Even though he is usually disliked by everyone in the company, this in itself represents the success of his strategy. Otherwise, which company's employees would be so bold?

But that's not the case for Li Enxi. If she also imitates Li Menglong and has all kinds of playful smiles, how can she manage the company? Will anyone still listen to her orders?

"Uh... So if I understand correctly, what you mean is that you want me to embarrass you on your behalf?"

"If you don't speak bluntly, you will suffer a loss if you go out like this."

Li Enxi looked like he wanted to be a teacher, but his words confirmed Xu Xian's thoughts, which was a bit too inappropriate.

Seohyun was also speechless. Li Eunxi felt embarrassed, so she, Seohyun, was shameless?

Although there seem to be a lot of people like this around her, Xu Xian has always kept herself clean. Doesn't this make her a failure?

Seemingly feeling that what he was doing was a bit deceptive, Li Enxi was not too embarrassed. After giving Xu Xian the beef, he stood up and left immediately.

Looking at the opponent's determined back, Xu Xian felt bad.

Especially the beef in her hand, which is still beef, it is clearly a time bomb. Can she call the police now?

There was no rush to go down. After all, before I figured out a way to deal with it, I would be making myself unhappy after going down.

She sat directly on Li Enxi's boss chair. Logically speaking, not everyone could sit in this chair, but she didn't feel any sense of awe.

Firstly, I have seen Li Menglong's behavior of occupying the magpie's nest too many times in daily life, and secondly, it was her deliberate revenge.

Li Enxi has tricked her so badly. What happened to the chair she sat on? If you are not convinced, you can come back and scold her yourself!

But after waiting for a while, Li Enxi did not come over, but colleagues from the company came over to report for work.

The other party stared at the document in his hand without looking up, and started talking about the content directly, which made the opposite Xu Xian feel on pins and needles.

She just planned to sit here for a while, but she didn't think about replacing Li Enxi. Besides, it seemed like she shouldn't listen to such major company-level matters.

But she didn't know how to remind him, so she could only make some coughing sounds, trying to make the other party see her clearly.

But the person opposite seemed to have received some kind of signal. Whenever Xu Xian coughed, he would immediately jump to the next topic.

But maybe Xu Xian coughed too frequently. The other party finally raised his head. The moment he saw Xu Xian's face, he froze in place.

Xu Xian was obviously a little embarrassed. He couldn't stand or sit at the moment, so he could only stand there in embarrassment.

Just when she was thinking about how to get out of the siege, the person opposite started reporting from the beginning again without saying a word.

This move really confused Xu Xian. Is the other party short-sighted? Didn't you see her face clearly?

"Hello, I'm Xu Xian, am I disturbing your work?"

Xu Xian said very politely, and even apologized next, but the other party did not give her this chance.

"How could I not recognize you? You don't need to explain to me. I understand. Let's continue?"

Facing the other party's response, Xu Xian really wanted to ask, what did the other party understand? Share with her why you are still so confused!

Xu Xian wanted to say something more, but he didn't have the chance. To be precise, he felt a little uneasy, always feeling that he had done something wrong.

So they simply cooperated with each other, and the two people started active and effective exchanges about the work given by the other party.

It just so happens that this job is a business she is familiar with. Generally speaking, it is the direction of investment in future movies and TV series.

Although it is not that specific, it does need to be planned in advance. As a practitioner in the industry, and with Li Menglong's various teachings, Xu Xian has a certain perspective on the overall situation.

"Well, I understand what you mean. Then I will go back and sort it out. If you have nothing to add, then this manuscript will be the content of everyone's discussion at the meeting the day after tomorrow."

Xu Xian really wants the other party to wait. It's not like Li Eunxi won't come back. Why doesn't he even give her this chance?

Before leaving, the other party also made a gesture of cheering and expressed his support for Xu Xian to take charge of the work, and then closed the door and left.

Xu Xian immediately ran to lock the door, and then collapsed on the sofa nearby. She needed some time to think about what the other party had misunderstood?

After Xu Xian's careful deduction, she came to a conclusion that surprised even herself. The other party wouldn't think that she was going to "take over", right?

This idea is a bit ridiculous. In such a big company, it is never her turn. This major is not suitable for her.

In public and private...

After thinking of this, Xu Xian paused for a moment. Let alone Yu Gong, but privately, it seemed that she really had this opportunity.

In terms of shares, Lee Soon Kyu is the major shareholder; in terms of influence, it seems that Lee Meng Long and others will support him.

If I have to talk about it, it’s just experience, but is this thing important?

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