The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2807 Childish revenge

Li Menglong actually realized what happened at this moment. To be precise, he knew it when he saw Xiuying in the practice room.

But doesn't he still have some hope left? What if a miracle really happens?

But now it seems that he doesn't have to struggle anymore. If he hadn't been late for a long time, these people wouldn't have dared to stare at him like this.

What else is there to say now? Li Menglong's best thing to do is to apologize to everyone, but he can't keep his face off.

So the scene became a little awkward. Fortunately, Xu Xian was still there, and she was the fire captain here.

"Oppa, come here quickly. I've processed some files for you. Check to see if there's anything you need to change."

Xu Xian sat in Li Menglong's seat and waved to him vigorously, his expression looking quite sincere.

If Li Menglong hadn't clearly known that Xu Xian was involved in the whole process, he would have suspected that he had misunderstood.

After putting away these small thoughts, Li Menglong could only walk down the steps built by Xu Xian.

Returning to his seat again, Li Menglong finally found some sense of familiarity, but why didn't Xu Xian give up his seat?

Xu Xian didn't have this kind of awareness. She was opening various files hard at the moment, looking forward to Li Menglong's praise.

The only response she received was a flick on the forehead. Although it didn't hurt that much, Xu Xian still raised his head in aggrieved manner. Did he want to make her cry?

Li Menglong is now in a state of public outrage. How dare he come to bully her? Do you really think that everyone around you doesn’t dare to take action?

In fact, everyone really didn't dare to do it. It was already quite difficult for them to use their mouths. What they were best at was attacking with their eyes.

Li Menglong was not at all tempted by Xu Xian's charming and naive appearance at this moment, and even grabbed Xu Xian's ears and lifted her up in confusion.

"When you see the leader coming over, you have to give up your position. Do you understand?"

Li Menglong sat down again while speaking, and deliberately leaned back, completely blocking everyone's sight with the computer screen.

Although this approach was somewhat deceptive, it really worked. Li Menglong relaxed almost visibly.

But Xu Xian was confused, rubbing her red ears and feeling aggrieved. If Li Menglong didn't give her an explanation, Xu Xian would go on strike.

"Why don't you ask me to come with you when you leave?"

Li Menglong didn't have that much extra thought for Xu Xian, and almost said whatever came to his mind.

This straightforward attitude makes Xu Xian very satisfied, but is this question a bit too stupid?

She saw that Li Menglong was rarely resting, so why would she choose to wake him up?

Of course, this is all on the surface. Secretly, Xu Xian does have some thoughts, but it is also harmless.

You must know that she dragged Li Menglong up just to delay the girls. Just when she didn't know what excuse to use, Li Menglong actually fell asleep.

This is really a God-given opportunity, at least that's what Xu Xian thinks.

So she walked very quietly when she came out, and she took the initiative to wake him up? Are you not happy for yourself?

Facing Xu Xian's explanation, Li Menglong was a little skeptical.

Although this little girl rarely deceives people, the more she does, the more careful she must be, because once she deceives, it will be difficult to be discovered.

It was really difficult for Li Menglong to accuse Xu Xian without any evidence.

Besides, if what the little girl said is true, wouldn't it break Xu Xian's heart?

After much hesitation, Li Menglong chose to settle the matter. Anyway, he did not suffer any substantial harm.

Xu Xian has been observing Li Menglong's expression. It seems that he has passed the test?

But now is not the time to be excited. Based on her understanding of Li Menglong, this person is very thoughtful.

Maybe this was a trap he set for himself, trying to get her to expose herself.

She didn't want to fall into the darkness before dawn, so she had to be more careful now: "oppa hasn't checked my work content yet."

"Does this still need to be checked? I can rest assured that you can handle the matter!"

Li Menglong said very firmly. Seeing that Xu Xian was a little suspicious, he even wanted to swear.

To be honest, Xu Xian was a little confused about Li Menglong's current state, but since he said so, it meant that the matter had been revealed.

Even if Li Menglong finds some evidence later, Xu Xian doesn't have to admit it.

After coming to this conclusion, Xu Xian sat back in his seat, but there was still a little worry in his heart.

I have to say that Xu Xian really understands Li Menglong. Even if her reason tells her that there is no danger, her sixth sense still reminds her to be vigilant.

Xu Xian didn't take it seriously at first, but as Li Menglong called her over more and more frequently, Xu Xian finally became a little wary.

Speaking of using work to retaliate maliciously, this is Li Menglong's special tactic, at least for girls.

But Xu Xian rarely experiences this. After all, she is very sensible and rarely conflicts with Li Menglong.

As a result, she fell into trouble today. If she understood correctly, Li Menglong was maliciously amusing her.

He called her over to pick up some trivial matters. Naturally, there was no seat next to Li Menglong, so she could only bend down and respond to the questions pointed out by the other party.

It was just once or twice, but when Xu Xian subconsciously put her hands on her waist, she couldn't react anymore, so it was time to go to a brain department.

After realizing this, Xu Xian's first reaction was to laugh. Is Li Menglong too naive?

She admitted that she had tricked Li Menglong once, but did she have to respond in this way?

Even if he calls her out directly and makes it clear to him face to face, it's not like he can't apologize to him.

Although it was inappropriate to say this, Xu Xian felt that Li Menglong was quite cute at the moment.

But Xu Xian didn't mean to work hard to play with Li Menglong. She also had work on hand, and her back was a little sore.

So when Li Menglong called her over again, Xu Xian dragged the chair over without saying a word, still holding his notebook in his hand.

This action startled Li Menglong. Was he going to pick up a chair and start a fight?

Fortunately, Xu Xian was not that violent. She just sat down next to Li Menglong and even motioned to Li Menglong to make some room for her.

Li Menglong didn't understand what Xu Xian meant at first, but when Xu Xian took all the water glasses on his desk, the meaning was clearly expressed. Do you want to work here?

"I just asked you to come over..."

"It doesn't matter, it's all what I should do. It's more convenient this way. Is there anything you want to do when you call me this time?"

Xu Xian blocked Li Menglong's words in advance. Since she came, she didn't want to leave. Li Menglong should bear the consequences of his actions.

"But my workstation is for one person. It would be too crowded for two people."

"It doesn't matter, I won't dislike you!"

Xu Xian smiled so brightly that Li Menglong was speechless. It seemed that he could only accept this bitter pill?

Of course, these are all Li Menglong's personal thoughts. In the eyes of others, this is clearly Xu Xian giving benefits to Li Menglong.

This is working side by side with Xu Xian, and I feel happy just thinking about it.

In the end, Li Menglong still felt aggrieved? If you really want to say you feel wronged, then it’s Xu Xian who deserves to feel wronged!

The thoughts of everyone on the second floor are destined to be different, and the thoughts of the girls are not so unified.

Xiuying and others hoped that Jessica would come back after work, but Jessica worked hard and rushed back without even eating lunch.

She still has a strong sense of responsibility in her heart, and she is responsible for these sisters.

Besides, she didn't trust the group of people working independently. If no one was watching, the group might sleep until dark.

Although she had some similar expectations, that was also the worst result. In her heart, Jessica was looking forward to seeing them working hard.

In the end, no one even saw it, which made her feel cold.

She didn't rush back so hard just to cover these women.

As for where these women will be, it's very clear. There aren't that many places in the company where they can take a nap.

I tried to push open the practice room door, but it didn't budge.

What else is there to say? Just start banging on the door.

Although the sound insulation of the practice room is very good, it can't stand that everyone inside is sleeping, so the room is very quiet.

So the three of them woke up in a daze. Yuli didn't react at first, so she subconsciously wanted to open the door.

As a result, Xiuying lay on the ground and hugged her legs tightly. Before Yuli could ask, she could already hear Jessica's voice at the door.

At this moment, the three of them became much more awake, as if they were thrown into ice water during the dog days of summer, and they immediately started to tremble.

"What should I do? Pretend not to hear?"

Xiuying gave her own opinion, but this method was too bad. How long can they hide? one day? Two days? Or for a lifetime?

Since they are destined to face Jessica, there is no use in avoiding it. What they have to do now is to find an excuse for themselves to get over it.

Jessica waited at the door for three minutes with her arms folded, the sneer on her lips never letting go. She was looking forward to what surprises these women would bring her.

"Unnie? Why is it you?"

The moment Xiuying opened her eyes, her acting skills almost reached their limit, the kind that would win praise from Lee Mong-ryong on the set.

It can only be said that these women have reserved their best acting skills in life, which is really a waste.

But this is a matter of life and death. How could Xiuying not show her ability to keep the bottom of the situation? But why didn’t the woman opposite react at all?

It's not that Jessica didn't react, but she still wanted to see what she was going to say next.

So he bumped Xiuying away with his shoulder and walked in with a figure-footed step.

In the room, Yuri and Hyoyeon were sweating profusely and drawing dance moves in front of the mirror.

According to the plan discussed before, they should wait until Jessica takes the initiative to speak before explaining.

But this one just stood there and looked at them with a playful look. He was obviously looking at the clown.

As for who the clown is, neither Yuli nor Yuli dare to think too much about it, as they are prone to depression.

Although the current scene is very embarrassing, they still decided to finish the performance. What if Jessica believed it?

"Actually, we are practicing dance. You must be very curious about the reason, right?"

"Because we feel that dance and songs are connected, it is easier for us to get inspiration."

This was the excuse they came up with. Although it sounded a little lame, they had no better solution in their desperation.

But this is not the reason for them to ask and answer themselves. Xiuying, who was hiding behind, had already covered her face in pain. How embarrassing!

Jessica waited for a while to make sure that their performance was over, and then Shi Shiran walked up.

They circled around Yuli and the two for several times, looking at them up and down, making them subconsciously raise their heads and chests up. They felt guilty.

"Tsk, why is your face still half red? Did you get it during dance practice?"

Jessica said in a calm tone, but the more she said this, the more pressure she felt on several people.

Even Jessica didn't limit herself to speaking. She gently wiped Yuli's forehead with her little finger, and then stuffed it into her mouth slightly frivolously.

This picture itself is a bit decadent and perverted. If the "filter" is darkened, it will have the meaning of a horror movie.

The reactions of Yuri and Hyoyeon at this moment also aggravated this. Their legs were trembling slightly. Is this because they were afraid that Jessica would do something outrageous in the next second?

But Jessica maintained her image quite well this time. She didn't say any words. She just waited for a while and then repeated the previous actions.

"Well, the taste is right this time. How can the sweat not be salty?"

One sentence revealed the tricks of the three of them, and they were still practicing dancing here. Could it be that she really thought that Jessica was blind? Think she can't see the pile of blankets in the corner?

The hands were raised, and Xiuying closed her eyes in response, but in the end she still raised them high and lowered them gently.

After pinching Xiuying's cheek and pulling twice, Jessica said speechlessly: "Can you think of a better reason for coming next time?"

What kind of emotional intelligence is Xiuying? At this moment, she fell into Jessica's arms without saying a word.

Although she is a head taller than Jessica, she can still act like a little bird: "Unnie, I won't dare to do that again next time."

Jessica had always accepted this kind of beauty trap, so her palm naturally fell on Xiuying's butt and she patted her twice more.

After reluctantly teaching these three people some lessons, Jessica actually yawned, saying that she was the most tired today.

After seeing this scene, the three of them suddenly felt that the opportunity had come, and they deserved it.

"Onie worked hard today. We are really touched."

"Why don't you take a break? Otherwise we will feel bad."

"Don't worry about work. You can rest here while we go to work next door. Just come over and check on us later!"

The three of them swore all kinds of things, as if Jessica looked down on them if they didn't stay here to sleep for a while.

What else could Jessica say, she could only go with the flow.

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