Fortunately, time was still on Xu Xian's side, and she had enough time to think about how to decline politely.

Maybe Li Menglong himself has forgotten it. This is not impossible.

After all, Li Menglong is considered to be old, and it is understandable that his memory is not very good.

Regarding this point, Kim Taeyeon and the others probably have the same idea as Seohyun, and they all hope that Lee Menglong's brain can be dulled for a while.

But the reality is simply impossible. Not only did Li Menglong not forget the lunch invitation with Seohyun, but he also did not forget the bet owed by Kim Taeyeon and the others.

But just keep these things in mind. There is no need to say them out now, as they might make people annoying.

Li Menglong has a clear self-understanding of his own behavior. After all, there must be a balance in everything.

It's okay to provoke these girls occasionally, but not regularly, otherwise these girls might not take him to play with him.

Li Menglong, who had temporarily calmed down, focused more on his work, and the change in mentality was so exaggerated.

This makes Xu Xian extremely envious. She also wants to have similar abilities.

But this is more like talent. Although Xu Xian has worked hard the day after tomorrow, he is still far from it.

This is quite obvious. Li Menglong has already started working, while she is still sorting out her emotions here.

Of course, this is not entirely her problem, the main reason is that the colleagues around her always come over to say hello to her.

Everyone didn't have any ill intentions, they just wanted to come over and have a word with Xu Xian, which would make them feel much better.

After all, a beautiful woman like Xu Xian is here, and her smile is extremely healing.

Even Li Menglong didn't deny this, let alone the rest of the group. Everyone cherished Xu Xian's existence.

Although Xu Xian felt that this was a bit exaggerated, due to her years of experience as an idol, she handled it quite appropriately.

It's important to at least let everyone feel her attention.

Seeing that this place was turning into a fan meeting, Li Menglong coughed slightly, and the place suddenly became quiet.

Although many people secretly said dirty things to Li Menglong, at least no one would provoke him openly. This is a deterrent!

Xu Xian does not have this. She is more than friendly, but seriously lacking in dignity.

She is also trying to change, but how should I put it, everyone's own conditions are different, and she can't be like Li Menglong.

Fortunately, she has tried to combine her own advantages and open up a new path. Who says that a leader cannot be kind and enthusiastic?

It is said that working with "fans" seems to be much more efficient. Xu Xian can only comfort himself in this way.

After correcting his mentality, Xu Xian finally followed Li Menglong's footsteps, and the people on the second floor were completely in the zone.

Although it seemed like a lot of time was wasted, it was just Xu Xian's illusion, and using a pervert like Li Menglong as the benchmark was too harsh in itself.

As a pervert who was joking one moment and working immediately the next, people like Li Menglong have no conventional reference value.

To be honest, she didn't actually delay for long, as Kim Taeyeon and the others can testify to.

They just bought a cup of coffee downstairs, plus the time to chat before and after, it was only ten minutes at most.

As a result, when they passed by the second floor, they found that the group of people had already started working.

If they hadn't come here with Xu Xian and were very sure of Xu Xian's character, they would really suspect that these people were staged for photos.

I originally wanted to go over and say hello, mainly to threaten Li Menglong, but now I'd better sneak away quickly.

In this state, they really didn't dare to disturb him, otherwise Li Menglong would definitely curse.

Regardless of their usual messiness with Li Menglong, as long as it comes to work, they are generally relatively reliable.

Even at this moment, they felt a sense of urgency. They also had to work hard!

It's just that this emotion was so sudden that Kim Taeyeon and the others instinctively wanted to resist.

The three of them lingered in the recording studio for a while, constantly looking for reasons to delay, and finally ended up talking about Yoona.

Speaking of which, Yoona is a member of their team, so it stands to reason that she should come over today.

As for why they didn't take her with them, of course it wasn't because they felt sorry for her. They weren't that glass-hearted.

Besides, they care about Yoona, so who will care about them?

We are all sisters, and we have to face difficulties together.

As for sharing the blessings, it depends on the individual's consciousness, and there is no mandatory requirement.

The reason why Yoona was able to escape today was not because they were soft-hearted, but because they failed to wake up the little girl in the morning.

You must know that because of the noise last night, Yoona hid in Pani's room to rest alone, and she wore soundproof earplugs.

So when they went to knock on the door this morning, there was no reaction at all.

They subconsciously wanted to increase their strength, but were forced back by Jessica's cold eyes.

This woman wasn't trying to protect Yoona, she was simply woken up. Could this be a deliberate revenge?

Kim Taeyeon and others dare not let Jessica misunderstand, especially in this kind of matter, this second sister can kill people!

After a series of inducements, Yoona was finally able to continue sleeping. This scene made Kim Taeyeon and others very jealous.

There was no way before, but now looking at the time, it's time for Yoona to wake up. Is it possible that this little girl still wants to skip work all day?

Looking at the familiar string of numbers on the screen, Yoona chose to put her phone on the bed, pretending she didn't see anything.

In fact, she had already woken up when the women were still at home, mainly because her sleep quality last night was very high.

She had hesitated whether to go out and admit her mistake directly.

But after careful consideration, she still chose to hide in the dormitory. First of all, she couldn't provide that much help at work. It wouldn't make much difference whether she was there or not.

Secondly, it is human instinct. If there is an opportunity to escape from work, I believe no one will choose to miss it.

Especially since her sisters all went to work, she could lie in bed and check her phone. This contrast made her even happier.

But with a few phone calls, Yoona's happy life is about to come to an end.

In fact, these women don't need to be so anxious. She doesn't want to go all day long. She is not that bold.

Her plan was to go there before everyone took a lunch break and buy them some luxurious lunches on the way to make amends.

This way, these people won't cause trouble for her. After all, it's better not to hit the smiling person.

It's just that this group of women didn't give her a chance to implement her plan. What on earth were they anxious about? Without Lin Yuner's presence, this group of people wouldn't be able to sit still?

In the end, Yoona couldn't resist their serial bombardment. When she didn't answer the phone, several people called her for ten minutes.

Yoona had enough reason to suspect that these women were using this to avoid work.

I have to say that she is really one of her own, and she accurately guessed the thoughts of those people.

In order not to delay work, Yoona, who was far away in the dormitory, could only contribute her own strength: "Oh...what's the matter, are you going to work?"

Before answering the call, Yoona was naturally prepared, and she specially set a scene for herself.

She probably received a call from the girls before she woke up. In a dazed state, she expressed her sincerity to these women!

This is the benefit of being an actor. It has great advantages in dealing with such situations.

Without being able to see Yoona's expression, it's really difficult to judge Yoona's current state just by relying on the slightly distorted sound in the phone receiver.

Fortunately, they have their own experience in dealing with similar things. To put it simply, they would rather kill the wrong one than let it go!

Regardless of whether Yoona was pretending at this moment or really, the girls all moved forward based on their favorable assumptions.

So Yoona's acting skills at the moment are really just for the blind, which is really a waste.

After being grabbed and trained by these women for a quarter of an hour, these women felt refreshed.

The most outrageous thing is that these people finally agreed to Yoona's original idea, which was that she would bring lunch at noon.

So the scolding she received was in vain, couldn't they do something that normal sisters should do? Is it fun to always bully her?

If girls had to answer this question, their answers would be extremely interesting!

Otherwise, are they going crazy and doing things that make them unhappy every day?

Taking this moment as an example, after teasing Yoona, the mood of these people was adjusted very well and they were able to get back to work almost immediately.

All I can say is that everyone has their own way of staying focused. There is no such thing as superiority or inferiority, as long as it works.

The only thing that remains open to question is Yoona's attitude. As the only one who was sacrificed, she seemed qualified to protest.

But the outcome was certain, and her protest was destined to remain at the level of words.

After realizing this, Yoona threw her phone directly on the floor, then rolled around crazily on the bed wrapped in a quilt. She was furious!

They are obviously members of the same group, but they don't understand each other's joys and sorrows!

Some are rolling around in bed depressed, some are focused on work, and of course there are some sleeping at home. In short, they are very diverse.

The next possible intersection of these people's movements will probably be lunch time.

Because working people have to eat lunch, people who sleep in cannot be hungry, and even the time to eat is almost the same.

So when Yoona came out of the room and was about to leave, she immediately heard a voice from the next room: "Who's up? Are you going to order takeout? Order one for me too!"

Yoona once thought she was hallucinating, otherwise she couldn't explain it.

This group of people was obviously awake, but they would rather pay attention to the sound outside the door than order takeout.

It’s just to see who can’t help it first. Is this game interesting?

She should ask herself this, that is, Yoona has to leave today, otherwise she believes that she will not be the loser.

As one person shouted, the whole dormitory became lively, and Yoona could only patiently keep explaining.

But we only allow the women in the company to be unreasonable, but we don’t allow the few at home to be willful?

"Kim Taeyeon and the others are Unnies, so we are all stepmothers?"

"Okay, I can see you clearly. You, Lin Yuner, are such a cold-blooded person!"

"I remember when you were young, I had a really good one..."

Listening to the nagging of these women, Yoona's head is getting big. Are they willing to force themselves to death?

But based on her understanding of this group of women, even if she, Lin Yoona, were to die now, she would have to deliver lunch to them before she died!

Once you have this kind of awareness, what else is there to say? Just accept your fate honestly!

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. I, Lin Yuner's parents, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

Yoona kept her posture quite low. Since she chose to submit, she shouldn't act arrogant. Who would be disgusting?

In order to save time, Yoona chose a store next to her dormitory, and brought in the people from the company.

The benefits of this are obvious enough and can save a lot of time.

But the downside is not without it. Jessica and the others enjoyed hot food for the first time, but the taste and temperature of Kim Taeyeon and others were hard to say.

Yoona couldn't care about that group of people now. She should first take care of the "moms" at home.

Besides, Kim Taeyeon and the others are not good people. If he can bring them some food, he is already worthy of them.

After spending a lot of money, he went down and brought the takeout out. The key was that he could smell it, but Yoona couldn't stay and take even a bite.

Because she was afraid that she would not be able to get up after sitting down!

She left home with great perseverance. Yoona felt aggrieved for herself while sitting in the car. Why did these people come to bully her?

There was a traffic jam ahead, so Yoona simply took the takeout from the back seat. She wanted to be kind to herself!

As a result, Yoona's quality of life immediately improved a lot. Whenever she parked her car, she would hold a takeout box and take a few bites.

Sure enough, it cost a lot of money, but there is nothing to say about the taste.

But after she was half full, her rationality took over again, and she finally realized the trouble.

It's easy to say that there is a hole in the food. It can be covered up from the side.

The most troublesome thing was the temperature. It might have been a lot cooler after arriving at the company, but she kept it open for so long.

If things really get cold after arriving at the company, Lin Yoona will probably become cold too!

So for the sake of her own life, Yoona slammed the accelerator while wondering if there was any possibility of saving her.

In the end, her genius little mind came up with an idea, so when she came to the company, she didn't rush to the third floor to present the treasure, but secretly came to the kitchen of the fried chicken restaurant.

"What are you doing here? If you want to eat, order from the front. I'll treat you. Don't come to the kitchen to eat!"

The proprietress who was helping in the kitchen caught the sneaky Yoona, but she misunderstood him this time.

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