The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2809 Out of place

When Li Menglong paid, his hands were shaking as if he had Parkinson's disease.

This card is his own. On the one hand, he feels distressed, and on the other hand, he is also afraid that there is not enough money in the card, which will bring more fun.

Xu Xian looked at her with a smile. In fact, she was already ready to pay, but she didn't expect that this time he would actually do it.

Although she was a little surprised, she had no intention of refusing and wanted to give Li Menglong the opportunity to be a "hero".

But Li Menglong would rather be a clown at the moment, especially after receiving the deduction text message.

Li Menglong tried his best to show a handsome smile, but as for the specific effect, Xu Xian really wanted to smile anyway.

The girls enjoyed occasionally raiding Li Menglong's treasury, but Xu Xian himself didn't object.

Anyway, Li Menglong's so-called private money is just that. He won't be forced to beg for food just because he doesn't have the money. Girls can't afford to lose that person.

Besides, it’s not like he doesn’t have money. He can just go and get it from the company’s account. Why is he always so polite?

But I have to say that after seeing Li Menglong's reaction at this moment, Xu Xian's happiness index increased a lot.

Li Menglong's money was well spent. After all, if someone else came here to please the girls, such money would not be enough.

"Oppa, please be happy. Are you feeling distressed? How about we go back and return the goods now?"

Xu Xian was sitting in the passenger seat, holding in his arms the toolbox that made Li Menglong grit his teeth.

Hearing what Xu Xian said, Li Menglong almost nodded and agreed, but his reason made him choose to refuse.

"How could it be? This is a gift I bought for my goddess. It's too late for me to be happy!"

Although Li Menglong said so, Xu Xian saw it very clearly, and his head was clearly nodding.

Language and body movements have opposite results. Which side should Xu Xian believe?

Xu Xian finally decided to pretend to be confused. Anyway, she had already given the opportunity. It was Li Menglong who didn't seize it. He couldn't blame her again later.

It's just that along the way, the more Li Menglong thought about it, the more he regretted it. This money was wasted.

As for the fundamental reason why this happened, it was still because of the women at home.

If they hadn't forced him to go back to repair the water pipes, would he and Xu Xian have gone to the hardware store? Will you think of giving Xu Xian a gift again?

In this case, Li Menglong will always get the money back from the girls. It is their responsibility. Do they still want to stay out of the matter?

After having a new goal, Li Menglong's spirit immediately became much higher, and he stepped on the accelerator and hurried back home.

Xu Xian hadn't noticed anything wrong yet. She thought Li Menglong was worried about the girls at home. To be honest, she had similar emotions.

She was very afraid that those women would flood her home. If it was flooded, she should start from the first floor? It seems like her room is relatively safe.

But this made Li Menglong's room very miserable. If Li Menglong wanted to hit someone later, she would have to stop him.

With this suspicion, Xu Xian carefully opened the door, but the scene of a vast country he imagined did not happen.

There wasn't even any water stains on the first floor, and it looked the same as usual.

If I have to say, there are a lot of tools on the floor in the kitchen, a bunch of wrenches and so on. I don’t know where the girls found them.

"Where are the people? Where are the broken water pipes?"

Li Menglong shouted from the first floor, feeling that he might have been cheated.

After being called back to repair the water pipes from thousands of miles away, the scene turned out to be heartwarming. Could this be a scam?

If it was true as he thought, then Li Menglong would have really suffered a big loss this time. It would be even more difficult for him to ask the girls to reimburse him.

Fortunately, the girls didn't have so much bad taste and called Li Menglong directly across the stairs. The upstairs was the hardest hit area.

The girls had already lined up and waited here early. Although it was not their intention, it was considered to be causing trouble. They had to be humble.

Li Menglong didn't pay attention to these external manifestations and went directly to the location of the accident.

The reason why he could recognize it at a glance was mainly because the bathroom floor was already piled with towels, rags and the like. Is this a small man-made dam?

Li Menglong wanted to praise these women for their cleverness, but didn't he know how to turn off the water first?

"We're not stupid, it's just that the wrench downstairs is also broken."

After hearing the explanations of the girls, Li Menglong and Xu Xian looked at Yoona in unison. In their minds, she was the only one with such great strength.

"What are you looking at me for? Don't blame me for everything. This time it was Kim Taeyeon who did it!"

Yoona jumped up immediately. When did these people form similar concepts? It seems like she, Lin Yoona, is always getting into trouble, but she is also a good child.

But Yoona's virtuous image did not last long, because trouble in the bathroom was always caused by her, right?

Ignoring the group of people shirking responsibility, Li Menglong had already gone downstairs to prepare for action.

In fact, it is very simple to break the wrench, just use pliers. Of course, for future convenience, Li Menglong directly replaced it with a new one.

Seeing that he was about to take action, the girls from behind kindly reminded: "Be gentle first, otherwise you will be in trouble if you twist it in the wrong direction."

Li Menglong didn't react at all to the girls' kindness. I guess these were the girls' previous experiences.

But haven't they ever thought that the opening and closing directions of most of these things are fixed?

Watching Li Menglong solve the problem here easily, this made the girls blush a little.

"Don't block the road, okay? As the saying goes..."

Li Menglong only spoke the beginning of his words, and he had to hold back the rest of his words because the girls' eyes were quite unkind.

Although he was asking for trouble, the attitude of the girls was too heartless, but they begged him to come over to work.

"What are you doing? It's a waste of time, isn't it? Go and fix the faucet upstairs yourself."

Li Menglong simply chose to go on strike. This was his last chance.

In fact, everything was part of Li Menglong's plan from the time he said those words, otherwise he wouldn't be so unscrupulous.

And the reason why he did this was naturally because of the bill in his hand. It was absolutely impossible for him to pay for it himself.

Just trying to get the girls to pay the bills obediently is not easy in itself.

Even though these women make a lot of money and are not stingy on a daily basis, as long as Li Menglong is involved, they will immediately become stingy.

Li Menglong is used to this, and he can only passively choose similar means to fight for his own interests, which is also difficult for him.

The girls were a little confused at the moment. It was clearly Li Menglong who wanted to curse, but before they said anything, he himself became sulky?

This puts the girls in a dilemma. They should apologize to Li Menglong. They still can't swallow this breath; but if the stalemate continues, what will happen to the water pipes upstairs?

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't embarrass them for too long and simply threw the crumpled receipt from his pocket.

The girls looked at each other and felt that they had grasped some key points. It seemed that there was a conspiracy in this.

But they still picked up the note without hesitation. They were also curious about what Li Menglong wanted to do. This note couldn't be a love letter, right?

Facts have proved that they really thought too much. Will Li Menglong write a love letter to them? I don’t know how long I will be laughed at.

"What does this bill mean? Don't think you can get money from us just by bringing something over. We are not taken advantage of!"

"You are our boss, we should ask you for money!"

"With so much money, are you making false invoices?"

The girls were suspicious of Li Menglong in all aspects. For a moment, Li Menglong didn't know where to refute. What did these women think of him?

He also issued false invoices, why didn't he think of this move? This is simply an advanced version of the white wolf with nothing.

Although he was feeling pity in his heart, his expression was still quite serious: "This is my purchase bill. I can't bear the money myself."

The girls nodded subconsciously. There was nothing wrong with this sentence. They had never expected Li Menglong to pay.

But is there something wrong with this number? Even if they are not so sensitive to prices, they still know that this amount of money is scary.

"Tell me for yourself what the seven-figure item is. Don't tell me that a faucet costs so much!"

The girls looked like they were ready to fight at any moment. They really felt that they were being underestimated.

It's okay for outsiders to "bully" them financially. After all, in the eyes of many people, celebrities don't want their money to be in vain.

But why does Li Menglong think so? Did he feel that even cheating was too much effort, so he started robbing openly?

Li Menglong was prepared for the girls' reaction, after all, he had received a stronger shock before.

He is just signaling Xu Xian to get his "treasure". It should be more credible for her to explain, right?

Xu Xian was very reluctant. He clearly said it was a gift from Li Menglong to him, but now it has become a maintenance tool? Or is it the kind that requires girls to reimburse you?

Of course she could choose to tell the truth now, but that would offend Li Menglong, and she would have to bear the consequences.

After much hesitation, Xu Xian still chose to cover up for Li Menglong, but she didn't plan to say more, so she just let Li Menglong explain himself.

Xu Xian's uncooperation made Li Menglong a little embarrassed, but it was within the acceptable range, but the girls didn't believe it.

After all, it looks like a box of screwdrivers, hammers, etc. Even if the box is more refined and tougher in shape, it cannot escape the essence of the tool.

In this regard, Li Menglong decisively chose to use Xu Xian's point of view: "Aren't your luxury goods essentially just a piece of clothing or a backpack? Why do they have to be sold so expensively?"

"This is different. Our products are all from big brands, and the materials..."

The girls explained a lot, but Li Menglong chose to ignore it. He insisted that this box of tools was a luxury item, and they couldn't believe it.

And when the girls searched online, they were surprised to find that the price was real, and even the one bought by Li Menglong was slightly cheaper.

This shocked the girls’ outlook. They couldn’t accept the price anyway!

It's just that when it comes to cheating, Li Menglong is really not inferior to them. It's great that everyone can hold on, since the leak is on the second floor anyway.

Seeing that the matter had reached a deadlock, Xu Xian stood up passively. After all, this was her gift, and she always had to express something.

"Well, can I pay a quarter?"

It doesn't matter how much Xu Xian pays. This is to give the girls a step up. Besides, do they really care about the price?

"It's just money. We can just pool it together, but why do you want to buy these? Are you sure you can use them?"

The questions raised by the girls made Li Menglong feel the same, because he once expressed the same emotion about the luxury goods in the hands of the girls.

How the girls answered him at that time, it was probably because they were rich and willful.

But Li Menglong couldn't be so direct. He was running towards the fight. He wasn't that brave.

"Of course I will buy it when necessary. The expensive one feels good in hand!"

Li Menglong said casually, if the girls can understand, just understand. If they can't understand, just treat the extra money as his labor expenses.

Although this response made the girls dissatisfied, they did not show it, otherwise it would be impossible to say when the water pipe would be repaired.

"Then I'll keep my eyes open. You must use every tool!"

Kim Taeyeon's words were clearly a threat, but Li Menglong didn't take it seriously.

The current scene is like girls taking him to buy luxury goods. Li Menglong can know how to use a hammer, but it's not like the girls just say whatever they say and lie casually.

And similarly, will girls know something about repairing water pipes and the corresponding tools?

As long as they had a little relevant knowledge, they wouldn't have let things develop to the current situation.

So what else is there to say? Li Menglong decisively started to deceive, but it was still a brainless one.

"Why did you scratch it with a saw?"

"Test the hardness."

"What about the multimeter?"

"Test whether it is charged!"

Xu Xian was squatting at the front, mainly handing tools to Li Menglong. The other girls were not willing to help.

Besides, Xu Xian is indeed very interested in this job. It seems that she has passed the age where she likes "excavators".

But she hadn't learned much about her skills secretly. Instead, it was extremely painful for her to hold back her smile.

Li Menglong's excuse is really bad. To say it is perfunctory is to beautify it.

But the girls behind him believed it to be true, thinking that their questions were all at the critical points, and Li Menglong's answers seemed similar.

But Xu Xian still understands a little bit. This feeling of being incompatible with everyone because he is not stupid enough is too novel.

If Li Menglong hadn't tapped her toes quickly with his eyes and hands, she would have burst out laughing.

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