The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2725 Meet again

Li Menglong was prepared for a rainy day. He didn't get this card from the company. After all, Kim Taeyeon and the others took the card back immediately.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have borrowed money and fled. He wouldn't even have to go back to his dormitory, he could just go and spend money boldly.

This card was searched for when he set out from the dormitory for the second time. To be precise, he didn't do it himself. Xiuying took the initiative to send it to him.

Speaking of which, Li Menglong had taken all the cards from the girls' wallets before, but the girls had not expected or prepared for this. After all, it was a small probability event.

But they won’t stuff all the cards into their wallets at once. It’s completely unnecessary. Besides adding weight, are there any advantages?

And it was this that successfully saved several girls in the family.

Although there is not that much money in the remaining cards, there are still a few credit cards among them, which can definitely be used as overdrafts.

And based on their credit, they are really high-quality customers, and each of their quotas is scary.

Anyway, Li Menglong settled the bill smoothly. He was prepared to pay alternately with several cards, but in the end he didn't use it.

As for the unlucky guy this time, it was Jessica who was trying to grab Li Menglong by the collar.

In the past, it was just "luck", but this time it was indeed Li Menglong's deliberate choice. He didn't mean to target her, but just because she was the biggest on the scene.

"The oldest one should treat me? Then why don't you treat me!"

Jessica really didn't want to be so rude. Although there weren't that many outsiders here, she still had to pay attention to her image.

But I really couldn't help it. How dare Li Menglong do it? This has happened once before. This kind of behavior is simply a crime!

It's not like she, Jessica, can't treat guests, but she really doesn't take such a small amount of money seriously, especially when she invites her sisters to dinner.

But she couldn't accept this method. Why did she have to be a transparent person behind the scenes when Li Menglong was in the limelight?

"Okay then, I'll return the card to you, and then you can pay by yourself, right?"

Li Menglong bent his knees slightly, mainly to make the opponent's grasping movements more natural. This also showed his attitude.

It's just that the coaxing meaning in these words is too strong. The other girls are already ready to clear the place. This second sister must be taking action, right?

But what they didn't expect was that Jessica nodded in agreement. What was going on? Is she stupid? Can't you hear the perfunctory tone in Li Menglong's words?

Even the boss opposite who was about to watch the fun opened his eyes wide at this moment. Is this the way celebrities get along with each other in private?

It seems that being an agent is not that difficult. With the intelligence shown by Jessica at the moment, he is confident that he can do this job well. How about giving him a chance?

This is completely overthinking. This job is not as simple as it seems, and Jessica is not as stupid as she acts.

She could also see clearly what the other girls could see.

But she has more wisdom than those women. If she doesn't act stupid, how will she end up? Do you really want to fight with Li Menglong here?

Even if she wanted to do it for real, she would have to wait until she got home. She had to pay attention to her image at all times outside. She was already very impulsive before.

That is to say, there was no one around to take pictures, otherwise the scene of her grabbing Li Menglong by the collar would have been enough for reporters to write a 10,000-word essay.

Anyway, those people don’t need the truth. The opening picture and content are all made up, and the girls are suffering deeply from it.

It can only be said that Li Menglong chose a good time to offend her, so that she had to suppress the anger in her heart to show her ladylike side.

"I'm just kidding you, there's actually sauce on your collar, let me wipe it off for you."

Jessica said as gently as possible, so gentle that even Li Menglong felt hypocritical. Sure enough, these women are all actors in life.

However, he had no intention of exposing it. Wouldn't that mean he would have a fight with Jessica to the death?

He has already offended a lot of people today, and it is really not suitable to add one more.

So Li Menglong praised Jessica fiercely in front of the boss. From life to work, it didn't sound like a real person.

In the end, it was Jessica herself who took the initiative to stop Li Menglong. She really couldn't go any further, otherwise she would blush.

After successfully saving a small life, Li Menglong did not have any unnecessary operations and tried his best to please these women.

Facts have proved that Li Menglong really understands these women. He always offends them just because he is unwilling to bow his head.

Once he started to do something "cheating", it was really irresistible for the girls. Going down the mountain was relatively easy. In addition, Li Menglong deliberately tried to please, and the laughter did not stop throughout the whole process.

It's just that this laughter can hardly affect the girls in the company. Although they are a team, their moods at the moment are completely opposite.

At the same time as Li Menglong woke up, Kim Taeyeon and others didn't sleep for too long in the recording room.

It wasn't that someone came to wake them up, but that the position underneath them was really uncomfortable, even for Kim Taeyeon who grabbed the best position, not to mention the others.

Each of the girls was subconsciously doing stretching movements, and of course they were moaning in pain. It really hurt.

Only the physical pain could not cover up the hatred in their hearts!

Although Li Menglong cannot be entirely blamed for their current consequences, why did he run away and leave them here to bear Xu Xian's wrath?

At the very least, he should run with them. This guy is really unloyal.

Since he ran away first, don't blame the girls for throwing all their complaints and anger at his head.

But before discussing Li Menglong, they still had to fill their stomachs.

According to the girls' wishes, they were going to ask Xu Xian to have dinner together. If she didn't agree, they would force everyone in the office to join them.

In short, they want Xu Xian to feel their sincerity.

But Xu Xian didn't give them this chance at all. When they came down, they had already taken a lunch break on the second floor, and Xu Xian also went to eat with everyone.

"Didn't Li Menglong run away? Are you still working normally?"

Kim Taeyeon asked curiously. According to her opinion, there shouldn't be many people resting today. Xu Xian can just stay here with a few people.

However, she underestimated the formality of the company. Having Li Menglong could indeed improve efficiency, but would she stop working without him?

Besides, Xu Xian is still here. With her position in the company and her understanding of Li Menglong and the project, she can basically be used as a small version of Li Menglong.

So it's not too normal for Xu Xian to go to lunch with everyone. Unlike people like Li Menglong who are disliked by others in private, Xu Xian is really lovable.

Even if she is as stingy as Li Menglong, everyone is willing to treat her to dinner unconditionally, not to mention Xu Xian is really generous.

In short, Xu Xian was "robbed" by others. They were a step too late. What should they do now?

The girls had no other choice but to make up their minds about dinner. They would never fall down twice in the same place.

Naturally, Xu Xian didn't know that her dinner had been reserved, and she brought lunch to the girls when she came back.

But when she came upstairs, she saw a scene that made her very happy. These women were concentrating on making music.

Although they don't know when they woke up, they seem to be in a good state at the moment: "Onie, let's take a rest."

After hearing Xu Xian's voice, the "busy" girls reluctantly put down their work and started chatting with Xu Xian:

"I have such a damn sense of responsibility that I can't stop when it comes to work."

"Sure enough, inspiration still needs a little bit of alcohol to inspire. This song is amazing."

Xu Xian only believed half of the girls' self-praise, maybe even less, but she was unwilling to expose it because she wanted to give these guys some face.

"You can put your work aside for a while, but you must also pay attention to the balance between work and rest. Come and have dinner, I brought it specially for you."

After seeing the lunch that Xu Xian brought out, Li Shunkyu instinctively burped. They had eaten a lot before.

Did they really not expect that little girl Xu Xian cared about them so much? They were already sinners, but he still brought them food? All I can say is that I didn’t raise her in vain.

It's just that I'm moved. If I can't eat it, I just can't eat it.

But they couldn't tell the truth, otherwise it wouldn't be a waste of Xu Xian's good intentions. They wanted to please the maknae.

So what else is there to say? It’s time to test the girls’ appetite!

At this moment, they really missed Li Menglong. With that loser here, how could they still feel so wronged to themselves.

When Xu Xian was persuaded to leave, the women immediately revealed their true colors. They were all lying there in various comfortable positions. They didn't even dare to sit down, for fear that one of them would accidentally vomit.

What else is there to say? The reason why they suffered all this was because of that bastard Li Menglong.

The girls are really getting mad at this moment. Logically speaking, there is no problem for them to go home directly, but they have to stay here and wait.

On the one hand, it was to continue playing with Xu Xian's favorability, and on the other hand, it was to teach Li Menglong a lesson. I didn't believe that he wouldn't come to the company in the afternoon.

The reason why the girls are so determined is mainly because of their understanding of Li Menglong. He has no other place to go.

But they ignored the "most dangerous" place. The darkness under the lamp was really played by Li Menglong.

They spent an extremely fulfilling afternoon and did a lot of work while waiting for Li Menglong.

They still have a certain talent for music, even if they didn't have it before, but after being passively nurtured for so many years, they still have some insights.

Otherwise, Li Menglong would not have forced them like this. He is now basically forcing them to summarize their understanding of music over the years.

This is quite beneficial to their career as future singers, but he didn't say these words.

The girls may not have thought so much, but they did not resist too much. After all, they knew that Li Menglong would not harm them.

But this is not their main purpose today. They want to catch Li Menglong here!

From lunch until dinner time, Li Menglong didn't show up. It looked like he was about to get off work.

The girls were really puzzled, but they could only passively accept this fact and have a romantic dinner with Xu Xian first.

Kim Taeyeon and others have really spent a lot of money this time. Anyway, with so many cards in hand, Xu Xian must be satisfied.

From the moment she got off work, Xu Xian was treated like a star, and Kim Taeyeon and others became her personal assistants.

The one who drove the car, gave the massage, and asked Xu Xian to choose a restaurant with his mobile phone. In short, he was doing the same thing, and he was on par with Li Menglong who was doing the same thing.

Although Xu Xian didn't enjoy it that much, she couldn't ignore the kindness of the girls, but at a certain moment her eyes widened a lot.

Because a message popped up on the cell phone that was held up, Xu Xian curiously clicked on it and saw the updates of Jessica's group.

Xu Xian's expression was very exciting for a moment. She couldn't help but applaud Li Menglong's sexy moves. How did this guy's brain grow?

But before admiring Li Menglong's wisdom, she felt that she should respect Li Menglong's courage even more!

Did he know how this act of seeking death would anger the group of women in front of her? Xu Xian couldn't even imagine what would happen next.

"Which restaurant has Xiaoxian chosen? Don't be afraid of spending money. Unnies are in charge of treating guests today, so just eat and drink to your heart's content."

After hearing this, Xu Xian decided to do something. Although he didn't know what the consequences would be, it was better than doing nothing.

"Today is our sisters' private time. How about we turn off our phones together? I've already chosen a restaurant."

Xu Xian gave his proposal. Although it sounded a bit abrupt, these women were not trying to please her, so there was nothing else to say.

While shutting down the phone, I entered the destination into the car's navigation. It seemed like it was still so far away. How did Xu Xian find this place?

First, the girls didn't ask, otherwise she really wouldn't know how to answer, because this restaurant was not her choice.

To be precise, Jessica chose it because she wanted to treat him.

Although Li Menglong was suspected of deceiving her on the top of the mountain before, his words were still correct. As the eldest sister here, it was natural for her to treat guests.

Since she had spent money, she naturally had the right to choose a restaurant, so she randomly picked one at the foot of the mountain.

And Xu Xian followed this clue and found it. She planned to meet those people by chance.

Although I don’t know what the other people’s expressions will be, Li Menglong’s expression will definitely be quite exciting. Xu Xian is looking forward to seeing that scene.

"Unnie, drive faster, otherwise the food will be cold." Xu Xian continued to say something that sounded a bit confusing to the girls, but I believe they will understand it soon.

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