The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2720 Second Escape

Li Menglong's proposal was a bit of a drain on the fire, making the girls agree but not agree.

If they don't agree, they will have to admit defeat in front of Li Menglong, which they cannot accept calmly no matter what.

It's just that once Xu Xian is asked to come over, the truth will be completely exposed. As long as you come to the scene and ask anyone, the truth can be easily exposed.

So what should they do now? It seemed that they could only choose between two bottles of poison, but they didn't want to compromise like that.

It didn't matter that they couldn't make a decision, Li Menglong was there, and he felt more and more that his proposal was reliable.

Not only can he send the girls home safely, but he can also clear himself in front of Xu Xian. It is not an exaggeration to say that he kills two birds with one stone.

If there was anything else to say now, he immediately sent a message to Xu Xian.

The little girl didn't mean to resist, or she was very resentful towards this group of people and couldn't communicate calmly.

It just so happens that she also feels that being sulky alone can't solve any problems, and everyone can explain it clearly in person.

So Xu Xian happily agreed, and even said that he could set off now. After all, there were few cars on the road, so even running back and forth wouldn't waste too much time.

Li Menglong was undoubtedly very pleased with Xu Xian's performance of cherishing time, but did this little girl still have unspoken subtext?

For example, by not wasting time, does it refer to the time you go to work?

Li Menglong clearly said to rest, but Xu Xian didn't seem to believe it, so what should he do?

If Xu Xian was left here alone, wouldn't he be suspected of cheating his sister?

As for whether there would be rumors about Li Menglong being timid, he didn't care at all.

Is this fear? It's obviously a sign of respect for Xu Xian, but these common people can't understand it. They just need to understand each other.

But while he hesitated, he still shared the "good news" with the girls. Seeing their panic first would at least make him a little happier.

As Li Menglong expected, after hearing the news conveyed by Li Menglong, the faces of the girls immediately fell.

Coupled with the original state after drinking all night, this can definitely play some tragic roles.

You must know that this kind of role is still relatively difficult to master, which makes Li Menglong feel a little itchy. Otherwise, next time there is a need for filming, let the actors drink all night in advance?

While Li Menglong was still immersed in thinking, the girls had already pointed the finger at him. If it weren't for this bastard, would they need to be afraid?

He was clearly afraid of Xu Xian and insisted on dragging them into the water. As expected, once a person becomes evil, he is completely hopeless.

They were just a little negligent just now. If they had known better, they should have taken the first step and fixed the explanation of this matter.

How should they deal with this situation?

The ideal response would undoubtedly be to suppress the whole thing, but there were too many people involved last night.

Even if they offer generous hush money, given Xu Xian's affinity in the company, it seems that the possibility of success is not very high.

Moreover, they have to bear the consequences after this method is exposed, and add fuel to Xu Xian's original anger. Is this because they are afraid that Xu Xian will not tear them apart?

After crossing out this option in their minds, all they could do was to take the initiative, that is, to make Xu Xian Shao angry as much as possible.

After unifying their thoughts, the group of women became much calmer. After all, after living together for a long time, each of them had accumulated many unique ways to appease Xu Xian.

With the cooperation of several people, there is still a certain degree of confidence that Xu Xian can be calmed down. At least he should not get angry directly in the company, even if it is delayed until he goes home.

After formulating a plan against Xu Xian, the girls immediately looked at Li Menglong. Did he think he could hide aside and watch the fun? dream!

The girls will definitely drag him with them before they die. They have even thought of the reasons. They will insist that Li Menglong tricked them here.

After all, no one can prove this. What they have to face is Li Menglong's counterattack, but who gives them more people.

As their maknae, Xu Xian should believe in them, so Li Menglong had better contribute his strength now, otherwise he will die miserably soon.

Faced with the girls' temporary invitation to cooperate, Li Menglong chose to refuse, and said in a sarcastic way: "How could I, an upright person like you, deceive Xu Xian with you? As for your frame-up, I have never done it. Why lie?"

Li Menglong's image at this moment is more innocent than righteous. Is this the first day he has been in contact with them?

How can Xu Xian distinguish this kind of thing that is almost "no evidence"?

Even if she can make a judgment in her heart, she still has to provide evidence, otherwise the girls will be the first to refuse to accept it.

So the final result of similar things is probably to get fifty hits each. Who gave Li Menglong the courage to think that he can break out of this cycle?

The girls were really bluffed by him at this moment, and they were all thinking about what the opponent's trump card was, and in the end they really guessed it.

"Could he secretly record the phone call with us?"

Yoona raised a possibility, but Pani rejected it: "That's not true. We are all our own people. Do we need to record daily calls?"

"You can't say that. He makes so many phone calls on weekdays, so he can even defend himself."

Lee Soon Kyu held her chin up to look like a wise man, and her subsequent analysis also supported her point of view very well.

According to Lee Soon Kyu, this circle is full of all kinds of lies and betrayals. The so-called verbal promises are almost like farts.

Although not many people dare to deceive Li Menglong nowadays, his habit of recording should not be too normal.

Maybe one day these recordings will come in handy. For example, right now, they are all passive.

"Doesn't that mean that Li Menglong is invincible? We are going to admit defeat this time?"

"Otherwise? Do you have any other evidence?"

"Let's think about how to explain it to the maknae for a while. I always feel very scared. How about we run away?"

It has to be said that there are still some girls who are at the same thinking frequency as Li Menglong. Unfortunately, Pani cannot make the decision at all.

The girls immediately rejected the suggestion. Where could they run away? Don't you want to go back to the dormitory?

Since the knife would happen sooner or later, it would be better to get the knife early and go home to rest. They really needed sleep now.

After a long period of mental construction, they finally reached an agreement, that is, they should apologize to Xu Xian, and as for Li Menglong, let him go for the time being.

Li Menglong didn't know about the good intentions of the girls, and even the guesses of the women were a bit fanciful.

Recording phone calls cannot be said to be a bad habit, but Li Menglong does not have this habit.

Because there is no need. At least for now, most of their jobs are brought to them by others.

If you regret it in the end, it will be the other party's loss, and it will easily be blacklisted by Li Menglong and even the entire company.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, very few companies would do this, so why should he go to extra trouble? Just to grab girls’ pigtails?

This is too disrespectful to them. Besides, this method can only be used once. Once it is exposed, the girls will 100% be on guard. It is meaningless.

So he is still planning to take action here, which is to run away!

As for the idea that the girls persuaded Pani, he didn't quite agree with it.

Let's run away first. If we can delay it for a while, maybe the conflict will be resolved at some time in the future. This is not impossible.

He is now mainly arranging a way out for himself, that is, preparing money.

Since the girls came to the door, they took the bank cards away as a matter of course.

It's not like Li Menglong hasn't fought before. They can take what's theirs, but why should others give it to them?

Girls are too lazy to argue about this kind of thing. Does he still have some misunderstanding about himself? At least girls know how to swipe their own cards when spending money!

Of course, this is not because of how high their moral awareness is, but mainly because they cannot tell other people's cards, which limits their opportunities to lower their moral standards.

But this at least provided them with the confidence to despise Li Menglong. He, a "thief", still had the nerve to ask for stolen goods. Who gave him the courage?

Without the financial support of the girls, Li Menglong's actions were quite restricted. He did not want to turn a good run away from home into a journey of suffering.

So now he comes to the boss lady and tries to borrow some. Don't look at the fights before, but the feelings are here.

Li Menglong talked hard and finally got 10,000 yuan.

Although the money is not much, it is still very precious at this time. Besides, he has no right to complain.

Fortunately, the boss lady's move provided him with a good inspiration. Since his expectations are not that high, can everyone "spontaneously" sponsor some?

So everyone in the company counted them one by one, and Li Menglong lent them all their five hundred and one thousand.

After everyone collected a "huge sum of money", Li Menglong knew that he could no longer stay here.

Firstly, Xu Xian should be arriving soon, and secondly, there are too many people, and if some bastard tells the girls about his loan, it will be difficult for him to escape.

So now it's time to say goodbye to the girls, but why these women are not wary at all, this puzzles him very much.

Although it was nice to be able to leave quietly, he couldn't help but leaned over and said, "Why are you all looking so sad? Do you see Xu Xian making you so unhappy?"

Faced with Li Menglong's provocation, the girls were still a little defensive, fearing that the bastard would secretly record something again: "You fart, we don't know how much we like the maknae, don't try to alienate our relationship."

"You are smiling very happily. Do you think your methods are perfect?"

"Don't get too proud too soon. No one will comfort you if you cry."

The girls are just saying harsh words to scare Li Menglong here based on the idea of ​​​​losing others but not losing. In fact, they can't protect themselves now.

But Li Menglong didn't know, so he thought his plan had been seen through by these women, but their statements were very different from their actions.

If they really saw through it, why didn't they prevent him from escaping at all? You must know that he is leaning towards the door now.

Li Menglong decided to test it out one last time to give these women a chance: "I'm going to buy some food and come back. Do you want to come with me?"

"You're trying to bribe the maknae with food, right? That's the child we raised. She hates this the most. You'd better be quiet."

Kim Taeyeon's words were not all for Li Menglong's benefit. The main reason was that once Xu Xian was angered, they would also suffer.

Li Menglong should know this, but he walked out without hesitation at this moment, and even showed a mocking smile, which made people very unhappy.

It's as if their IQs have been suppressed, but they clearly understand Xu Xian better!

Since he wants to have his own way, just wait and see the joke. They are already prepared to welcome Xu Xian's arrival.

Xu Xian didn't make them wait any longer. The little girl always managed her time very well.

It could be seen that this little girl didn't have too much preparation. She rushed over wearing a sports suit. When she came in, she looked like she was not allowed to let strangers in.

Regarding Xu Xian's "impoliteness", everyone at the scene expressed their understanding. If their children also made such a fuss, they would definitely not do anything.

In fact, Xu Xian was just holding back now. He walked up to the group of women and wanted to say something, but he pressed his lips tightly.

Kim Taeyeon and the others were extremely well-behaved at the moment. They put their hands in front of them and bowed their heads to admit their mistakes. If there were no outsiders, they might even kneel down to Xu Xian.

Facing these women, Xu Xian was really helpless: "Still sitting here?"

Being able to communicate is a good sign. Their current requirements are really not high: "Let's go now, we are ready."

"Just let me drive on the way back. I don't drink much."

"This is fried chicken packed for you. You haven't had breakfast yet, right?"

The girls showed all the sincerity they had prepared in advance. Regardless of their previous contempt for Li Menglong's behavior, they just thought that the other party's actions were too low-level and deliberate.

As for why he didn't remind Li Menglong, it was of course because he couldn't protect himself. At this time, protecting yourself was the most important thing.

Xu Xian looked at the enthusiasm of this group of people coldly. He was not moved at all. Instead, he turned his head and looked around: "Where are the others?"

Although they didn't name him, they all knew who Xu Xian was asking. Now was a good time to apply eye drops to Li Menglong.

Under the various explanations from the girls, Xu Xian came to another conclusion: "How long do you think he has been gone?"

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