The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2747 Last Strike

Li Menglong hugged his shoulders and watched the group of people eating and drinking in front of him. He still felt a sense of accomplishment. After all, it was all his doing.

Among them, the ones who are most supportive are Jessica Jung and others. They are our own people and they need to be given face.

Besides, they didn't force themselves to lie. It's delicious. The reaction of everyone around them is the best proof.

At most, they are just setting the pace here, acting as a temporary atmosphere group. This shouldn't be considered cheating, right?

As for the last person to express his opinion at the scene, the chef was the one who started the dispute.

To be honest, with Li Menglong's temper, he would not deal with such a person, but we must consider the girls, their fame is more valuable than Li Menglong's.

Fortunately, the result is pretty good. This person has sincerely apologized to Li Menglong and acknowledged his craftsmanship.

In his opinion, this kind of frying method is a demonstration of basic skills. If he is not very confident in his cooking skills, he will not do it easily.

In other words, since Li Menglong can make fried food so delicious, he should be able to make other dishes as well.

"I won't thank you for your compliment. You should know the reason why. Let's see you later?"

Li Menglong said slightly rudely that no one would be in a good mood after experiencing such a bad thing.

There is no need to think about continuing to eat. Even if the manager can't help but persuade him to stay, the girls are helpless. They will only follow behind Li Menglong at the moment.

They even refused the manager's request to waive the bill. Don't make them look like they want to take advantage. They are not short of such a small amount of money.

Sure enough, when people are impulsive, they often do things they regret. The girls had similar emotions after sitting in the car.

I have to say that this store is really expensive. They should seize the opportunity to get free orders. Is money, face, etc. important?

But now if they go back and ask for money, the girls can't do such a shameful thing, so they can only try to make up for it from Li Menglong.

"Yeah, we were very tough just now, right? It saved you a lot of face."

"You don't need to thank us too much. We are all a family, and these are what we should do."

"If you insist on expressing your gratitude, then you can pay half of the meal, but no more. We agreed to treat you."

Although the girls spoke more tactfully, their meanings were quite clear. Li Menglong would either praise them well, or take the initiative to take some responsibility. What's going on with driving with his head down all the time?

"Are you full? Otherwise, what else should I treat you to?"

Li Menglong asked tentatively, this is the method he came up with.

First of all, he was definitely not willing to pay for the money, and he couldn't take it out. Secondly, he praised them very much, but there were not so many good things to say about them.

So in the end, Li Menglong chose the third method, which was to treat these women to some food and let him treat them, but the price would have plummeted.

Jessica and others were actually aware of Li Menglong's little thoughts, but they still agreed, because if they didn't agree, they might not get anything.

It is better to grasp the visible benefits first. As for how much Li Menglong will spend in the end, it depends on the struggle between the two parties. Anyway, they don't think they will lose.

Seeing that the girls agreed, Li Menglong breathed a sigh of relief, and he was proud that he had contributed to the thickness of his wallet.

However, after trying to stop at a roadside stall several times and being rejected by the girls, Li Menglong finally found some unusual meaning. These women still did not give up.

This is not so appropriate. How can they be so greedy? Are these still the girls he, Li Menglong, knows?

"We are also growing up. You can't always look at us with the same old eyes. Have you thought about what you want to treat us to?"

The girls didn't want to continue chatting with Li Menglong at this moment. They had worked all day and now they were eager to go back to the dormitory to rest.

So they came up with a more vicious idea, at least that's what Li Menglong thought.

When the girls finally agreed to park the car, Li Menglong didn't know how relieved he was. After all, it wasn't a regular restaurant in front of him, it was just a store on the street.

If he came here directly on weekdays, Li Menglong might even shirk it a bit, but today there is no need to go through this step: "Don't worry, just go and order, I will pay the bill."

The reason why Li Menglong said so grandly was because he was sure that there wouldn't be any expensive food here. Is that really the case?

The unit price does not look high. After eating a meal first, if they are allowed to eat freely, they may not be able to eat much.

But once you change your thinking, such as bringing it back to the dormitory, your horizons will become much wider.

There are still several sisters at home who are waiting for food, and if they are full tonight, don’t they need to eat tomorrow?

The girls took this into consideration, so they specifically chose this store: "You can add eels separately, right? Then pack thirty portions for me."

Faced with the girls' request, the store owner was stunned for a moment. It's true that they sell eel rice here, but few people order eel alone without rice.

Especially when there were so many of them, the shopkeeper thought the girls were joking, but how could the girls still have the energy?

In order to make the other party believe them, this group of people directly arrested Li Menglong and pointed at the cashier to ask him to pay the bill first.

"Your face is not good either. The store is afraid that you will evade the order, isn't it? It's embarrassing!"

Li Menglong also took out his wallet while speaking, but when he subconsciously glanced at the bill, his expression immediately froze.

"Did you miscalculate the money? Or are you kidding me?"

That is to say, Li Menglong still had some sense, which prevented him from going over and grabbing the store owner by his collar, but his tone was still quite serious.

The store owner was also very innocent. Both parties thought the other party was joking with them, but unfortunately this was reality.

Li Menglong looked back at Jessica and the others full of absurdity, what are they going to do? Did you start wasting food in order to retaliate against yourself?

The girls had already guessed his possible doubts, so they immediately defended: "We have no intention of wasting it, we will eat all of it."

"Thirty cents! Do you think yourselves are pigs?"

Li Menglong said it bluntly, that is, there were no female fans around, otherwise he might not be able to walk out standing.

"We didn't say we'd eat it all now. We'd take it back to the dormitory to share with everyone, and eat the rest for tomorrow's breakfast. Isn't this hard to accept?"

Jessica said proudly, what she wanted was Li Menglong's reaction, are you stupid now? Do you know the consequences of playing tricks with them?

If there is a similar situation in the future, Li Menglong can just pay the bill honestly and gain a reputation as a generous person. Why bother to be the bad guy with the girls? They don't want to either.

Li Menglong almost gritted his teeth and paid for the thirty copies. Fortunately, the store was quite discerning and gave him a discount, otherwise he would have been even more depressed.

After sitting in the car again, the air was almost stagnant. Even though the car was filled with the aroma of eels, it still couldn't warm Li Menglong's cold heart.

First Xu Xian abandoned him, and then Jessica and the others stabbed him in the back. What did these women want to do? Do we really want to live or die?

After seeing Li Menglong's depressed expression, the girls also felt a little regretful because they remembered their original intention.

They obviously wanted to coax Li Menglong, but in the end they harvested him again. This time they made a mistake.

But this can't be entirely their fault. Li Menglong was so irritating that they couldn't help but make the choice they made now.

What should I do? If I go to return these eels now, my boss won’t agree.

So I can only try to save some money: "Let's treat Kim Taeyeon and the others to eat these together, right?"

This statement is extremely sincere. After all, there are four of them here. If the headcount is divided equally, Li Menglong only needs to bear a small part.

But Li Menglong didn't appreciate it, and didn't even reply. But the quieter he was, the more uneasy the girls felt.

Especially since Li Menglong was no longer interested in money, this meant that he was really hurt. Did they stab Li Menglong in his heart?

Jessica and others would never admit this. If they wanted to insert the knife, Xu Xian would do it first. The most they could do was push the knife handle inward a few centimeters.

Because it was not very far from home, no matter how many people tried their best, there was still no sign of relief before they got home.

Now Jessica and the others had to change their thinking. Since they couldn't make Li Menglong change his mind, they had to try to protect themselves.

The core idea is to resolutely not tell Kim Taeyeon and the others what happened before. In this way, Li Menglong's depression at the moment will be Seohyun's responsibility.

Although it is a bit unloyal to do so, they are all mud Buddhas crossing the river at this moment. How can they think of fishing for Xu Xian? Everyone can just rely on their own abilities.

After unifying their thoughts, the group of women trotted to follow, and at this moment Li Menglong had already walked in first.

It is said that while waiting for Li Menglong to come back, Xu Xian's heartbeat was frighteningly high, as if he had been running a hundred meters.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't stop teasing Xu Xian. Taking the money was just one aspect. More importantly, she simply cared about this little girl.

And what they did was to pat their chests and make all kinds of guarantees. It was nothing more than that everything would be possible with them, and Xu Xian could just keep his heart in his belly.

Now it's time for them to fulfill their promise. They have no intention of breaking their promise this time, even for the sake of their image in Xu Xian's mind.

So before they could wait for Li Menglong to come in, they immediately tried to give him a blow: "Who is this back? Don't you even know how to say hello? Our dormitory..."

Kim Taeyeon only said half of what she said. It wasn't that she didn't want to say it anymore, but that she was forcibly covered by Pani. She was still struggling. Did Pani want to rebel?

In fact, Pani has no such intention, and now she is just trying to protect Kim Taeyeon.

Because of the viewing angle of her seat, she was the first person in the group to see Li Menglong's face.

Although it was just a glimpse, but we have been together day and night for so long, and if such negative emotions can no longer be seen, then Pani's eyes can be popped out. They are all just decorations anyway.

Although it is not yet known whether all the negative emotions come from Seohyun, it is definitely not suitable for Kim Taeyeon to cause trouble anymore. In this case, keeping quiet is the best choice.

Li Menglong walked in very calmly. Kim Taeyeon's words did not make him have any unnecessary expressions, and he did not even look at these women.

After coming in, Li Menglong just lowered his head and walked back to his room without saying a word. Then the door closed gently and there was no sound.

In just a few steps, Li Menglong's negative aura weighed on everyone's hearts like a dark cloud. They stopped talking and even held their breath subconsciously.

Even though Li Menglong had already entered the room, they still kept doing this until someone couldn't help it anymore.

As Kim Taeyeon took the lead in taking a deep breath, the girls all realized they could breathe. This was what Jung Soo-yeon and the others saw when they came in.

To be honest, a bunch of women were sitting there taking deep breaths, which looked weird no matter how you looked at it, but Jessica and the others could understand it. They were probably scared by Li Menglong, right?

Although they still don't know what Li Menglong said, they don't want to participate. They just want to spend the night as innocent.

"You haven't eaten yet, right? Come and get the eel rice that Li Menglong invited."

Jessica didn't dare to take the credit for this, and even if she could, she didn't want to have any explanation.

But Kim Taeyeon and the others are not that stupid. They have already learned part of the truth from Seohyun, so the packaging bags on the table are even more ridiculous.

Xu Xiandu left Li Menglong alone, and he brought back so much food. Repaying evil with kindness is not the way to go.

This is almost a "dog-licking" state, and Li Menglong is not that kind of person.

So they were keenly aware that there was a story here, and the first person to stop them was Xu Xian. Now they couldn't care less about the friendship between sisters: "Onies, let's talk in detail."

Xu Xian's mentality at the moment was very simple. She must find some people to get into the water with her. Otherwise, how could she face Li Menglong alone?

She was scared to look at him before, let alone go there to apologize, comfort, etc. She must have some "companions", right?

Just as Xu Xian can see through their little thoughts, Jessica and others also know Xu Xian's thoughts clearly, so now they have to pretend to be stupid.

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand anything?" Jessica tried her best to make an innocent expression, but she didn't look that innocent.

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