The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2685 Double assists

If Li Menglong was pretending to sleep last night, then Kim Taeyeon was really sleeping at this moment, and her sleeping posture was quite ecstatic.

After waking up early in the morning, Xu Xian came to Kim Taeyeon's room after finishing tidying up. She was responsible for waking up the captain, as she had promised Li Menglong last night.

But she was full of confidence at the time, but when she actually came in front of Kim Taeyeon, she was inexplicably panicked.

"Unnie, get up and go to work." Xu Xian muttered quietly, hoping that Kim Taeyeon could hear her voice.

But even if Kim Taeyeon wakes up, she may not be able to hear clearly, let alone in this state. It would be more realistic to expect her to talk in her sleep.

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't think about giving up. Someone had to do this kind of thing. Besides, she had nothing wrong, so she didn't need to feel guilty.

With this belief, Xu Xian began to increase the volume little by little. This scene seemed like a vocal class. This was the process of opening their voices.

Xu Xian could definitely raise the volume quickly, but she would rather consume it a little bit, hoping that Kim Taeyeon in her sleep could gradually adapt to it.

"Hey, you little girl, what are you arguing about here? If you want to open your voice, you can go to the first floor. I don't deserve to appreciate your voice!"

It's hard for Lee Soon Kyu to be able to say so much as soon as he opens his eyes. It's probably because she's too lazy to move, otherwise she would just kick him over and Seohyun wouldn't be able to say anything.

After all, she came to call Kim Taeyeon, but ended up waking up Lee Soon Kyu. This was her responsibility no matter how she looked at it.

"Sorry Unnie, I came to tell her to go to work. I didn't mean to wake you up."

Xu Xian's explanation was very gentle, and Lee Soon Kyu temporarily forgave her, but why was she the one who woke up? And Kim Taeyeon is still sleeping there?

This kind of scene made Lee Soon Kyu feel quite uncomfortable. Just because Xu Xian didn't dare to do something doesn't mean she didn't dare to do it either: "Ah, Kim Taeyeon!"

Lee Soon Kyu didn't say anything else, he just shouted Kim Taeyeon's name in the highest tone.

As one of the lead singers in the team, Lee Soon Kyu's talent was not just blown away. Seohyun's eardrums were shocked to the point of pain.

She rubbed her ears and looked at Kim Taeyeon curiously. This woman must not be awake yet.

In that case, Xu Xian would have to test whether the other person was breathing. Wouldn't this mean that he went directly to another world in his sleep?

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon is alive and well, and looks quite healthy from her movements. Her whole body jumps up like a spring.

"What's wrong? Who's calling me? Is there an earthquake? Everyone, run away!"

Kim Taeyeon didn't think much at the moment. She almost acted on instinct, stumbling and trying to run.

As a result, none of them could stand firm on their feet and fell straight on Xu Xian's body. This woman was also good at taking advantage.

If the fall was not intentional, then why did she put her hand on Xu Xian's butt at this moment? This action was very obscene.

Of course, Xu Xian couldn't stay honest. Even though they were sisters, she was still shy, so she pushed Kim Taeyeon away: "Unnie..."

At this moment, Xu Xian wanted to say something. No matter what, she had to warn Kim Taeyeon, but it seemed that it would cause more misunderstandings, so she simply stated the purpose of coming here: "We are about to leave. You can start preparing."

Kim Taeyeon followed the principle of sleeping wherever she lay. She was on the ground preparing to fall asleep when she heard Seohyun's words in a daze.

"Let's go? Where are you going? Do you want to eat again? I won't have breakfast. Thank you for calling me."

Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun coincided with each other to some extent, but it was impossible to rely on this trick to get through. Seohyun would not give her this chance.

In Xu Xian's opinion, this is all the work that girls should do. Regardless of whether Li Menglong's previous methods were glorious or not, it was ultimately the girls who personally agreed.

Yesterday it was too much to push Yoona alone. Today, no one wants to go there. Is this the attitude you should have at work?

This even vaguely means bullying Li Menglong. If this was a contract signed by an outside company, would Kim Taeyeon still dare to be so lazy?

As for why Kim Taeyeon must go, this is because among their group, Kim Taeyeon is indeed the one who has the most exposure to music production.

Since their initial album, Kim Taeyeon has been involved in some of the post-production work.

As their fame grows, their voice in music becomes more and more important, and this weight is concentrated on Kim Taeyeon.

Who makes her the leader of this group of people? She is responsible for these tasks, and she does have talents in this area.

This is not to say that Yoona was doing useless work yesterday, but that they should make good use of their numerical advantage.

Maybe one of them alone is not qualified for the job, but as long as they can bring together the strengths of all of them, they might add luster to the movie.

As the maknae of the girls and one of the assistant directors and screenwriters of the film, she has enough reasons to work hard for it, and this moment is a small part of it.

"Oni, please get up quickly, otherwise you will be late. Oppa and I have to clock in together when we go to the company."

In order to increase Kim Taeyeon's urgency, Seohyun told a small lie.

As the absolute top executive of the company, does Li Menglong have any need to check in? In theory, he pays the wages, but he deducts his own wages?

As for Xu Xian, although he is considered an employee of the company, his nature is very different from that of this group of people. We are not in the same department at all.

Xu Xian came here to help out on a voluntary basis, without getting a penny. It would be too much to ask her to check in. Not only would she not make any money, but she would also risk paying back?

So these two don't have to participate in this.

But their enthusiasm is high enough. Not only will they not be late, they will often arrive a little early. This may be love.

Seriously speaking, Xu Xian was not lying. Although they did not check in, Xu Xian did not want to be late at all. Li Menglong probably had the same idea.

Kim Taeyeon on the ground did not open her eyes after hearing this, but through the thin eyelids, she could see her eyes moving rapidly, obviously thinking about Xu Xian's words.

At a certain moment, Kim Taeyeon's eyes stopped. She seemed to have recalled something, or she might have made some further decisions.

In short, what appears in front of Seohyun is Kim Taeyeon who continues to lie on the ground and cannot get up. Is she planning to remain silent in response?

Xu Xian didn't expect that the other party would do this. This question was a little too big for her. Is there anyone who can help her?

As if he felt Xu Xian's prayer, Lee Soon Kyu on the side actually took the initiative to come forward: "Ah, don't pretend to be dead here, be careful, I will come over to give you artificial respiration!"

These words are considered a reward for most people. It is estimated that after hearing these words, more people will fall to the ground than can be helped.

But this definitely did not include Kim Taeyeon. She remembered it very clearly. After eating food last night, this woman went to bed without brushing her teeth.

After a night of fermentation, you can imagine what the taste will be in Li Shungui's mouth at this moment. This is simply torture for her.

Lee Soon Kyu didn't even need to take action. Kim Taeyeon got up directly. She wanted to distance herself from Lee Soon Kyu.

Just because a person "woke up" doesn't mean she wants to act with Xu Xian: "What did Xiaoxian say before? Why can't I understand?"

Kim Taeyeon originally wanted to pretend to have amnesia, but that would be a bit too exaggerated, so it seems good to just pretend not to understand?

Facing someone who is deliberately pretending to be confused, it is useless to explain anything. The other party has no intention of cooperating at all.

Fortunately, this scene was within the scope of Xu Xian's "examination preparation". In every sense, Xu Xian was a top student, and the same wrong question had no effect on top students.

And Xu Xian happened to remember the correct answer to this question: "Onie must have just woken up. It doesn't matter. I have a recording here. You promised it yourself last night. Come and listen."

Looking at the mobile phone that Xu Xian took out, Kim Taeyeon's expression was extremely wonderful.

They are sisters, so why are they using recordings to talk to each other? Can they still joke around in the future? Will everything be recorded?

For this kind of behavior that can cause collapse in the team, Kim Taeyeon, as the captain, has the obligation to stop: "Xiaoxian, how can you do this? Who gave you the right to record?"

"But last night..."

"Don't tell me about last night, what happened last night? Didn't I just agree to go to the company, and I have to record something like this? Are there any other words that were also recorded? Please tell me quickly."

Kim Taeyeon stepped forward and grabbed the phone, pointing at the screen, but her expression became increasingly unkind.

She was really not stupid. After searching around and finding no recording files, she realized that she might be deceived.

Between Xu Xian's character and the unreasonableness of this method, it is indeed not something that a little girl can do.

So it was a bit too stupid to say that the other party was just deceiving her, but Kim Taeyeon bumped into her.

In order to save her image or her IQ, Kim Taeyeon really started to cheat this time: "My head hurts. I can't remember what I said before. Get out of my room quickly!"

Facing Kim Taeyeon's second attack, Seohyun was completely unprepared. He is already a captain, so he must keep his word!

Fortunately, Xu Xian has enough unnies. It doesn’t matter if the captain is unreliable, she still has reliable unnies!

As a result, Kim Taeyeon's complete conversation was played out. Lee Soon Kyu held the phone with a very innocent expression, as if she was not the one playing the recording.

This stab on the back of the hand really pulled Kim Taeyeon's old face off completely, and it was the kind of thing where she was placed on the ground and stepped on repeatedly.

But we can’t blame Kim Taeyeon. Who would have thought that Lee Soon Kyu would be so insidious that he would record secretly behind her back. It turns out that the real villain is beside her?

"Have you remembered this time? Then I will go slowly without sending you. Remember to bring food when you come back in the evening. If I have anything to eat, I will send it to you in advance. Remember to check the message."

Lee Soon Kyu huddled under the quilt and found a comfortable position. He closed his eyes and cultivated sleepiness while not forgetting to explain.

In fact, it is okay to say this directly to Seohyun, but Lee Soon Kyu insisted on irritating Kim Taeyeon.

She has not forgotten Kim Taeyeon's "meal" last night.

Although she didn't know what was actually inside, she stubbornly believed that it contained some ingredients.

The reason she didn't take revenge last night was because she was too lazy to move after eating, but her ability to endure it for one night was already her limit. Didn't she find an opportunity to stab Kim Taeyeon twice as soon as she opened her eyes? kind.

Only Kim Taeyeon knew the exact extent of the pain. Anyway, she didn't have the strength to walk. She really didn't want to go to work in the company.

As for Lee Soon Kyu, the issue is put aside for the time being. When Kim Taeyeon is free, she will definitely not be given any good fruits.

Because of Xu Xian's constant urging, Kim Taeyeon simply washed her face and immediately ran down: "Ah, you can at least let me put on some lipstick."

"It's not necessary. You will stay in the production room on the third floor today. You are the only one there. No one will see you."

Xu Xian explained thoughtfully, but it's better not to explain it. She is the only one? Wouldn't that be quite boring?

Kim Taeyeon immediately started struggling and said that she must call someone else to accompany her, euphemistically calling her a work partner.

It's just that it's really too late. Seohyun is really stuck in time to call someone, so we can only see if Kim Taeyeon can call someone through her mobile phone later. I hope these women don't refuse to answer the phone.

When she arrived on the first floor, she didn't see Li Menglong. Kim Taeyeon habitually wanted to knock on the door, but when she got to the door, she realized that the girl sleeping inside should be Yoona.

However, neither of them were good people, so Kim Taeyeon still punched her with all her strength.

It’s unknown whether the people inside were awakened, but Kim Taeyeon’s fists felt a little painful: “Find some time to put some foam padding on the door later. At least it won’t hurt your hands if you hit it.”

Regarding Kim Taeyeon's "wonderful idea", Seohyun agreed rather perfunctorily. Anyway, Kim Taeyeon herself probably wouldn't remember it later.

As for Li Menglong, he drove to refuel in advance, which made Kim Taeyeon talk about it all the time: "How did he become a manager? Artists have to come and wait for him to refuel. Don't you know that our time is very precious?" "

Xu Xian wanted to say that Li Menglong's time was not cheap, but at this time, don't confront her, there would be no benefit.

The two of them were waiting at the gate of the community, but they still didn't see Li Menglong, which made Kim Taeyeon start to make some unrealistic thoughts: "Isn't he going to buy breakfast? How nice to ask me in advance, otherwise I won't like it What should I do if I eat it?”

When Xu Xian heard this, she took two steps back silently. She was afraid that the blood would splash on her face.

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