The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2734 Subtraction

Girls like to take advantage, not hurt each other as shown now!

We are all good friends, so don't always engage in confrontation. It's very hurtful. So can Li Menglong take back this sentence?

"Even if I promise to take back the words I say and the water I throw out, will you believe it in your heart?"

Li Menglong pointed out a very realistic point at the moment. No matter what he said next, it had already pierced a thorn in the hearts of the girls.

And he has no intention of taking it back. Since these women are in the first year of junior high school, don't blame him, Li Menglong, in the fifteenth year of junior high school. Feng shui will turn around!

As for whether the girls will be worried, this is inevitable, because Li Menglong does have this ability, and it can even be said that this is part of his job.

However, girls cannot criticize this point, because in the end they are the ones who make money, and they are fighting for themselves.

Being a little tired shouldn't be so unacceptable in the face of considerable income. Besides, what's not hard to do?

The girls have been working for so many years and can still look past this. However, coupled with what Li Menglong said before, this makes them a little unacceptable.

Because this is Li Menglong's revenge. He does such dark things in the name of work. Is he really not afraid of being struck by lightning?

"How could I be afraid? It's very safe to stay with you all the time."

Li Menglong's answer actually won the approval of several girls. Xu Xian couldn't help but shake his head. Did he not hear his subtext?

This clearly means that girls who do more evil will not be struck by lightning. What does Li Menglong have to worry about?

Xu Xian didn't point this out. After all, it might intensify the conflict, but she wasn't the only smart person here, so Yoona said it quickly.

As a result, the girls' faces became even darker. Although they had benefited from Li Menglong, compared with their future efforts, it seemed that they were not that profitable.

After the girls looked at each other, they gathered around Kim Taeyeon again. As their captain and eldest sister, they always have to come up with an idea at this time.

Faced with the support of everyone, although she felt very happy in her heart, her reason told her not to stand out.

It's not that she's afraid of Li Menglong, and she hasn't forgotten how these people looked at the fun before.

It was only when she was in trouble that she remembered that she was the captain. Why didn't she realize this when she was standing there laughing?

Seeing that Kim Taeyeon didn't accept the move, they were helpless. It was impossible to force Kim Taeyeon to speak. What they needed now was their brains.

After realizing this, everyone immediately turned their heads. Xu Xian helped Kim Taeyeon come up with a good idea before. Shouldn't he help these sisters now?

Similar to Kim Taeyeon's reaction, Xu Xian also pretended not to see anything. How could she get involved.

Not to mention that she didn't have any way to deal with it. Even if she did, she wouldn't be able to tell these people. After all, her grudge with Li Menglong was settled, at least that's what she thought.

After the grievances are gone, Xu Xian will naturally return to neutrality. Don't choose sides in the team. It is easy to be attacked by concentrated firepower.

Two women, one big and one small, pretended to be confused, which caused the rest of the girls to fall into division.

After all, there are tall people who can hold up the sky if it falls. As the captain, Kim Taeyeon doesn't worry, and Seohyun, as the smartest person in the team, still doesn't worry. So do they need to worry?

What's great is work. I don't believe how full Li Menglong can arrange it for them. They have truly experienced a hellish schedule.

Even thinking about those days would give them nightmares, and they even had no specific memories.

Because during the period when they became popular, their daily life was to rush for various schedules.

They have to get used to eating, resting, and relaxing during the trip, performing as soon as they get off the bus, and rushing to the next schedule as soon as they get in. This is the norm during that period.

They can responsibly say that the person who takes them on such a trip is really a devil!

And will Li Menglong do this? If he had any basic humanity, he wouldn't be able to do this.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about, maybe it will be very relaxed, according to their expectations.

The girls were inexplicably no longer afraid. This was beyond Li Menglong's original expectation. He was still planning to bargain with these women.

It would be best to offset the conditions he agreed to before, but it seems that they don't intend to compromise.

Then there isn't much he can do, which is to threaten these women: "You'd better have a concept in mind when spending money. Every penny you spend will eventually be converted into the distance you run."

"Wow, is it so scary? We have to travel for a whole year in the future?"

"Does it count? Are you underestimating our spending power or Li Menglong's savings?"

"Everyone, please be prepared to tour for a year in a row. This schedule should be enough, right?"

The girls came over one by one to put pressure on him, which made Li Menglong very angry. After all, according to what they said at the moment, they were trying to wipe out his savings.

Although he never regarded the money as his own, as an upright person, he couldn't stand just seeing the scene of girls going crazy for spending.

But the girls still want to talk to him. Now they have to go up and choose gifts. This kind of unlimited consumption is really too tempting, and they can't wait.

In the end, Li Menglong didn't stop anyone, and even Xu Xian declined his request.

It is so difficult to be a neutral, always on the verge of offending both parties. The only thing she can do is to control her consumption as much as possible.

That's right, Xu Xian also plans to go shopping with him.

She deserves this, and compared to those women's bizarre consumption views, she is too normal.

So relatively speaking, she was helping Li Menglong save money in disguise, and she would definitely buy some useful things.

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't tell her plan, otherwise Li Menglong wouldn't be grateful after hearing it. Just because the things she bought are useful, can she be distinguished from the other girls?

This is simply a dream, they are all the same, they all spent his money!

Li Menglong even thought about calling the police, but considering that he seemed to have done the same operation before, it seemed that this meant sharing the same fate.

He himself was not afraid of squatting there for a few days, but once the girls went in, it would be a devastating blow to their reputations.

Li Menglong, who could not bear to be cruel, had no choice but to admit this fact in the end. He seemed to be about to become a pauper.

After coming to this conclusion, although Li Menglong was not so heartbroken that he could not breathe, he could not fall asleep for a long time while lying on the bed.

He is paying for his previous frivolity. Sure enough, in the adult world, you can't be impulsive, and you will pay a heavy price for it.

Li Menglong has really learned his lesson this time. Even if the girls beat him to death, he will never take a step out of the dormitory. He will die in the dormitory!

This declaration of middle school before going to bed cannot affect the girls at all. They are currently hiding in their rooms and scrolling through their mobile phones.

In fact, a better way is to go to the mall together and swipe your card on the spot when you see something. I believe Li Menglong's face will look very exciting then.

But this method of cutting flesh with a dull knife doesn't work. How could Li Menglong cooperate with them?

And without Li Menglong to protect and smooth the relationship, they would not dare to go shopping in the mall openly.

It's not that you will definitely encounter danger, after all, there aren't that many lunatics.

But it is foreseeable that they will definitely meet fans, and there will be more and more fans, so many that they will be overwhelmed and have no energy to go shopping.

As for just ignoring it, wouldn't that be putting news in the hands of reporters? After some "polishing" by them, it is estimated that the girls will be able to apologize live the next day.

So going to the mall is definitely out of the question. Fortunately, online shopping is now very convenient. They can buy what they want without leaving home.

But soon a new question arose, what is the upper limit of this shopping? It’s better to really clear out Li Menglong’s property.

Let’s not talk about whether the girls can handle this cruelty. The amount of money alone is very huge. Although there are many expensive items in their shopping carts, they may not be able to fill up this amount together. number.

The other girls can still discuss it with each other, but Pani is alone here, and her brain is habitually resting, so she can only come out to ask for help.

Looking at the four rooms around him, Pani fell into a second hesitation. Who should he go to?

It's really hard to say that Pani is stupid. It's just that there is a certain generation gap between her and ordinary people where her intelligence shines.

For example, Pani is very smart at the moment. Once the girls do not communicate with each other, they must make careful choices now.

Be sure to choose a room with a high enough "spending power" so that you can ultimately get a bargain.

Based on this logic, Pani immediately ruled out Xu Xian's room. With this little girl here, how expensive can it be? Maybe this little girl will start nagging.

The same Xiuying can also be excluded here. She and Yuri don't seem to be the kind of people who would kill.

From this point of view, she simply chose between the rooms of Kim Taeyeon and Jung Soo-yeon, both of whom were the absolute main spenders, even equally matched.

So it depends on the level of each other's "support". It's a bit awkward to compare the two of Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona.

Logically speaking, Lee Soon Kyu should be chosen unconditionally, but the money belongs to Lee Meng Yong after all. What if that woman becomes soft-hearted? It's not impossible.

So in order to avoid risks, she would rather choose Yoona, who has a lower ceiling. At least this little girl won't be inexplicably soft.

"Unnie, let me see what you chose. Everything in my shopping cart adds up to very little."

Pani heard Yoona's request as soon as she entered the door. Pani glanced at her and immediately felt that she had come to the right place.

The total price was so much higher than hers, but she still complained that it was less. She had to use Yoona as a standard and continue to fill it up.

Even young girls are addicted to this kind of shopping where they don’t have to pay for themselves and have no upper limit. They don’t have this experience.

Although they know a lot of rich people, why should they pay for them? Unless they are willing to degenerate.

But things are different here with Li Menglong. Did they pay anything? This is really a money grab, very addictive!

But this invisible chaos was quickly stopped because Kim Taeyeon was the first to complete the selection and send the final price to the group.

Then everyone immediately posted their orders, and then no one spoke.

Because everyone had their doors open and it was extremely quiet due to the impact, every sound could be heard by each other.

What was faintly echoing now was a dull, mechanical voice. This kind of old-fashioned computer that automatically reported numbers was really not that common. They were all curious about which woman was so nostalgic.

But at this moment, they were all holding their breath and listening to the crazy rising numbers. As the nine numbers were added together, a terrifying ten-digit number reached the ears of this group of people through a cold and monotonous voice.

No one spoke at this time, although they knew in their hearts that this was just a preliminary carnival, and they did not intend to actually pay in full.

But such a large number is really too much. Even if ordinary people want to put this number in their shopping cart, it is not that simple.

You must know that girls are not buying hundreds of random items, they are really picking them out one by one.

They couldn't even figure out how they came up with this number. Have their shopping desires been suppressed to this extent?

Or are they simply out of the desire to take advantage, treating Li Menglong as a scapegoat and spending crazily?

But you can't have this kind of thinking. They all look down on themselves. They obviously make a lot of money themselves, so why do they have to consume Li Menglong?

Although the relationship is here, enough is enough. The more you take, the less confident you will be when facing Li Menglong in the future.

So there was no need to discuss it, and everyone spontaneously started to cut down.

It's just that addition is easy, but subtraction is simply killing them.

You must know that these are all handpicked by them. In theory, they can be bought with Li Menglong's card, which is equivalent to taking these away from them.

So the first tragic wailing soon appeared on the second floor, and then it got out of control, one after another, as if it was the filming scene of a horror movie.

It was enough that they knew each other, but Li Menglong didn't know anything.

Originally he was still sad, but he didn't expect the people upstairs to be even sadder than him. What did this mean?

Do you want to use this method to stop Li Menglong's mouth and stop him from continuing to dwell on this matter?

How is this possible? He really paid the money, so he can only show more grief and anger at this moment. Isn't he just wailing? No one will be the same!

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