The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2783 Confession

Generally speaking, there was plenty of time left for Lee Soon Kyu. The main reason was that the food on the dinner table was too unpalatable, and the girls unconsciously slowed down their eating speed.

Xu Xian had nothing to do about it. He had to accept these "accidents" when going out with girls, and he even had to reserve these times in advance.

Even if the current accident hadn't happened, the girls would have performed in other aspects, Xu Xian was sure of this.

It's not that she hasn't tried to help girls change over the years, but it's hard to say whether it's nature or the crowd. In short, apart from work, they are always used to delaying for a while.

All Xu Xian can do is chew food in big mouths, trying to use his performance to stimulate everyone's appetite.

But this is simply whimsical. Unless Xu Xian makes the vegetables on his hands taste like meat, the girls will not be touched at all.

Li Shunkyu didn't focus on this. In order to gain time, she became the first person on the table to finish eating.

When meeting such a good student, Xu Xian must praise him, but Lee Soon Kyu did not give her this opportunity because she took the initiative to offer a "reward".

"Call Jessica and the others down? What are you calling them for?"

Xu Xian tilted her head and was very puzzled. She really couldn't understand Li Soonkyu's thoughts. Unless it was a prank, it couldn't be explained at all.

This reaction left Lee Soon Kyu a little stunned. What image does she usually have in Xu Xian's mind? Isn't this reason easily found?

"Of course it's to invite them to eat together. How can we enjoy the delicious food you carefully prepared, maknae?"

What Lee Soon Kyu said was very decent, but did she believe it? Anyway, everyone around me, including Li Menglong, didn’t believe it!

The reaction of this group of people really made Li Shunkyu sad. She always thought that she was a pure good person in the eyes of everyone. Why should they doubt her words?

"Because you are lying, can we still pretend that we don't see anything?"

It was rare for Li Menglong to stand up and say something fair, mainly because he was afraid that Li Soonkyu would continue to force Xu Xian. Once this little girl told the truth, the other party would probably be sad again.

But when he said it, it wasn't that excessive. It's great for everyone to have a fight. Li Menglong is not afraid.

Li Soonkyu wasn't afraid either, but now she was afraid of wasting time, so she let Li Menglong slander her. She just wanted to push forward the plan.

After all, the culprit is among that group of women. If you want to catch the thief, you must at least be able to see the person, and it can't be delayed.

Once they get home at night, no one will be able to catch them, so can these people promise her?

Kim Taeyeon and others were the first to agree, because this proposal was not harmful to them, and on the contrary, more people could share the "pain". No matter how you look at it, there would be no compensation.

Li Menglong was indifferent. He knew that Li Soonkyu had small thoughts, but what did he have to do with him? If they want to fight, it's the sisters who start the fight first.

In this way, the only person Lee Soon Kyu needs to deal with is Seohyun. This little girl is really hesitant.

She is still very responsible. Although this matter seems to have little to do with her, and she can even watch the fun, why did she ask them to come down?

We are all our own people, why do we have to torment each other? Xu Xian didn't think that the food he cooked was so delicious that it was worth coming down to taste it without sleeping.

What kind of IQ does Li Shunkyu have? She immediately found the crux of the problem. It was easy for her to conquer this little girl.

I saw her lying down and whispering a few words in Xu Xian's ear, and the little girl actually hesitated and ran upstairs.

Xu Xian not only agreed to Lee Soon Kyu's seemingly problematic proposal, but also took the initiative to call for help. This was not an easy job.

Kim Taeyeon and others are very curious, what did Lee Soon Kyu say to make Xu Xian do this for her? It couldn't be just giving money directly, right?

"Tch, how can the relationship between us sisters be measured by money? Don't insult me ​​with these dirty things!"

What Li Soonkyu said was so exaggerated that Li Menglong on the opposite side couldn't help but reply: "Then can you humiliate me with these dirty things? I don't mind being dirty!"

Li Shunkyu never had a good face towards such a bad person who always answered the phone and had a habit of making people get off the stage: "Eat your meal, do you have the right to interfere in the affairs between our sisters?"

A very straightforward answer. Li Menglong did not get angry or say anything, but nodded in recognition. He thought this was Li Shunkyu's care for him.

Seeing that Jung Soo-yeon and her gang will not have a good temper after they come down, it is indeed easy to get involved if they get involved at this time, so it is wise to keep a low profile.

Seeing Li Menglong being speechless by him, Li Soonkyu raised his head proudly. This was a good sign.

Next, Jessica and the others should do the same, right? Under her fair and selfless trial, their crimes were nowhere to be found, and they cried and begged her for forgiveness.

The girls downstairs are still trying to get Lee Soon Kyu to wake up. Falling into imagination too early will only make her look a little stupid.

As for the truth they were searching for, it was actually not that complicated. Li Shunkyu just mentioned a possibility.

Even though they agreed yesterday, are they really sure that Jessica and the others will accept it honestly? What if I go there again?

This possibility is not impossible, so in order to avoid this happening, it is better to call them down for breakfast.

If you want to go together, then don't waste time, just let's go together. Even if you don't have this intention, then it can't be wrong to just ask them to eat, right?

Xu Xian was convinced. She knew clearly that Li Soonkyu's purpose was not that simple, but she really didn't want to receive these women again during work.

So in order to be able to work peacefully this day, Xu Xian could only comply with Lee Soon Kyu's proposal, at least now there was someone to share the burden with.

Generally speaking, the process of waking up the gang went smoothly. Although they inevitably received some threats during the process, they still walked away one after another.

Lee Soon Kyu never blinked during this process. Although the possibility of directly finding the culprit was low, what if? What if that person didn’t wash his face after eating last night?

But she was soon disappointed. The girls' faces were all very fair, with only some indentations from sleeping at most.

But she wasn't discouraged. She didn't expect to find the person so easily. Since that person dared to commit such a heinous case, he must be very cunning.

As a hunter, Lee Soon Kyu enjoys the process of fighting wits and courage with this kind of fox. The most important thing is the result. She will definitely catch the fox with her own hands.

She is already thinking about how to encourage these women to weigh themselves. The process cannot be abrupt, otherwise it will alert the snake.

She was just looking at these women, but Jessica and the others didn't care about Lee Soon Kyu at all. Their attention was all on the dining table.

Originally, they were not so happy to be woken up by Xu Xian. The only thing that could give them some comfort was the possible delicious food.

So he woke them up just to eat grass? They are standard carnivores, doesn't Xu Xian know that?

The test of Xu Xian's acting skills at this time is that she must pretend to be innocent enough: "You guys will be late if you go to sleep again. I have asked you to sleep a little longer."

"Late? Please, let's..."

Jessica was still thinking as she spoke, didn't she tell Xu Xian about this? It seems that she really has no impression, so you can’t blame her?

In fact, everyone didn't have much defense against Xu Xian. They just thought that this little girl did bad things with good intentions. In this case, they couldn't even blame each other.

The misunderstanding was temporarily resolved, and they immediately wanted to go back and continue sleeping. It hadn't been long since they woke up, and maybe they could continue their sweet dreams.

But Xu Xian turned into an enthusiastic boss at this moment, signaling that everyone was here, so it would be inappropriate to leave without eating.

So under Xu Xian's enthusiastic promotion, Jessica and others were holding the latest sandwich in their hands, the vegetarian kind!

The sandwiches made by Xu Xian are very unique. The bread is whole wheat and the vegetables are original. The key is not to use salad dressing because it is too high in calories.

So how delicious is this thing? Looking at the green vegetables, the girls' eyes began to glow green.

The only one on the scene who ate happily was Li Menglong. The girls were really envious of his good appetite and even asked him to share his numbing experience.

"I have some snacks that we can eat together."

Li Menglong gave an inexplicable answer. Isn't this guy crazy? Or did Seohyun secretly add ingredients to his sandwich?

Yoona curiously grabbed it and took a bite, but the result was still so hard to swallow. Was she obviously a liar?

But Li Menglong ate with gusto, because his so-called appetizers were the women in front of him. As long as they were unlucky, he would be happy to eat anything.

His peripheral vision has been staring at Li Shungui. This woman should be about to take action. If a fight breaks out later, should he go over and intervene?

It's just that there was a little accident during Li Shunkyu's attack. Before she could have a seizure, the prisoner jumped out on his own initiative.

This process was far from what she expected. It had taken so long and so many preparations had been made, so why not give her a chance to make the final decision?

In fact, this is because Lee Soon Kyu's situation is too small. There was something wrong with the idea she had from the beginning. Why did she think that she would be in panic all day long if she secretly ate the seafood hanging in the bathroom?

It is possible that in the eyes of the other girls, this is not a problem, but they are praised because they did not waste food.

Keeping it in their stomachs is safer than hanging it outside. There is no possibility of deterioration.

Jessica's tone at this moment was so calm: "The taste of the seafood is far different from last night. By the way, who hung the food in the bathroom? Isn't it such a waste, throwing it away after just a few bites?"

Not only did she not mean to admit her mistake, but she was able to throw it away. Of course Jessica really thought so. After all, the food had appeared in the bathroom. Isn't it normal for it to be treated as garbage?

As a sponsor of the seafood purchase, Yoona would not allow her credit to be smeared in this way: "Who said it was garbage? I wanted to save it for this morning. You are not afraid of eating so much by yourself?"

In fact, Yoona was blaming the other party. It didn't matter that he ate all the seafood without knowing it. What mattered was that he didn't ask her, Lin Yoona, to come with him. That's not that important.

We are all roommates living in the same room. How can we forget each other for such a good thing?

But Jessica also had something to say: "When I went there, there wasn't much left. What do I want you to eat? Do you want to eat lobster shells together?"

I originally thought that this was the truth of the matter, but I didn't expect that there was a twist in it. There was no need for Jessica to lie in this situation, so someone else had done something before her?

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a little strange for a moment. Everyone looked at each other distrustfully. It was obvious that the guilty person was in this way.

At this moment, Xiuying seemed to regard the sandwich in her hand as a delicacy. She closed her eyes and shook her head while tasting it carefully.

It's just that this kind of ostrich mentality is unacceptable. She can't see the expressions of the girls, so she thinks that the girls can't see her guilty conscience?

Next to her, Kim Taeyeon slapped Sooyoung on the back of her head. As for the reasons, they were all ready. She was eating alone and didn’t know how to share?

"Yu Li also ate it, why did you only hit me!" Xiuying almost blurted out, and it was obvious that she wanted to pull someone into trouble.

This response made Yuli couldn't help but smile bitterly. Shouldn't she blame Kim Taeyeon and the others at this time? I can’t believe that no one ate this in advance last night. They are also victims.

But it was too late to say anything now. Youli could only squat down silently, hoping that these women would not be too violent.

In fact, the force on the head was not very strong. The girls were just joining in the fun, but after someone joined in, Yuli couldn't resist it anymore.

She squatted here honestly to express her attitude of admitting her mistake, and the girls responded accordingly. This was a tacit understanding.

But now that the tacit understanding has been broken, why is Yuli still squatting here stupidly? It would be too stupid to not run away even after being beaten.

As a result, the living room became lively. Li Shunkyu was like a mad dog, sticking out his tongue and chasing Yuli crazily, as if he would go crazy if he didn't catch her.

Yuli was also dumbfounded. Do the two of them have much hatred?

Not to mention that Yoona bought the seafood, and she was not the only one who ate it. Even if she was at fault, just give Lee Soon Kyu a portion as compensation. Is it such a big deal?

"What do you know? How can you admit it? Why don't you resist!"

Li Shunkyu said something that was confusing. Yuli really didn't understand it anyway, but she knew that she couldn't be beaten by this crazy woman, otherwise someone would die.

Not wanting to be beaten and unable to change hands, Yuli had no choice but to run away, from the first floor to the second floor, and planned to run to the company later. In short, she had to keep her distance from this woman!

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