The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2757: Riding on one’s own enthusiasm

Xu Xian's love breakfast was finally eaten by them, and the one that made the most of it was the one with added ingredients in Jessica's hands. The girls all ate it as a side dish.

Although there are a lot of extra seasonings on hand, they have to cherish Xu Xian's intentions. Anyway, they think they eat very healthily.

They even took a photo and sent it to Xu Xian in a serious manner. You have to leave your name when you do good deeds, not to mention they paid so much.

Although they did not receive a reply from Xu Xian's praise immediately, they were not in a hurry. The little girl must have been busy with work and did not see it. They could wait.

It’s not like they have nothing to do anyway, they also have their own jobs.

Once they get serious, they find that there is a lot to do, especially if they want to do well.

They don't have that much accumulation in this area. Although they have been singers for many years, they are still essentially two different things.

If nothing else, the movie soundtrack and their songs are completely different styles, and it is difficult for them to use their past experience.

After all, according to their past logic, most of the songs they selected were useless.

It’s rare to see a movie with dance music as the soundtrack. Even if they were to sing it, fans probably wouldn’t pay for it.

Although they really wanted to challenge the difficulty, considering Li Menglong's opinion, they finally decided to play it safe.

In this case, some reference is needed, which is also the theme of their work today, which is to accumulate experience through different types of movies.

Although what he said was very professional, it was not complicated if he had to put it bluntly. It was nothing more than sitting together and watching a movie.

They are very familiar with this form of entertainment. Due to their status, they rarely go to the cinema. Fortunately, there are enough people at home that it is fun to get together.

It's just that in the past, when they watched movies, they mainly talked about the plot and gossip, but this time they had to pay extra attention to the soundtrack.

They originally thought it was a simple and even enjoyable process, but when they actually put it into practice, they found that they were naive.

The soundtrack is important, but it is too easy to be ignored. Even if they listen deliberately, they can only hear it intermittently.

Moreover, they often miss certain passages because they are caught up in the plot. Is it possible that they have to replay it? This movie is very distressing to watch.

After watching a movie, several people looked at each other and showed expressions of relief. They were really tired.

If this continues, let alone experience, they will probably lose interest in this work, which is not acceptable.

So almost everyone thought of other ways, and finally they finally found one.

They first searched for the original soundtrack of the movie. Generally, movies would release such a CD in order to expand subsequent profits.

It's just that the music is a bit monotonous when listened to alone, and they are paired with movie scenes.

The final mode is to play music from a record on the stereo, while the TV plays movie footage in silent mode.

In this way, they can not only feel the integration of music and movies, but also get rid of the interference from external sounds. The effect has been improved by an unknown amount.

This is also true from the perspective of efficiency. They "listened" to two movies in just one hour, which encouraged them.

"Let's talk about it. Do you have any ideas?" Jessica took out a notebook and took notes. She took on this responsibility very consciously.

The other people didn't have any objections. After all, the credit belongs to the team. They all have to find their own position. Kim Taeyeon and the others are the enemies!

“Music must be soothing unconditionally, and it must be as beautiful as possible.”

"The theme song must be memorable. This song must not be cheap."

"In terms of instruments, we can record a few more versions, and the difference is still obvious."

Although the suggestions from the girls are a bit rudimentary, they are indeed based on their feelings, and at least they can be effective.

Jessica gathered them together briefly. Regardless of whether these opinions were good or bad, the common point was that they cost money, and if this pattern continued, it would probably cost a lot.

She wasn't quite sure how much money Li Menglong would give them in the end, but it probably wouldn't be a lot.

It seems that not only do they have to contribute their due income, but they are also likely to have to pay out of their own pockets. Is this a too big a sacrifice?

"Quan should be giving Li Menglong face."

"We will also pay dividends in the later period. This is considered an investment for future earnings."

"Flow it, don't we work hard to make money so that we can be more decisive in times like this."

Jessica was very relieved by the sisters' words. These sisters actually had an overall view of the situation. Li Menglong really should come and see this scene, he would be moved to tears.

It is unknown whether Li Menglong will be moved, but the girls are indeed moved, and tears are already brewing.

At this moment, messages popped up on their mobile phones almost in unison. Such a uniform pace made them a little worried. The harassing text messages would not be so uniform, right?

Although their status has changed today, they are still very afraid of negative news, so they don't want to set off another Internet storm.

Fortunately, things were not as bad as they thought. The reason their phones were ringing was because fans kept pushing videos shot by Yoona to them.

That's right, Yoona's first work as an interim director is officially released, which means there is no chance to post a crew list or anything else, otherwise it will definitely shock everyone's attention.

Because when these people are put together, they are completely a team for filming a movie. Making a TV series seems like a waste, but in the end, Yoona asked them to help make a short video.

Fortunately, no one knows this, and they are more impressed by the high quality of the video. From the picture quality to the subtitles, from the editing to the sound recording, everything is very comfortable.

Although I don’t know the specific reason, compared with other artists’ short videos, Yoona looks inexplicably high-end.

Of course, these are all external. What attracts everyone’s attention the most is the content inside. Li Menglong actually sang loudly? How many of the leading singers of the girls were able to accompany him with peace of mind?

And the most outrageous thing is that Li Menglong even sang out of tune. How dare he do this under such an opportunity? This is simply an insult to girls!

That is to say, everyone knows his identity, otherwise if someone else came over, he would probably curse him by now.

But everyone quickly found another angle to appreciate it. Li Menglong sang so poorly, but with the backup singers of the girls, it actually sounded pretty good. This was amazing.

Everyone said that the only difference between them and professional singers is Kim Taeyeon and others.

According to this logic, we cannot blame the singers for their poor singing. They are all the fault of the backup singers. Why can't they be as professional as Kim Taeyeon and others?

After all, no singer who can perform on stage can sing worse than Li Menglong, right?

The girls' videos were already popular, and now they had an additional topic to discuss. It didn't take long for them to reach the top of the trend list.

Although it is normal for girls to be on trending searches, this time it was still a bit too much. They just shot a short video of singing. Do they know how much extra preparation other artists need to make to make headlines?

Jessica and the others naturally knew that, after all, they had survived as newcomers, but based on their understanding of Yoona, the current popularity was probably beyond her expectation.

Maybe her original purpose was simply to let everyone complain about Li Menglong's singing skills, but the current development direction is not under her control at all.

As for fans finding Jessica and others, they naturally want them to make a similar video.

Since Kim Taeyeon and the others can do it, Jessica and the others can't do it. If they can, they can try to sing backup for Lee Mong-ryong as a whole team.

Regarding the fans' kindness, Jessica expressed her gratitude. They are not crazy, so why would they take the initiative to make themselves unhappy?

Do you really think it's that easy to harmonize Li Menglong? They were sure that the sound in the video had definitely been edited. This was a judgment made by a professional singer.

But this doesn’t mean anything. It’s really not normal for singers to retouch their voices, just like they retouch pictures when taking photos.

No matter how good-looking they are, there is room for improvement in how they appear in photos, and the sound is similar.

The singers will probably never be able to sing at the same level as in the album, but this illustrates the charm of the scene in disguise. Why so many people are willing to go to the concert is because there is an alternative energy in the scene.

Moreover, Jessica could vaguely judge that the one who had been corrected in it should only be Li Menglong, and the voices of the girls were completely preserved.

Because the tones of several of them are so close, without professional recording equipment, it is difficult to distinguish them individually unless they record it again in the studio.

But let’s not talk about whether to do this for a short video. Girls alone would not agree. They also have their own pride.

The follow-up soon confirmed Jessica's guess. I don't know whether it was planned in advance or it was a spur-of-the-moment idea after seeing the popularity. In short, the girls' individual harmony audio was released.

This move simply added fuel to the fire and brought everyone's enthusiasm to another level.

It is said that popularity is the easiest thing to accumulate through interaction. The girls now provide everyone with an opportunity to interact and even show off.

Before, didn’t everyone think that just anyone coming over, as long as they could match the harmonies of girls, would have the same effect.

Now you can verify it yourself, I guess the effect is not that good.

Even though Li Menglong seems to be frantically testing on the verge of going out of tune in the video, there are still two different concepts between a singer going out of tune and an ordinary person going out of tune.

However, there are also many talented people among ordinary people. These people put their voices out almost immediately, and naturally received a lot of praise.

This kind of popularity is really enviable, and many young singers are planning to come out and take part in it under the urging of the company.

Of course, artists still need to be relatively cautious and at least somewhat prepared. Otherwise, if they sing worse than ordinary people, they will be causing trouble for themselves.

Jessica doesn't care about what the outside world thinks. After all, the popularity belongs to girls' generation, and it's not too convenient for her to take advantage of the popularity.

She didn't call Yoona now to congratulate her, but to accuse her. She originally thought they went to the company to work hard, but in the end they were doing this?

"It's hard for me to understand. Who made me so famous and popular? I don't want to!"

It's okay for YoonA to make Jessica feel sick when she comes up. Anyway, even though she's on the phone, she's not afraid of the other party jumping over and hitting her.

But Yoona's first sentence was true. She really didn't expect that the video would become this popular.

Although their popularity is not low, can it be explained by just one sentence? Many companies even fail to achieve similar results even if they plan intentionally.

And what caused so many people distress, Yoona just accomplished inadvertently, so her real talent is actually in planning?

Yoona is getting more and more miserable. Sure enough, people can't be too good. It seems that the profession of idol has restricted her development. If she hadn't been reluctant to leave those women, she would really have gone to other industries to show her talents.

Yoona does have the right to be proud, regardless of whether she was deceived or not, but the result was that the video she posted became popular.

Now the whole company is busy. With this level of popularity, outsiders are eager to take advantage of it. If they don't cherish it, they will be struck by lightning.

As for using it, you have to look at the willingness and ability of each department.

The company as a whole has set up a temporary page on the official website so that everyone can upload it for their own use and rate others. In short, it is a sharing platform.

It is always right to gather these people and their popularity in the company first. After that, if nothing else, just any advertisement will be money.

Li Menglong was also discussing at the same time. Everyone on the second floor gave various opinions, but in the end it was Li Menglong who made the decision.

"There's nothing new at all, can't we be a little more creative?"

Li Menglong attacked everyone mercilessly. As for how much of this was deliberate revenge, only he knew.

He looked in the direction of Xu Xian at this moment, signaling Xu Xian to tell her plan, while Li Menglong was ready for unconditional reconsideration.

Anyway, in his opinion, these are just trivial matters. Once a movie is not good to watch, no matter how good the promotion is, it will be redundant.

Of course, if the movie is of high quality, the publicity will be the icing on the cake, so he doesn't reject it, but the effect is not that big anyway.

In this case, why not use this to praise Xu Xian? This little girl might be able to give some extra surprises.

"Using the company's voting page as the standard, how about we invite the person who ranks first to sing an OST?"

Xu Xian said calmly, but her words were a little crazy, which clearly sounded like an audition.

It is said that there are indeed movies that start casting actors publicly before filming starts, just to build up the popularity in advance.

It’s not bad to do this, but is it necessary to do this? This was just an accident after all.

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