The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2793 The Ultimate Piracy

Li Menglong knew that girls liked shopping, or that there were very few women who didn't want to go shopping.

Especially for them, due to their status as artists, it is difficult for them to shop freely, so they must cherish every opportunity.

Besides, they have earned so much money, and it goes against human nature not to allow them to spend it freely.

It's just that he understands this truth, but the prerequisite is that it shouldn't be in some shopping malls. What's so good about shopping in such small shops on the roadside streets?

They just bought the entire store, and the cost was probably the price of one bag for them, and the key point was that there was no use buying it back.

It's like this group of women are gathering around a small store selling discounted clothes. They say they are discounted genuine products, but they look like knockoffs no matter how you look at them.

Ordinary people would feel a little embarrassed if someone recognized them after wearing this kind of clothes, let alone girls.

Once they are recognized by fans or reporters, they will be prepared to be trending the next day.

Since they know they don't know how to wear it, why do they choose it with enthusiasm? If you really want to buy them, just buy them all. It won’t cost much anyway.

Regarding Li Menglong's straight-male thinking, Xu Xian rarely stood by him: "You won't find a girlfriend like this."

"Who said that? How about I call Lee Soon Kyu out and kiss him in front of you?"

Li Menglong directly refuted Xu Xian with facts, but the little girl didn't agree with it. Li Soonkyu could only be said to be a special case.

To this day, Xu Xian still doesn't understand how the two of them got along so well. He can only say that he took Li Menglong's advantage.

He has never participated in this kind of unconditional shopping with his girlfriend. Doesn't he know what it means to be a spoiler?

Fortunately, the girls really don't care about him. Anyway, he chooses his, and the girls choose theirs, so we don't bother each other.

Does Li Menglong dare to leave? He really didn't dare, otherwise if the girls were recognized, the joke would be big.

As for the fun the girls had at the moment, it can only be said that Li Menglong didn't participate in it so he didn't understand it at all. What they enjoyed was the selection process.

In the end, even Xu Xian participated, and the women chattered and looked very lively.

However, the owner of the store was very familiar with this and even brought a stool over to signal him to sit down: "It won't be over for a while, so take a rest. Maybe you will have to shop for a long time after that."

Li Menglong was naturally accommodating, but he found that the boss was very gossipy. He was inquiring about the relationship between the girls without recognizing them.

"This is complicated. Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Let's talk about it, I'm free anyway."

"The lie is that these women are all my girlfriends!" After Li Menglong finished speaking, he laughed first.

It's not that he thought of anything else. If these women were all his girlfriends, then Li Menglong would definitely be annoyed to death every day.

So don’t make yourself unhappy, it’s not worth the envious looks from your boss.

"They are all my employees. They worked too hard today, so bringing them shopping is an extra reward."

This statement was obviously much more reliable, but the boss started to think again, what industry would have so many young and beautiful girls under his control?

Fortunately, the girls took the initiative to reveal their identities before she could think too hard. The main reason was that there were no other customers in the store, and they wanted to try out accessories.

After recognizing the girls, the boss's reaction was a bit extreme: "Those earrings are silver-plated, they shouldn't be suitable for you, right?"

"We are also ordinary people, what can we not deserve? As long as you don't sell it to us at the price of pure silver!"

Kim Taeyeon responded with a smile, as long as they don't think of them as being taken advantage of, they really don't mind buying some cheap things.

Although it may not be used later, it is worth it even if it is to buy the good mood at this moment.

Seeing that the girls were so kind, the boss was completely prepared and started to self-destruct on the spot.

To put it simply, the items in the store have some problems, either in workmanship or materials, or they copy the styles of big brands.

The girls discovered this last thing, because Pani saw a necklace from his collection.

Judging from the price she paid at that time, it shouldn't be displayed in a small store like this. After all, she couldn't bear to carry it with her on weekdays. Isn't this store afraid of losing it?

Fortunately, the price difference is huge, and the appearance is only approximate, but it is more or less interesting.

So Upani happily put the necklace on her neck. The lights in the store hit her head, and it was so dazzling.

"Quickly, put away your beauty, my eyes can't bear it anymore."

Li Menglong covered his eyes and opened a huge gap on his fingers. From his movements to his tone, it was an exaggeration.

As a result, Pani covered her mouth and laughed reservedly. Xu Xian on the side seemed to understand something. Li Menglong didn't completely deceive Li Soonkyu, he still had some tricks!

The boss gave a real price, and the girls were very happy to choose. In addition, Li Menglong flattered him from time to time. The result was that when the final check was made, there were so many things that Li Menglong could not lift them alone.

"How about taking some out? These..."

Li Menglong really wanted to say don't waste it. After all, 99% of the things here will not be used, so why buy them back?

But we have to give the boss some face. Besides, the girls are not willing to give up. After all, it is really cheap.

Everyone's hands were full of shopping bags, but the expenses were still no more than the cost of the previous meal. Why should they give up?

It's great that they will eat less tomorrow, just to control their body shape. This way, they seem to be more harmonious.

"Besides, these things are not all our own. There are also gifts for the women at home. Aren't we particularly kind?"

Faced with such a shameless confession, Li Menglong didn't even bother to complain. Gifts should also be given with sincerity, right?

Is this a gift? It can be said that they are used as waste. After all, in Li Menglong's view, these things in his hands have burned away their own value.

Girls have long been used to Li Menglong's complaints. When they don't want to hear it, they can just pretend that there are anti-fans nagging them.

With this comparison, they didn't care so much. After all, compared to the attacks of black fans, Li Menglong's nagging was much gentler.

The only drawback is that black fans attack them through the Internet, and they can choose to ignore it.

But Li Menglong couldn't do it. Unless they blocked their ears, they could only let it go.

Li Menglong was a little unhappy with the attitude of these girls, but fortunately their shopping trip ended early.

Because it was impossible for them to continue wandering around carrying such heavy things. It would be okay if they were thrown to Li Menglong, but he couldn't carry them alone.

The girls still felt a little pity. If they had known earlier, they would have gone shopping somewhere else and bought these when they came back.

This can be regarded as a lesson and a lesson. Anyway, if there is a next time, they will definitely go shopping for a longer time. They firmly believe this!

They don't know when the next time will be, but they know clearly that if they don't close this situation, they won't even have a place to stay tonight.

Originally, when the girls came back, they planned to share their good mood with Jessica and the others, but several people at home were the first to ask, "What did you go to eat? We are waiting for you to eat together at home!"

Even if she knew that Jessica was just talking nonsense, it wasn't because she was waiting for them that she really didn't have dinner. Maybe she ate too much for lunch.

But you can't say it like that. After all, they had the upper hand first, and Kim Taeyeon and the others had no reason to defend themselves.

After all, they were not thinking about these people. What should they do?

Xu Xian from behind pushed her, and then Kim Taeyeon realized that she was still holding something in her hand. Although it was not food, it was still a good gift.

"We went to pick out gifts for you, No, these are all for you!"

Kim Taeyeon was extremely generous. She threw the bag in front of them and let them choose. Even if they all had to pass by, she, Kim Taeyeon, would not frown!

The people behind them also followed suit and piled their bags in front of Jessica and the others.

This bold move made it impossible for Jessica and the others to deal with them. They did have the intention of causing trouble, but there were many reasons.

Not bringing them food is just a small aspect, it's more about competition at work. These people worked overtime so late today, so will I have to stay up all night tomorrow?

Fortunately, the misunderstanding was solved. It turned out that these women were not working overtime, but went shopping. This is not a typical case of getting bored with things.

Logically speaking, she didn't call them when she went shopping, which was very bad in itself, but Jessica chose to forgive these women.

Besides, they were quite generous with their work at the moment. Considering the impact of the matter, Jessica didn't want to do it all, so she just picked two or three items.

Even if they are all sisters, it is not easy to take other people's things for free, not to mention their consumption level is not low. If they take too much, the other party may turn against them.

This is a summary of experience after many similar incidents in the past, but past experience has failed this time.

Kim Taeyeon and the others were like shopping guides in a store, fearing that the "customers" across the way would be dissatisfied, with all kinds of promotions and introductions.

"Look at these earrings. They are made entirely of platinum. If I were not a member of the store, the price would be several million higher."

"Do you recognize this necklace? It's the latest model. I have one in my collection. You guys are always jealous. I specially bought the same one for you this time."

"Don't look at the clothes. Can't you trust our eyes? Everyone should take a few bags back and wear them slowly and look at them slowly."

The actions of Kim Taeyeon and the others really confused Jessica and the others, especially Jessica, who was at the head of the group, and was targeted the most.

The platinum earrings do look shiny, and although the style of the clothes cannot be seen, the color is very bright.

The most outrageous thing was the necklace. In the past, even if she wanted to borrow it, Pani would give it all away, but now he put the necklace around her neck with great enthusiasm. Is this crazy?

If an ordinary person came here, they might be captured by the "silver bullet" of these women. After all, in theory, fakes and Girls' Generation cannot be linked together.

But Jessica has seen women on the market after all. Even if these things are true, do you think she will be so fascinated that she can't open her eyes? That would be too much to underestimate her.

Besides, she also understands these women. Although they cannot be said to be stingy, their generosity at this moment is far beyond their daily routine.

Because they gave gifts, Jessica would probably choose something similar based on the price and send it back. This is called what comes and goes.

But even with their income, they can't afford gifts of this level. After all, there are so many people in the family, and their annual income may not be enough if they give them daily gifts.

So reason told Jessica that there was definitely something fishy going on. The problem was not with the girls, but with the gift itself.

After having this idea, Jessica immediately saw many clues in her vision. For example, the colors of those clothes were bright, but they were not the right color!

Jessica has studied this point. After all, she is a woman who wants to open a store to sell clothes, so she still needs to understand the basic concepts.

To put it simply, even if it is white, there are many specific distinctions. For example, pure white, milky white, and ivory white are all different whites.

Once the color is not selected correctly, it may not matter to a careless person, but it will feel awkward if you are a little more careful.

And Jessica was undoubtedly very awkward at this moment. She pushed Pani away roughly and pulled off the necklace around her neck without even looking at it carefully. The amount was wrong.

Ignoring the nagging girls on the side, Jessica kicked over several shopping bags with her toes, and the clothes that rolled out were immediately revealed.

The wrong color is just superficial. Combined with the specific layout and pattern, you can tell at a glance that it is a fake or extremely rough.

The most egregious thing was that one of the items was a replica of the clothes in their store, which made Jessica dumbfounded. Are these women testing her eyesight?

She even felt that Kim Taeyeon and the others didn't recognize her at all, otherwise they wouldn't have used such clothes to provoke her no matter what.

Now she was too lazy to talk, so she flipped through her phone and pulled up the picture of the dress in the store.

"Let's see, I didn't know it yet. It turns out you guys went to take care of your own business. You told me earlier and I asked the store to give you a discount or something."

Kim Taeyeon and the others were inexplicable at first, but when they saw the photos on their phones, their hearts suddenly went cold.

This time it's not just a matter of shoddy quality, it also involves their disregard for their own business, as well as Jessica's efforts.

It’s okay that they don’t support it, but they actually try to undermine it. How should we explain this?

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