The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2847 Wanting Money

Xu Xian is not a money-grubbing woman. Anyone who knows her will recognize this view without hesitation.

But this time the offer was too much. How much is 90% of 10 billion? Counting from the time she debuted, has she earned so much money in all these years?

Although he has never done statistics, Xu Xian estimates that it is a bit difficult.

Don't look at their popularity, but you should also look at the rookie contracts they signed during their debut.

To be honest, the first seven years were spent working for the company for free, at least that was the case for the vast majority of idols.

The contract will probably include a sky-high figure, which is the so-called training fee.

The idols must repay this fee first for any money they earn in the early stage, which means that not a penny will fall into their hands.

After finally paying off the money, you have to face the company's share, and there are more ways to do it.

To put it simply, albums do not make any money. Commercial performances can generate income, but they can only cover daily pocket money.

The bulk of the income is still from overseas commercial performances and concerts. How many groups can reach such heights? There are not a few people who have been working for the company for free.

So although the girls broke through many barriers here and did make some money, compared with the profits they created, it was really a drop in the bucket.

The money they earn during their new contract period is probably enough to buy a house for their family.

Although this amount of money is already sky-high for ordinary people, it still seems to be too little compared to public speculation about their income.

If they really want to make more money, after coming to SW, the loosening of the contract allowed them to gain huge benefits.

Of course, we also need to look at their own popularity. In short, they are extremely satisfied with their current income, especially compared with the intensity of their work.

But who would mind having too much money? Everyone would be tempted to get all the income of the past ten years in one go.

And compared with the previous hard work, this time she only had to use her mouth. Even if the possibility of success was pitifully low, she didn't have to pay anything extra. It was worth trying!

"I'll take over this matter. Unnie, you need to rest first. I'll go downstairs to find out what he's talking about!"

Xu Xian took action as soon as he spoke. This speed did not give Kim Taeyeon time to react. After she realized what happened, Xu Xian could be seen anywhere.

Sitting alone in the room, sorting out her thoughts, she desperately wanted to find someone to chat with at this moment, and she felt a little dizzy.

It was just that she couldn't understand Li Menglong's thinking before, but now she can't even understand Xu Xian? How will you lead the team from now on?

In her understanding of Xu Xian, the child is not greedy for money, and her relationship with Li Menglong must be carefully guarded against.

The girls even deliberately hid some pranks from her, just because they were afraid that she would tip off Li Menglong.

It's not to blame that they think too much. The relationship between the two of them is famously good, so good that it makes girls jealous occasionally.

As a result, just because of her casual remarks, she had to go down to collect the account for Kim Taeyeon. Does this make sense? Is there no conspiracy against you here?

Xu Xian didn't know anything about Kim Taeyeon's random thoughts. Now she just wanted to ask for money.

Xu Xian, who was temporarily blinded by money, didn't want to wait for a moment. Even if she was rejected, she still needed an answer.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't hide it deliberately. He just owed 10 billion. Is this called money?

So when he saw Xu Xian, he just thought that the little girl was here to help: "Go to the kitchen and get the dishwashing liquid. It can't be wiped off with water."

Xu Xian did not follow his instructions and did not even ask for money immediately because Li Menglong's actions at the moment were too weird.

The whole person squatted in the corner and rubbed against the wall like crazy. Couldn't this be because he wanted to wear the wall through, in order to return to his room, right?

"Are you telling me a bad joke? Can't you see what's on the wall?"

Li Menglong said speechlessly, this little girl's imagination is really rich, she can even wear it through the wall, is Yoona worthy?

After the other party's guidance, Xu Xian saw the black handprint. It had faded a lot, but Li Menglong was still not satisfied.

There is no need to ask who did this, after all, there were only a few people downstairs before.

Excluding Yoona who is hiding in the room like an ostrich, and excluding the possibility of Lee Mong-ryong causing trouble for herself, then only Kim Taeyeon is left.

It just so happens that this is what the captain can do. This kind of behavior is a little childish for Seohyun, but it is just right for Kim Taeyeon.

Sighing silently, Xu Xian actually had an urge in his heart to hope that Kim Taeyeon would grow up quickly, but she was no longer young.

So when will these women mature? Can you give a specific date so that she can have something to look forward to!

Who knows that Xu Xian's dream will probably never come true. As long as she is still the sister of these women, these people will probably remain childish in front of her forever.

Li Menglong also received this treatment, so she was not so lonely. At least she still had a companion.

After getting the tools, Xu Xian also squatted down. It was not easy to watch Li Menglong work alone.

Although it was not her fault, she was used to wiping the butts of these women.

Besides, it’s always more interesting when two people work. At least Xu Xian doesn’t think of himself as a boring person.

Being accompanied by a goddess in this kind of mechanical and repetitive work will indeed make the process much happier. Anyway, Li Menglong still has some unfinished ideas.

The two of them had been squatting for too long, so they lay on the floor with their heads above their heads, stretching.

This posture allows the two of them to feel the vibrations in each other's skulls when they talk. Is this a type of bone conduction?

But what Xu Xian said next made Li Menglong feel that this posture could cause problems with her IQ. Otherwise, how could she ask such a question?

"I said it casually, so she just takes it seriously. You don't believe it, do you?"

Li Menglong asked sincerely. If Xu Xian gave a positive answer, he would take Xu Xian to see a doctor. There is something wrong with this child's brain.

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't have such a big obsession. The reason why he came down was just because of impulse, or he just wanted a result.

She can accept this result no matter it is good or bad. It is nothing more than a loss of billions. She is still young and has many opportunities to make money!

But why does it make my heart hurt the more I think about it? This must be all an illusion!

Although Xu Xian had persuaded herself in her heart and thought she no longer had any obsession, when they parted, she clearly wanted to say good night, but what she said was asking for money.

"Ah, are you obsessed with money?"

Li Menglong smiled and ruffled Xu Xian's hair, and answered dotingly: "If you are very urgent, I can ask a lawyer to come over tomorrow to get a will. I will give you 10 billion of my inheritance, so you can always sleep peacefully." Alright?"

Although the only thing that can be distributed is the inheritance, and it has to wait until Li Menglong's death, it has to be said that this arrangement is possible.

It's not like he deceived Kim Taeyeon before, no normal person would believe it.

It's just such a large amount of money, Li Menglong just gave it to him? Wouldn't he be heartbroken?

"Money is something that you can't take with you until you die. I'm gone, so why do I still think so much about it?"

Li Menglong acted very free and easy, but in the end he still showed a wicked smile: "At that time, you should think about your sisters who have pinkeye!"

After hearing this, Xu Xian couldn't help but get involved in the scene. It was quite scary when he thought about it.

A second ago, the nine people were crying around Li Menglong's body, but then they turned around and started discussing the distribution of the inheritance.

"Ah, why do you, Xu Xian, take so much? The money should be divided equally!"

"Split it equally? I was the first to say no. What does this money have to do with you? It's all mine!"

"You want to take it all to yourself? Have your spring and autumn dreams!"

The subsequent scenes are a bit restrictive, and it is estimated that these women will fight fiercely.

But this was just something Li Menglong could guide. After calming down a little, Xu Xian knew that this scene couldn't happen.

They are not that kind of people!

"Are you sure? Didn't you run down just because of one of my jokes?"

As Li Menglong spoke, he patted Xu Xian's shoulder sincerely: "As long as my inheritance is large enough, anything can happen."

After saying this, Li Menglong himself was still a little stressed. In order to make this scene happen, he seemed to have to work hard to save money.

After all, huge wealth in the conventional sense is unlikely to sway the minds of these women, and it must exceed their expectations many times.

Although he couldn't see this scene at all, it was a great sense of accomplishment to think that such a scene could happen after his death!

Xu Xian was really a little scared. She was afraid that Li Menglong's words would come true.

After all, what he said was theoretically sound. Xu Xian's confidence came from their relationship and their respective high incomes.

But once Li Menglong comes up with an inheritance that exceeds their lifetime income, it's really hard to say what will happen.

Xu Xian was sure that he would not be tempted, but what about the others? Do they think so too?

Two women who had been deceived by Li Menglong got together again. Previously, Xu Xian was the one who solved Kim Taeyeon's doubts, but now their identities have been reversed.

"Haha, do you believe this?"

Kim Taeyeon was laughing so hard that she was patting the bed crazily. She originally thought that she had been embarrassed before, but unexpectedly Xu Xian also fell into the pit.

This can be regarded as a manifestation of Li Menglong's ability. As long as the girls don't get together in twos and threes, and they come alone and count them one by one, he can be fooled.

To put it simply, Xu Xian was fooled. If you think about it in the context created by Li Menglong, what good results can you come up with?

"You should jump out and not say whether he will have children in the future, nor whether Lee Soon Kyu will marry him in the end, but just say that his life span is better. Who gave you the confidence to believe that he will die in In front of us?"

Kim Taeyeon's words were like a thunderbolt, striking Xu Xian's heart. Really, would Li Menglong die so early?

Even though Li Menglong was much older than them, considering his lifestyle, he was almost as healthy as herself.

And young girls don’t even mention the extra wear and tear on their bodies over the years. Just year-round dieting and body control have left them almost always in a sub-healthy state.

Their weight is always in the extremely thin range, which corresponds to extreme obesity, which is unhealthy if you think about it.

But as long as they still want to be stars and appear in the camera, they must maintain their current figures.

If this state continues, the damage to the body will probably be considerable.

What's even more frightening is that before and after they completely fade away from the stage, judging from their financial resources and the hard work they have suffered over the years, they will probably live a vengeful life.

After all these situations are added together, no matter how young they are, they really may not be able to survive Li Menglong.

They themselves had nothing to say about this, except that Li Menglong was the abnormal one.

So even if the prerequisites are not met, Xu Xian still cares about them competing for Li Menglong's inheritance?

It might still be possible if the roles of both parties are reversed. After all, many female seniors in the industry have been single almost all their lives.

There are naturally many reasons, but the results alone are enough to serve as a reference for a certain trend.

So when they pass away, they might really leave some inheritance to distribute to these sisters and Li Menglong.

When she thought of the scene of them quarreling on her "grave", Kim Taeyeon felt inexplicably excited.

Sure enough, after these people have lived together for a long time, their ideas have become similar, and they all want to find some fun for the living people after death.

Maybe Xu Xian was the only one who thought this idea was terrible, so she had no desire to discuss it.

They are still very young, and it is obviously too early to think about these things now. It is better to consider the specific matters at hand, such as where she will sleep tonight.

When Xu Xian went to push the door open, he discovered that Xiaoyuan didn't leave the door open for him at all.

I know she is guarding against Kim Taeyeon, but at least leave a gap for her. What should she do now?

"What's the point of worrying about this? Just sleep with me."

Kim Taeyeon patted Lee Soonkyu's bed beside her and said generously, but who knew that Seohyun was afraid of this proposal.

If possible, she would rather go down and lay the floor with Li Menglong, but it's a pity that it's too late.

If Kim Taeyeon hadn't said this yet, Seohyun would still have the possibility of escaping.

But if you run away now, the nature will completely change. What do you want to do? Do you hate her Kim Taeyeon?

She would rather choose a stinky man like Li Menglong than sleep in the same room as the captain. How does Kim Taeyeon cope with this?

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't give Kim Taeyeon a chance to attack, so sleeping here should be fine. Could Kim Taeyeon still crawl into her bed in the middle of the night?

Xu Xian comforted herself in this way, but she didn't know that the nightmarish night had just begun.

Kim Taeyeon has not revealed her true face at this moment, and is busy laying out the quilt for Seohyun. She looks very reliable!

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