The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2815 Guidance War

There were no more accidents along the way, and Li Menglong once again safely sent these women home.

His number of accident-free working days can be increased by one again, and he is quite proud of himself.

But this point was questioned by the girls: "What does it mean to be accident-free? Aren't these accidents today?"

Kim Taeyeon said with a fierce face, she despised Li Menglong's self-promotion.

But her opinion is somewhat biased. In the eyes of most girls, Li Menglong's work is still worthy of recognition.

Especially when it comes to agents, the most intuitive thing is their income.

Although their income has dropped a bit compared to their peak period, their popularity has slowly declined, which is an inevitable result.

Even if coupled with their workload, their income in absolute time may actually increase a lot.

Of course, Li Menglong is not a god, and it is impossible for him to violate objective laws.

He doesn't have the ability to allow them to increase their income while reducing their working hours.

In fact, the working income of young girls is indeed declining, and due to the relationship between popularity and working hours, the decline is somewhat exaggerated.

The reason why it does not show up in the overall income is mainly because it is supplemented by other sources.

The additional sources of income mainly come from two sources: one is their personal endorsements and increases in activities, and the other is their personal investments.

There is no need to say more about personal work. Although it is indeed hard work, the single income is indeed a bit exaggerated. After all, it does not need to be divided among nine people.

Logically speaking, subsequent investments should not be counted in their company's annual income, but can be classified as their personal investments.

But who told them to put this money in various projects of the company? This can be regarded as a benefit provided by the company.

The company has developed well enough that each project can basically be completed one after another, and it has even entered a positive cycle.

Therefore, compared with other companies that are short of money from time to time, SW is much better off.

Of course, this does not mean that the company does not need money. The loan and financing projects are continuing. This is considered a part of normal operations and risk sharing.

If we use funds to describe it, then SW is undoubtedly a high-quality fund with exaggerated performance.

Therefore, there are many people who want to invest money, but there are so many people and so few opportunities for outsiders.

To put it harshly, I can’t even get enough points for myself. After all, artists are really rich.

After meeting this demand, the company followed everyone's ideas and allocated a certain share of investment to its artists every year.

Of course, this is also prerequisite, and the specific investment share has a complete set of plans.

To put it simply, the influencing factors include: the artist’s income from work last year, the number of years he has been with the company, the positive impact he has brought to the company, etc.

The most important of these is of course the company's working artists, which is a major prerequisite.

Therefore, it is not impossible for girls to directly include this income in their annual income. After all, if they are not in the company, they will not even get this opportunity.

The girls are generally quite satisfied with their current working status and income.

Once the artist is satisfied with the income, it seems that half of the agent's work is done, and the rest is just daily interactions.

Li Menglong may have done a little worse in this regard, after all, he always caused trouble for the girls from time to time.

But for the sake of money, they don't care that much. They are all working, so they have to grasp the main contradiction.

Kim Taeyeon was not used to the sudden backstabs from these sisters.

What's wrong? She can't even say a word to Li Menglong?

Let's not say that what she said is true. Even if she is setting up a trap, shouldn't these women stand behind her?

"The public's eyes are sharp, so you'd better restrain yourself."

Li Menglong patted Kim Taeyeon's shoulder and said very relaxedly: "Be careful with your investment this year!"

If the first sentence is a provocation, then the latter sentence is a real threat. What does he want to do? Is it the kind of behind-the-scenes operation?

Not to mention, if Li Menglong wanted to, he could indeed make Kim Taeyeon lose all her investment.

It's just that it would be too ugly to look at him. Maybe while he is sleeping, Kim Taeyeon will suddenly come over and stab him a few times.

Li Menglong felt that it was not worth risking his own life for such a small amount of money, so he was just talking about it at the moment.

Kim Taeyeon probably knew it in her heart, but she was still unhappy. How dare Li Menglong do this? Especially if he made a big mistake!

"Oh, you have to make it clear. I did make a mistake, but you also gave me a plan for revenge. Then it will be settled. Don't implicate innocent people!"

After hearing Li Menglong's sophistry, Kim Taeyeon was so angry that she laughed. Who is innocent? Is he Li Menglong?

"Of course, don't use Li Menglong's mistakes before to punish me now. I am free at this moment!"

While he was talking, Li Menglong stretched out his hand to pose like the crucifixion of Christ. He was going crazy!

The other girls also saw Li Menglong's tendency to "self-destruct", so it was better to stay away to avoid splattering themselves with blood.

"Li Menglong, you must die!"

Following Kim Taeyeon's loud shout, Li Menglong immediately spread his legs and ran as hard as he could. Since the garage was so big, he didn't believe that Kim Taeyeon could catch him.

Besides, who doesn't have a bad temper in his heart? He is also feeling very aggrieved today.

If he didn't let go of this tone, Li Menglong would probably be too aggrieved to sleep tonight.

As for the specific time of being unable to sleep, only he himself knows. Whether it is one minute or one hour is up to him.

Looking at the two people chasing and escaping in the distance, the girls had no desire to participate.

As for the final result, all they could guess was that Kim Taeyeon was exhausted and could only finish with a few curse words from a distance.

Since nothing tragic would happen, what were they going to do? Do you "exercise" with Kim Taeyeon?

If they really have this suspicion, is Li Menglong afraid that Kim Taeyeon will eat too much at night? So you use this method to force the opponent to move?

Not to mention, except that you may get a little angry during the process, there are no other disadvantages to this method.

It can even actively stimulate Kim Taeyeon's potential. She can't run so fast during exercise.

However, with the extreme speed that Kim Taeyeon was exploding at this moment, the girls had already started packing their things and getting ready to go upstairs.

Sure enough, within five minutes, Kim Taeyeon walked over slowly, breathing heavily.

That means the ground is too dirty, otherwise she would be more willing to change her way of walking at this moment, such as crawling?

When Kim Taeyeon saw this group of sisters again, it was like a person who was short of water in the desert and saw an oasis, and she immediately rushed towards them.

The girls hurriedly caught her. Does this guy not know how heavy he is?

Moreover, she was still covered in sweat. Although the sweat of beautiful women was sweet, that was just a legend.

They dare to use all their wealth as a guarantee. This is definitely an out-and-out lie.

As for who gave them the confidence, aren't they themselves beautiful women? Don’t they know the taste of sweat?

So at this moment, everyone dislikes Kim Taeyeon, but they can't push her away.

Because at this moment, Kim Taeyeon was like a pile of mud, lying in the arms of the girls. It could be said that she was taking advantage.

Li Menglong was really envious when he saw this scene. He also wanted to get the same treatment.

It's just that he must first consider his own physical strength. He doesn't look like he's about to lose his strength now.

Secondly, the attitude of the girls must be taken into consideration.

Kim Taeyeon can be hugged by girls. As for him, it seems that the cold concrete floor is a better destination for him?

With this realization, Li Menglong naturally followed them honestly. He did not dare to get too close.

Although Kim Taeyeon seems to have no ability to resist at the moment, God knows if she is pretending, and this woman's acting skills are no joke.

It was better to keep some distance. In order to be safer, he even waited for the next elevator.

But even though he made so many preparations, he was still caught by Kim Taeyeon.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw a group of black shadows rushing towards him, accompanied by some screams. Was this meant to scare him?

Li Menglong was not easily frightened, and he even subconsciously raised his fist.

Fortunately, he controlled his movements in the end. If he punched Kim Taeyeon in the head at the door of his house, he seemed to be able to consider moving.

For this job that provides food and accommodation, he can't be violent with his "employer".

So Li Menglong stood there honestly and let Kim Taeyeon hug him: "Haha, let's see how you run away this time!"

"Is this a confession? Am I going to have some emotional reaction?"

Li Menglong pretended to be relaxed and joked, and even had enough energy to reach out to help her block the elevator door that was about to close.

Kim Taeyeon is obviously not in the right state at the moment, and she still needs to react to Li Menglong's words. Why would he say such a thing? Who gave him the illusion?

Fortunately, she quickly figured this out. She was the one who gave Li Menglong the wrong impression!

There is indeed a slight ambiguity in this act of rushing towards someone and giving him a "hug" before they even get out of the elevator.

For this reason, Kim Taeyeon doesn't mind expressing her "love" more aggressively, such as punching him hard twice.

As a woman who has thoroughly studied women's self-defense techniques, Kim Taeyeon's movements of punching and raising her knees are still decent when her mind is still clear.

But that's about it. The teachers who teach them have also specifically warned that when encountering a dangerous situation, the best way is to run away and scream.

Counterattack is only a last resort method. How can I say the effect? ​​There is a certain probability that it will anger the opponent.

Fortunately, Li Menglong's temper is quite good. At this moment, he is connecting high and low, as if he is trading tricks with Kim Taeyeon.

"Use more strength, are you tickling me? Don't deliberately use your knees. I have told you several times. If you are short, use your calves. Make good use of your flexibility!"

Lee Meng Yong seems to be a professional coach, and he can still find time to guide Kim Taeyeon.

But the way he teaches is questionable. How can he deliberately poke the scars of students? Is it Kim Taeyeon's fault that he is short?

With the blessing of anger, Kim Taeyeon became stronger and stronger, but the rules were far behind.

In this case, just end this training. If you continue, there will be no progress.

I saw that Li Menglong used a clever move and matched his steps. The two of them seemed to be dancing a waltz, spinning in place several times in a row.

But when the scene was frozen again, the two of them had changed positions, and Li Menglong was already standing outside the elevator door.

Kim Taeyeon was a little dizzy at the moment. She could only barely see Li Menglong waving to her. What did this mean, saying goodbye?

Just when she was puzzled, the elevator door slowly closed. It turned out that Li Menglong had pressed the down button of the elevator before.

Now she finally understood what Li Menglong meant, but she felt extremely unhappy. She seemed to be being played by Li Menglong.

Furious, Kim Taeyeon quickly attacked again, but there was no trace of Li Menglong.

There are a few girls active here on the first floor, mainly making some drinks in the kitchen.

When they noticed Kim Taeyeon's gaze, they immediately pointed to Li Menglong's room, without any intention of keeping him a secret.

Besides, Li Menglong was not in any danger. He had changed the key to the door several times.

Unless Kim Taeyeon could break in directly, she would have to wait passively until tomorrow morning, if she could wake up on time.

Kim Taeyeon was so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger. Li Menglong shrank into his shell like a turtle. What could she do?

Moreover, she was sensitive to the malice of this group of women. They stayed here to drink water, and they clearly stayed here intentionally to watch the fun.

"How long does it take to drink a bottle of water? Do you want me to make you some more coffee?"

Kim Taeyeon looked like a mad dog at this moment, with red eyes, breathing heavily, and a row of sharp teeth shining coldly.

If someone was accidentally bitten by her, it would really be an injustice. Is this considered taking the blame for Li Menglong?

Girls are not so sacrificial for others, so they run away very fast, not giving Kim Taeyeon a chance to explode again.

In the end, Kim Taeyeon was the only one left on the first floor, and she had no one to be angry with.

Kim Taeyeon was so hateful that she used to touch Li Menglong's door a few times.

As for the final consequence, of course Kim Taeyeon limped up with tears in her eyes.

If you want to break open Li Menglong's specially thickened door with your physical body, you have to have Kim Taeyeon practice some kind of physical skills, but will she?

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