The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2695 Don’t understand

Xu Xian looked at these women with increasing curiosity. Were they stimulated by something?

Otherwise, even if they are forced to exercise, the intensity is seriously beyond the standard. How do they persevere without supervision?

It's probably out of the question to ask Taeyeon and Yoona directly. It's not that they don't want to talk, it's that they simply don't have the energy to talk right now.

The only one who is relatively better is Li Enxi. She can't just ask the coach directly. It will make her doubt the other person's professional level.

He didn't get up. After all, it took a lot of effort to stand up, so Xu Xian just slid over with his butt touching the ground.

"Unnie, what's going on?" Xu Xian asked quietly after approaching the other party.

In fact, she didn't need to be so cautious, because even if the two women heard her words, they probably wouldn't get up and cause trouble for her. They didn't have the strength.

After all, Xu Xian is so tired. After practicing for several more rounds, they can still hold on now, which shows their willpower.

"You're asking a question without a clue. What should I answer you?" Li Enxi looked much more energetic and was still eating popcorn.

If it hadn't been for this joint fitness experience, Xu Xian wouldn't have known that her president was so physically strong. Are they holding the company back?

"Compare yourself to me? I'm so free every day, so I always have some time to exercise." Li Enxi comforted Xu Xian, but whoever believed this would be a fool.

Although it seems that Li Eunxi has nothing to do, how can he be so idle when managing such a large company.

Besides, even if Lee Eun-hee is really free, were they busy as girls?

Of course this is the case at certain times, but it is not like this recently. They use filming as an excuse, which is the so-called role research, and I don't know how many schedules they have canceled.

Although this will cause them to lose a lot of income, at least in the recent period, they are really not short of money. Instead, they lack such a large amount of rest time.

Although it seems that they are wasting their lives, doesn't this behavior itself mean that they are working hard to live, otherwise there would be no such time for them to waste.

In short, when it comes to free time during this period, girls definitely have more time than Lee Eun-hee, but in terms of fitness effects or time utilization, they are far behind this one.

She is indeed one of the women that girls admire most, especially Jessica, who has slowly started to look up to Lee Eun-hee, but they still have a lot to learn.

It seems that her question has been answered. Could it be that Kim Taeyeon and Lee Eun-hee were stimulated by Lee Eun-hee?

For example, the two of them found that their physical strength was not as good as the other's. Even Xu Xian was a little surprised. It was okay for the two women to accept it.

And once the desire to win out of nowhere took over, the scene became a little out of control.

After figuring out the whole story, Xu Xian felt at ease. As for adjusting things, she would not do such thankless things.

Besides, the desire to win and lose of those women is so easy to persuade. This is even a certain trait that supports them all the way to now.

And Xu Xian may be sure that the company consciously cultivated similar ideas in them during their trainee days.

It's roughly similar to the fact that we are definitely no worse than others, they can do it, why can't we, in short, it just highlights the dissatisfaction.

Seohyun can't say whether this is an advantage, but it has indeed been integrated into the girls' characters. If they want to change, it will take time to polish it slowly.

Specifically at the moment, at least the effect is quite positive. The two women have exercised more than in the past ten days combined.

Of course, if you calculate it carefully, Kim Taeyeon has probably eaten more calories in food in the past two days than in the previous half month combined.

This can be regarded as tit-for-tat to a certain extent!

But Xu Xian suffered an unreasonable disaster. She should not have appeared here, let alone get involved with these women.

Firstly, she didn't eat that much food, and secondly, she didn't have any desire to win. She saw all Li Enxi's advantages and realized her own shortcomings. After that, she slowly worked hard to catch up. She couldn't catch up in one breath. Just catch up?

If she had been adhering to this idea, her life would have been very tiring. After all, there was so much for her to learn from Li Menglong.

Xu Xian has no intention of participating in the intrigue between these women. All she can think about now is how to escape.

It's hard to just rely on her own words.

As long as she moved a little closer to the door, she would immediately receive a fierce look in her direction. She could clearly feel it even if her back was to the group of people.

"I'm going to get you some water. You've sweated so much, so be sure to rehydrate!" Xu Xian explained carefully.

But this is just an excuse to deceive cute fans. Kim Taeyeon and Yoona will not be fooled because they know that Seohyun is not such an innocent child.

Even if Xu Xian was indeed honest at first, after living with them in the team for so many years, he would have made some progress.

Although I have not yet achieved the goal of being better than my predecessor, I still have no problem making up some excuses on a daily basis.

"There is water in the small room inside, so I don't need to trouble you to go down and move it."

In order to prevent Xu Xian from escaping, Kim Taeyeon simply asked the teacher to start the next exercise session in advance.

But the person she was looking at at this time was not Xu Xian. She was obviously provoking Li Eunxi.

This behavior is really a bit suicidal. In a normal company, no artist would dare to provoke the president, unless he has already found a new partner.

So is Kim Taeyeon going to change jobs with them?

Fortunately, Li Eunxi has a really good temper. In other words, Kim Taeyeon and the others were never regarded as ordinary entertainers from the beginning.

This makes sense. After all, with Li Menglong's relationship here, they are still very valued in the company.

Even ordinary employees would not regard them as mere entertainers. As for Li Eunxi specifically, they probably treat them as friends.

There is a little competition among friends over some trivial matters. This is not a big problem, but can we let her go first?

Xu Xian hid silently at the back and jumped a few times quite abruptly. Kim Taeyeon and others looked at her in confusion. Is this kid crazy?

Who knew that this was Xu Xian sending a distress signal to Li Menglong? If she remembered correctly, part of the practice room was just above the office on the second floor.

Of course, this is Xu Xian's personal feeling, and it is normal for mistakes to occur, but she really has no choice now and can only hope that Li Menglong can hear the sound.

But I have to say that SW didn't cut any corners when it was renovated. The overall sound insulation was so good that Li Menglong didn't feel at all sitting safely on the second floor.

It stands to reason that Xu Xian's presence is no joke. Although it does not mean that it is impossible to work without Xu Xian, it is like a machine running without lubricating oil. It always feels not so smooth.

But you must know that Xu Xian went out for a walk before, which means Li Menglong has adapted to it for a long time in advance, so it is not so inconvenient now.

Even if he really realized that Xu Xian had not come down, he might have stayed upstairs to make music together. The little girl was always there to help.

But in Li Menglong's consciousness, there was no option to continue working out.

Because he also knew those women, even though he was forced to do some exercise, how long would it last? One hour? Or ten minutes more than an hour?

In short, they will probably get rid of the teacher soon, and then it will be up to them whether to work or continue to replenish their energy.

However, if Xu Xian is here, there will probably be more chances of working. This can be regarded as a positive contribution made by the little girl.

So when Xu Xian appeared in front of him again, Li Menglong could still keep his expression straight: "Are you going to the sauna? You are in a good mood. Hey, your skin looks a lot fairer."

While Li Menglong was speaking, he stepped forward and placed his hand on Xu Xian's cheek, which was indeed as smooth as silk.

But there was no trace of Xu Xian's shyness that he expected. Instead, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and with her wet hair, she looked like a female ghost coming for revenge.

"Sauna? Oppa, come closer and smell the shower gel I use. Does it smell good?"

This sounds a bit ambiguous, but the key is that Xu Xian's expression is cold, so the contrast between the two should not be too obvious.

If nothing could be seen at this time, Li Menglong would have lived in the dormitory for so many years in vain: "Well...if I did anything wrong, I can apologize to you!"

"How could you be wrong? Come and smell it, it smells good!"

Xu Xian was still urging, and Li Menglong could only reluctantly move his head over, while thinking about what the little girl was planning.

But he soon smelled a pungent smell. He was familiar with this smell. It smelled like this every time after working out.

But why does Xu Xian smell like this? Is it possible that today's shower gels have become so involuted that they have developed such a perverted smell?

"Oppa, are you sure you're not kidding me?" Xu Xian was also convinced. Is there something wrong with this person's brain? Who would buy shower gel with this flavor and use it again?

This is her "body fragrance", to be precise, it's the odor of sweat left after working out!

The ingredients of sweat are all the same, and there will be no essential changes due to gender. For example, the sweat of beautiful women will not smell more fragrant!

She finally escaped from that hell. The first thing she did not go to find a place to clean up was to come to Li Menglong immediately. She wanted an explanation.

His secretary disappeared for several hours, how could Li Menglong turn a blind eye? Is it because Seohyun’s work presence is too low?

Just say this directly. If you have to let Li Menglong guess it by himself, how can he possibly guess it?

After all, in his understanding, the girls' fitness session had ended long ago.

"So you went out for a run? Exercise is indeed a stress reliever, so you should get off work early. You have worked hard today." Li Menglong said in a more neutral tone.

He thought that what he said was very appropriate. Even someone like Kim Taeyeon couldn't find anything wrong with him. However, Xu Xian's face became more and more gloomy.

This made Li Menglong very frustrated. How could he not guess what this little girl was thinking? This shouldn't be the case.

Li Menglong immediately started using his brain and tried to find some clues from the clues. Unfortunately, he was destined to fail today.

"Humph, I know you have always disliked my poor working ability. I will go home right now and you can work by yourself from now on!" Xu Xian turned around and left after saying these words.

Doesn't this unjustly accuse him, but Li Menglong knows that this is not the time to feel wronged, and he cannot let this little girl leave even now, otherwise he will really not be able to explain it later.

Li Menglong followed Xu Xian all the way, and finally took Xu Xian to the hotel after some hard talking.

While Xu Xian went to wash up, Li Menglong finally found some time. The first person he looked for was Kim Taeyeon. What did she do to Xu Xian?

"Why are you looking for me? You're exhausted. I'm warning you not to provoke me again today!" Kim Taeyeon came up and made a preemptive move.

This move completely confused him. Why could the other party be so confident?

"Tired? What have you done? Just say you are tired. Let me hear your work progress. Tell me."

Facing Li Menglong's question, it was Kim Taeyeon's turn to be dumbfounded.

As far as fitness is concerned, she has indeed exceeded the task and is qualified to compete with Li Menglong.

It's just that Li Menglong asked about work, which was a bit surprising. Did she come to work today? It seems like this is really the case!

"What are you talking about? Aren't you quite confident?"

"Uh...that's what you said. I was mainly doing sports today, so my work was delayed a little. I will definitely make up for it tomorrow. You have to believe in my ability in music!"

Facing Kim Taeyeon's explanation, Li Menglong didn't pay much attention to her paddling problem today. After all, time was not that tight.

Instead, he focused on another important point: "Sports? Have you been working out all afternoon?"

"Yes, I'm good at it, right?" Kim Taeyeon said proudly: "By the way, Xiaoxian is so tired and still has to work with you, why don't you bring her back from get off work early."

Now everything can be explained. No wonder Xu Xian was so angry. It turned out that there was something wrong with his own thinking.

Fortunately, we have figured out the source of the problem, but how should we coax this little girl?

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