The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2755 A sudden whim

Pani probably didn't listen to what she said, or maybe she misunderstood it. Li Menglong just watched her sneaking over to add toppings to the sandwich.

Although she didn’t know exactly what she put in it, just looking at the amount she put in it, whatever it was was a little too much.

Sure enough, as long as it doesn't involve using their brains, these women are very smart.

What's the wrong use of such intelligence? If you have to use it to make pranks, do you really think Jessica and the others don't know who did it?

It seemed that Pani was aware of this, so he looked around furtively, and it seemed that only Li Menglong was there.

What else is there to say? He came up and forcibly hugged Li Menglong's shoulders: "Oppa, if the secret is leaked, you are the only suspect!"

I originally thought that Pani was here to bribe him, but I didn't expect that this little girl also learned bad things and came to threaten him.

Is Li Menglong the kind of person who gives in easily?

Fortunately, Pani also understands him. Threats are just attempts. Once he sees that it doesn't have the desired effect, he must immediately change his plan.

Pani was seen playing with her cell phone. Just when Li Menglong was getting impatient, the woman ran out with a look of fear on her face, covering her chest with one hand.

Of course, she didn't run away a few steps. More importantly, she was holding the mobile phone in her hand at the moment. As for what she wanted to shoot, it was self-evident.

Even though she didn't know the specific effect of the photo, Li Menglong believed that she had the talent to be a director based on this planning alone.

"Should I learn to be a director from you? Let's forget it. I have so many talents that I can't even count them. If I have to study each of them, wouldn't I be too good?"

Pani lowered his head and fiddled with his phone. Even if it was a "staged" photo, he still had to pursue the beauty that he should have, so it was necessary to refine it.

"No, let's see how it works!" Pani proudly handed over the phone, so confident.

Although I have already guessed the content, I have to say that the effect of this photo is particularly good.

It's hard to say whether it's Pani's acting skills or her photography skills. In short, in this photo, Pani's pitiful image is very touching.

And he himself looked like a bastard even though he was obviously shocked!

If Li Menglong didn't have a professional background, we would really have no idea what Pani did. This woman actually adjusted the light of the photo artificially.

The influence of light on the effects of photos and even movies cannot be overemphasized. The salary of a good lighting engineer in the crew is likely to be second only to that of the director and cameraman.

Pani's skill was honed through a large number of selfies. When they first debuted, there were not so many people to serve them, so they had to rely on themselves for many things.

If Pani and the others want to post some photos or something, they have to rely on their own skills.

Sure enough, there are no useless skills. I didn't expect that this hand could be used so well. Pani couldn't help but praise himself.

When the girls walked down, what they saw was the interaction between the two of them: "What are you two looking at? Is there any news? Read it out and share it."

Pani is not in a hurry at all. The choice is in Li Menglong's hands. Does he dare to confess to the girls?

In fact, as long as he is willing to speak out, the girls will believe him, of course in their hearts.

As for the surface, of course, I must strongly condemn Li Menglong for doing such a thing that is worse than a beast and wasting their trust!

Therefore, the results are destined. If he wants to take advantage, it is best to actually do something similar. In that case, even if he is blackmailed by the girls, he will not suffer a loss.

As for now, of course, I have to pretend that nothing happened. Isn't it just hiding some little secrets for Pani?

This kind of thing is not difficult, and he knows a lot of secrets. If one day these women really piss him off, he will let them all out, and he will probably keep these women fighting for three days. night.

After noticing Li Menglong's kindness, Pani reciprocated the favor: "It's nothing, I just want to send two selfies and let him help choose."

Pani's original intention was to continue threatening Li Menglong. She also knew that these women would not believe her, but there would always be people who believed it.

Fans are still quite innocent. After all, the photos cannot be faked, so they are very likely to get angry and come over to Li Menglong.

But the key point that the girls understand is another aspect: "You let him choose the photos? It's better to use your own blind spots!"

"He has such a bad sense of aesthetics that he will probably only pick out your ugliest photos."

"But why are you posting photos? Do you have to show off when you go to work for a day?"

Once these women start conspiracy theories, Li Menglong will be unable to bear it, let alone Pani. She is immediately begging for mercy.

Otherwise, God knows what these women will come up with. She doesn't want to see gossip about herself in the newspaper one day, and the source is a member of a certain team!

These women are easy to fool, provided they don't have much defense.

For example, at this moment, they believed almost anything Pani said. After all, there seemed to be no need to hide anything.

In the end, they decided to take pictures with Pani. Li Menglong, who was very foresight, had already planned to find a place to sit.

Girls taking photos are just like women changing clothes and going out. I don’t know where they spend their time. Anyway, it will be delayed for a long time.

It's just that he wants to rest. The girls need his help. This is also one of the agent's duties.

Besides, he is also a great director. Not to mention his photography skills, his pure aesthetics are still online and must be utilized.

Through the screen of his mobile phone, Li Menglong recorded every frown and smile of the women in front of him.

I have to say that this process was not that difficult, because it was really a pleasure to take pictures of these women.

Their appearance, temperament, and experience have infinitely reduced the difficulty of taking photos. If Li Menglong was a paid photographer, he would definitely feel that it is so easy to make money.

To be honest, as long as a normal person can press the shutter button, he can do the job.

Almost every photo is cleansing the soul. Anyway, Li Menglong is like having a spiritual massage, and his whole person is much more transcendent.

Even his outward appearance became much gentler. Even if the girls insisted on taking him for a photo shoot in the end, he readily agreed.

The girls were a little surprised by Li Menglong's cooperation, but there was no need to dwell on the specific reasons. Anyway, the result was good.

After taking pictures, the group immediately got in the car and set off. If they delayed for a while, they would really be late.

The girls are also on business in the car. They have to choose the ones they like from hundreds of photos, and then send them out after being edited by Pani.

Even if Li Menglong was more strict, he would have to check it one last time to prevent some hidden content from appearing in some corners.

This is really not because he is too careful, but because fans are simply looking at these photos with a magnifying glass. Almost every year, many artists fail over this.

It's just that the girls are not new. They have been in the industry for so many years, and they know all the details they need to know.

This also reduced Li Menglong's workload in disguise, and of course it also reduced a lot of responsibilities.

Once their photos are overturned, it can't be blamed on him, right?

In the end, the girls unanimously agreed and sent a photo in the form of a nine-square grid.

The girls' individual photos were taken in a circle outside, and in the middle was naturally the group photo of everyone. In the photo, Li Menglong was surrounded by the girls in the center, smiling extremely brightly.

At least in this photo, the girls are really trying to please Li Menglong, otherwise would the C-position wheel get him? Don’t you know how obsessed female celebrities are with the C position?

Since they made such a big sacrifice, they naturally asked Li Menglong for credit. They didn't expect him to give any specific benefits, but they wanted to be grateful.

Li Menglong, who was in a good mood, did not resist. He was just saying nice things, but he was sharing his good mood.

With Li Menglong's cooperation, the atmosphere in the car was so good that he even took the lead in singing songs by girls.

Although there is no accompaniment, what accompaniment do these women need?

Pure vocal singing is also a kind of dazzling skill. Even if there is no rehearsal in advance, as long as these people are together, it is really easy to do it.

Yoona excitedly raised her phone, trying to preserve this beautiful scene, but of course she also had some intention of escaping.

There were four major vocalists surrounding her. Even though Yoona thought she was good at singing, she was still afraid of showing her timidity in this unaccompanied situation.

It's just that Yoona obviously thinks too much. No matter how bad her singing is, how can it be as bad as Li Menglong's singing?

He, Li Menglong, couldn't even sing with the tone of girls, so he just forced it out with his throat, without any sense of beauty.

And if Yoona heard it right, his voice seemed to be hovering around being out of tune.

That is to say, the basic skills of the girls were solid enough. Even though Li Menglong was driving the rhythm crazily, they managed to pull each other back.

Generally speaking, this scene was just a stranger's lead singer with a slightly incomplete tune, accompanied by four professional singers as backup singers. The scene was so beautiful that Yoona couldn't bear to watch it.

But at this time, we saw the benefits of being in a good mood. Instead of stopping Li Menglong's actions, the girls regarded him as a way to hone his personal skills.

Is there anything that better illustrates their professionalism than this scene? Even people like Li Menglong can be carried away by them!

That is to say, they are good enough at their jobs, otherwise there would be no problem forming a backup singing team to go out to pick up jobs. They are so professional!

As soon as she arrived at the company, Yoona couldn't wait to run up, without even having time to say hello to the landlady.

"Are you in a hurry to go to the bathroom?" the landlady asked curiously.

The girls naturally knew Yoona's purpose. She was in a hurry to edit the video. The video was not suitable for editing and trimming on mobile phones. It still required some professional equipment.

Besides, the company's equipment is simply not too complete, and even the supporting personnel are the most professional.

After all, these people's main job is to produce movies and TV series, and they use it to edit short videos for them. It's too much to say that killing a chicken with a big knife is too much.

But Yoona didn't care about that, and quickly ran down again. After hugging Xu Xian and whispering, she followed the direction Xu Xian pointed and started harassing them one by one.

Yoona was naturally invincible when she took action, no one refused, not to mention everyone wanted to see what the video that shocked Yoona looked like.

Even many unrelated people came together and found various reasons for themselves: "Don't we need subtitles?"

"Although your abilities are very good, you still need to improve your voice, right?"

"What about the special effects? Do you want to add some? I have all the materials ready-made."

The reasons given by the above group of people are already a bit weird, but at least they can still get along, but what are the waiters in the restaurant on the first floor doing there?

"I'm delivering menus. What if they get hungry while working?"

The person who was stopped didn't seem to be panicking. He knew Li Menglong's temper anyway. As expected, he just gave a thumbs up after hearing this. It was hard for him to come up with such an excuse.

Yoona came down alone, but when she went up again, she brought a whole team up. The number of people eating breakfast on the first floor was instantly reduced by half.

Li Menglong expressed his relief at this, at least it was not so crowded, but the boss lady's face was not that good. How much business had she lost inexplicably?

Kim Taeyeon and the others naturally saw the face of the landlady, so they immediately turned around, determined not to look at her.

They also have something to do at the moment. They want to see the fans' rainbow farts. They spent so long taking pictures, so this should be considered as reward.

The fans did not disappoint them. The flattery was much nicer than that of Li Menglong. He should really learn from it.

But at a certain moment, many relatively unified remarks suddenly appeared. The question was directed at the photo of them, and more specifically, Li Menglong's hand in the photo.

Because of the action and angle, at least as shown in the photo, Li Menglong's arm does seem to be pressed against Pani's butt.

The gang took advantage of this and began to crazily smear Li Menglong, leaving the girls dumbfounded.

Can't these people see Pani's expression? How big is this woman's heart when she can still laugh so happily when someone presses her buttocks?

Anyone with a little more sense can see that it's a matter of perspective, but why do so many people pretend to be confused?

In fact, there are rational fans, but they are not willing to respond. Once they reply, it will easily arouse a bigger rhythm. Secondly, they are indeed a little jealous of Li Menglong. Why are they not the ones taking pictures with the girls?

It stands to reason that the girls can just ignore this. Li Menglong has no reputation anyway, so if he is wronged, then he is wronged.

But this time it was a coincidence that the photos at hand were all ready-made. They only needed to select a few of the discarded "flawed" photos and send them out.

So do we need to clarify for Li Menglong?

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