The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2717 Wheelchair

"Stop it, it's just money, tell me the amount, I, Lee Soon Kyu, will pay it!"

At the critical moment, Lee Soon Kyu, the most valuable woman on the scene, finally stood up. She should have stood up, after all, it was her boyfriend who beat the person.

But Lee Soon Kyu is not the kind of unreasonable woman, especially when it comes to things related to Lee Mong Ryong. She has always been about convincing people with reason.

The main reason why she said this now was that she felt too embarrassed, and it was embarrassing to her, Lee Soon Kyu!

Based on her understanding of these two people, the amount of money they were arguing about was definitely not a large amount.

In this case, what else is there to say? Although she doesn’t know the inside story, she can use dimensionality reduction methods to resolve disputes.

"You don't have to decide who is right and who is wrong, just tell me the number and I will transfer one to each of you!"

Lee Soon Kyu said presciently that she did not want to be the arbiter, and there would be no easy ending.

The most practical and worry-free solution is to use money. She, Li Shunkyu, has nothing but money!

When you have such rich friends around you, you are lucky to a certain extent.

Li Menglong and the proprietress also realized how absurd their actions were at this moment, especially when combined with the specific figures, it was not embarrassing enough to say it.

"Forget it, do I care about such a small amount of money? Just treat it as a beggar!"

The landlady spoke first, but the sarcasm in her words was too obvious. Wasn't it clear that Li Menglong should continue to fight back.

Sure enough, Li Menglong did not let down the boss lady's kindness: "Is this a matter of more money and less money? It's not what I deserve to earn, so I won't ask for more, but it should be mine, and you can't give me even a dime less!"

Li Shunkyu rubbed his head silently, and it turned out to be similar to what she had guessed. The amount of money was probably so small that it would make everyone laugh when he said it.

At this time, it depends on who is more generous. It's not that Li Sungyu prefers his own family, but that Li Menglong is really talented in this aspect.

A few of them would run away from time to time, and in front of so many people, could it be possible that the boss lady would just break the pot?

Anyway, Li Soonkyu doesn't think highly of the boss's wife. She is more or less the boss of a company. No matter how much face is lost, there is a bottom line.

Although Li Menglong runs a larger company and seems to have a higher social status, what should I say? It seems that only shameless people can make more money?

In short, the boss lady became silent for the first time since the beginning of the confrontation. It seems that this long battle will come to an end?

In fact, Lee Soon Kyu is more curious about how the two will get along next. It's easy to quarrel, but what happens after that?

The girls can still give each other a leg up, but what are these two going to do? It's impossible for us to stop seeing each other because of something like this, right?

They just eat carrots and don't worry about it.

It's like they have an effective way to deal with each other. How long have Li Menglong and the boss's wife known each other? Not much less than them.

After working together for so long, of course there will be a way to deal with it, but unlike the girls, they will be more direct with each other.

After all, girls are still young when they get along with each other, and children will naturally pay attention to face.

But in the adult world, these false things are very annoying. As long as you are sure that there is still a need to get along with each other, why bother with them?

So there was no need for anyone to persuade him. Li Menglong sat directly next to the landlady at this moment.

By the way, this scene made everyone around them very nervous. Won't these two people get into trouble again? They had seen too many wonderful things this night, and they just wanted to be calm at the moment.

Fortunately, the worst did not happen. Li Menglong sat aside and just brought two clean wine glasses. After filling them, he took the initiative to hand them to the landlady.

The landlady didn't make any pretentious gestures, she took it naturally, and the two of them didn't clink glasses, and just drank by themselves.

This group of people just stood here and watched stupidly for a few minutes. They really couldn't understand the relationship between the two.

If I understand correctly, are the two officially reconciled?

Compared with the intensity of their fight before, the scene at this moment was too anticlimactic, leaving everyone feeling empty.

Although they didn't expect them to really fight again, sitting down and drinking so calmly, as if nothing happened before, made them feel very redundant.

After working so hard to break up the fight, and worrying about it for so long, and saying that a lot of people had been harmed by evil hands, when these two reconciled, did they also have to consider the feelings they invested?

It's just that the truth makes sense, but who is going to talk to these two people?

Needless to say, those colleagues, if they offend the two giants in the company at the same time, then they really should consider resigning.

So at present, it seems that the most suitable ones are undoubtedly the girls. After all, they don't have to come to the company all the time, and with their private relationship here, the two of them probably won't be able to stay angry with them for a long time.

But girls are not stupid! In other words, no one who can succeed in the entertainment industry is a fool!

Innocent people have long been eliminated from this circle. It doesn't mean that the people who remain are all vicious, but they will be more sophisticated in their ways of dealing with the world.

This is not something they are willing to learn. It is the experience that this profession and circle passively brings to them, and they have suffered a lot to master it.

But no experience is useless, so why not put it to use now? Everyone still expects them to speak, and now they wish they could just sew their mouths shut.

However, there are still some things that can be said. At this moment, Li Shunkyu was the first to come forward, otherwise it would not be appropriate for everyone to stand here all the time.

"It's so boring for two people to drink together, I'm here to accompany you!"

Li Soonkyu took over the task of pouring wine, and as if he was a waiter here, he kept grilling meat and pouring wine for these two people.

Of course, she didn't close her mouth. She just wanted to keep talking at this moment to dispel the slightly embarrassing atmosphere.

What was embarrassing was not the two people who were drinking, but the people around them. But how should I put it? Li Shunkyu also admired these two people.

The quarrels and reconciliations were eye-opening for her. Anyway, she had no intention of recreating them in the team. Her younger sisters were so cute, and she couldn't let go.

With Lee Soon Kyu in the middle, although the two parties involved didn't speak, everyone was able to sit down.

At first, everyone couldn't let go. They felt that if they continued, the atmosphere would no longer be there. It would be better to let them go back early, even if they had to go upstairs to work overtime.

But if those two people don't speak, who dares to leave first? Are you really not afraid of being shoed in?

It's just that they really ignore the role of alcohol. Why do many people like to drink alcohol during dinner parties? Because this thing can really bring each other closer quickly.

At least it can eliminate the fear. In addition, a few girls deliberately livened up the atmosphere. Before half an hour, the scene became lively again.

As for Li Menglong and the proprietress, they took the lead. As long as someone came to toast, they would toast almost immediately without any hesitation.

The girls were well aware of Li Menglong's drinking capacity, but they didn't expect that the landlady also kept it secret.

The scene almost formed a rhythm of two people competing against everyone. Although it was not their intention, there was indeed this trend.

But the result was a bit unexpected. In the end, it was Li Menglong and the proprietress who sat here safely.

As the sky gradually brightened, the dinner party caused by Li Menglong's drunkenness was finally coming to an end.

Although a lot of interesting things and accidents happened in the middle, but judging from the result alone, it was at least a happy ending, if you don't count the people who fell on the scene.

"Hey, I haven't had such a good time in a long time. How about another one fall between us?"

Li Soonkyu murmured lazily while stretching, she is also one of the good guys sitting!

She can proudly declare that she did not participate in the siege last night, otherwise the two of them would be brought down.

As for Yoona who is also awake, it's not because the little girl is good at drinking, but because she fell asleep on the table last night.

Although it is a bit weird, I have to say that I have saved a small life. At least I can still sit here and look for edible food.

"If you want to eat, go to the kitchen and ask someone to heat it for you. The people from the morning shift are already here." Li Menglong held the table with one hand and gently pressed Yoona's head with the other.

Judging from the strength on his head, Li Menglong is at the end of his strength. Yoona can guarantee now that as long as he ducks out of the way, the opponent will probably fall to the ground.

But this is no longer a prank. Yoona has no intention of bullying anyone, so she is honestly acting as Li Menglong's temporary support here.

The only ones in the audience who could communicate were the four of them. Kim Taeyeon and Pani didn't know whether they drank too much or fell asleep, but they were all lying there.

"What are we going to do with these people? We can't let them stay here together, can we?"

Yoona felt that as the only sober person, she should provide some reliable advice, but she didn't expect that the boss's wife had a case.

"In a while, I'll cook a pot of sobering soup and drink it down. Those who can sober up will go home by themselves, and those who can't will be thrown downstairs to sleep."

While speaking, the landlady stood up unsteadily. It could be seen that this person was a little reluctant, and he even took the time to glare at Li Menglong.

If this bastard hadn't done so many things, would she have drank so much?

Li Menglong didn't know if he didn't see it or if he was simply pretending to be dead. In short, he didn't react at all.

He even followed Yoona's example and tried to find some food here, but he gave up soon.

There is still a lot of meat left, but it is really torture for someone who has been drinking all night to eat this early in the morning.

"Does Yoona still have the energy? Let's go out for breakfast together. I'll treat you!" Li Menglong invited quite generously.

But Yoona didn't appreciate it very much. He didn't want to take her to find food. He clearly just wanted her to support him. Otherwise, why would he ask her if she had the strength?

Considering Li Menglong's current state, Yoona could only nod reluctantly in order to prevent him from lying outside.

"Unnie, do you want to join us?" Yoona didn't forget to drag him into the water.

But Lee Soon Kyu was not very polite about this, and he also found a reason why Yoona couldn't refuse: "I want to stay here to guard them. I don't worry if I don't have anyone of my own."

Yoona nodded in understanding and could only secretly hate herself for not coming up with this excuse and letting Li Soonkyu use it first.

As for the fact that the act itself is indeed necessary, it does not mean that everyone at the scene cannot believe it, but that their identities and experiences have made them wary of the outside world.

Even though it may seem a bit redundant, it’s just for peace of mind.

Promising to bring some delicious food to Li Shungui, Yoona stood up: "How are you going to walk? Do you want me to borrow a wheelchair to push you?"

Yoona was obviously joking, but Lee Meng Yong took it seriously, and I have to say it was a good idea.

As for things like wheelchairs, the fried chicken restaurant actually had them. I don’t know for what purpose the proprietress prepared them, but in any case, Li Menglong became its first owner.

Yoona also felt very fresh at this moment, and even vaguely guessed: "Do you think this will be the state of the two of us in a few decades?"

"Don't worry, with my body, you will definitely be the one in the wheelchair."

Even though he was in a "disabled" state, Li Menglong was still physically disabled and strong-willed, and he kept urging Yoona: "Did I say you didn't eat? Can't you walk faster?"

"Please, don't you know how much you weigh? Besides, we came out just to eat. Isn't it normal that I didn't eat?"

Yoona soon began to hate this job, mainly because Li Menglong was so annoying, pushing a wheelchair and causing so many opinions.

She really wanted to leave the other person here and go away, but considering that Li Menglong was just drunk and not really paralyzed, she still had to worry about his possible revenge in the future.

So Yoona could only comfort herself secretly. She couldn't behave like an alcoholic. That would make her, Lin Yoona, very stingy.

After adjusting her mentality, Yoona began to enjoy the streets in the early morning. No wonder so many people are willing to run in the morning. It does have a different kind of freshness.

To put it simply, almost everyone she meets will act extremely energetic, especially when the other person recognizes Yoona and will come over to say hello warmly, which makes her feel a lot more elevated.

But Li Menglong didn't have this feeling. He was drowsy while sitting in the wheelchair. If Yoona hadn't woken him up, he would have snored.

"What's wrong? Are you home?" Li Menglong said casually to cover up the fact that he had dozed off.

Yoona didn't bother to expose him, she just pointed to the stall in front of her and asked, "Would you like some soy milk? The warm one should be good for your stomach, right?"

She wasn't sure, but it was better than wine, and the main reason was that she wanted a drink, and she was very thirsty after sleeping for so long.

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