The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2732 Forced Pull Up

"Don't look at me, I'm innocent."

Jessica couldn't care less about sisterhood at this moment. It was these women who acted first, even if it wasn't their intention.

But the result is what we see now. She is regarded by Li Menglong as the initiator of all conspiracies.

It would be fine if it was a face-to-face fight, but now her image is not so positive.

She first took advantage of Li Menglong's trust and came to him to seek reward. However, she was not satisfied with the result, so she joined forces with Kim Taeyeon and others to try again.

What does this take Li Menglong for? This is already deception, and it involves issues of trust and character. She, Jessica, cannot help but ignore it.

If this image is firmly established in Li Menglong's mind, it will be extremely awkward to get along with her in the future. The other party will probably not believe anything she says.

It's impossible for her to sacrifice her image for such a small amount of money, unless she and Li Menglong never see each other again, but how is that possible?

Even if they were to change jobs from the company tomorrow, that would only end their working relationship, and not leave any personal friendship at all?

After getting along with each other for so long, Li Menglong has really integrated into their lives. I dare not compare him with his family and other girls, but he ranks quite high in the next level of relationship.

This kind of friends are meant to stay together for a lifetime. If they fall out over such a trivial matter, Jessica's heart is not that big anyway.

Even if she could really be cruel, she still had to consider whether it was worth it.

Now she was completely serving Kim Taeyeon, and she didn't get much of the benefits, but in the end, she was asked to be the bad guy alone. She was not that stupid.

So there is Jessica's confession at this moment, but what should Kim Taeyeon and the others do?

We agreed to work together to get some benefits, but now our biggest partner has rebelled. To be precise, their plan has been exposed. Isn't this inappropriate?

Jessica was afraid of losing Li Menglong's trust, but wasn't she afraid of losing the girls' trust?

To be honest, she really wasn't afraid. After all, her family knew about her affairs. Did she do anything wrong?

Even if it is really wrong, it is nothing more than some benefits that are not visible on the stage. She, Jessica, can always pay for it at her own expense. Besides, the situation has not deteriorated to that extent.

Now it's just that she, Jessica, can't show up, but Kim Taeyeon and the others are still famous teachers. Instead of worrying about her problem here, they should think about how to deal with Li Menglong.

Kim Taeyeon realized this truth, so she turned her attention to Li Menglong again: "It doesn't matter what we say internally, you must come up with this money!"

There is no need to continue talking, because Li Menglong has already made his attitude clear, and Kim Taeyeon did not flinch in response, so the next step is to fight.

This rhythm was in line with Li Menglong's original plan, which was to be prepared to be beaten. As long as they did not use sharp weapons such as knives, he would never fight back.

It stands to reason that when things have developed to this extent, the girls should have a fight to vent their anger, but Kim Taeyeon is extremely confused.

Because this was not her original plan. When was it not possible to beat Li Menglong? Why should she waste such a good opportunity?

There may be some preconceived factors, but at least this time, Kim Taeyeon must get some benefits for the sisters. This is the bottom line!

So when the girls subconsciously surrounded Li Menglong, Kim Taeyeon pushed them away: "Why are you standing up and squatting down? We are so gentle, don't make us violent."

After these words were spoken, the girls around him subconsciously began to look for the camera. This was too much like speaking in front of the camera.

Even Pani went over and touched Kim Taeyeon's forehead: "Is this a fever? Why are you still talking nonsense?"

When Pani, who was out to cause trouble, was pushed to the back, none of these little girls could understand her painstaking efforts.

What happens after a beating? Can it be used as clothes or as food? It is better to get something valuable and able to maintain value, so that they can soothe their restless hearts for a long time.

Besides, she was sure that this method would bring unforgettable memories to Li Menglong, and maybe he would completely change his mind in the future. This was not impossible.

But this kind of advanced idea is difficult for girls to understand without communication in advance.

So the current scene is a bit embarrassing. The girls around are standing around not knowing what to do, while Kim Taeyeon is focused on making money.

As for Li Menglong, it was simple. He squatted there without getting up, looking like a knife. These women wanted to fight or not, and he could go back to rest if he dragged on for a while.

Kim Taeyeon naturally saw his plan, it was really disgusting.

She even realized that she was caught in a paradox. She wanted money so she couldn't hit Li Menglong, but if she didn't hit him she couldn't get money. What should she do?

The only people Kim Taeyeon could turn to at this moment were the sisters behind her, but she was very disappointed after looking at them one by one.

She, the captain, rushed to the front to fight for their interests, but the women hid in the back and couldn't help at all. They were still a little bored. These yawning people were not just one or two.

Fortunately, among these useless sisters, there is always one reliable one. Xu Xian's eyes sparkled with wisdom. Does this little girl have any good ideas?

In the past, Xu Xian rarely participated in their fights with Li Menglong. This time is considered rare, so can she bring surprises to Kim Taeyeon?

Xu Xian herself wasn't sure of this, but she thought she understood the captain's plan and saw her dilemma at the moment.

As for the solution, Xu Xian could barely come up with an idea, but he couldn't guarantee the specific results.

But Kim Taeyeon can't care about this now, as long as there is a way.

Under Kim Taeyeon's encouraging gaze, Xu Xian took a few steps forward, lay down and whispered in her ear.

Even though Li Menglong was squatting there the whole time, he still controlled the scene quite well, and he was always watching from the corner of his eye.

He noticed Xu Xian's movements immediately, and he became very nervous. What was this little girl going to do? Do we have to confront him today?

Especially when he saw Kim Taeyeon's increasingly bright eyes, Li Menglong's heart sank to the bottom. Even he couldn't guess what idea Xu Xian had given her.

After all, Xu Xian had rarely participated in similar things. Li Menglong had no experience in dealing with it and could only respect Xu Xian's wisdom.

Based on this little girl's IQ, EQ, scheming, etc., Li Menglong had reason to believe that Xu Xian's dark plan was extremely insidious.

Of course you can try it out, but Li Menglong also has to consider the cost of trial and error.

In this case, it is better to give Xu Xian some face. This is how he convinced himself. Besides, he really wants to rest.

Kim Taeyeon still doesn't know Li Menglong's inner thoughts. She is currently trapped in the sweet dream that Xu Xian has weaved for her. If everything goes as Xu Xian predicted, then Li Menglong is almost in the palm of her hand.

She was full of fighting spirit at the moment, and she slapped Xu Xian on the shoulder so hard that Xu Xian even curled his lips. Was this hitting an enemy?

Fortunately, Xu Xian can understand the captain. He is just excited now, but leave this strength to Li Menglong. Her small body can't bear it.

"I won't say anything unnecessary, Ernie, you can go choose the gift now!"

Kim Taeyeon didn't hide her words, she just said them openly and without fear of Li Menglong's overreaction.

This also showed her confidence at the moment, and it also made Li Menglong more determined in his inner thoughts.

When Kim Taeyeon turned to look at him, her eyes were simply shining. Li Menglong subconsciously covered his eyes with his palms, it was so terrifying.

Unable to resist even his eyes, Li Menglong stopped struggling: "How much gift do you want? Just go to Li Shunkyu's to transfer the money yourself. Anyway, my card is with her."

The moment these words were spoken, the scene burst into cheers, they succeeded!

And Li Menglong was really generous this time. Although I don’t know how much money he accumulated from Li Soonkyu, it is definitely not a small amount.

They don't expect to spend it all. In that case, even if Li Menglong doesn't say anything, Li Shunkyu, the housekeeper, probably won't do it.

But it’s okay to just use a fraction, right? They are not that greedy.

Sensing everyone's gaze on her, Li Soonkyu nodded clearly, indicating that she would not be an obstacle to the "consumption" of these women.

It is said that Li Menglong dug a trap and tried to let Li Soonkyu guard his money on his behalf, but how could Lee Soonkyu fall into this trap.

It is said that from the beginning, she had made a very clear distinction between her income and Li Menglong's money. Although she did not say that she planned for a rainy day, this was her character.

In the eyes of passers-by, including some fans, she is the kind of person who can be with Li Menglong and hold them on their lap.

But everyone familiar with it knows that the person who really holds the thigh is Li Menglong!

Over the years, he has eaten and used Lee Soon Kyu. Of course, the girls have also shouldered a part, and he himself has also put in corresponding work value.

So despite leaving Menglong’s money with her, Li Shunkyu never thought that the money was his own. Why feel bad about spending it like this?

She was even thinking about getting some benefits for herself and buying something that she would be reluctant to buy on weekdays. This was the best opportunity.

Just when a group of women were thinking about how to empty Li Menglong's wallet, Kim Taeyeon was completely stunned. Why did Li Menglong give in?

She had just gotten the strategy from her "dog-headed strategist" and was waiting to see the scene where Li Menglong barked incompetently, but he fell first?

Although the results were considered to have achieved the expected goals or even exceeded expectations, the process left her unsatisfied.

I have been depressed for so long, and I finally thought of a way and I haven't had time to take revenge. There is no pleasure in revenge.

As for money, gifts, etc., does Kim Taeyeon lack those things? What she wants is a sense of accomplishment!

She rushed forward and grabbed Li Menglong's collar, and shouted ferociously: "Resist me, I don't allow you to admit defeat, do you hear me? Wake up!"

Silently wiping the spit from his face, Li Menglong tilted his head back as much as possible: "Please, I'm in such a miserable state, please show some sympathy. What else do you want from me?"

What Li Menglong said was a grievance, and this time it really made the girls feel sympathy.

After all, based on their understanding of Li Menglong, this expense really cost him half his life. He had already received the punishment he deserved, but it was still a miserable one.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon will continue to step on her, even the girls can't stand it anymore.

Maybe only Xu Xian can understand the other party's thoughts a little, but she can't say more. She has given enough ideas for Kim Taeyeon, and now it's time to remain neutral.

It was similar to Jessica's idea before. It's not that she didn't plan to meet Li Menglong in the future. They still wanted to live and work together.

Besides, Li Menglong did not commit any heinous acts. The injuries suffered by the girls can be made up for with material things. They have already forgiven each other.

Kim Taeyeon may be the only one who is still struggling now: "I don't want money, I want to fight. If you resist me now, how about the way you were so generous before?"

Kim Taeyeon may think her request is reasonable, but in the eyes of the girls, what is the difference between her current behavior and hanging up a corpse?

It was clear that the enemy had given up resistance, but in the end they had to fight forcefully. Was Kim Taeyeon determined to humiliate Lee Mongryong this time?

Even the girls began to wonder what Li Menglong had done to Kim Taeyeon and why their captain had so much resentment.

The only one who witnessed the whole process was Li Shungui. She spread her hands and expressed that she was not sure. Maybe her aunt was here, so she could only explain it this way.

Seeing that Kim Taeyeon was about to fall into madness, Li Menglong had no choice but to reluctantly cooperate.

It is said that he knows what this woman wants to do, but he just got a great idea from Xu Xian. He has to use it to feel refreshed.

At the same time, he was also curious about how bad a good boy like Xu Xian would be once he became bad, and he also wanted to measure whether his previous efforts were worth it.

After having this idea, Li Menglong immediately slapped Kim Taeyeon's hand away, his expression barely serious.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon opposite him is too much for him. In this situation, her eyes are full of expectation and encouragement, and she even brings her face towards her. Does she want Li Menglong to give her a slap in the face to find out the feeling?

Sure enough, acting requires coordination. No matter how experienced the actor is, he won't be able to perform well when he encounters an actor who reads numbers.

Now Li Menglong has encountered similar troubles, what should he do?

He could only look at the girls expectantly like Kim Taeyeon before and give them some advice!

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