The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2841 Hurt each other

In broad daylight, people are openly robbing people on the street. Is this a challenge to the rule of law?

The robber was very excited, but the person who was robbed was not too nervous. What was even weirder was that the passers-by didn't even have the desire to stop, as if nothing had happened here.

"Can you be more professional so that even passers-by don't take you seriously? Can you at least sound a little rougher in your voice?"

Li Menglong commented sharply that passers-by didn't pay attention because the sound sounded too much like a joke.

Let's talk about a grown man being robbed by two girls. This scene is probably where many people would be willing to come and exchange it with Li Menglong.

If they knew the identity of the robbers again, the gang might come over and give Li Menglong money, just to experience the feeling of being robbed by Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun.

As for how special this feeling is, Li Menglong said that it was okay, and he didn't think it was that new anyway.

This kind of "Versailles" speech has not been exposed, otherwise he would be waiting to be sprayed by fans.

Regarding Lee Mong-ryong's instructions, Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun said they could not improve because their vocal conditions were here and there was not much room for change.

"Are you not going to cooperate? Then don't blame us for being tough!"

Kim Taeyeon's threat finally made Li Menglong somewhat interested. He mainly wanted to see "how tough" these two girls would be!

"Hmph, I'll let you know. Stop and don't move. We're going to search you!"

While they were talking, Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun came over to do something. This open behavior made Li Menglong feel a little uncomfortable.

The two of them also need to consider the surrounding environment. Even if it is at night and there are not many people around, it is still a public place. Is it appropriate to engage in these intimate actions here?

If the genders were changed, the two of them would have been captured long ago. They can't just do whatever they want based on their gender advantage.

"Yeah, you guys, stop now, or I'll call someone else!"

Li Menglong's threat was so weak that even Xu Xian couldn't help laughing. He must be telling a joke on purpose, right?

Facts have proved that he is not joking, it is just embarrassing, no matter how you look at it, he has an absolute advantage.

Although the voice was not loud, Li Menglong's "help" still spread far, and several people around him stopped and looked here.

In fact, most of the people who stopped didn't see anything clearly, and they just wanted to watch the fun.

But the girls didn't know. They just noticed that someone was looking at them. They felt that they were exposed, and in such a humiliating way.

At this moment, they even thought about tomorrow's headlines: Girls' Generation's leader and maknae were reported for molesting a man on the street and were sent to the police station with the help of enthusiastic people.

In order to avoid this scene from happening, what else is there to consider? Of course, run away immediately.

They are also experienced in escaping. After all, there are many "enthusiastic" fans and reporters who are willing to be their sparring partners for free.

When they run, they are not only fast, but the key is that they swing their hair very skillfully. To put it simply, they can see the road clearly while keeping their hair covering their faces.

In this way, even if someone takes a photo, no one will recognize them; even if they do, they don't have to admit it.

The escape of the two of them made Li Menglong understand what it meant to suffer for one's own fault.

It would be nice to stay here honestly and be searched by two people. Before they could say anything, he ended up being pretentious first.

As a result, now he can only passively follow the two of them, but he doesn't dare to let them disappear from sight.

He didn't know how stimulated these two girls were. They were running so fast that he didn't even catch up with them for a while.

Of course, Li Menglong is not in such a hurry. This speed cannot be maintained for long.

As long as he can keep the distance at this moment, it shouldn't happen...

With an ouch, the thoughts in Li Menglong's mind came to an abrupt end. Because they were around a corner, he didn't know what happened at the first time.

He could only hope that these two girls were not injured, otherwise his salary would not be able to compensate them for their lost work time.

Just as he got closer, he saw the backs of Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun standing there helplessly.

Among them, Kim Taeyeon was moving her arms constantly. It seemed that this was the position where she was hit.

But these two people didn't seem to have much of a problem, and they didn't have any intention of screaming, so where did the familiar voice come from?

"I thought you were here to help me, but it turns out you are here to help Li Menglong? Are you worthy of our relationship for so many years?"

Yoona sat on the ground, rubbing her head and complaining about the injustice of the two people opposite her!

"Why are we sorry for you? We are obviously worried about you!"

Kim Taeyeon was also very aggrieved. This feeling of being misunderstood was really terrible. It was obviously Yoona who was thanking them.

"Huh, thank you? Thank you for being the guide and bringing Li Menglong here?"

Yoona looked at Li Menglong's figure behind her and said with great sadness and anger. In her opinion, she was finished.

She finally managed to escape from the opponent's clutches, but just after taking a few breaths of fresh air, she was about to be taken back and tortured by Li Menglong. This was too miserable for her.

But it's not without its benefits. Since the outcome is already determined, she has nothing to worry about. She will die anyway.

Yoona is now like a human-shaped firecracker, which will explode if anyone touches it, hurting others and yourself.

Li Menglong, who arrived at this moment, had no intention of speaking. He at least wanted to understand the situation at the scene.

Why did such a big Yoona suddenly appear? Hasn't she already "moved away" with the boss's wife?

Could it be that he really misunderstood Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun? Are the two of them on his side?

If it was Seohyun alone, then this statement would have some credibility, but with the addition of Kim Taeyeon, Lee Mongryong personally expressed doubts.

This was the conclusion he came to after considering Kim Taeyeon's responses countless times in the past.

Her captain was almost in a daze, always carrying the idea of ​​taking care of these sisters on his shoulders, and no one could bully them.

Of course, she is excluded. If one of her own people bullies her own people, can that be called bullying? At most it can be regarded as an interaction of love.

But if outsiders want to do something to the girls, Kim Taeyeon will definitely stand behind the girls, even if they are the ones who are wrong!

That's why Kim Taeyeon reacted so strongly when Yoona slandered her as a "leader". This was a complete denial of her personality!

In fact, this is just a coincidence, and even the coincidence is not that magical.

There are not that many lively places around the company at night. Considering the girls' personalities and the familiarity of Li Menglong and the landlady's wife, we can actually guess the general range.

Even if we don't "encounter" here by chance, we will probably see each other across the street after a while, but the way of meeting may be relatively intense.

"Bah, you were the one who knocked me down first. I was walking normally, but you were the one who ran too fast!"

YoonA immediately considered herself the victim, lying on the ground and not getting up. She must apologize to Kim Taeyeon, otherwise she will have to wait to pay for it!

When it comes to things like missed work expenses, it’s hard to say clearly, especially considering Yoona’s career itself, so no amount is too much.

The most realistic thing is that once Yoona says she can't move, the entire filming of the movie may be shelved.

Although it was filmed by girls together and all nine of them are protagonists, the protagonists can also be prioritized.

Putting aside the drama, Yoona's appeal at the box office is not comparable to that of other girls. This is the result of her hard work over the years, and girls will not accept it.

So if YoonA really opens her mouth like a lion, she might be able to bite Kim Taeyeon out of business!

It's just that Kim Taeyeon has never seen women in the market. After so many years of career as an artist, what kind of monsters and monsters has she not seen before, and they are doing this with her?

Kim Taeyeon hugged her shoulders and looked at Yoona condescendingly, with a very arrogant expression: "Don't worry, the movie will not stop production just because you are missing. Don't take yourself too seriously."

As expected of sisters who have lived together for many years, a simple sentence pierced Yoona's lungs.

Yoona's whole body broke down: "You fart, can this movie be made without me? Will anyone go to see it? Will they buy tickets for your acting skills of Kim Taeyeon?"

This response also made several people on the side take a breath. Have these two people not thought about tomorrow? They will meet again tomorrow!

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon's reaction to this sentence was relatively rational. After all, she herself admitted that she had no talent in acting.

It's okay for her to laugh at herself, but it's not okay for her to say this from Yoona's mouth. Is this what she can say?

"Humph, the world wouldn't be spinning without you? I also have a lot of contacts with actors. Even if I kneel down and beg one by one, I will still invite a movie queen, a movie queen who has truly won an award!"

Kim Taeyeon specially emphasized the emphasis on the word "actor queen". It is very obvious what this means. It is aimed at YoonA's usual oral pleasure.

"Best Actress" is really one of Yoona's obsessions. Fortunately, within the foreseeable future, her chances of winning are still quite high.

After all, there are many award ceremonies. If Yoona was willing to lower her figure, she might already have a similar title now.

But Yoona's ambition is not that low. It's true that she wants to be a movie queen, but more importantly, she wants to gain public recognition for her acting skills. She can't put the cart before the horse.

So she has been working hard in this direction, but Kim Taeyeon, her sister, poured cold water on her, and in a mocking manner. How could she bear it?

In fact, when she said these words, Kim Taeyeon immediately regretted it. It was just that it was hard to recover, so she could only start to bear the consequences.

Kim Taeyeon was ready not to fight back, so she just let Yoona talk to her a few more words, and finally let the other party win a big victory.

The thought was beautiful, but the reality was that Yoona had no intention of talking anymore and was sitting on the ground with her head hanging down, looking listless.

Although Yoona and Jiu Ning were about to pounce on her a second ago, the contrast before and after was really too great, which shows the blow Kim Taeyeon had given to Yoona.

The scene became completely quiet for the first time after they met.

But this is not a company. Although it is an alley facing the street, it is not that no one is passing by. It is impossible for them to remain in a stalemate here forever.

Realizing that someone was pushing him, Li Menglong didn't look back. It was easy to tell who it was by his position.

As for saying what the other person meant, he understood it, but he didn't want to do it!

It was good that he didn't go over to help bully Yoona, but now he wants to go over to coax her? What are you drawing? Does the picture of Yoona look good?

After pushing a few times, Xu Xian gave up. Li Menglong was like a catfish just out of the water, which is called slippery.

Since she can't count on this person, Xu Xian can only come by herself. She can't have any thoughts about watching the excitement.

She came over at that time, but she didn't know what to say. Even she, a bystander, felt that what Kim Taeyeon said was too serious.

Kneeling in front of Yoona, Xu Xian hesitated for a while before he said seriously: "Unnie, I will definitely come up with a work to support you as a movie queen in the future!"

Faced with Seohyun's promise, Yoona finally raised her head. Is this a promise from director Seohyun?

It's just that the promise itself is so illusory, just like those who want to donate hundreds of millions whether they are right or not, they simply don't have the ability, so they can naturally say whatever they want.

As a director now, Seohyun can be regarded as a new director at best. Although he has one film coming up, the element of trickery is too great, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

So she still needs to prove herself, and this status seems to be far away from what she promised.

It's not that Yoona doesn't believe it, but the process is too long. She doesn't want to be in her 80s before she can go on stage to receive the award.

So Yoona naturally looked past Xu Xian and looked at Li Menglong behind her.

Because it was in one direction, Seohyun didn't realize it at first and was still waiting for Yoona's answer.

It wasn't until Kim Taeyeon pushed her away gently that Xu Xian finally saw the truth of the matter. At that moment, she couldn't wait to punch Yoona again.

When the other person was in the saddest moment, she, Xu Xian, was the first to stand up and comfort the other person. Isn't this kind of friendship worth cherishing?

Maybe her abilities are indeed limited, but you have to see her sincere heart!

For an unfounded promise, she turned a blind eye to all this, which broke Xu Xian's heart into many pieces.

Li Menglong couldn't bear to look at Xu Xian's condition at the moment. He seemed to be cornered by Yoona.

How should he respond in this situation?

A more rational way of saying it is that he can't guarantee that Yoona will become a best actress. This requires a lot of luck.

But is this what Yoona wants to hear now? Wouldn't he think it was too disgraceful?

So Li Menglong could only reluctantly nodded, and then caught Yoona who was rushing towards him, but before he had any other thoughts, he felt a murderous aura!

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