The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2709: Turning Autistic

The interaction between the two parties was so weird that everyone around them noticed something was wrong. Do they know each other?

The moment they had this idea, a lot of evidence immediately popped up in their minds. They said how could such a stupid thief appear out of nowhere? It turned out that he was so confident.

But who will these two be? It doesn't seem that hard to guess.

However, Lee Soon-gyu and Kim Taeyeon, who were in the middle of the situation, couldn't get away. Although they started the prank, it was out of their control at this moment.

"Don't come here again, otherwise we will call the police!"

Facing the threats from these two women, Li Menglong was helpless. He should have called the police, right?

However, the legal issues between them were very complicated and he couldn't figure it out anyway. The police probably couldn't figure out who to arrest after coming for a while.

"What's the point of talking about this now? Let's do it quickly, everyone is impatient to wait."

Li Menglong motioned to the two of them to look at the atmosphere around them. It was all highlighted here. Can they just give up if they say they give up?

Li Soonkyu also realized this at this moment, and it was really difficult to give up.

In this case, even if you have completely offended everyone, you may not necessarily be angry, but if you want to play tricks on others, you must be prepared to be treated as a clown.

They can't take advantage of it, right? Why? Just because they look good?

Anyway, Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon don't take their celebrity status so seriously, or in other words, they try to separate themselves from their celebrity status in private as much as possible.

After all, every profession has its own occupational diseases, and they are easy to bring into life.

For example, teachers like to lecture family members, and doctors often have mild mysophobia. As for artists, they will fall into arrogance.

This is really scary. There won’t be so many people supporting you in life. Once you have a similar personality, you really have to live alone.

Fortunately, the girls have realized this a long time ago, and now is the best proof. They have decided to sacrifice themselves to please everyone. These people should not come to trouble them again in the future, right?

Now that they have made a decision, these two women will not be polite. They are just going to be punched twice. Their bodies should be able to withstand it, right?

After spitting on his hand and giving Kim Taeyeon a tragic look, Lee Soon Kyu took the lead and rushed forward.

She may think that her movements are very cool, from sprinting to volleying and punching in one go.

But in everyone's eyes, this was not about hitting someone, it was clearly a young couple throwing themselves into each other's arms after not seeing each other for a long time, and the feeling of coquettishness was overwhelming.

This can't be entirely blamed on Lee Soon Kyu. They have been taught this way since they were trainees, and every move must be consistent with their celebrity status.

Celebrities basically don't have the chance to fight. Instead, they make more coquettish moves. She can only be said to be "acting in her true colors" now.

It was just that Li Menglong didn't know how to respond. His original plan was to fall down at the first touch. If Li Shunkyu was willing, he could barely parry twice.

But isn't it inappropriate to fall down now? It will make this woman look very heavy. At least based on his understanding of Li Shungui, the other party will definitely think so.

So he didn't dare to retreat even half a step, so he could only take a horse stance and hug Li Shungui firmly in his arms.

Not to mention, Li Shunkyu's movements at this moment are indeed very suitable for hugging. He is sitting completely in Li Menglong's arms. Her fists are wrapped around the other person's neck, and her head is naturally resting on her shoulders.

After this set of moves, it's not just Li Menglong who can't catch it. Li Shunkyu's mind is also blank now.

In front of so many people, she actually acted like a spoiled child to Li Menglong in public?

Although it's not something shameful, I just feel inexplicably shy.

Without any ideas in his mind, Lee Soon Kyu could only follow his own heart, such as burying his head deeper and pretending that nothing happened.

This scene lasted for at least a minute. No one around him spoke. Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Although they had vaguely guessed the identities of the girls, they were still guessing after all.

The current scene is really too shocking. After catching the thief, he held the thief in his arms. What will the two of them do next? It seems impossible not to kiss anyone in this atmosphere, right?

Although this plot looks really ridiculous, and it would probably be criticized and banned in a TV series, in reality, there is no need for so much logic, so you can be happy.

So I don’t know who took the lead. In short, the scene changed from scattered cheers to unified cheers: "Kiss one, kiss one..."

After hearing this voice, Li Shunkyu was completely stupid. She couldn't think straight at first, but these people started to put pressure on her like crazy. Did they want to test her ultimate pressure?

In a daze, she vaguely felt someone scratching her through the mask. It was really itchy. If you want to do something evil, just use more force. What does this mean?

But she quickly realized something was wrong. Who would come over and touch her face in this position? So it was Li Menglong who did it?

As for the specific strength and the previous atmosphere, it was probably not just the hands that were moved.

After coming to this conclusion, Li Shunkyu had no intention of staying here at all, otherwise who knows what other beastly things Li Menglong would do to her?

Li Soonkyu, who was originally shy in Li Menglong's arms, began to struggle crazily, and now he had some intention of fighting. But was it too late for her to wake up?

But how could Li Shunkyu care about this at the moment? She just wanted to escape.

Realizing that Li Menglong had no intention of letting go, she could only subconsciously use extreme actions and slapped his face in the face.

This slap really didn't hold any force and made Li Menglong stagger. It was said that he was ready to let go of Li Soonkyu, but he had to give him some time. Why not just throw her to the ground?

But no one was destined to listen to these words, because Li Shunkyu had already ran out like a gust of wind, a little faster than when he stole the card before.

It’s similar to the state when Lee Soon Kyu first escaped. This group of people are still a little unable to react. Is the interaction between these two people jumping too fast? Can you please give them some time to accept it?

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon was still online throughout the whole process. After all, she was also one of the actors, so she could barely keep up with the rhythm at this moment.

I saw that she also ran out, and now she had to follow Li Shungui, otherwise she would be worried if she was allowed to wander outside alone.

However, she almost rushed to the door, but she turned around and slipped back. After passing by Li Menglong, she slapped him on the other cheek again, and then walked out contentedly.

Of course, she didn't use much force this time, mainly to cooperate with Li Shungui's previous actions, and to prove her bravery. Not everyone dared to slap Li Menglong in the mouth.

The two women were temporarily freed, but the mess they left had to be cleaned up, but everyone at the scene didn't know what to do.

Kim Taeyeon really overestimated them. Not only did they not dare to slap Li Menglong in the mouth, they were trembling even when they saw this scene.

If it was an outsider who attacked him, it would be easier to deal with. Just help Li Menglong fight him back.

To put it harshly, coming to the company to slap Li Menglong in the mouth is equivalent to slapping them in the face. Who can bear this?

However, these two people are not outsiders. Even compared to them, these two people are Li Menglong's own people.

So how can they participate at this moment? This is a family matter, but they happened to bump into it. To be precise, they saw it passively, and they didn't want to.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now. After they can't think of any way to deal with it, they can only learn from Lee Soon Kyu's behavior before and pretend that nothing happened for the time being.

So soon only Li Menglong was left sitting on the ground blankly, staring at the empty door in trance, as if waiting for someone to come back and apologize to him.

This scene looked so desolate that everyone couldn't even drink. Should they leave secretly now?

Fortunately, there is a Dinghai Shenzhen here. The reason why the proprietress did not come forward before was because she wanted to watch the fun. Who made those two little girls insist on coming over to "perform".

It's just that she didn't expect it to end like this. Although it was a bit unexpected, it had to be said that it was quite exciting. Anyway, she was very satisfied with it.

Now that the drama has come to an end, she has also come out to comfort the lonely male protagonist. Everyone knows that he has dedicated a lot to this drama, and everyone is very grateful to him.

"Stop sitting here, pretending to be pitiful, come here and have a drink." The landlady forcefully dragged him up. Everyone knew his grievances, but was there any better way to dispatch him than drinking?

Li Menglong didn't seem to have anything to pay attention to here, or he was still a little dazed at the moment, almost subconsciously pouring whatever was given to him into his mouth.

This bold move surprised everyone around him, but they all wanted to seize this opportunity to apologize to him. As for the specific way, of course it was to toast.

Soon the first floor became lively again, and the proprietress walked out. Kim Taeyeon was not the only one who was worried about Lee Soon Kyu.

Besides, she came out to "protect" Lee Soon Kyu. Isn't this doubling the temptation? Maybe it would be more dangerous for two people to be together.

Of course, the landlady wasn't that worried. After all, she had the final say in this area, and the two of them didn't go very far.

They had barely walked a hundred meters when they saw two small figures squatting over there. The street lights shone on the two of them as if they were homeless children, which looked quite pitiful.

Because they were a little far away, the landlady hadn't heard the conversation between the two at this moment, otherwise she would have laughed outright.

Kim Taeyeon was mainly comforting Lee Soon Kyu, while Lee Soon Kyu was sulking: "How dare he? Dare to kiss me in public without my permission?"

"Uh... should we start with talking about this?"

"You still speak for him? Even if we are boyfriend and girlfriend, can you do this without my permission? This is indecent!"

"No, when did he kiss you?"

Kim Taeyeon blinked her eyes and said quite innocently. She felt that there seemed to be some serious misunderstanding here, and it would probably make Lee Soon Kyu collapse even more when it was solved.

Sure enough, after figuring out the whole story, Lee Soon Kyu collapsed completely.

The previous claim that Li Menglong kissed her through a mask was just a figment of her own imagination.

It was Li Menglong who saw that her mask was about to fall off and knew that she would die on the spot if her identity was revealed, so he put the mask on for her.

In the end, Lee Soon Kyu imagined the kiss, and the key was that he was slapped again.

According to her previous logic, Li Menglong couldn't kiss her in public without her permission, so she could slap someone without Li Menglong's permission?

And this involves not only Li Menglong's anger, but also her own shyness. In short, she is too embarrassed to see others.

Kim Taeyeon can still empathize with Lee Soon Kyu's current state and just think of the most embarrassing moment in her life.

But can you please stop squatting here? Even if you don't want to go in and apologize to Li Menglong, you can go home first.

But Lee Soon Kyu doesn't want to do anything. He just wants to squat here and shut himself off, which is very troublesome.

Fortunately, the landlady came over slowly at this moment.

Because of the backlight, Kim Taeyeon can't see the other person's face clearly from her perspective. She can only see a small flickering light on her cheek. Is this a smoking gangster?

Kim Taeyeon really doesn't have any similar experience, so she is extremely nervous now: "Don't come over, our company is across the street, if I shout now, hundreds of people will rush out immediately!"

"Hundreds of people? Did I remember it wrong? There were only about thirty people inside, right?"

"Huh? Why is it a woman?"

"Are you talking about gender revelation? Who told you that women can't be gangsters? I hate you celebrities the most, and now I'm going to mess with your faces!"

Logically speaking, Kim Taeyeon should be very familiar with the boss lady's voice, but now she just wants to pull Lee Soonkyu away.

The force of this hand was so strong that Li Shunkyu, who was squatting there, was pulled directly to the ground: "Ah, please have some logic. It's so dark now. How did she recognize that you are a star? You have two stars written on your head. Words?"

"Yes, how did you know that I am Kim Taeyeon?"

Looking at the sisters who announced their family status, Li Shunkyu tightened his grip silently. Have they been led by such a fool for so many years?

Having said that, Kim Taeyeon not only did not recognize the other party's identity, but also directly reported her own name. Is she serious?

Even the lady boss opposite couldn't help it. She squatted on the ground and laughed in pain. She even felt that Kim Taeyeon did it on purpose, to make her die laughing here, right?

It was only then that Kim Taeyeon saw the other person's face clearly, and she immediately felt not so good.

I saw her taking two steps back and squatting next to Li Shungui. Now it was her turn to shut herself up!

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