Li Menglong didn't realize that Xu Xian had run away in a short period of time. Even if someone said it in front of him now, he probably wouldn't believe it.

What is his relationship with Xu Xian? That was tested by countless major events. How could that little girl abandon him?

So he is still trying his best to deal with Jessica and the others, and is waiting for Xu Xian to come and rescue him. The little girl must be entangled in something now, right?

Putting Xu Xian aside for now, if possible, Li Menglong doesn't want to rely on Xu Xian's strength. He is also a man and he also wants to save face.

"Ahem, I know you are eager to hear my suggestions, but this is not the reason why you force me here!"

Li Menglong said helplessly to the girls. Several people surrounded him in the center and pressed him on a chair. What do they want to do?

How dare he say anything? They didn't want to hear the truth, they just wanted to hear Li Menglong's compliments against their will.

This is not a big problem, Li Menglong's bottom line has never been high.

These women can choose to lure him. As long as they pay some insignificant benefits in their eyes, Li Menglong will say anything good.

But they don't realize this. Compared with wisdom, they are more willing to choose violence, which is more direct.

Besides, their money didn't come from the strong wind, so why should they give it to Li Menglong in vain?

"Can you focus on your work? These personal matters can be discussed later. Can you show some professional attitude now?"

Listening to Jessica's cold threats, what else can Li Menglong do? People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"If I must say it, I haven't heard any music that makes my eyes light up. Otherwise, why don't you prepare more?"

Li Menglong spoke very carefully. Who knew which words would make these women fall out? The tempers of these women are not easy to guess.

Fortunately, they were quite reasonable at the moment. They held Li Menglong here just to prevent him from escaping. They valued his opinions very much.

After all, he is the director, and the final choice of music depends on his thoughts. There is no way they can compete with him in this aspect.

Besides, the girls have no intention of earning money. Although they may be more professional than Li Menglong in music, this is making a movie, and the two have to be combined.

And this is what Li Menglong is good at. They need to figure out Li Menglong's preferences now. It doesn't mean that they have to come up with mature music now, but at least they have to give them some styles as a reference.

This time Li Menglong was miserable. He was forced to listen to one piece of music here like a guinea pig.

At this moment, how much he hoped that Xu Xian could show up to save him, he really didn't care about face anymore, Xu Xian could even take him away like a princess in the end.

But it's a pity that Xu Xian never showed up. In the end, he was able to leave not because of anyone, but because the girls simply played all the music they had collected.

"No one is attracted to you? It doesn't matter. These are just what we collected in the past two days. There will be more and more in the future. Don't be discouraged."

Seeing Li Menglong's dull expression, the girls were still encouraging him. Did they think something wrong?

And according to their approach, they may not make much money in the end, and they may even have to pay a lot of money.

But they are willing, and besides, the money originally paid by the company to arrange music for them is not very much, it’s just a meaning.

They also have wanton capital, and they have worked hard in the industry for so many years just to feel more confident in similar situations.

Not to mention that there are four girls here to share the money equally. It is divided on everyone's head. It is estimated that they will buy one less bag, so it is not a big problem.

Just after hearing their "comfort", why was Li Menglong so scared? How many times would he repeat this tragic scene?

Does this mean he has to point out a song at random? You can't treat him like this, he also has human rights!

But the girls ignored him. Did they do anything harmful to Li Menglong? It’s just asking him to listen to music. Isn’t that too much?

He should feel honored to be in the same room with these beautiful women.

It's not that Li Menglong hates being with them, it's just that he doesn't have that much talent in music, so it's useless for him to stay here.

Not to mention delaying his working time, why would he, as a director, hire someone to be responsible for music production? It is to reduce the investment in this kind of preliminary work.

If he had to participate from the beginning, why would he need these women? Wouldn't it be nice if he was responsible for the whole process by himself, and he could save some money.

But these words were not spoken directly. Today's pain has just ended, and he cannot cause trouble for himself anymore. He is not that stupid.

What he wants to know more now is where Xu Xian is. After that girl tricked him, where did she go?

In fact, based on the girls' reactions and the fact that Xu Xian had not appeared for a long time, Li Menglong had already made a vague guess.

But he really didn't want to believe it. He had to go and see for himself. Xu Xian must still be waiting for him in a corner. Maybe he was stopped by some crazy person and he wanted to save people.

The girls did not stop Li Menglong, but walked down with him. After all, the work had come to an end for the time being, and they had no new songs to listen to if they wanted to continue working.

It was time for dinner, and they were thinking about how to get another meal from Li Menglong.

Although they devalued the lunch meal as worthless, if that was the truth, why would they continue to follow Li Menglong at this moment?

The lunch meal was very appetizing to them, especially when they could see Li Menglong's painful expression, which was even more delicious.

Since we had so much fun eating at lunch, we would naturally have to try it again in the evening. It would be better if it was a little more expensive.

Seeing Li Menglong running down in a hurry, the girls did not chase him so closely. There was only one-third of an acre of land, where else could he run?

"Why is it so quiet? Did he think he wouldn't be discovered by hiding in a corner?"

Zheng Xiuyan laughed at Li Menglong's naivety and waved her hand to the people behind, indicating that they were going to arrest him now.

But they didn't need to take action at all, because Li Menglong was standing at the door of the office in a daze, holding his hair and looking in disbelief.

To be honest, this action was still a bit bluffing. Jessica and the others even reflected on it and found that they didn't seem to put so much pressure on Li Menglong. Wasn't he trying to pretend to be crazy?

If he really wants to do this, then the girls will have to have a good chat with him. They have never convinced anyone before pretending to be crazy or acting stupid!

However, when they stood next to Li Menglong, they swallowed the words that were on their lips because the atmosphere was really not right.

Although he still didn't know what happened, Li Menglong's aura of keeping strangers away was still quite obvious.

Moreover, the scene in front of him was a bit desolate. Nuo Da's office was in a mess, with messy chairs, miscellaneous desktops, and even a coat on the floor.

It can be seen that its owner was in a hurry when he left, and did not even notice that his coat had fallen off, or did he simply not have time to pick it up?

If this scene was placed in a movie, it would probably be a major event such as a zombie invasion. In reality, it would be on the level of a small earthquake.

But they didn't seem to feel any shaking, so what exactly happened?

The girls did not dare to ask Li Menglong, the provocation was too obvious, and they did not want to confront Li Menglong at this time.

So they could only rely on guessing. Following the direction of Li Menglong's gaze, they could finally taste something. That seemed to be Xu Xian's work station?

The girls quickly figured out part of the truth. For unknown reasons, everyone in the office left early without notifying Li Menglong, including Xu Xian, who was trusted by Li Menglong.

This was no less than a stab in the back, and it was stabbed by the person I trusted the most. It must not have been that wonderful.

Although the girls were reluctant to believe that this was done by their maknae, it seemed to be the case.

"There must be some hidden secret here. Don't think too much about it."

As the eldest sister here, Jessica is duty-bound to excuse Xu Xian. This is indeed their experience.

After all, they have been spread rumors by the media so many times that they can't be counted. If everyone took them seriously, there would be no need to get along in private.

Therefore, they firmly believe that no matter what happens, no matter how bad things seem, they must speak clearly to each other face to face. There may be a lot of misunderstandings here.

In order to prove her point, Jessica immediately dialed Xu Xian's phone number. Li Menglong also turned his head, and there was finally a light in his eyes. He seemed to be looking forward to the resolution of the "misunderstanding".

But in the end, he was given a heavy blow. Xu Xian turned off his phone, which caught Jessica off guard. Could this little girl be serious?

She wasn't afraid that the two of them would break up over such a small matter, but once the two of them quarreled, it would be very troublesome.

They don't have as much experience as Xu Xian and know how to deal with such things.

The current scene is somewhat similar to the parents of naughty children who suddenly want to get divorced. This makes the naughty children dumbfounded. What should they do? Or else make a fuss too?

"The maknae's phone may have run out of battery. Maybe he will come over soon. Why don't we eat first?"

"You're already hungry now. What do you want to eat, Li Menglong? You've worked hard today, so we're here to treat you."

"Don't be polite to us. You invited us at noon, and it's our turn in the evening."

The girls gave up their original plans in order to clean up Xu Xian's mess. It would make them feel ashamed to come to fight Li Menglong's Qiu Feng at this time.

After all, he had to eat, and it was just a good opportunity to divert Li Menglong's attention. This trick had been very effective in the past. After all, Li Menglong had no resistance to taking advantage.

But today was more special. After hearing their invitation, Li Menglong didn't give any reaction, but walked lonely to his work station. The back view made people feel sad.

"Do you think he is acting for us now?"

I really don’t blame the girls for being suspicious, saying that Po Tian means Xu Xian let him go. Does such a small thing matter?

It’s not like he was a child anymore. Xu Xian left immediately because he had something to do. Although it’s debatable that he didn’t leave a message for him, Xu Xian should have a reason, right?

At this moment, the girls have fully expressed their position, that is, whether they want to help the bride or not, they are 100% on Xu Xian's side.

As for Li Menglong's sadness, let him continue to be sad. Isn't this how men grow up? He has to learn to grow up!

With these women blatantly trying to sidestep each other, Li Menglong didn't even have the chance to feel melancholy for a while. These women made the empty office very lively with their chirping.

That is to say, Li Menglong himself is indeed in a low mood, otherwise he might laugh out loud: "You can leave now, I have to stay and work overtime all night, let's see you tomorrow?"

After hearing Li Menglong's voice, the girls breathed a sigh of relief. They were not afraid that he would speak, but they were afraid that he would remain bored.

Being willing to talk means that they can still communicate. They are confident in taking Li Menglong back. How can they follow his wishes at this time.

Once he leaves himself here, there will be problems even if there are no problems between him and Xu Xian. We must take him back and make everything clear tonight.

If it was really Xu Xian's fault, then Li Menglong would scold him, and they would never stop him. Of course, he would not hit him, and they would be distressed.

For the sake of their maknae, these women are really worried.

This is all obtained by Xu Xian's sincerity. If she hadn't worked hard to solve all kinds of troubles for the girls in the past, would they have protected her like this?

If a girl came over in this situation, they would definitely choose to add insult to injury. Let the two of them argue. It would be better if they could fight.

So after a long period of entanglement with the girls, Li Menglong was finally persuaded by them. It wasn't that he was soft-hearted, but that these women couldn't follow him to build a floor on the second floor, right?

The girls who sat in the car again sighed. This was just getting him back to the dormitory. It was just the beginning.

They weren't even sure whether Xu Xian was in the dormitory, but when they couldn't contact Xu Xian, they had no choice but to act like a dead horse.

As a result, several people in the family received warning text messages from several people. Every minute, these text messages were counted in front of Xu Xian's eyes.

Although they had confessed to these women immediately and gained their support, it seems that things have changed now. Are they planning to go back on their word?

"That's not serious. It's just that the trouble you caused is a bit big. We're not sure if we can cover it up!"

When Kim Taeyeon said this, she made a gesture of collecting money with her hand, which looked very philistine.

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