(The tenth update of the leader of the Great Ax of Heaven and Earth is really not easy. Finally, the leader has been paid off, but it seems that there are still several more updates. Take your time. Don’t worry, everyone, remember it in your heart.

The emotional drama that has been laid out for so long has finally reached a small climax, please take it lightly, this is a continuous big plot, so don't just start talking about the content of a chapter, there will be follow-ups later, I promise! I hope everyone can watch this emotional drama with satisfaction, and I really wrote it with my heart. )

Although Kim Taeyeon didn't know what these two people were doing, it seemed that the two of them had no definite relationship, so Kim Taeyeon just came here in such a daze, and all kinds of little girls' thoughts were fully revealed.

Li Shungui also absolutely knows this. Although there are various open and dark arrows, the two of them have maintained a very restrained degree. After all, they are sisters, so Kim Taeyeon secretly guessed that Li Shungui has been uncertain about the relationship and even partly because of it. The reason she considered.

At least Kim Taeyeon knew that what she was doing was a bit unethical in this matter. Although it was not to the extent of digging a wall, it was a similar plot, but love was something she could not control.

Especially Li Menglong is such a mysterious man, his usual gentleness, ability to deal with things and even the uncle himself are full of attraction to these little girls. Kim Taeyeon said without exaggeration that as long as Li Menglong seriously pursues one of the girls , I am afraid that the probability of success is quite high.

So this offensive and defensive alliance was born between each other's tacit understanding. The main purpose is that the two can compete with each other, but it is necessary to strictly prevent the fourth party from intervening. Of course, all of this has not been communicated before, and it is all unilaterally done by her Kim Taeyeon. idea.

But Taeyeon knew that such a relationship was wrong, she had been looking for a solution, but she never dared to say it, because she knew she still couldn't beat that dwarf, at least with Li Menglong.

As the saying goes, every step is late, Li Shungui met Li Menglong before her, gave Li Menglong more care and encouragement than her, and even helped Li Menglong and s*m turn against him before her...

Sometimes Kim Taeyeon can't help thinking, why didn't she come back first after the second tour, why didn't she meet Li Menglong first? She firmly believes that whatever Lee Soon Kyu can do, she will do better, but there is no if after all.

In fact, the personalities of Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon are somewhat opposite. On the surface, Lee Soon Kyu is decisive and daring to speak and act, while Kim Taeyeon is silently hiding in the corner waiting for everyone's concern.

In fact, in the hidden essence, it is Li Shungui who cares more about everything around her, what the people she really cares about think, and she wants everyone around her to be happy.

Kim Taeyeon will explode at the most critical moment, like a super Saiyan, she will use her immature shoulders to find a solution in the most suitable way, and keep going.

So in this love triangle that lasted not long, both Lee Soon Kyu and Lee Mong Yong played a passive role, and it was Kim Taeyeon who took the initiative, and of course it was only relatively speaking.

"Oni, do you like uncle?" Jin Xiayan looked back at Li Menglong who was far away, and couldn't help shaking her sister's hand.

"Huh?" Taeyeon didn't react for a while, but then asked back: "Is it so obvious?"

Kim Taeyeon really couldn't find anyone to talk to, so since Kim Hayan asked, I chatted with her casually: "What do you think of others? Is it suitable to be your brother-in-law?"

"Well, it would be perfect if he had more money!" Obviously, the little girl is not an animal to deceive, at least she knows that it is absolutely impossible to have no money.

Asked by her sister, it was the first time for Kim Taeyeon to think about whether she or Lee Soon Kyu and Lee Mong Yong are suitable in terms of status? One is a popular idol in Asia who is on the rise, and the other is just an assistant of one of them.

No matter in terms of income, work, or even social status, Li Menglong is absolutely inferior to them, but it seems that no one has ever cared about this matter, including Li Menglong himself.

If you think about it carefully, Kim Taeyeon never seems to think that Li Menglong will have no money. It can be said that he is deducted, lazy, and temporarily short of money, but he will definitely not be without money, as long as he wants to make money.

And his confidence may be his ability. No one has figured out how much money Lee Sun Kyu has made for them since he was an assistant for a few months. The combined cash of Lee Soon Kyu and Xu Xian alone exceeds one billion.

What's more, Lee Soon Kyu's second career and Seo Hyun's national first love title, these are priceless, after thinking so much, Kim Tae Yeon quietly replied to her sister: "Money is probably just a number in his eyes! "

"Since the uncle is rich, it would be perfect. On behalf of the Jin family, I welcome him to settle in!" Jin Xiayan smiled foolishly, feeling that it would be nice to have another brother-in-law who loves her so much.

"Hehe, do you think he is chasing your sister and me now?" Kim Taeyeon said this, she felt sad enough, she has become an Asian goddess after so many years, and she still wants to chase a man, really A blow to her own charm.

"Wow, is uncle so cool? Sure enough, I was right to find uncle in Busan last time!" Jin Xiayan said excitedly.

"Busan?" After understanding what Jin Xiayan knew in detail, and thinking that Li Menglong and Fatty came to the company together that day, Kim Taeyeon knew that the person who harassed her seemed to have no good results.

"He's like this!" Taeyeon couldn't help complaining with a smile, Li Monglong always solves things silently and well, making you feel like you can't feel anything, but it's extremely comfortable.

All the big things that are touched in the eyes of women are small things in his eyes. They are nothing more than the kind that can be finished with a meal of thanks. This kind of attitude makes many girls very depressed. Among them, Xu Xian is the most powerful.

The title of a nation's first love, two advertisements with a total price of more than one billion, the thanks for such a big event turned out to be just a bowl of fried noodles. At that time, Xu Xian's expression should not be too exciting.

Thinking of that simple and excessive young lady, Kim Taeyeon really didn't want to force herself to think about it anymore. She, Lee Soon Kyu, could bear it for the sake of sisterhood, and she, Kim Taeyeon, was not a cold-blooded person, so she felt that tonight, this It's a good thing to give yourself and them an explanation when the odds are slim.

After patting Jin Xiayan on the head, Kim Taeyeon walked over to Li Menglong: "Find a place, I have something to tell you!"

"Then go home and talk?" Li Menglong suggested.

Kim Tae-yeon just told him the same thing, and then took her sister and walked forward. Many times she wondered if Li Mong-ryong was really stupid about feelings? Occasionally it can be really annoying.

I found a convenience store, gave Jin Xiayan her wallet, and asked her to go in and eat something casually. Perhaps because she felt the atmosphere was a bit dignified, Jin Xiayan sneakily made a threatening expression to Li Menglong.

Seeing Kim Ha-yeon sitting in front of a convenient window facing the street, eating ice cream bigger than her face, Kim Tae-yeon almost rushed in to drag her out, but thinking of the troubles she was about to face now, she couldn't help it for a while. Just forget about these little things.

I sat down on a chair on the opposite side of the street by the river, just in time to see Jin Xiayan on the opposite side, and at the same time, it was completely dark here so I didn't worry about other people seeing it.

Li Menglong's sixth sense has always been very strong, not to mention that this occasion is vaguely within the range of his occasional imagination, but he didn't expect that Kim Taeyeon would be more open than him and Lee Soon Kyu.

That's right, Lee Mong-ryong is not a fool, how could he not know about Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon-kyu's feelings for him, besides, all the recent open and dark arrows have almost made things clear.

Li Menglong has never lacked responsibility, but he really has no idea about this kind of thing, but he knows that the longer the matter is dragged on, the worse it will be, so his original plan was to take it off for a few days and wait for them to come back from Japan. If you have similar thoughts, let me explain.

After all, he is a small person, maybe the girls will change their minds after not seeing him for a long time, of course this is all his way of comforting himself, he knows they won't.

Rubbing his hands together uneasy, Li Menglong frowned and kept shaking his legs. At this time, Taeyeon from the other end came closer, and a soft hand was inserted between his big hands. For a moment, Li Menglong seemed to be stuffed with dough.

"Why are you so nervous? I always thought that you, Li Menglong, are not afraid of everything!" Kim Taeyeon felt a little more relaxed, because she had already made a decision, and the right to choose was not hers.

"I like you, do you know?" Taeyeon said again abruptly, and then she clearly felt the big hand outside the palm stiffen.

"Don't take it away, hold it!" Taeyeon immediately said in a commanding tone, and then she didn't look at Li Menglong's expression, but the other hand passed through Li Menglong's arm, and the whole person leaned on his shoulder. hands covering each other.

Stretching out her index finger to slide on the back of Li Menglong's big hand, feeling the roughness that she had never felt before, Kim Taeyeon almost murmured: "Why did I fall in love with you?"

It finally came, Li Menglong has this idea now, and Li Menglong can't tell the specific feeling, joy, excitement, apprehension or even a little relief, everyone is very tired during this time.

"Thank you very much for liking me..." Li Menglong forced out such a half sentence, but was interrupted by Kim Taeyeon.

"Don't rush to talk, I still have a lot to say!" Kim Taeyeon's voice was a little sticky: "Did you know that I like you for a long time?"

"Well, from that time to Undefeated Youth? When we were walking together on the beach!"

"You're really shameless, why didn't you say it was on my birthday?" Taeyeon really felt a little funny, after all, at the time it was just a little bit of goodwill.

But it is true that Li Menglong said so. She, Kim Taeyeon, is not the kind of person who falls in love at first sight, the last s*m scene can be said to be an opportunity to release all the accumulated goodwill at once.

She seems to have fallen in love with Li Menglong for a long time.

For a moment, there was only silence between each other, and they were both recalling the details of their acquaintance. Although it was less than half a year, why did it feel like they had known each other for so long?

I don't know when it started, Kim Taeyeon became one of the people who knew Li Mong-ryong the best, and even one of them could be removed. She can seriously say that she knows him better than Lee Soon-kyu in some aspects.

This is also the origin of the tacit understanding and affection between the two. It is really difficult to meet such a person in the crowd, but Li Menglong unexpectedly met two people at once, this is a sin.

"I really, really like you!" Kim Taeyeon said very lightly.

"I like you too!" The deep voice finally said what was hidden in his heart.

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