The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2802 Countermeasures

Did Seohyun understand Jessica’s kindness?

She understood but not completely. To be precise, she didn't have this thought right now. Her mind was filled with the scenes of people crowded outside.

If this doesn't work out, Xu Xian won't know how it will end. Will they continue to work in the company in the future?

After all, they even care about their reputation among fans, so how can they ignore the opinions of everyone in the company?

So Xu Xian not only did not obey Jessica's arrangement, but also pulled her backwards.

Jessica was still a little aggrieved by Xu Xian's resistance. This little girl didn't just think that she was bullying her, right?

This situation is too small. She, Jessica, has been doting on Xu Xian since she was a child. Doesn’t the other party know that?

Looking at Jessica's disappointed expression, even Xu Xian couldn't help it: "Hey, can I thank you later? Can we solve the problem first?"

"Humph, who cares!" Jessica shook her head arrogantly: "What's the problem? I've arranged it very carefully, there won't be any problems!"

Xu Xian didn't know what to say to Jessica's sudden confidence, so he could only pull her to the door again.

I didn’t go out completely because there were too many people and it would be difficult to come back after squeezing out.

However, the huge crowd still shocked Jessica. After being an artist for so many years, roughly judging the number of fans is a basic skill.

So at a quick glance, Jessica was sure that there were more than 200 people here. The key was how many people were there in the company?

Judging from the voices coming from behind from time to time, it seems that there are still people coming in a steady stream. What is this for? Capture Girls' Generation alive?

With a slightly embarrassed smile, Jessica greeted the people around her and immediately retracted her head.

There was no need for Xu Xian to take the initiative this time. Jessica immediately asked about the situation outside.

In fact, Xu Xian doesn't know much, but there is no problem in briefly summarizing the following. In the final analysis, there are too many people coming to receive gifts.

It was originally just a reward for the people on the second floor, or it could be said to be a favor, but it inexplicably expanded to the entire company.

At least everyone lining up outside thinks so, so is Jessica going to refute it now?

"Am I crazy? Look clearly, how many people are outside!"

Jessica responded slightly rudely, her voice was so loud that it attracted people from a distance to look over.

She had no time to explain at the moment. If the problem was not solved, the current scene would be considered warm.

Her mind was a little confused at the moment, but fortunately Xu Xian was relatively calm. At this time, there was no need to hide anything. Xu Xian was not such a selfish person.

"Now you must first determine your attitude. Are you sure you don't want to tell everyone the truth?"

"Keep talking."

Jessica didn't even hesitate, so that's not her character. How to explain it? She couldn't think of any excuse anyway.

Xu Xian also expected this, and the reason why he said this was just a small way of avoiding responsibility. This was Jessica's own choice.

After making a basic decision, it will be relatively simple to think of a solution. At least there are still ideas.

The simplest thing is to let everyone get gifts, but are they prepared enough?

"How is it possible? How many people are there in your office?"

Jessica pulled her hair hard, trying to use the pain to clear her head.

At this moment, Xiuying and others also found various excuses to come over. They originally thought that the two people had quarreled, but they heard such exciting news.

Although the girls are a little confused, there is strength in numbers. Although one person's wisdom is limited, there may be miracles if they make up for each other.

For example, after several people put it together, a prototype has been roughly formed.

It was Xiuying's suggestion at first. You should know that the gift packages they prepared for everyone contained many gifts.

If these gifts can be divided one by one, the number will be enough to cope with the following people.

Although this method is somewhat perfunctory, there is nothing we can do about it.

It's really not that they are stingy. As long as they can spend money to solve the problem, they don't mind getting cash, but can they get it?

No, because then the nature would change!

"More than 20 gifts have been sent out. Now we have to divide the gifts. How do the people in front of me explain them?"

The girls are like solving a problem at this moment. One person gives the answer, finds out the question, and then continues to wait for the next person's answer.

The one who stood up this time was Hyoyuan: "Or should we say that there are levels of gifts? Those in the front are all first prizes, and everyone in the back just depends on their fate."

This is another bad idea, but I have to say that even a bad idea is better than no idea at this moment.

There wasn't much time for them to think, and even the plan itself was rushed. In short, the girls were forced to take action.

The only good thing is that they never announced the truth of the matter from beginning to end. Even everyone on the second floor was confused.

Everyone was confused as to why they came so unexpectedly to hand out gifts. This was a blessing in misfortune.

It stands to reason that if you want to create gifts with different levels, the best way is to draw a lottery on the spot, which is not only fair but also interesting.

But where are they going to get this set of things in a hurry, so the only thing they can rely on is their wisdom.

It was Jessica Jung who stood up at the critical moment. The eldest sister at the scene took on the responsibility and did not push all this to the younger sisters.

After a few brief explanations, the distribution of gifts began again, and the first person received again was the final test for them.

If it can be deceived, everyone will be happy, but once it is revealed, the girls don't know how to end it at this moment. Maybe Li Menglong will be found?

After all, if there is one person who can tell them the truth and take responsibility for them, it seems that it is only Li Menglong.

But they wouldn't do it unless they had to. They didn't know how long they would be laughed at by Li Menglong.

As the nearest one walked up, the girls also put away similar worries and turned to reception with smiles.

It can only be said that their years as artists are not in vain. When it comes to hiding emotions and handling emergencies, they are not said to be very professional, but at least they are much better than ordinary people.

At least no one has noticed their panic so far. Of course, it may also be related to the fact that everyone around them is too excited.

They had seen what the previous ones had gotten. Not only was it commemorative, but the key was that it was extremely practical. How could they not be happy about it?

"Hello, may I ask what your name is..."

Jessica asked politely. This process was originally in place because their names were all written on their greeting cards, so they had to correspond.

But the next process was different. When the other party reported his name and planned to get the gift, Xu Xian on the side was holding a mobile phone and pretending to look through it.

In fact, she just looks calm and composed now, but her palms are sweaty.

She paid great attention to the angle of the phone and was determined not to let the other party see any details of the screen, because that would be embarrassing.

"Uh, sorry, you won the second prize!"

Xu Xian said slowly, trying not to let her voice tremble, even though her worries were unnecessary.

Because the person opposite didn't have any doubts, he was just curious: "Second prize? What first prizes did the people in front get?"

This one has pointed out the core of the problem. The girls now have to explain why the twenty or so people in front of them all won the first prize.

Fortunately, this point was considered in advance. Although there would be many loopholes in the explanation, they couldn't care less.

"We used a computer to draw the lottery based on the company list in advance to save everyone's time, and the person in front happened to be the first prize."

When Jessica said these words, she spread her hands and looked helpless, as if everything was a coincidence.

It was such a ridiculous explanation, but the person opposite actually believed it after thinking about it for a while.

In fact, this is because the girls think too much. If this was a reward issued by the company, then everyone might think more about it.

But these are girls. They have no obligation to give out gifts to everyone, so it is up to them to decide how to give them out. The most everyone can do is lament that they are not so lucky.

Anyway, I won’t blame the girls. The person in front of me is more curious about what the second prize will be, but I hope it won’t be too far away from the same prize.

In fact, the second prize is still being prepared. Xiuying and Yuli are rummaging through the original shopping bags with their backs on their backs.

Due to time constraints, they simply took out the clothes from the store. The bags were still full, but most of them were not very valuable.

Fortunately, these peripheral items are very memorable, and many fans will go to the store to buy clothes just for these.

It was quite appropriate to give it as a gift at this moment, at least the expression on the person opposite didn't look too disappointed.

Isn't it just that there is a piece of clothing missing? If he wants it, he can go to the store and buy it himself. Besides, he also has a membership card to get discounts.

After taking this person away, Jessica and others took a deep breath in unison. They were really nervous before.

Fortunately, after successfully fooling someone, they are half successful, and they can just use the same set of words from now on.

While there was still some time, they urgently formulated a set of gift grade standards.

Needless to say, the first prize is a comprehensive set of gifts; while the second prize is mainly greeting cards and store peripherals, and the winners are limited to subsequent colleagues on the second floor.

This is not a distinction between girls, and there are only so many greeting cards with names written on them, so it is impossible to give them to others.

There will be third prizes and consolation prizes in the follow-up, mainly clothes and membership cards in the store, supplemented by coupons from some stores. In short, give whatever you can.

In order to prevent too many people from winning the first prize, the girls will give out first prizes from time to time. The prizes are all put together by them on the spot, and the greeting cards are also written on the spot. In short, it looks messy.

But the strange thing is that everyone seems to be very happy, even those who get consolation prizes.

You must know that most of the bargains that Kim Taeyeon and the others bought last night were concentrated on consolation prizes. Wouldn’t the other party think that these imitations are real?

In order to avoid accidents, Xu Xian mustered up the courage to remind everyone.

But everyone is not blind, can't they still see such a rough imitation?

But who knows that these are all selected by the girls themselves. After passing through their hands, these imitations have extra value.

Besides, even if you really don’t like it that much, it is still the girls’ thoughts, and it would be nice if you can receive the emotions contained in it.

The corridor on the third floor was finally cleared. Although the girls were very nervous, the efficiency was not low.

Mainly because everyone was on their own, there were no extra arguments. Basically, they accepted the gifts, thanked the girls, and then left.

The total time before and after was only half an hour, and Xu Xian's time allocated in advance was extremely accurate.

However, they were not in a hurry to leave. They were indeed a little tired, especially mentally, so they stayed here to take their time.

The next step is to wait for others. Since the activity has been extended to the entire company, it must be done.

There are still some people who have not received the news and are arriving one after another. It is not easy for them to close the stall in advance.

Sure enough, another person walked in, and Jessica stood up habitually, with a just right smile on her face: "Hello, may I ask your name..."

"You don't even recognize me? I heard that the scene you created was huge. If I am not the first prize, there must be a shady story behind it!"

Li Menglong smiled and came closer, but Jessica's expression changed too quickly, and she became a lot colder the moment she heard his voice.

If there weren't some helpful staff around, she might have turned against her right now.

For bringing them to their current situation, Li Menglong has to bear a large part of the responsibility!

Although it was hard for her to fall out in public, she still found a way to make Li Menglong feel disgusted: "I'm sorry, you didn't win. Maybe there's something wrong with your character?"

Jessica said angrily, and everyone around her was holding back laughter. In their opinion, this was a shady story.

Because there was a consolation prize at worst, but Li Menglong didn’t get anything? This is too targeted.

Li Menglong obviously thought so too, but he didn't plan to get entangled with Jessica and just ignored her and went to get the gift.

You know, Xiuying owes his boss a favor, so it’s hard to be as ruthless as Jessica, right?

Xiuying really didn't dare to give nothing, but there was nothing left at the scene, and she still had to leave some to deal with colleagues who might show up.

So she could only ask tentatively: "How about we write you a greeting card on the spot? This is a treatment only for the second prize!"

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