The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2693 Entertainment

"Are you here to amuse me on purpose?" the landlady asked very directly, after all, it looked too much like you were here to cause trouble.

When she opened a small shop, she had never encountered such customers. Does Kim Taeyeon want her to recall the past today?

But where does Kim Taeyeon have the courage? The reason why she said this was just to divert the conflict away.

It can be said that she herself relayed Yoona's request verbatim, but if the boss lady does anything wrong here, she will not be responsible for it.

If you are dissatisfied with anything, you can come down and trouble the boss lady. Kim Taeyeon will cheer for YoonA from behind.

It's just that the premise of all this is to let the boss lady take the order, but the Ernie opposite obviously doesn't want to do this, which breaks Kim Taeyeon's original plan.

"Unnie, please help me. I just want to have a sip of American coffee today. If I don't drink it, I will die!"

Facing Kim Taeyeon's coquettishness, the boss lady's attitude was almost modeled on that of Lee Menglong. That's called indifference.

She pointed at the door and responded ruthlessly: "If you want to die, stay away from the store. It will affect my business."

This is going too far. She, Kim Taeyeon, can't even die here? That is to say, she only has one life, otherwise she will make the boss's wife open her eyes today.

But this confrontational attitude did not help solve the problem. Later, she even tried to lure the other party with an incredibly high price.

But the person standing opposite is not Li Menglong. Although the proprietress also loves money, she has a much lower bottom line than Li Menglong: "I'm sorry, there is some money that I don't make!"

Even if things are completely stuck now, the key is that he has offended the boss's wife. This is simply losing his wife and losing his troops.

However, the order of appeasing the landlady can be put aside for the time being. Even though she was two floors away, the little girl Yoona's urging was faintly echoing in her ears. It was almost too late.

There's nothing to say. Now even if she runs out to buy it, she can't get it back, so she can only do it herself.

Although the landlady said she wouldn't sell her coffee, as a member of her own family, it's okay to go to the kitchen to get some employee drinks. That's what Li Menglong always did.

Everyone in the kitchen welcomed Kim Taeyeon's arrival, and some even took the initiative to make fried chicken for her.

Kim Taeyeon has always had a clear understanding of her own popularity, so she is not surprised by this scene. Talents like Li Menglong and the boss lady are really rare.

At the same time, she cherishes this very much, but she cannot act recklessly just because everyone likes her, otherwise she will be hated by others one day.

So at this moment, she gently rejected everyone's kindness, and instead took the initiative to make coffee for everyone. Isn't this too considerate?

As for the difference between the instant coffee brewed by Kim Taeyeon and the instant coffee brewed by themselves, it is hard to say. Anyway, they generally think it is sweeter.

Whether it is the sweetness of the coffee or the sweetness of Kim Taeyeon's smile, only they know.

However, Kim Taeyeon was not very satisfied with the result. There were still some differences between instant coffee and American coffee, at least she didn't have the shame to forcefully confuse them.

Seemingly seeing the goddess's dilemma, these people took the initiative to ask questions, and after learning about the problem, they actually gave a solution.

According to their logic, the biggest difference between the two is actually the bitterness. Although it is too crude to describe it, it is roughly the same.

And if you want to increase the bitterness, it is not that difficult for these people who work in the kitchen. There are actually some similar ingredients and seasonings.

If Kim Taeyeon had time, she could even try them all and choose the most reliable one.

But it was too late now, so she could only trust everyone's recommendations and chose a compound spice that was said to be used in fried chicken.

This spice is mainly used in fried chicken to remove the fishy smell and add flavor. If you taste it alone, the smell will make Kim Taeyeon scrunch up her face on the spot.

As if they had anticipated Kim Taeyeon's possible reaction, the group immediately handed over a spoonful of honey. Kim Taeyeon ate several large spoonfuls before she managed to suppress the bitterness in her mouth.

It's just that honey seems to be a high-calorie food. She seems to be making mistakes in a continuous cycle today. When will she practice this until she dies?

There was no time to feel sorry for herself, so Kim Taeyeon quickly made the final mixing, that is, mixing the coffee, spices and ice cubes together.

Not to mention, just based on the appearance, it seems to be what it is. As for the specific taste, Kim Taeyeon doesn't dare to taste it anyway, so let Yoona taste it in person.

"Thank you everyone, I will order coffee later, everyone will share!" Kim Taeyeon is not a stingy person. She doesn't want to buy it for Yoona this time just because she doesn't want to run errands for her.

But these kind-hearted people should still be praised. A cup of coffee just met this requirement. Besides, she also wanted to taste the taste of normal coffee. She suspected that there might be something wrong with her taste buds.

She ran up all the way carrying the tray. When she came in, Yoona was counting the time with her watch, and she had no intention of giving her any more.

"Humph, you came back after being stuck in time, right? You've passed the test. After all, you don't do this often, so you can forgive me!" Although Yoona said this, she was thinking about how to increase the burden on Kim Taeyeon. , it seems that Ernie has adapted well.

"No, you want the coffee!"

"Why is it a disposable paper cup? Which store would do this kind of business? It should have a lid at least, right?"

Looking at the simple paper cup in front of her, Yoona asked a question at the right time, and the question was quite reasonable. Is this store going to be able to continue to use this kind of cup for packaging?

Now it was Kim Taeyeon's turn to explain, but what should she say? Did you say it was served from downstairs? Then the secret will be revealed.

Fortunately, she still has a smart brain, which allowed her to think of a good excuse in an instant: "The owner of that shop is a fan of the maknae, so he didn't charge me any money and just gave it to me for free. How can I have the nerve to let people buy it?" Use such an expensive cup!”

Although there is no big logical problem with this statement, Yoona is also a celebrity after all, and she has also received gifts from fans.

Fans don’t say that they should leave the best to their idols, but at least they are not so stingy. They should still be able to afford a cup as a gift.

But there is no need to express this suspicion. Unless she goes down to confront Kim Taeyeon again, the other party will definitely refuse to admit it.

I guess this coffee was casually obtained from below. Yoona came to this conclusion after introducing her identity. It should be reliable, right?

But the moment the coffee came into her mouth, Yoona had huge doubts about her own idea. The taste was a bit high-end, and it really couldn't be made downstairs.

After all, Yoona also knows the quality of the coffee in the store. The taste of instant coffee is still fresh in her memory, and it is definitely not like this.

So everything Kim Taeyeon said is true? Did she wrongly accuse this Ernie? In fact, the other party traveled a long way to buy this coffee for me?

Yoona thought a lot for a while, and Kim Taeyeon's brain didn't stop thinking either. She was curious about why Yoona drank so smoothly.

Although she has never tasted this taste, she has tasted the seasoning and it tastes bitter.

So in theory, the taste of coffee should not be very good. As for why Yoona can still drink it, after ruling out that Yoona has a taste problem, the only answer is that Yoona is saving face for her.

The moment she came to this conclusion, Kim Taeyeon herself felt ridiculous. The Yoona she knew was not this kind of person.

It's just that she really can't think of any other answers, so what should she do now? Go over to Yoona and stop her "self-harm" behavior?

But that way Yoona wouldn’t have to suffer, but what would happen to her, Kim Taeyeon? Will Yoona spare her?

Fortunately, she didn't have to worry about it soon, because there wasn't a lot of coffee in the original paper cup, so Yoona drank it all in three gulps, and even licked the corners of her mouth with unfulfilled interest.

"Unnie, where does this coffee come from? It tastes really good. I'll buy some more later. I'll treat you to it!"

Obviously sensing Kim Taeyeon's sincerity, Yoona spoke a lot more gently.

It’s just that she deserves this tenderness. After being shy for a second, Kim Taeyeon immediately began to take credit: "I ran a long way to buy it. Look at my feet, they have blisters on them!"

This is nonsense. Why doesn't she show her feet? You can just say whatever you want through a pair of socks, do you expect Yoona to believe it?

But Yoona knew that Kim Taeyeon just said that casually, but in the eyes of the fitness instructor, it was like an excuse to escape exercise. What should she do now?

After much hesitation, this person still chose to leave. She really couldn't take this kind of student, so she had better go down early to say sorry and refund the money.

Faced with this sudden resignation, Kim Taeyeon's first reaction was that she was happy, as she no longer had to exercise.

But then I realized something was wrong. If I let this person go down, would it be equivalent to complaining to Xu Xian in disguise? This time it would be much more serious.

Based on Seohyun's previous attitude, Kim Taeyeon didn't think she would get any good results, so the coach wanted to stay. Besides, why did she suddenly make a fuss about leaving? There must be a reason, right?

But how could the other party say this reason to her face, saying that Kim Taeyeon was cheating and cheating, so she didn't want to take him with her?

How could someone in this kind of service industry have such low emotional intelligence? That’s why the other party just didn’t speak and wanted to leave.

Kim Taeyeon just had to hold her partner's thigh to keep him, which made her a little crazy. Does she love fitness so much?

Although she didn't know what the problem was, Kim Taeyeon still made a series of guarantees, and only then did she successfully win back the coach's heart.

"Then let's start now. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish."

Faced with the coach's arrangement, Kim Taeyeon had nothing to say. She promised her promise one second, but regretted it the next second? It's not that fast to turn the pages of a book.

So the happy exercise time began. That is to say, the practice room was also specially soundproofed. Otherwise, one floor would really not be enough to block Kim Taeyeon's wails.

However, there seems to be a tacit understanding. Xu Xian is always a little absent-minded during work, and Li Menglong opposite him notices it.

"Are you too tired? Go take a rest outside. The sun is just right. Go buy some snacks." While speaking, Li Menglong took out 50,000 yuan in cash and handed it to Xu Xian.

This kind of scene usually happens between a younger sister and an older brother who have a good relationship. The relationship between Li Menglong and Xu Xian is of course nothing to talk about, but similar scenes rarely happen.

If they were swapped, they could still find some, but Xu Xian was unlikely to say such things, so he had to leave some face to Li Menglong, although he didn't seem to care much about it.

It was rare to see money back from Li Menglong's hand. Xu Xian really didn't intend to take it, but now it seems that it would be good to go out for a walk.

With a huge sum of 50,000 yuan, Xu Xian began to wander aimlessly. Due to the time and working days, there were not many people on the street, which saved Xu Xian from the worry of being watched.

She was very confused about what to eat. First of all, the money was not very much. Although it was enough to eat by herself, her colleagues on the second floor saw her coming out and went back empty-handed?

Secondly, it was her own fault. There were two women sweating crazily on the third floor. If she didn't want to join in, Xu Xian had to exercise restraint.

After searching around, she finally discovered something like this, which perfectly met her two requirements.

First of all, the calories are not high, and secondly, 50,000 yuan can buy a lot, and you can even listen to it extra, which is very profitable.

Squatting in front of the old-fashioned popcorn stall, Xu Xian picked up the leftover popcorn from the previous customers and ate it. He leaned against the wall and basked in the afternoon sun. For a moment, he felt much better.

However, this state was violently broken with a muffled bang. Xu Xian covered his ears and jumped a long way. Although he was prepared in advance, he was still shocked.

But it is precisely because of this that she feels much more energetic, and she seems to be able to go back to work with full energy.

But Xu Xian also faced a small problem. She really ignored the shipping volume of the popcorn.

In the end, Xu Xian walked back carrying two bags that were half a person's height. Although these things were not heavy, they were not large enough to hold up, and the visual impact was very strong.

"Outsiders are not allowed to sell goods here. Just go and wait at the door. Someone will buy something when the customers leave."

The landlady said this with a soft heart. Usually the store would just kick her out, so why would she add the following sentence?

But Xu Xian is not here to sell popcorn, she is giving them all for free.

"Unnie, come here and eat some popcorn. It's fresh out of the pan and still warm." Xu Xian poked his head out of his pocket and said in a cute voice.

This image immediately made the boss lady confused. What does this mean? Is Xu Xian going to change careers?

It's just that the gap between the two is too big. Even if Seohyun really doesn't want to be a singer, she can still work in her fried chicken shop.

With Xu Xian’s good looks, it’s not a problem to be nicknamed Fried Chicken Xishi.

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